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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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and most importantly, this clown asked for a year, they gave him everything, but he couldn’t give results, that’s it , i haven’t heard a single representative of the participants at this forum, not a single one who would say, just one second: maybe we can talk about peace in ukraine, maybe we will talk about how to do this, what does the swiss mean to say, they said that without russia this is impossible, and i see that against the backdrop of everything, when they look there, i read, the pope is talking about that, well, at least the vatican is spreading the word that let us collect here, american diplomats and russian diplomats on the territory of the vatican, we will still try to talk about a peace plan according to... poprinsk, let him
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deal with gay weddings first. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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the central bank is dissatisfied with the way preferential mortgages are issued in russia, a practice that has become widespread since the beginning of the year. a number of large banks have introduced mandatory conditions: you can buy an apartment only from a closed list of pre -approved developers, and the latter must pay a commission to be included in this list. in this way, banks are trying to compensate for lost income. the state
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now subsidizes banks less for the difference in subsidized loans; accordingly, banks now receive less money. builders on apartment buyers will further inflate prices for new buildings. the average commission that a developer is now forced to pay to the bank is 7-8%, depending from the program. for example, in a mortgage with state support the rate is 7.5%, in a family mortgage it’s a little more than eight, enter 8.7%. in general, if
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we talk about the market, then most likely there will be an increase in the price of apartments by the amount of the commission. on average , it is expected that prices may rise if commissions still continue to operate by approximately up to 10%. this, well, again, it will all depend on the developer, what pricing policy he will adopt. among the banks that have introduced commissions for developers, the largest mortgage players markets: sberbank, vtb, alfa, promsvyaz-bank and others. here, for example, is how vtb explained their decision. given that the government has cut subsidies by half for all state programs since the end of the twenty-third year, the issuance of preferential mortgages has de facto become unprofitable for banks, our profitability on them in recent months was already around zero, and from december 23 it became negative. vtb
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proposes to return one percentage point of the subsidy to lenders to a value of 2.5% of the point, and also make mortgages with state support more targeted, for example for socially vulnerable categories of the population, who really... needs help when buying apartments? the most important thing is what is not visible to us citizens, including the terms of compensation for the costs of financial institutions, specifically banks, that have changed, and if previously they were compensated for the difference between the rate at which they must provide mortgage loans to citizens, the key rate increased by 2.5%, then now this...
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there is a question about expanding the limit on the issuance of preferential mortgage loans for those banks who did not introduce commissions? now all limits until the middle of the year have been redistributed with all financial institutions, banks, we don’t have such a free limit. well , i’ll say it again, if the banks that introduce the limits stop issuing mortgages, then we can withdraw these limits from them and redistribute them to the institutions that perform, for example, our bank house of the russian federation, which today still issues mortgages. without corresponding commissions, but we see enormous demand for this mortgage, clients are unhappy with the situation, the federal antimonopoly service told us that they are currently considering several complaints about the actions of banks that have limited the issuance of mortgages under preferential programs only to the circle
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of partner developers, we look before everyone else, where is venetsovy, let go mudo, vosnetsova, i’m in practice now, you know, i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again? what's wrong with you, no sleep, no rest. subscribe and watch. wounded means killed, a paradoxical scheme according to which, it turns out, the ukrainian armed forces are fighting now. their losses are rapid are growing, and there are more and more wounded, in the kupinsky direction, for example, in addition, it’s freezing, then it’s clearing up, so the soldiers are also getting sick, and here’s who treats them: doctor death, servicemen of the 127th eteroborona brigade in the kiev-controlled part of kharkov areas. they are not so much afraid of getting wounded as they are of falling into the hands of their medic kanaval, igor eroshenko. such insights have appeared on the internet that this relative of cambrig, without a medical education, is operating drunk, which means there is no chance of survival, even if the wounded man managed to survive deliver from the front line, simply no. there was already
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the first death under the knife of this butcher. there is an obvious, not just a shortage, but a monstrous shortage, there are several times a shortage of doctors and... medical workers, this means that not just marginalized people, adventurers, but also scum, those same, those same drunkards, will go there, drug addicts who will pretend to be some kind of... medical aid providers, any slight or moderate injury or defeat will mean either disability or death, that is, 300 wounded, it’s the same as 200 killed, the bodies are taken out at night, so as not to once again frighten local residents with this monstrous mathematics, and why are there not enough doctors, and because there were not enough of them in peacetime, kiev after the maidan often killed its healthcare, placing its service, in particular with western virologists, who. ..were working out options for biological threats against russia, now what is left of the soviet
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system is not able to help the wounded, in any case, to cope with such a flow as in the kharkov region, for example, they have very a large number of wounded, we know that medical institutions, both civilian and military hospitals, cannot accommodate such a number, and people are literally in the corridors, they are not receiving proper medical care. as for the fragments brought to ukraine. they are fragments of nato medicine; there are few western doctors ; they also cannot cope. the american abc writes that the number of seriously wounded ukrainian soldiers in hospitals has increased by a third. ukrainian doctors themselves say this. and here ukrosmi, of course, tries to remain silent about all this. no posts, no photos, and if there is a video, it’s only varnished. like western propagandists, who also present a polished picture. british toploid the sun filmed the story. from a hospital in vinnitsa, all white coats, exercise equipment, but here they still
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mentioned the growing percentage of seriously wounded. the majority of patients who come to us, approximately 46%, require surgical assistance from specialists who would perform operations. well, where can we get these specialists? moreover, it is destroyed system, because overcrowded hospitals in kharkov and beyond. here is a ukrainian video from the bakhmud, that is, art direction. the fact that such a surgeon continues to work
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, continues to do what is called his dirty work, speaks about the attitude in general, the health of military personnel, they are considered not only by those who call the tune, but also by the leaders of ukraine... so expendable material, why treat, if it’s easier to recruit mobilized, so kiev destroys its own people, sending the wounded already to rear meat grinder. everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. we realize that taxes are rising and fuel prices are rising. the cup of patience is almost full, this state.
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experts are heard in ukraine, they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks and missiles, everything will be fine, that is, we create the impression that we need to fight the war to the bitter end.
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warmest greetings to the relatives from the special operation zone, our soldiers are recording short videos for their mothers, which they, of course, remember doing. even the most difficult combat missions in bulletproof vests, pea coats, with walkie-talkies with machine guns in their hands, they take a hat out of their pocket and tell their mother not to worry, look into the eyes of our guys, there is so much light in them, how could it be otherwise if you remember at home? mom, it’s very cold here, so i listen to myself, put
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on my hat, i love you very much, madly, i’ll be back soon, mom, i think of you forever. i put on a hat, mom, i’m taking care of myself, i put on a hat, mom, i not only put on a hat, but i still ate, mom’s action, i put on my hat, it’s about care and love, about the deepest feelings from childhood, such greetings to mom, the opportunity to plunge into memories, well, at least for a little while, for a soldier at the front it is very important to understand what’s in the rear.. .there they are waiting for him, when i was at the front, this flag mob had not yet happened, but then i remember that the children’s letters warmed the soul of our guys very much, how touching, how warm it was, in this whole situation, such a piece of home , this is how the heart responds to all this, this is how it responds soul, it was warm, very warm, such videos
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warm the souls of those who are waiting for their fighter, mothers. just imagine the wives and such a video of support from them from there to us women here , they are defending russia, taking care of their mother, so that she smiles and worries at least a little less, every news from the zone of a special military operation gives our women the opportunity to gain even more strength from here help our children, weave nets, and make candles, knit socks, they worry about them, worry about them and wait for them safe and sound at home, remembering how my family brought me warm things, i remember this with great warmth in my heart. our guys have been wearing these chevrons on their body armor and helmets for a long time , my mother told me to put them on, this is already a kind
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of symbol, this is a symbol of love, a person’s love , for his homeland, for... the love of his family for him, and the fact that you are not just a function, that’s it. you ran , you won, well done, we’ll give you one , you, they’re not waiting for you here, not just with victory, they ’re just waiting for you, i myself go to the burdenko hospital, i help the guys there near their beds, i see how wives and mothers help them get up, the doctors say he won’t get up, but his mother or wife says he will get up, and he ... gets up, i myself have seen such situations with a special attitude towards the country, towards the home , towards what is associated with childhood, which of course cannot be said about vsushnikov, remember the video where ukrainian militants are going to deal with a toy, with a cheburashka, they say, everything that russia shot, in response, ours took the ear of a cartoon character with them to the front
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, they carried it in backpacks on their backs, and they made a chevron with a cheburashka, this is also the same the very thread connecting with home, like... that video about the hat, the video that the wives and mothers of these soldiers have probably watched dozens of times already, no one cares about us as much as our mothers care about us, they warm up to us, this is the most powerful, the most the strongest, most vivid connection, that’s what works here, that’s what a person is generally built on, but the most important thing here is that people, well, paid tribute to this care.
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good movie, amazing movie, dances, stunts, songs were made, but they were everywhere, i can even find a stain on the body of the condition.
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the right side is reflected in the left, although there are 90 steps and 200 years between them. soviet times, uzbekistan and cotton are synonyms, nothing grew here except it, now everything is different, trouble is still the locomotive of the economy, but is no longer the curse of uzbekistan. leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. the country is starting to open up, not only are they building. old connections are remembered, but we have centuries-old connections. uzbekistan produces 350,000 cars at breakneck speed, changing economy. more than one and a half million people
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across the country are already using the government application, and it will probably be useful for you too. we'll talk about what functions it has and how to use it in 5 minutes. we will tell you the instructions in the program, but first about where you can find it: in all application stores for your devices, there is a version for both android and ios, the application works in all regions of russia. in order to take advantage of all functions, you need to register. to register you will need a verified account on public services, this way you can really make sure that you are you, all requests and other actions that you do through the application will have legal weight. using the state services house application, you can submit an application for any issue related to living in an apartment
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building, for example, related to garbage collection at the entrance, disinfection, and landscaping of the territory. if the management company does not respond in time, you can also use the state services house application to complain about it to the state housing inspectorate, they will appropriate measures have been taken. application. is included in the state information system of housing and communal services, with its help you can find out a lot of interesting things about your home, it will receive notifications about planned repairs, accidents and forecasts for their elimination. through you can transmit meter readings to find out the current tariffs. it will also remind you when the calibration period for measuring instruments expires. by the way, with the application it is very easy to check whether the numbers on paper bills match with expected or not? if not, this is a reason to write to the management organization of your home; an appeal through the application cannot be ignored; the company is obliged to respond within the established time frame, no more than a week. through
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the application, you can discuss the problems of the entrance or house and even conduct legally significant voting and a general meeting of owners. with electronic voting, it is much easier to gather a quorum and even change the management company if the apartment owners don’t like it. how to conduct legal significant you can learn about voting using gizx from a special webinar. his recording is on the service website. the video shows how to initiate and hold a general meeting of owners remotely. the gosuslugi.dom application has exactly the same functions. through it you can put some questions to a vote and decide on the dates . the system itself will count the votes and inform all participants of the results. in the application. you can even campaign for the solution you need to the issue on the agenda using neighbor chats. since december such chats earned in all regions. neighborhood chats consist only of people who are
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related to the house. thanks to logging in through government services, no bots will interfere with the discussion of issues that concern the owners. neighborhood chats are a joint project of state services house and vkontakte messenger, go to the neighbor's chat. only the owner can, due to which the discussion in these chats is carried out only by interested parties, and from the discussion in the neighbor’s chat you can go straight to solving the problem. so, let us repeat the main thing: the government services.dom application helps home owners. with its help , you can not only pay for services and communicate with neighbors, but also conduct voting. the application is integrated with the state information system, so it is easy to find a lot of useful information in it. would you like to learn more about how to automate the transmission of
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meter readings or how to create. homeowners association to manage your home yourself, write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask the experts about everything and we will tell you the instructions in the next issues, this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, beautiful.
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the whole movie gives me goosebumps, it looks like your song can change the world for the better, at the same time it’s funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, it seems to me that this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, apple, the musicians of bremen, now our best there is no army in the world, and probably there never was. one of the problems is the enemy’s use of pividron kamekaze, accordingly we need to develop means electronic warfare, what you do with it, what we cover the tanks, we drive and use machine guns, like a ruzishka, 300 were destroyed in 2 months, ours are doing beautifully.
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initiative. in the special operation zone completely under the control of the russian military , a serious blow could soon be dealt to the kiev regime , since the ukrainian authorities do not want to enter into negotiations, vladimir putin spoke about this with representatives of various municipalities , stressed in the work of regional structures that those who returns from a special operation zone. all details with anastasia yafimova. the meaning of work is the happiness and well-being of the native country, the truth.
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the president recalled at the ceremony.


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