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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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workers of the local authorities of donbass and novorussia, these are really strong , one might say, people of steel who have proven that no one and nothing can break them, i want to thank all my colleagues throughout our huge country who, at the local municipal level, help the fighters on the front line, with with attention and care supports the families of our military personnel, this is the most important national task of great... moral significance, of course, the key to solving it is to see the specific needs of our heroes, veterans promptly and sensitively all this to react. local authorities, of course , are the closest to the people and certainly a very difficult job; citizens usually turn to local officials with all their troubles and questions, as vladimir putin put it, not to the kremlin or the white house, it is important that their door is open. the president spoke about this at a separate meeting with the heads. municipalities
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of various russian regions. your job is the most difficult because you work directly with people, you have to answer questions that you are under you don’t have any relationship, it’s not within your competence, but still people come first of all to you, they can’t get to moscow, the kremlin, the white house, i hope they get to you, but - of course, the work must be structured in such a way that your competence coincides with the amount of funding and sources. to strengthen the personnel potential of the municipal government , it is worth paying attention to those who return from the zone of a special military operation. the head of state spoke about this from the stage during the presentation prize, and then during the meeting he returned to his thesis and developed the idea.
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of course, we must pay attention to the guys who are returning from the zone of a special military operation, these are still, you know, people, when they decide to do this, yes, when this crucible passes, they return, yes, many life priorities are lined up differently, here you won’t be jumping around without pants at any events anymore, you know, here people look at life completely differently, the priorities and values ​​are different. and others, such people, if they have there is a tendency to work of this kind , of course, they need to be involved in this work, so, of course, it is necessary to attract young people, as we like to say, this is a cliche, but nevertheless it is justified that young people are the future, they have a better sense of their generations, these are generational things, they pass through themselves better, and therefore... the urals, siberia, all
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as one, without saying a word, mentioned the responsiveness of russians, their willingness to worry about helping in any way they can. this is being done, including in the belgorod region, which has now itself become frontline region. the recognition that the west began the war against russia a long time ago, not even in 2014.
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independence on the basis of the declaration of independence, and it was written there that ukraine is a neutral state, this decision in 2008 radically changed the situation in eastern europe and from the point of view of ensuring security russia, in addition to this, in 2014 there was also a coup d’etat, and the declaration of russians in ukraine not as the titular nation, and this was followed by whole...
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without even starting to do anything, they had already lost everything, they betrayed their ancestors, their people, betrayed their people and their interests, and traitors never win for a long time, they can grab something there, steal something,
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drag it off there and devour it somewhere in the business, but there will never be success on their side, but moreover, if they put on the peedistal of honor there... obvious nazis and accomplices of hitler, well, how is this possible, it means that a few decades ago their ancestors fought against nazism, and today they support it, such people, by definition , cannot win , which means they composted people’s brains there, talked about some kind of independence is all, no one has ever encroached on it, and in general it’s not clear what this is, what else it is. now this is not the place ; we don’t have time for this, but we have always defended our interests, and now we will defend them. it is impossible not to notice the changes for the better that have been taking place in recent years in cities and towns, but the most important thing is that they are seen and highly appreciated by local residents, this is
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also a consequence of a well-established dialogue. municipal authorities listen to hear people. only here are unsolved problems, like the president noted, alas, there are more than solved ones. many issues and citizens require special attention, which means work continues, work that is increasingly called service. today , it is taking place at the headquarters of public support for united russia, public receptions, regional and local branches of the party, as well as at the sites of the young guard.
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posters in support of the presidential candidate , the current head of state, vladimir putin, appear on the streets of all major russian cities. banners were placed almost in twenty and the geography will expand, the slogan is external. candidate russia putin 2024 on the single day of collecting signatures in support of the self-nominated candidate, the public support headquarters in ryazan was visited by the secretary of the general council of united russia, andrei turchak, he met with local volunteers who help residents of new regions of the country, presented gratitude, a project of psychological support for the participants of the svo was launched here families, there will be a good base for the program throughout the country, we are planning on the base.
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understand which voice, which decision, which to support the candidacy, our subject has always supported the leader who supported us. and support is highly valued here, which is why many residents of torez in the gorlovka region of the dpr actively go to the polling stations throughout the entire election campaign and support their candidate. we support vladimir putin to run for president in 2024. i believe that he has done a lot for our country and continues to do so. volunteers from the far east and siberia have already summed up the results of the day. in these regions , about 40.00 people left their signatures. collection points at united russia sites will be open until 80 pm. i believe that this is very important; today our foreign policy situation simply requires society
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to rally around a single leader. there are more and more authorized representatives; in magadan , three more people received certificates signed by the secretary of the central election commission. this is a great responsibility for us, firstly, i want to note that we have a lot of work ahead of us to meet with representatives of public organizations, non-profit organizations, as well as labor collectives. our main task is communication with our people. citizens, residents of the magadan region. nikolai kharitonov, candidate for the post of president from the communist party of the russian federation, is meeting in khabarovsk on a working visit. over the past 10 years , coal production here has increased by 2 and a half times, and production volumes of agricultural products have increased . in fact, just think, 4 trillion rubles have already been invested in the economy of the far east. at the far east development forum, prospects for ways, methods, parliamentarians, together with representatives of all far eastern regions, from transbaikalia to kamchatka. we discussed the development of the economy, industry and, most importantly, the affordability of housing. today it’s hard
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to take the court even at 2%, well, probably today we need to wish our young, young people in the year of the family to confidently step into marriage, get married, get married, so the court should be interest-free, i think that the money will be found, and this program will be picked up by young people and will be a good motivation to start families and give birth to many children. vladislav. zvonkov, participant in the presidential race from the new people party, today i brought tens of kilograms of food for the pets of the dog rescue fund. four hundred huskies live in the shelter. in 12 years we have assembled such a large farm. 30 dogs, but they just arrived? yes, from the yakuts from buryatin. the candidate emphasized that the team constantly helps animal funds and visits shelters. in addition , he touched upon the problematic issue of homeless animals. he considers the solution to be the creation of new nurseries and the involvement of businessmen and entrepreneurs. there are people willing to help, we agreed that during this spring session
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we will work to ensure that companies could do this more easily, moreover, i know that now there are many companies that would like to help, but it is often simply difficult from the point of view of bureaucracy, so we will work on this and i think, i don’t think, i’m definitely sure that in the spring session we will introduce such a bill plus we will also discuss with the government some of the necessary paperwork, we will simply reduce it in order to help with...
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tu-95 strategic missile carriers of the russian aerospace forces flew over the neutral entrances of the sea of ​​japan. they were accompanied by su-35 and su-30 fighters. the flight lasted 7 hours. as our ministry of defense reported, everything took place in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. a unified register of those liable for military service will be created in ukraine. the law was adopted by the verkhovna rada. this is essentially part of the mobilization that in the country against the backdrop of failures at the front. continue to tighten. our correspondent denis alekseev has details about the situation in ukraine. ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices, information about potential conscripts will now flow from all departments where personal data of citizens from 17 to 60 years old is stored. this means that the list of levers of pressure on draft dodgers is expanding, for example, and in kiev
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they stated almost in plain text that the armed forces of ukraine continue to adhere to tactics. to the last ukrainian, even if the main overseas curator and partner froze military assistance, they will fight to the end, when the weapons run out, and there are more and more prerequisites for this every day, they will fight with shovels, said the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba. even if we run out of weapons, we will fight with shovels, because ukraine’s existence is at stake. the journalist of the american tv channel abc did not ask a counter question: what will happen when the people run out, one should have asked, the question is natural with such and such losses, what about a thousand people per day? here are the latest shots from our defense department, in the zaporizhzhya direction , ukrainian militants were captured, they surrendered themselves , they say there are enough reasons for this, with such an attitude towards
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personnel in general, it is sometimes even surprising how the ukrainian infantry survives until... the commander of the ground forces of ukraine, syrsky called active defense, allegedly the ukrainian armed forces are trying to drag out russian troops. true, judging by the statistics of lost equipment, everything happens with precision. on the contrary, this is at least the result of the work of the center group. in the krasno-limansk direction with the support our artillery repelled four attacks by ukrainian mechanized brigades. in the krasnolimansk
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direction, units of the center group of forces, with the support of artillery, repelled four attacks by the sixty-third mechanized and twenty-fifth air assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of chervonaya debrovo, lugansk people's republic and yampolovka. enemy losses amounted to up to 250 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles and six vehicles. well, here’s how the situation is in the donetsk direction: our fighters from the south group are there repelled five attacks by assault groups in the ssu, worked with heavy flamethrower systems on the fortifications in kurdyumovka, the enemy lost up to 300 tank troops and several artillery pieces, but everything could have been different if with... the west behaved differently, such quotes from ukrainian the soldier gives the new york times quotes that fully reflect the rhetoric of official kiev. if our international partners
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had moved faster, we would have pushed them so hard in the first 3-4 months that we would have already overcome it. well, as always, it’s our fault everyone except them, except those who, even in the obvious drawdown in the situation at the front, about which the western press openly writes, are ready to throw something unusual.
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our colleagues see 20 participants from the united states, 12 from our beloved italy, six from germany, from france, from spain, and then belgium, japan, the emirates, of course, israel, and china, and canada, so this is... the composition , the interest of foreign doctors is understandable; russia today occupies a flagship position on the world stage in matters of reproductive medicine, only for over the past 3 years, the number of operations in robotic surgery has increased by 26% and exceeded 180,000; about 100,000 ivf procedures are performed annually in the country. the congress has great scientific value , it is especially important for us, and for me it is certainly one of the most significant events of my professional life, and, probably, one of... the foundations of my work, when i come to moscow, i feel at home . the ministry of health notes that now it is important not only to promote modern technologies, but to try new treatment methods
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organs of the reproductive system, but also work to prevent diseases. the health of the reproductive organs, meaning the prevention of diseases, their early diagnosis, treatment with the most modern technologies and rehabilitation of the most modern technologies of science and practice, these are the most important tasks that should be.
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in tatarstan and samara region. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the phobas center alina kotilevskaya, she will join live. alina, hello, when can we expect the peak of bad weather? peak bad weather in the volga region will occur at night, but there is good news, tomorrow afternoon the weather will begin to improve. the m-7 volga federal highway between kazan and chelny is deadlocked due to a massive accident. not far from the regional center of momadysh, according to eyewitnesses, at least 15 cars collided. most of them are trucks. according to some reports, the accident could have occurred due to the truck stopping downhill. but other drivers, in conditions of poor visibility due to snowfall, may not have had time to react in time. serious accident from kazan they fly from the mountain into each other, it turns out. knead. that's how many trucks, how many gazelles. a massive
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blockage occurred on the m5 ural federal highway in the samara region. according to preliminary data, 12 trucks and two cars were destroyed. no casualties were reported. unusually snowy in the kaliningrad region. visibility on the region's roads was seriously deteriorated during the day due to snow and icy conditions. in bad weather , for the first time in a long time, kaliningrad experienced ten-degree traffic jams. about 100 accidents occurred here per day and statistics replenished. meanwhile. on the sea coast of crimea, roads began to flood due to heavy rains. this video is from yalta. according to eyewitnesses, the water level in local rivers has risen significantly. the weather remains difficult throughout the russian plain. the atlantic cyclone is moving from west to east; in its rear, a secondary cold front has affected the kaliningrad region. along the black sea coast, the caucasus is also at the mercy of the cold front. the atlantic vortex is making its way to the east, trying to break the resistance of the siberian anticyclone in the confrontation zone.
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pressure systems turned out to be the volga region. due to the large pressure difference, the wind has increased; warm air, which moves from the south, maintains a high intensity of precipitation. the forecast for the coming night in the volga region is also disappointing. the intensity of precipitation will not decrease. the entire region will be covered by moderate and heavy snowfalls, more than 5 mm, more than 10 mm, in a rather narrow zone stretching from the south of the kirov region, through the volga republic to saratovsk. region, the situation will be aggravated by strong winds gusting more than 15-20 m/s, so in snowstorm conditions visibility will decrease to 50-100 m. the weather will begin to improve on wednesday afternoon, the cyclone will move to the borders of the komi republic and will continue moving towards the coast of the barin sea. the zone of moderate heavy snowfalls will shift to the east, into the urals. the intensity of precipitation will decrease as the cyclone weakens. the wind will gradually begin to subside, but the gust will.
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will remain in the east of the russian plain. in kazan, the peak of bad weather will occur in the evening and night hours. in a gust of wind it will reach 18-20 m/s. snowfalls will intensify and visibility in the snowstorm will deteriorate to 50 m. by tomorrow morning the snowdrifts will grow by 5-10 cm. during the day the temperature will begin to drop, around noon it will be -5. the snow will be short-lived . wind gusts will weaken to 10-15 m/s. freezing. there will be no precipitation on thursday afternoon -13:15, but on friday the region will be covered by a new wave of warming precipitation; according to the preliminary forecast, snowfalls are expected to be very heavy. up to 20-25 cm of snow can fall in 2 days, and the temperature will rise to zero. in moscow today the temperature fluctuated between -1-2° and there was light snow in places. at night the frost will begin to intensify; in the morning the temperature
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will drop to -10. tomorrow is the peak of cold weather, in the afternoon -10:12, on thursday night to -18, and on thursday afternoon rapid warming will begin, accompanied by heavy snowfalls and blizzards. on friday, the temperature will rise to a slight thaw, and then the weather pendulum will swing in the other direction, and winter will remind itself again. on saturday it's 8:12 below zero in the capital. it's a big information evening, that's what it's all about. we will tell you in the next hour. 300 = 200 - killer mathematics of kiev. a doctor operates near kharkov.


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