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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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here in ufa the wind vapor is sometimes so strong that it literally knocks you down, the snowfall also does not stop on the second day, on roads of both regional and federal importance the situation is even more serious, the fact is that the first restrictions and road closures for heavy trucks and passenger transport began on the territory of the republic of britain the day before yesterday, that is, on the night from monday to tuesday the m5 highways were blocked, for example, the restriction on de...
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also the restriction is still in effect on the p-240 urenburg highway, that is, they continue there traffic jams are increasing and some of the drivers are already in lockdown for 2 days at a time and there are also both police officers and rescuers on duty on the goto highways, who, if necessary, are ready to deploy mobile heating points, but at the same time... urges drivers not travel on the road unless absolutely necessary, and according to forecasts , such weather will last on the territory of the republic at least until tomorrow. yuri, yes, murat, thank you, well, together with you we will monitor what is happening, i will remind you, murat zaripov spoke about the consequences of bad weather in the capital of bashkiria. avtodor asks today tomorrow to refrain from traveling by personal transport in seven regions, in the moscow, smolensk, kaluga, bryansk, tula, lipetsk and voronezh regions. according to the forecast.
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to use artificial intelligence in the investigation of crimes, the head of state gave the corresponding instruction following a meeting of the council for the development of civil society and human rights, which took place in early december. and also among the president’s instructions to increase the efficiency investigations of criminal cases of torture in places of deprivation of liberty, they should be transferred to regional headquarters or the central office of the investigative committee. the problems of housing and communal services were discussed today in the state duma , in particular about changing the norms for transferring private services to authorities.
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so, in the first reading, a law was adopted that concerns the rules for the sale of bankrupt shares in real estate. according to this document, co-owners of real estate who are in common shared ownership will be able to preemptively buy out the bankrupt’s share in this property at the price that was formed at the auction, which, according to parliamentarians... can avoid acute and
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conflict situations, at the same time it is worth recalling that now at bankruptcy auctions the interests of all owners are already taken into account, but in order to avoid any disputes, the right to priority redemption is necessary enshrine it in law. we propose to spell out the conditions under which the pre-emptive right will be exercised: firstly, to oblige the organizers of the auction to inform participants for its property in advance about the auction, give all owners the right not to participate in the auction, to buy out the debtor's share at the price established during these auctions or at the starting price, if no one showed up at the auction, they did not take place. as last year, during the spring session, the main priority will be given to the development of various legislative initiatives to support soldiers participating in a special military operation, and, of course, members of their families. during
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the spring session, it is very important to consider the implementation of the provisions of the federal law within the framework of parliamentary control education, how participants in the special military operation will be recruited. in addition, in order for participants in the special operation and members of their families to enter colleges and technical schools as part of the admissions company of the twenty-fourth year, we will need to make additional changes to the federal education law. of course, a lot of legislative work will be carried out on housing and communal services issues in light of a whole series of accidents on heating mains in the country. parliament yesterday announced the creation of a special working group about this question. and the imminent holding of large duma hearings. today i sent a letter to prime minister mikhail vladimich mishustin with a proposal to look carefully at the entire housing and communal services system, primarily
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at those enterprises that were once privatized because of the president’s decision on the klimovsky cartridge plant. it is absolutely correct, in this regard , i propose to carefully look at whether it’s time to return it to state ownership all utility networks, all generating devices, because business only makes a profit , it will never do anything, also in the state duma they intend to tighten the rhetoric of the already existing law on foreign agents, at the same time , according to the information that we receive, a number of foreign agents , including using for this purpose persons who are in one way or another affiliated with them and are close relatives, so we came up with an idea, why not give these foreign agents the opportunity to report annually on
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income, expenses, obligations and property, and not only them, but also... loved ones, relatives. supporting military personnel and their families, solving current social problems and problems in the field of housing and communal services, and of course, protecting personal data, these are probably the main points that deputies will focus on during the spring session. let me remind you that the legislative portfolio currently includes 964 bills, of which 242 have already been adopted in the first reading. yuri. yes, varvara, thank you you, my colleague, varvara nevskaya, was in direct communication from the state duma. transport in russia has become safer, the accident rate has decreased in almost all types of transport, this was achieved through supervisory measures. the head of rostransnadzor, viktor basargin, informed mikhail mishustin about this. he noted
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that the department also takes an active part in the development of digital services in transport. transport logistics plays a vital role, and not only logistics, from optimization. ways of correct use all types of transport, to appropriate technologies related to the interface of all types of transport services. we are also talking about new technologies related to the services of internal transport vehicles from trains to long-haul airplanes, there is a lot, a lot of everything here, that is, this is a whole big task to transform the entire industry, how are things going in the service? all 19 government services provided by rosstantsionadzor. posted on the state services portal, we have reduced paperwork for business, that is, the entire permitting system, licenses, no more than 5 days, on average we process no more than two days, in terms of the number of documents
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, serious changes have occurred here, that is , there were from six to 14 documents in huge folders; documents were drawn up in order to obtain some kind of certificates, permits, and so on, today ... in the rostov region, a fire at a polyester plant was extinguished, according to the governor , nine people were injured, the ministry of emergency situations reported that the fire was localized over an area of ​​360 km, the reasons are still being clarified, according to one version , the fire broke out due to a short circuit, in the city administration stated that before the fire , eyewitnesses heard a bang, i note that the company is working a little more. the six-month opening took place last summer. how the situation with the incidence of covid, influenza and other acute respiratory infections has changed in russia recently. the head of rospotrebnadzor, anna popova, spoke about this in an interview with my colleague na ilya skerzade. watch the interview immediately after the commercial. pentalgin - remedies against different
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rather, it is necessary to say what was associated with a certain decrease. we saw that in the penultimate week of the past year there was a fairly high level of morbidity, about 1,200 registered cases in the sum of rve and influenza, in general there was a sufficient number of covid cases. but in the final week of the year there was some decrease, but it was not there. we say self-medication, which is not very good, but this is a fact, so the decrease in the numbers
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that we observed in the first week, it was registered, but it was not true, now, when the second week has already passed, and we can summarize its results, we see in relation to the previous week significant growth, well, covid increased by 12.6%, the amount of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza you... the hospitalization rate also increased, but by 40%. this just means that people were treated at home, did not seek medical help, and now, when they came to the doctors, the doctors said that yes, it is too late for outpatient treatment, you need to be treated in a hospital, but this is a very correct decision so that there are no further complications. therefore , now it is very important to see and know that
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the spread of viruses in the community is very large and you need to protect yourself. and it’s hygienic to try to have as little contact with him as possible, and if you have contact while caring for him or just communicating, you need to do this in a mask, then you will protect your family and thus help the patient, and of course you need to limit the sick person from contacts of a large number, no visitors, no walks in crowded
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places, and of course no attendance at any public events... the doctor must, well, decide whether the person goes to work or not. what do russians most often get sick with now: arvi, influenza, covid? well, if we talk about the total amount, then of course acute respiratory viral infections, as always happened during the period of epidemic seasonal rise of respiratory infections. covid accounts for about 2 to 3% of the total . flu is about the same amount, but the rest 94% is respiratory infections caused by other viruses, and this is of course the result of very close contacts, the result of non-compliance with the rules that we are talking about, last
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week there were almost a million cases of illness, so the rule is...
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the genovariant that is circulating today, it is completely coincides with the vaccine strain and vaccinated people practically do not get sick in our country, the isolated cases that we see, and they are quite mild, the incidence among vaccinated people is almost 150 times less than among unvaccinated people, and of course, it would be necessary to get vaccinated on time, that would be good, the vaccine strain, as i already said, completely coincides with what is circulating, and the circulating virus is sensitive to all antiviral drugs that are intended for it , this is a special line, prescribed by the doctor , it doesn’t bring any unusual surprises today, well, except for its usual properties, that
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it spreads very quickly, it is very contagious and, unfortunately, can lead to complications, some of them are bacterial, i already said about them, well, here you go today's the situation in the russian federation is like this. has covid developed any peculiarities and how severe is it? in different people , any infectious disease occurs in varying degrees of severity. and the cases of covid today are very complex, not easy, and hospitalization in our country still remains at a fairly high level, although we have deaths. incomparably less than 2 years ago, when it was a different genovariant, for example, delta, today there are no special features, it’s time to figure out that it’s the flu or covid, for this purpose, the russian state , at the expense of the federal budget, tests everyone who seeks medical help for
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influenza, for covid, because the treatment regimens are different, and therefore you need to seek medical help so that the correct treatment is prescribed, this is very important and against today the h3n2 flu variant has its own cure for today’s flu. variant of the new coronavirus, there is a cure, and the sooner it starts to be used, the easier the disease progresses. find out for yourself how easy it is a respiratory virus , or is it the flu, or is it covid, it’s almost impossible, the symptoms are very similar, it’s always a fever, it’s always a runny nose, a headache, possibly a sore throat, general malaise, general weakness, weakness, but these are symptoms of any infectious disease and respiratory. but therefore it is very important, it is very important that medical care be provided and that differential diagnostics be carried out, to distinguish what kind
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of disease it is today, in general, for the first time in history, our doctors have such a tool so that every patient with symptoms of a respiratory infection , with symptoms of a cold, can be differentiated very quickly, this is a pcr method, this is a few hours of research in the laboratory and...
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calls for vaccination against covid due to the increase in incidence in world, what do you advise? the recommendations of the head of the world health organization are not always clear-cut. today in the russian federation we have overcome the peak of the wave covid, rise. today , we do not offer vaccination against covid in the russian federation, mass vaccination, if a doctor individually
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prescribes such vaccination for someone, yes, of course, there are risk groups and there is a doctor’s prescription, but the russian federation does not carry out mass immunization, and you only what we saw, and in the fall , yes, we had an upsurge, it was there, but according to the classic seasonal disease it had already gone away, and today there is an incidence, but... this is also a classic of the epidemic season of respiratory viruses, when, as we
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we say that at the tail end of the rise there is an increase in the incidence of influenza b, as a rule, in march, april, maybe at the end of february, it all depends on a number of features, we will still see a certain increase in the incidence associated with influenza b, but our vaccines they also protect against this genovariant of influenza b, which today... what do you think about this, do you expect a new pandemic and how are you preparing for it? well, this reaction of society just speaks of very high alertness regarding any infectious disease, the term: on
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disease x or virus x, it has existed for a significant number of years, it was defined as, you know, an arithmetic problem, when it is unknown - this is x, well , something unknown that may arise is called x, what properties will it have, its parameters characterizing, no one knows this, therefore the number given by someone is also 20 or 30, or maybe 10, this can be set to anything, the main thing here is to model it correctly and choose it correctly.
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we model, but make something out of it and clearly, so we also consider it big news, but this is the usual routine the work of experts, scientists, to calculate all possible probable development scenarios for any virus, either a new influenza virus with pandemic potential, and in fact, what has always been calculated, or some other virus, too, which can overcome the interspecies barrier, these are the most risky situations, move from one type of living organisms. to another, well, it’s the person who is most dangerous for us, and that’s why institutions work, that’s why the health care system works, that’s why the infectious disease service is being developed, that’s why beds, which have been added during the pandemic, and we are developing new vaccines, we are developing fast-working test systems, we are strengthening the borders of the russian federation, our system, perimeter, working with countries, friendly countries
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near and far. abroad , in order to see better , to recognize better, to react in a timely manner, this is ordinary systematic work, but it must be done, and of course we are doing it, and will do it, this is our task, our work, which we love and which we do, and well, a big one part of my professional life, all mine colleagues, thank you very much, thank you. this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, the most important thing is that you can simply sing the whole film, i sang songs that i liked as a child, i liked the artists,
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i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, the whole movie gives me goosebumps similar, your song can change the world for the better, at the same time funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dance with the princesses, i think this is the best film of all films, just a miracle, apple, temporary musicians, now the best of ours there is no army in the world, and probably there never was, one of the problems is the enemy trying on a pividron kamekaze, accordingly we need to develop electronic warfare equipment, and what do you do with it, what kind of cover do we use for tanks, drive around and use machine guns like
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a gun. better in 2 months , 300 firewood was destroyed; there were 300, 300 ours are coming beautifully. now again about the consequences of bad weather in the ulyanovsk region on one of the federal highways due to the driver of a truck who lost control and blocked the road.


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