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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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on the prevention of diseases , the health of the reproductive organs, meaning the prevention of diseases, their early diagnosis, treatment with the help of the most modern and rehabilitation of the most modern technologies of science and practice - these are the most important tasks that must be worked out today, including at the site of this congress. at the same time, it is important to pay attention to reproductive behavior, we are talking about nutrition, stress, and bad habits. lifestyle is 50% of ours. reproductive health and health in general, pre-conception care is very important preparation, if a person is preparing for pregnancy, he must prepare, it’s like planting an orchid in the wrong soil, then it will grow poorly. experts also insist that today it is necessary to provide consultations on fertility preservation for women who have been diagnosed with cancer . endometrial cancer, which is not common, is also not a death sentence today, because... there are many methods in our
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center that deal with this problem in the department of endocrinology together with oncology with us, if you consult correctly to determine the volume lesions, then thanks to new approaches, which, by the way, are described in clinical recommendations, with the help of the introduction of levonorgistrel and much more, it is possible to achieve the absence of kyphosis and subsequently give it to a person. leading specialists will discuss reproductive health issues for 4 days; tomorrow they will discuss the topic of reproductive surgery, during which participants will be broadcast from operating rooms. anna voronina, inna loschonova, news. the development of philosophical thought in russia was discussed in moscow at a meeting with the participation philosopher anatoly chernyaev. we are also talking about the role of philosophy in the context of the confrontation with civilization.
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speaking, the same thing, our domestic philosophers, they take part in this war as part of the people's militia, many left, but what is more significant, it is precisely as philosophers, as thinkers, they also contribute to the cause of victory, they work , are doing the important work that was necessary to mobilize society, mobilize, and raise morale. army and
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in general the entire national economy of the country, for in order to concentrate forces in the fight against this mortal enemy. and the victory museum opened an exhibition dedicated to the people's artist of the soviet union, vasily lonovoy. today he would have turned 90 years old. sofia sergieva visited the exhibition in memory of the great artist and true patriot. he was considered the first handsome man of soviet cinema, called our alain dellon and a model of civil courage. today, people's artist vasily semyonovich lnovy could have turned 90 years old. of course we couldn't to pass by the anniversary, which is celebrated today, we are opening a unique exhibition in the victory museum, dedicated to vasily semyonovich lonovoy, people's artist of the ussr, a great friend of the victory museum. general's dagger, daggers and cossack sabers from the personal archive of vasily semenovich. he did not
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collect weapons specifically, but often received them as gifts. lynova did not serve at the front, in the theater. and he played so many times and so truthfully in war films that viewers nicknamed him the chief officer of the soviet union. sometimes there are no names left from the heroes of bygone times. dozens of stage roles in cinema, more than sixty years at the vakhtangov theater. memorabilia, among them, were donated from the family archive especially for the exhibition. a portrait of lunovoy, his glasses, a play dedicated to eve, into which he seemed to have just added notes with his own hand. this is not just a person who created images on the screen. this is a rare case, i can say with full responsibility, when a person in his inner world corresponded to what we saw on the screen. the opening ceremony was attended by vasily semyonovich’s widow , people’s artist irina petrovna kubchenko, with which he played together at the vakhtangovo theater and lived a happy 50.
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give to the younger generation, so this is a very important event, i am glad that i was able to visit this exhibition today. vasily lonovoy performed in large concert halls in small rural clubs, as if he was trying to convey to everyone how important it was to defend the homeland, every year he walked in the ranks of the immortal regiment, proudly carrying portraits of his parents,
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home front workers. and it was precisely this energy, his desire to participate in everything, and not remain somewhere on the sidelines, that always amazed me. and it is very important so that the name of vasily semyonovich is always... associated with love for the homeland, and he is not forgotten, because for our country, for patriotic education, for preserving historical memory, he did a lot, i was inspired by the film officers, the feeling of patriotism, pride in homeland, i think it is very important to watch these films , to be interested in this, this is our homeland, and we are obliged to protect it, and this, probably, is the most important thing, that the case of vasily semyonovich lives on as... a memory of him, check out the exhibition in museum of victory until 31 january. sofia sergieva, andrey stifarov, sergey shchepev, news. rather than look at it 100 times,
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you can’t glue a piece, yes, you need to restore the iconography, because nereditsa, what else
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is it famous for, what is read is a book, a complete iconographic cycle, that’s what people thought, what they believed in and what they affirmed, you know, in iconography, in the summer of 1941 the soviet command published a special an order for our troops not to shoot at churches, and appeals to the germans with a request not to fire, to save the lives of people. as a world cultural heritage, to which the answer was: from above, an observer with binoculars was allegedly seen, the enemy began to destroy the nereditsa with precision, a watchman lived in a trench next to the temple, who described the destruction of the monument day after day. the temple was recreated after the war by our restorers, only now the time has come for frescoes. the ktitera composition has been restored. the ktiter, that is, the person who donated money for the temple, was the novgorod prince yaroslav vladimirovich. when we were digging up the hillside.
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victory is not just about celebrating an event, winning is how we, as a country, we are overcoming all the consequences of the disaster that befell our ancestors, how we treat the heritage, this is a good thing - this is a symbol of resurrection, fortunately, not all losses are irrevocable, not all losses are irrevocable, what this sunday can be. on january 14 , the troops of the volkhov and leningrad fronts went on the offensive, and german troops even tried to hold their positions. introducing additional forces on january 18, the german command gave the order to its troops
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to retreat on the morning of january 20, the red army entered novgorod without a fight. this is one of those the so-called ten stalinist strikes, the most successful of our military operations of the great patriotic war. the virgin lands of pskov, novgorod, tver, have been cleared of german abomination. novgorod was liberated, and on january 27 , 1900. in the summer of 1944, he went to see what was left of his beloved city. i arrived in novgorod in the morning. the train stopped in a field, a field - this was novgorod. then i saw sofia and some churches. next to us on the neighboring tracks stood trains from which collective farm families were unloading. they are here. sorted it out representatives of collective farms , a train with other families arrived with me, these were families of former
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novgorodians, god, what a cry arose when people saw that the novgorod they had long dreamed of did not exist, it was a cry that had to be written down, novgorod - you are our beautiful, what did they do to you, what was left of you, the whole train of red freight cars cried, children cried, women threw themselves face down on the ground, the red army after heavy battles... surrendered novgorod. on august 15, 1941, troops of the german wehrmacht and volunteers from friendly forces entered the city. hitler of francoist spain, the so-called blue division. documents from the state archive of the contemporary history of the novgorod region tell about the period of occupation, a terrible famine in novgorod itself, nazi atrocities, burned villages, and the deportation of local residents for forced labor in germany. according to the data given in the official act of the novgorod regional commission, more than 166 thousand people were kidnapped from the territory
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of the novgorod land, the theft took place from those territories where they were operating partisans, right now. guerrilla region, when in september of the forty-second year the partisan region was liquidated by punitive forces, then practically the entire population was driven away from there, and the villages were burned, from the end of the forty-third the theft became widespread, that is, the civilian population had no choice left, either to submit to the germans and be hijacked, or go to the partisans, the name of the village tin hill appears in the memos of the commanders of the partisan detachments, in particular. fifth partisan brigade at the end of 1941. there and in the neighboring village of chernaya something terrible is happening. the location is very convenient, near balshak, the road from novgorod to luga, and the batetskoye railway station, this is the place where for 2 years every day the nazis systematically exterminated our
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prisoners of war and civilian soviet people. almost all the executioners of the tin hill are latvians. these are citizens of latvia who managed to undergo a kind of baptism of blood in the notorious arais team, when we talk about the tragic events in riga, when jews were killed first of all, but secondarily communists, and thirdly local activists, there are people who felt the taste of blood, who... felt the pleasure of killing, but how can one not use such valuable material, and for this there is russia. immediately after the liberation of novgorod , an extraordinary state commission began to work here to investigate the atrocities of the fascists in the tin hill, under the leadership of the leningrad forensic expert vladimirsky
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, they exhumed the bodies of the murdered, they collected testimony from local residents, but it was done. very quickly, there is not enough personnel, time, equipment, even pencil and paper for notes. in 1941, the commission concluded: people were shot, beaten with rifle butts, and tortured. collective farmers talked about the destroyed families of communists and party workers, about a group of jews who were brought here and shot, about a gypsy woman with a child, whom the nazis killed as a bet on who would finish off the last one. scant information is engraved on the monument in a tin mound. it is very difficult to convince the collective farmers; at first they refuse to do the exhumation work; the bodies are very well preserved in marshy soil. full exhumations in the tin hill began only in 2019-2020, thanks to
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a project without a statute of limitations, why wasn’t this done earlier in 1947.7? yes, simply because there were no people, there was no opportunity, there were no funds, and they only did pit exhumations. now we know about 2,500 peaceful soviet citizens, red army soldiers, who were killed and tortured here, but this sad list will continue to grow; the execution ditch in the village of chernaya will be investigated. in february 1946 at nuremberg assistant prosecutor of the ussr.
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yes, people cried, many had hysterics, because there were witnesses to nazi crimes, including children. in the square lay a shot mother with her infant child. after that, we moved to a small town, and the germans shot us there again. journalists covered this event, but the information was carefully censored by an emergency state commission. the whole truth should not have become known.
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seemed not very correct from the point of view of big politics, especially at that time in the soviet the union was in the process of actively involving the soviet peoples, estonia, latvia and lithuania, in the fraternal family. one of the main defendants is the commander of the thirty-eighth army corps, artillery general kurt herzog. under his leadership, the tail team of the security police and sd was formed. it was this team that tortured. shot unarmed people in a tin hill, at the trial, the people in the hall wanted the most sophisticated execution for the executioners, but at that moment the death penalty was abolished, the people
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heard with bewilderment that the criminals were sentenced to hard labor, many executioners ended up will end their lives as very old men in vaterland, and herzog was sentenced by the court to 25 years of hard labor and died in a camp near vorkuta, he alone did not admit his guilt, the nazis disguised their crimes, therefore... the average person might not know about many things, so it was precisely the trial that was supposed to demonstrate this system of occupation policy, to expose its repressive nature, which did not spare minors, which did not spare monuments, and it is no coincidence that the symbol of this novgorod trial of 1947 was precisely the accusation of general kurt herzog the destruction of the monument to the millennium of russia and the st. sophia cathedral, it was precisely general kurt herzog who was accused of what he promised to his...
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his fatherland. this monument was the first to be recreated and was inaugurated on november 2, 1944 . st. sophia cathedral, created in the 11th century, is the spiritual center of the novgorod republic. it was completely looted. iconostases, mosaics, and decor were taken from here. the image of the almighty savior in the central dome perished. the frescoes were damaged. the nazis allowed the gilded lining of the domes to souvenirs, basins and cigarette cases were made from it. the iconostases were returned. after the war in 2002, it was possible to find out that the spaniards from the blue division stole a gilded cross with a dove that crowned the cathedral and decorated the chapel
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of the engineering academy in madrid with it, only as a result of negotiations between president vladimir putin and the king of spain, the cross creaked, but was returned after 2 years, here it is near the iconostasis, the spaniards were presented with an exact copy of the saints, the blue division was chaotically looting, the germans had a system, brigades of art historians determined what was most valuable and subject to export to germany. the novgorod museum alone, think about this figure, lost 30,000 masterpieces. in 1948, we actually had a joyful event when one of the seemingly forever lost icons from molotovo field was returned from germany, that is, behind my back, right here in our main exhibition in public places in the novgorod kremlin . these five icons of the festive order are presented, here is the central icon of the resurrection of lazarus - this is just such a joyful return after the war, and
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of course, this topic is actually very important, the search for icons that are now still circulating in collections ; they appear in the western market, including the antique market, we are tracking them with the support of the ministry of culture, law enforcement agencies, and the ministry of foreign affairs. .. did, of course, we try to return. after liberation , there were almost no residential buildings left in novgorod; people huddled in dugouts. there was a plan by the architect alexei shchusev, he proposed not to restore industry, to make novgorod a tourist and museum center, but this plan was not implemented. presentations were made by a prominent scientist and doctor of historical sciences, artsehovsky. corresponding member of the academy of sciences of the ussr, likhachov. city, center. in 1951, a sensation occurred: archaeologists restored the factories and transport structure. novgorod again became industrial and scientific
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; the first birch bark plant was discovered here. headquarters since the post-war period , the church of the savior on kovalev field, the church of peter and paul on senishcha mountain are waiting in the wings for restoration. 11 objects on yaroslav's yard. veliky novgorod has recently become one of the most attractive tourist centers in our country.
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this is the girl who ran into the restaurant , it was a great film, the film is very entertaining, i’m delighted, let’s re-educate this major, it was so beautiful, it was tasty, it was juicy, just a sea of ​​impressions, now i’ll show you a real paradise, very large-scale, interesting and impressive, well, everyone heard it, the audience applauded very often. everyone in the hall laughed, wash where you can, in the river, cool, well, i looked right in one breath, everything was there inside, so this is good, this is excellent, it was interesting whether it would get better or not, i had a question about my social status , well, it’s simply great, it still has something, kolob the first is my favorite film, now it will be new favorite movie holob 2, we must be flawless, well, simply awesome, then we’ll have to do the technique.
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russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote in almost... 100 thousand polling stations plots at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected. about 1 million election organizers help with this. observers, video surveillance at polling stations, electronic complexes for processing ballots, a mobile voter mechanism and remote electronic voting. the state automated election system
12:00 am
ensures accurate and fast counting. votes, elections in russia, important, honest, convenient! the initiative in the special operation zone will soon be completely in the hands of the russian military. in kyiv the regime could suffer a serious blow, since the ukrainian authorities do not want to negotiate. vladimir putin spoke about this with representatives of various municipalities and emphasized: those who return from the special operation zone should take an active part in the work of regional structures. anastasia yafimova has all the details. the meaning of work is the happiness and well-being of the native country, a truth that the president recalled at...


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