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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] you didn’t have enough time to jump, and you ran out of dresses, it was a great movie, i really liked it, and the emotion was simply unforgettable, i wanted to sing along with the artists and run with them on adventures , it was so bright, beautiful, every frame was just like a separate picture and unexpectedly and very cool, the girl ran away, i want them to know what a father's nest is? i liked the music, this one is calm, this one is energetic , so, just powerful, these songs brought me back to childhood, this whole story, this is the story of our childhood, everything is so beautiful, so everything fabulous, oh, just in general, kindness, love and the very best feelings, it’s goosebumps, it’s amazing, it’s a really cool film, a wonderful gift for the new year to our
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viewer, bremen town musicians, let’s translate from clerical to understandable, it’s not
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so scary, if there are instructions. in russia this week they celebrate a memorable date: 80 years ago, the red army liberated veliky novgorod from the fascist invaders. this was one of the so-called ten stalinist strikes, the most successful of our military operations of the great patriotic war. in august 1900. forty-one, the city was occupied by wehrmacht troops and the spaniards of the blue division. how did veliky novgorod live during the occupation, how were the churches then restored and the stolen valuables returned? about this in the report by zinaida kurbatova. restoration workshop of the novgorod museum of the reserve.
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tatyana works here. ramashevich. the work of life is to restore the frescoes. church of the savior on nereditsa. yes, a mongul temple of the 10th century. our national treasure was destroyed by the nazis in the fall of 1941. the ruins began to be dismantled in the spring of forty-four. what was left of the frescoes was put into 70 baskets. and then they searched and found fragments of paintings in the ground. here they are, these little pieces. the task seems like an impossible puzzle because the pieces are mixed up. fortunately. computer technology helps , all the compositions of the temple paintings have been recreated to scale , of course it is very very important for me, this is my dream, this is my idea, everything cannot be restored, of course there will not be that many fragments, they will be parts, but there are parts that are still needs to be restored and you know how to restore something, but
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you can’t just glue a piece, right? it is necessary to restore the iconography, because nereditsa is famous for what else, it is readable, it is a book, a complete iconographic cycle, this is what people thought, what they believed in and what they affirmed, you understand in the iconography, in the summer of 1941 the soviet command issues a special order for our troops, not shoot at churches, appeals to the germans with a request not to fire
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, to save the day, as a world cultural... a very small piece with a cross, and we immediately found out where this one came from cross, this cross is from the church’s crowning composition. the temple saved the transfiguration, which prince yaroslav offered to christ; the next day, fragments of the prince’s clothes were found, they approached what was the wall. when we remember what victory is , victory is not only a celebration of an event, victory is how we, as a country, overcome all the consequences of the disaster that befell our ancestors, how we treat the heritage, that’s not a bad thing - well symbol of resurrection. fortunately, not all losses are reversible, not all the losses are irrevocable, what could happen, this is sunday. on january 14, the troops of the volkhov and leningrad fronts went on the offensive. german troops even tried to hold
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their positions, introducing additional forces, on january 18, the german command gave the order to their troops to retreat, on the morning of january 20 , the red army entered novgorod without a fight, this is one of the so-called. five stalinist strikes, the most successful of our military operations, the great patriotic war, the ancient lands of pskov, novgorod tver, cleared of german abomination, liberated novgorod, and on january 27, 1944 the blockade of leningrad was lifted. leningrad philologist dmitry likhachev studied novgorod chronicles and knew novgorod well. in the summer of 1944 he went to see what was left of his beloved city. i arrived in novgorod in the morning, the train stopped in a field, a field - this was novgorod. then i saw sofia and some churches. next to us, on the neighboring tracks, there were trains from which collective farm families were unloaded. they were immediately
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taken in by collective farm representatives. a train with other families arrived with me. these were families of former novgorodians. god, what a cry arose when people saw that the long- dreamed-of novgorod did not exist. it was. a cry that had to be recorded: novgorod, you are our beautiful, what did they do to you, what is left of you, the whole train of red freight cars cried, children cried, women threw themselves face down on the ground. the red army surrendered novgorod after heavy fighting. on august 15, 1941 , troops of the german wehrmacht and volunteers from hitler-friendly francoist spain, the so-called blue division, entered the city. documents from state archives of the modern history of the novgorod region tell about the period of occupation during a terrible famine in novgorod itself, nazi atrocities, burned villages, and the deportation of local residents for forced labor in germany. according to the data
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given in the official act of the novgorod regional commission, more than 166,000 people were kidnapped from the territory of the novgorod land, the theft took place from those territories where the partisans were operating, in particular the partisan region, when... it was left to either submit to the germans and be that is, the civilian population no longer has a choice , either to join the partisans, the name of the village tin hill appears in the memos of the commanders of the partisan detachments, in particular ivan sirgunin, commissar... of the fifth partisan brigade at the end of 1941, there in the neighboring village of chernaya a terrible thing happens . the location is very convenient, near balshak, the road from novgorod to luga, and the batetskaya railway station, this is the place where for 2
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years every day the nazis systematically exterminated our prisoners of war and civilians soviet people. almost all the executioners of the tin hill are latvians, they are citizens of latvia. who managed to undergo a kind of baptism of blood in the notorious arajs team, when we talk about the tragic events in riga, when they killed first of all jews, but secondly communists, and thirdly local activists. there are people who tasted blood, who felt pleasure. from murder, but how can one not use such valuable material, and for this there is russia. right after after the liberation of novgorod , an extraordinary state commission
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to investigate the atrocities of the nazis begins to work here. in the tin hill, under the leadership of the leningrad forensic expert vladimirsky, the bodies of the dead are exhumed, testimony is collected from local residents, but this is done very quickly, there is not enough. well preserved in marshy soil.
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full exhumations in the tin hill began only in 2019-2020, thanks to a project without a statute of limitations. why wasn't this done earlier in 1947, in '67? yes , simply because there were no people, there were no opportunities, there were no funds, and only pit exhumations were done. now we know about 2,500 peaceful soviet citizens, red army soldiers, who were killed from... tortured here, but this mournful list will continue to grow, and the execution ditch in the village of chernaya will be investigated. in february 1946, at the nuremberg trials, ussr assistant prosecutor mark raginsky devoted most of his speech to the destruction of centers of russian culture in novgorod and pskov. and on december 7, 1947, an open trial of nazi criminals took place in novgorod. everything happened
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here, in 2017, a play was staged about this historical event based on the research of dmitry ostashkin. in fact , this is a reconstruction of the court. the hall is packed to capacity. only then did people cry, many had hysterics, because witnesses to nazi crimes, including children, came forward. in the square lay a shot mother with her infant child. after that we... “we moved to a small town and the germans shot us there again. journalists covered this event, but the information was carefully censored by the emergency state commission. the whole truth should not have become public knowledge. it was big politics, nothing changed, so only criminals of german nationality were mentioned in the newspapers, and not a word from the baltic states. we had to take into account new
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political ones." at the trial, people in the hall wanted the most
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sophisticated execution for the executioners, but at that moment the death penalty was abolished. the people heard with bewilderment that the criminals were sentenced to hard labor. many executioners would eventually end their lives as very old people in vaterland and herzog was sentenced by a court to 25 years of hard labor and died in a camp near vorkuta. he alone did not admit his guilt. the nazis disguised their crimes. so a lot of things are simple. the average person might not have known, but it was precisely the court that was supposed to demonstrate this system of occupation policy, to expose its repressive nature, which did not spare minors, which did not spare monuments, and it is no coincidence that the symbol of this novgorod trial of 1947 was precisely the accusation of general kurt herzog the destruction of the millennium monument of russia and the st. sophia cathedral, here it was general kurt herzog who was accused of promising his friend oberburgmaster
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instru. this monument was the first to be recreated and was inaugurated on november 2, 1944. st. sophia cathedral, created in the 11th century, the spiritual center of the novgorod republic, it was completely looted. iconostases, mosaics, and decor were taken away from here , the image of the savior almighty in the central dome was destroyed, frescoes and gilded lining of the domes were damaged, the nazis used it for souvenirs, they made basins and cigarette cases from it. the iconostases were returned after the war. in 2002 it was possible to find out that the spaniards from the blue
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division stole a gilded cross with a dove, which crowned the cathedral and decorated the chapel of the engineering academy in madrid with it. only as a result of negotiations by the president. in spain the cross creaked, but was returned after 2 years, here it is near the iconostasis. the spaniards were given an exact copy of the shrine. the blue division looted chaotically, the germans had a system of brigades of art experts who determined what was most valuable and should be exported to germany. the novgorod museum alone, think about this figure, lost 30,000 masterpieces. at forty we were eight years old. a truly joyful event when one of the seemingly forever lost icons from volotovo field was returned from germany, that is , behind my back, right here in our main exhibition in public places in the novgorod kremlin these five icons of the festive rite are presented , here is the central icon
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of the resurrection of lazarus - this is just such a joyful post-war return, and of course
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this topic is actually very important , the church of the savior on kovalev field, the church of peter and paul on senichya mountain are waiting in the wings, 11 objects on yaroslav's yard. veliky novgorod has recently become one of the most attractive tourist centers in
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our country. today at the exhibition forum of russia. finance day, and one way or another, most of the events, discussions and lectures here at vdnkh will be related to finance. now in our on-site studio , the deputy minister of finance of the russian federation, ivan chebetskov, ivan aleksanovich, hello, hello, as i understand, today the official start will be given to the program of long-term savings for citizens, well in fact, this is just one of the tools that will allow people to save, accumulate, invest, as they say for a long time, tell me. please, about this program, and what other tools are there, what else do you offer? absolutely right, when we were developing in general and working on all our tools for citizens, new products, investment products, we always think about what is for the citizen in terms of investment, in terms of savings, what is important, what is important for
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the citizen himself, this is long term long-term, constant, because long-term, it reduces volatility in the market, for a long time... always the stock market and investments in the capital market, their profitability exceeds both inflation and deposit rates, so when you invest in the long term, there is no such pursuit for some short-term profit, which may or may not be on the market, because markets vary in volatility , so we have always been guided by the fact that we need to create the right, firstly, tools, and secondly, incentives for these tools, so that the citizen himself is interested in investing in debt, that is, we know that science, research shows that this is correct, but in order to push the citizen a little, products such as the
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long-term savings program were created, which helps ... long-term, this is a very good incentive, also in this program there is, so to speak, a double, double tax incentive, this is a tax deduction to which many are already accustomed, who invest in the stock market, who used individual investment accounts, there is also a tax deduction in the amount of 400 thousand rubles, a tax deduction is made from this at the personal income tax rate, and tax is also released upon exiting the program, that is, these are two such incentives. and it is important for many who worked in the period from 2004 to 2014 who have
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pension savings that are now taken into account in accounts or in the state pension fund, for many it is important to feel that this is money, this is their money, in this in the long-term savings program, who has these pension savings, there is an opportunity to transfer these... accumulation to a long-term savings program, honestly, for me personally, this is probably the largest such incentive, that is, i have some amount accumulated during my work, yes these the employer gave deductions, but i don’t feel that this is my money, i never felt, now i have the opportunity to transfer these funds to my account, and this is very, this is very important, for me, this is a very important incentive, so today you said correctly , the program has started, we... hope that the program will include a huge number of our citizens, that it will be not only a popular program, but it will also bring income
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for citizens, it will bring a kind of stable income, i forgot to say that there are also guarantees from the state, but what about you you know, for deposits we have guarantees in the amount of 1.4 million rubles. in the long-term savings program this amount will be twice as high as rub 2.8 million. that is, also an important factor, we know, we tried to collect all possible tools in order to stimulate this, this long-term savings accumulation, so we really hope that this will work, that this will encourage citizens to save, put aside, this in general, it seems to me, is the correct rational behavior, plan for the future, plan your expenses, plan family expenses, big shopping,
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children's education, well, everyone has their own.
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savings, that is, this shows that it is already possible, in principle, to open this agreement in minutes, that is, we are trying to improve this so-called client path of participation in the citizen program, to make it more accessible, more, easy and simple, easy and simple, and very importantly, a central bank. as a regulator and the body that supervises non-state pension funds, we will look very carefully at how money is managed by non-state pension funds in these programs, because we understand that this is this, this is this, this is the tool that we use a large bet, it is very important for us that everything is transparent, clear, clean and simple to understand with the long-term savings program, as for individual
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investment accounts, they are there. finance of the russian federation ivan chebeskov, today, let me remind you, here at vdnkh at the russia forum exhibition is finance day, so will we return to this topic more than once that my parents have arrived? yes, i don’t know what this means, but it’s them, holob 2,
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where i’m afraid to ask, and glya? and let's start with news from the zaporozhye direction of the special operation, where attack aircraft of the ukrainian armed forces tried to take a more advantageous position. our artillery struck the detachment. igor pikhanov will tell you how the attack ended. a shot is fired, artillery units of the southern military district hit the ukrainian positions. in the gray zone in the zaporozhye direction , scouts discovered an enemy detachment. bsu attack aircraft are trying to gain a foothold at a strategic height. the area has been targeted, so russian fighters are quickly stopping any attempt to approach our borders. the artillerymen are now working on the positions


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