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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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took responsibility for the attack, as explained in local media, a greek cargo ship was attacked, which was heading to israel under the flag of malta; according to the houthis, they refused to respond to warning signals. the houthis will continue to obstruct the navigation of israeli ships or ships associated with this country in both the arabian and red seas until israel ceases its aggression against palestine and the gaza blockade is lifted. in response, the us military launched new strikes on yemen, sources report. official at the pentagon us official said: the biden administration is preparing to announce plans to rename the houthi rebels, quote: specially designated global terrorists. in response to the crisis, we, together with our partners, are moving along the path of normalizing and stabilizing the situation in the region, but the criminals, as our president says, must be called by their proper names. the european union wants to send warships to the red sea in a month, but meanwhile the us military is preparing for a larger response.
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attacks by the houthis new york times citing senior us military officials , the houthis have retained nearly half their ability to fire missiles and drones at ships transiting the red sea despite us air strikes, with many weapons systems on mobile platforms that can be easily moved or hidden. experts say. however, the failure of the us operation in this region can already be predicted, whether this operation will stop the attack of the houthis and... the us is going to war with them no. the houthis are known to be experts in the use of precision weapons and have learned to use civilians as human counting. the most serious of their weapons are anti-missile systems. they are very powerful, and therefore it seems that our attacks are often useless. western analysts believe washington is afraid of a large-scale war in the region. at the same time, no one is hiding it anymore. the biden administration's goal is to drag iran into war.
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there are real risks of increased attacks from both sides, and here the us government must involve iran, frighten the iranian authorities with power. the united states wants to start a war with iran, but we don’t understand that hezbollah might get involved in this massacre after iran, and then it won’t be good for everyone. american political scientists and military experts say that many in the united states have realized that bombing the houthis will not bring results in the future. the policies of the united states are failing because they are primitive, writes the national interest. washington is indeed once again turning to a policy of military intimidation, threatening its fleet and drones, and again spends budget money to finance another war. the houthis have no doubt that the threat is real, but they doubt the readiness of the united states itself to see it through to the end, after bombs and missiles fail to change the situation, and the allies’ money and resources run out, as has happened many times, including in ukraine. journalists emphasize. maryadilko, lead. france intends. to place 40
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air-to-surface missiles and hundreds of bombs on ukraine, the president of the fifth republic, emmanuel macron, announced. according to him, paris is increasing production weapons and is ready to continue supporting ukraine. in france itself, meanwhile , economic problems are growing. in response to citizens' dissatisfaction, macron changed the country's government last week. with details anastasia popova. for the first 15 minutes of a little over two hours of the press conference, macron talked about the projects of the new government in the new fast one.
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we need a strong diplomacy and economy that will not depend on the us or china to counter any risks, it is necessary to double the military budget to make europe strong. the main external risk for the current head of the eliseev palace is russia, paris, obviously very upset that european investments in ukraine have not yet justified themselves, are preparing for new arms supplies, and are developing their own bilateral agreement with security guarantees.
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in order to prevent russia from winning by trying to bring the russian economy to its knees, france is still trying not to fall on them itself. from february 1, the authorities are forced to increase electricity tariffs again. another 10% in addition to the previous 30%. attempt freezing prices cost the treasury 24 billion euros in the twenty-second year, immediately 45 billion euros in the last twenty-third. too expensive for the budget - admitted the minister of economy bruno liemer, explaining the next increase for the consumer. at the same time , the country's national debt has crossed the 3 trillion euro mark. but macron is worried about something else. the main internal risk, he said, is the growth of far-right sentiments. and there is a reason why the french want something else, judging by the polls, in the upcoming european elections, national unification risks breaking away from macron by a record
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and noodles fills the warm sunset over the roofs of the dachas with joy life fills the cry for techno cyberweek on contract military personnel receive regional support measures: the status of a combat veteran, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services , vouchers to a sanatorium,
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an artillery battery strikes the positions of ukrainian militants in the zaporozhye direction of the front. the enemy tried to dig around the demarcation line. long-range high-explosive fragmentation shells open up the revs. on the armed forces of ukraine , fortifications are destroyed by accurate fire, 152 mm, 2.65, a sniper rifle in the world of artillery, so it is believed, yeah, the firing range is 24 km 700 m, well, the enemy is also conducting there, well, not to say active, but trying to break through there our positions, that is, along the line of combat contact, we are fighting, our guys are beating the enemy. all units of the ministry of defense work in close interconnection, reconnaissance officers, infantry search
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and transmit target coordinates, the battery promptly fires, howitzers and rocket artillery hits militants and enemy military equipment, stops enemy attack aircraft during attacks, dozens of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles are destroyed on the demarcation line. the enemy mainly used western weapons, bmpray, marder. leopard tanks, challengers, opened an enemy column of up to seven tank leopard units on the far approaches to our front line, after firing a salvo of ten rockets, a direct hit was detected, for courage and bravery almost all the soldiers units were awarded medals and orders, vitaly stateigo, commander of the artillery battery of the storm unit of the southern military district, was awarded the zhukov medal for harmlessness.
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mobilization, his wife says that he was called up for a special military operation as part of a real patriot, a brave man in his own right, he always doesn’t stop in the face of difficulties, he goes after his goal, responsibility, probably, radiotelephonist roman gavrochkov was awarded a medal for saving the dead, the man came to the volunteers armed forces, all the guys are great,
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at home in the rostov region roman gavrychkov has a husband and two daughters waiting for him, according to them , the man is a sympathetic and caring person, from the beginning of the armed conflict in the donbass he went to protect the local population as part of the people's militia, then delivered humanitarian aid there as volunteer emotions were mixed at once: pride and joy, that he was alive and worries about those guys who were saved, mine, my husband saved with other guys, the professionalism of fighters is honed during their studies training, work at the training grounds even continues... during rotation from the front line , artillerymen study enemy equipment and weapons. igor pikhanov, konstantin pionov,
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alexander parkhunov, vesti, zaporozhye region. a little more than six months remain before the start of the summer olympic games in paris. the question of the participation of russian athletes is still open, but the conditions put forward by the international olympic committee do not suit our country at all. it has already become known today that russian divers and open swimmers water will definitely not go to paris even in a neutral status from.
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this undermines faith in the ideals of sport, in the ideals of olympism, but nevertheless we, as a responsible national olympic committee, will make every effort to ensure that a... these principles that were laid down, formulated by baron decoubertin, the founder of the modern olympic movements, they were respected, they were promoted and preserved on the territory of our russian federation. for now the situation is still a deadlock, at no point there may be no compromise in the very near future, but the roc
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is still optimistic about the future, including the potential starts of very young athletes. for us. the benchmark is 2026, the youth olympic games in senegal, which will be held, well , for us there is a very high degree of confidence that our young athletes will be able to participate in these competitions, so the main thing for us now and all of us in the russian olympic committee, we are preparing program to prepare our athletes for twenty-sixth year, and based on the fact that after the twenty-sixth year the next games will be the twenty-eighth... probably the process and approach to this preparation may change, so that the recent history of the departure of two fencers, sergei and violetta bida, who last summer years , they secretly left for the states, having a direct connection not only with the russian national team, but with service in
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the russian guard and the ministry of defense. indeed, the guys did absolutely rash things. but i want to say that they are absolutely and unequivocally used, used by western mainstream.
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the effect is, of course, a shock when sanctions are imposed on you and, in fact, even your own people begin to fear whether they can work with you, but then all this returned to normal, in fact, you began to restructure your work in such a way that you understand that you can do the result, regardless of what someone decides whether you can do it or not, you gain complete independence, so of course, in the end, if
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you remove this whole psychosis and maybe some negative emotions, of course this it has positive impact on the company. are you afraid of the return of departed western partners or perhaps competition from companies from friendly countries? it seems to me that something has already subtly changed in our consciousness, the awareness that the world now looks like this, after all, when you are independent, when you have sovereignty in making decisions, in using products, in using architecture , but this is freedom, this is real freedom, when you are not afraid that someone somewhere unknown for you reasons... will decide that you are not acceptable, you don’t do this anymore, you can’t do this anymore, so i think no, i think that our mentality has changed in recent years, and now we, of course, look at it already in such a way that it will not allow you to return to the past, due to which the profit of your company is now growing and what kind of financial expectations may there be for the coming year, which has already come? it seems to me that the profit of any company grows
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when you think not about profit, but about what you can give to this world, what products you are you doing? will become, this is on the one hand, and sovereignty is when you bought a product and you are the true owner of it, someone cannot take it somewhere abroad and decide
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that that’s it, you bought it, but now you it is no longer allowed to use it, so , of course, the world, the numbers are waiting, from my point of view, a big transformation, the architecture itself will change, because over the years they have explained to us that some technologies, they are better in terms of technology and money, let's we’ll give everything up to some clouds, that we don’t know how to do something, russian people are naive in this regard, they believe all the time , and then they are deceived, they are already like, no, that ’s not good, regarding security, are our russian companies active today, switching
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to domestic software , is it even possible to achieve the goal of completely switching to domestic software by the twenty-fifth year? you see, it’s very important to find this fine line when you switch to domestic products that actually solve the problem, this is also our national hell, we can do a lot of things for show, but then we’ll look back and we’ve spent the money. and didn’t get it, that’s why it’s very important here, on the one hand , to approach this transition thoughtfully, to wait and stimulate those who create high-quality alternatives, but still wait for the moment and not fall into the idea that this will stop working for you, and this won’t start working, that is, we shouldn’t roll back, we should choose this very neat path between, so that we don’t even get into the hat with the casting. in fact to acquire this independence and sovereignty, yeah, another security issue, leakage of personal data , which we hear about literally every day , some leaks arise, can this
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problem be solved in the very near future, are there some it, you know, i think that this is the widespread problem that we have with leaks, it’s the same on a global scale , well, that is, you think that we now have fewer leaks than there are, conventionally, in america, no, not less, the same number , the question is that it really wasn’t like that before it is seen. now we understand that, in fact , when a digital system is built, it is impossible to go and build such a security that this leakage will become impossible, but you cannot build a house, then say, now build me fire safety, you owe it do at the moment when you build a house, it’s the same here too , the architecture will change, it will take us 5 years , maybe six, maybe seven, for the architecture to change, in which we realize that the way we built is not allows...
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well, either diplomatically, or through a change in the technology stack, which cannot be done in one year. yes.
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technologies has been on the stock exchange for 2 years already, what results does the company have from this, so that you can say about this? an exchange for positivity is the main factor in the continuation of the growth and forward movement that positivity has planned. after all, in order to be a leader on a global scale, to make a product.
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some ideas based on a ready-made platform of the place, turning your knowledge and skills into great capital for the country and for yourself. yes. and the last question that i can’t help but ask you, because today at the panel session we also talked about the shortage of personnel in the it industry. that's how acute this problem is for you today. and how do you work with personnel? in the current situation there is a shortage, and it is large. on the other hand,
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we see what is happening now. technologies appear that replace routine work, and an it specialist can also do routine work, in fact, part of the programmer’s work is already replaced technologies, which we popularly call, well, something like gpt chat, well, that is , some primitive simple code can be written by a computer, using machine learning algorithms, which we call artificial intelligence, in such a way that a person... spends not conventionally 10 hours there to work, only half an hour to fix it, a program that writes a program, yes, in fact, if we honestly look at where this world is going, we will see that maybe a transformation should happen this is the expertise of a technician that is needed for in order to build a new digital world, do less routine work, and be more involved in searching for some creative approaches, and there may be fewer people needed there than
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now, so... here is a very important fork in the road, or we are overwhelming the number of people with routine work these are the areas in which we need digital, or we find ways to use human capital more intelligently, they usually say where this world is going, you say where this world is going, and today, indeed , many representatives of the it industry think positive, thank you very much for the interview, yuri maksimov, co-founder of positive technologies and say was on our air, thank you.
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we continue our review of news, security cooperation agreements between london and kiev, we will discuss this and other issues with the russian ambassador to the uk andrey kelin, he is now in direct contact with the studio. hello, good afternoon, yes, decide sunok signed a security agreement with zelensky, tell me how you assess it, how applicable in your opinion it is in practice and whether britain can take over in general, such obligations and, most importantly, does he want to? yes, but this agreement does not look like a legal document, first of all, it does not contain obligations that would be drawn up in legal form, there is no guarantee of security for ukraine.


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