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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, beautiful, and most importantly karaki, you can just sing the whole film, she sang songs that she liked, i liked the songs, i liked the artists, i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film just in one breath, very similar to goosebumps, your song can change the world for the better, at the same time funny and touching , we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all... it’s just a miracle, apple, bremen town
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musicians , now our best army in the world no, yes, probably it wasn’t, one of the problems is using the comedian and the front drone to the enemy , accordingly we need to develop electronic warfare equipment, and what are you doing with it, we cover the tanks, we drive and use machine guns, like the best thing in russia, in 2 months 300 were destroyed, ours are coming along nicely.
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vladimir putin has already received more than 2.5 million signatures in support of self-propulsion in the upcoming elections. russian regions continue to deliver collected documents to the central headquarters. at the same time , signature sheets are being checked. collecting signatures carried out by the volunteer organizations of the onf and the united russia party. for any presidential candidate, popular support is the most important thing.
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i don’t think that i have the right to talk about the candidate status of the president, this is still more the prerogative of my colleagues from the headquarters, but if you ask me simply as one of those who will vote in these elections, i will tell you that if you wish , for putin, you can collect many more signatures, probably a multiple of more signatures, this is true, because the level of support for the president, the level consolidation of society around him, and in a wide range of ages - a category that is truly difficult to exaggerate. today, for the first time as a presidential candidate, vladimir putin arrived at his campaign headquarters, which is located in the capital's gostiny dvor. the president spoke with the chairmen of the headquarters, vladimir mashkov, artyom zhoga and maryana lysenko, and thanked them for their work. together they outlined the company's immediate plans. let me remind you that putin’s headquarters, as a presidential candidate, began work on the twenty-first. december,
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thank you very much that at such a difficult historical moment for russia and, probably , for the whole world, thank you, yes, but you made a decision, this, of course, is an act of will, you know, like the russian language, it is very voluminous, that’s will in russian in language it means both strength of character and will - this is desire, and will is freedom, therefore...
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it is obviously already present in this suit, and even here there are touch screens, and artificial intelligence is not just the future, but the total optimization of society, the participant himself believes presidential race vladislav davankov. i sincerely believe that after some time we will be able to replace even about 30% of officials with artificial intelligence, and because life is changing, there is no need to be afraid of innovation, this progress cannot be stopped. the headquarters of public support for presidential candidates vladislav davankov, hidden in moscow, have already been called the heart of the party’s election campaign by new people, they work in a continuous rhythm with a single vector, here they are ready to speak honestly with everyone. who has a thought, who has an idea, whose heart aches for the future of the country, who
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there are proposals that we, as deputies of the state duma, can already implement and introduce relevant legislative initiatives, so please come, the youngest candidate for... the post of head of state is supported by more than 250 party supporters in the regions of russia, 66 headquarters have already been opened, by the opening of the reception dozens of cities have connected to the candidate in video conferencing mode, the first connection being st. petersburg. today at 10 am we have a large team of people who support you. there are actually a lot of us in st. petersburg a lot, even before the official opening of the headquarters , we have already accumulated a large number of requests to you. volunteers accept requests from citizens on a variety of issues; there are already more than 3.0 requests on the list. proposals that will be reflected in the candidate’s program, the election program will be announced on january 30, we have room to grow in education, healthcare and other sectors, that’s why we are waiting at the headquarters for the support of enterprising citizens who are ready, let’s say, to liberate their creative powers for suggestions on how we
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together we can truly bring these changes to life. from north to south welcomes vladislav dovonkov and in rostov nadona, here the election campaign has started and is actively picking up speed. in addition to the headquarters in rostov-on-don, we are launching 10 more headquarters in municipalities in the main cities. vladislav andreevich came to us many times. we participated together in a large plenary session on supporting entrepreneurs, supporting fighters in a special military operation. and of course, it is important for us that now the result that we let's show it was as high as possible. 78 headquarters will be opened throughout the country, and each of them is eagerly awaiting the visit of the parliamentarian. and we hope that vladislav will still visit our tomsk and be able to get acquainted with our students, yes, with our living force of our region with its calling card. in the coming days, the candidate’s team will travel to voronezh; before the end of january, vladislav davankov will meet with voters in tomsk, novosibirsk and barnaul. there are plans to travel to about 30
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russian cities in the participant’s election race. supported by trusted persons. then i met a party of new people, i was actually very pleased. early voting starts in remote , hard-to-reach areas of the country on march 1 abroad. margarita semenyuk, natalya uvarova, viktor kazakov, andrey baraukhin. news. presidential candidate, chairman of the ldpr, leonid slutsky launched a large-scale campaign - an all-russian poll. it will take place in all
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russian regions. any citizen of our country over 18 years of age can participate in the survey. to do this you need to contact party mobile reception centers for citizens or candidate election headquarters. also, to the question. orel, voronezh and dozens of other cities, today special buses went there, and below are mobile reception centers of the ldpr. party leader leonid sludsky gives the team his final instructions. we will be in contact every day at the points where you will be. not a single day, not a single communication session will be lost, if i’m busy, then leave your information and i’ll contact you. where the problem is complex, where, perhaps, the leadership of the subjects will behave differently, i don’t expect it, but you never know.
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the main task for party buses this year is a survey within the framework of an all-russian survey of citizens, which was also launched today, its goal is to find out the opinion of russians about the quality of education, the availability of medical care and social support in each region. we would like to leave the region in which you live, write the main problem of your region. our. the party puts emphasis on work in the regions, so it is important for us to strengthen those regions, our regions throughout the country, so that people did not move to regional, regional centers , capitals, moscow, st. petersburg, it is necessary to establish life and work in each region so that you don’t want to leave the place where you were born, so that the saying where you were born is there was suitable, could be implemented in every subject of the russian federation, the working title of the survey with... party presidents are calling not only to talk about problems, but also to share their proposals
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for development and improvement for each subject of the federation. all we will hear is really significant for us. each point will form the basis, will find its place in my election program, as a candidate for sludsk truth, and representatives of russia. you can also take part in the survey at election headquarters. and regional branches of the party. in addition, the questionnaire is available online for all citizens who have reached the age of majority. anna voronina, evgeny turchak, dmitry maslennikov, news. well, the presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, nikolai kharitonov, visited the far eastern state university today. at the meeting students asked questions on a variety of topics: education, jobs, support for young families. nikolai kharitonov emphasized: “the far east is the key to the development of the economy of the entire country.”
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and is being done, including in the khavarovsky region. it’s probably already difficult to imagine how you can request a whole series of important documents not via the internet or make an appointment with a doctor, for example, but quite recently it was different, but who will remember, it’s all thanks to digital. and today, january 17, at vdnkh there is a digitalization day, it is dedicated to the development and
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achievements of the iit and telecom sectors of the country over the past 6 years. the key event is, of course, the plenary session with the participation of the flagships of it, the internet and the telecom industry. the well-known mts, megafon, vk, yandex and rostelecom announce their advanced solutions. and as deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko said today, speaking to industry representatives, one of five national ones. development is dedicated specifically to digital transformation. we are now really taking a very important step from the digital economy to the data economy, this. a new cross-cutting national project, of course, we also analyzed the best world practices, which will certainly allow russia to become truly the best country for the comfortable work of high-tech companies. gdp will grow by 11.2 trillion only due to the direction of artificial
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intelligence technologies. digitalization day at the plenary session. major achievements were announced in 2023, for example, one of them concerns, of course, the public service portal, well, we have more than 100 million registered users, traffic has increased, 10 million people visit the portal every day, traffic in terms of the number of services ordered there has grown by 5-6 in 4 years, now our task is to make the period for receiving services as short as possible, as we say, services should not be digital, services should be online, you need some kind of extract, permission, so that directly... automatically this decision is made, which you didn’t even expect. on the day of digitalization , the organizers prepared an extremely rich program for the guests of the russian exhibition, both business and entertainment, of course. in the zone cultural events, visitors get acquainted with modern digital technologies. the pilot show of the domestic video hosting arutup is also being filmed here. throughout the day
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, digital quiz sessions are held in the feel russia pavilion. it's called russia on the screens, i grew up in the hall. also a master class on robotics and 3d modeling. of course, vdnkh also hosts panel discussions, for example, at one of them experts talk about how to accelerate the development of a startup and what kind of support can be obtained for an it project. well, at the russian exhibition, the chelyabinsk region is celebrating its anniversary today, the region turns 90 years old, the region’s stand welcomes guests to a quiz, a culinary performance, mass skating, well, at the cultural center at vdn. the exhibition “little creators of a big motherland” has opened; it presents works reflecting the life and dreams of schoolchildren of the soviet era and modern russia. the pictures show the constant value and aspirations of different generations of children, the achievements of the country that children were proud of before now. well, tomorrow in pavilion d
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sirius day will be held, guests of the pavilion will be able learn about drug development, learn speed reading and develop memory. take scientific master classes and listen to talented young musicians, well, at the end of the graduation, according to good tradition, the figures of the day: the country’s gdp will increase by more than 11 trillion rubles until 2030, all thanks to the national project data economy through artificial intelligence technologies, more about this on deputy prime minister dmitry chernoshen announced the day of digitalization, but for now we will take a break, we will return today from the exhibition of the russian forum. and now about the weather, in the volga region and the urals after the snowstorm traffic has resumed on some highways, meanwhile, avtodor recommends avoiding long trips on federal roads in the west and center of russia. this is due to the next snowfalls, which will come very soon. leading
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specialist of the fos center vadim zavodchenkov will tell you more. he's live. in the facts. vadim, hello, it’s worth it. heed the warnings? good evening, it’s definitely worth it, a new cyclone is breaking through the russian plain, tomorrow this whirlwind will hit the western part of the region, and in the afternoon friday, the epicenter of the disaster will move to the long-suffering volga region. during these hours , this particular region was in the grip of a snow storm. the first video was filmed on the border of the samara and orenburg regions. hundreds are stuck in traffic jams. cars, traffic on many highways in the orenburg region is closed, road services, without waiting for the weather to improve, are trying to remove snow dunes, the state traffic inspectorate is asking drivers to refrain from traveling. on the m5 ural highway, the entrance to the city of orenburg, passing through the territory of the orenburg region,
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complete restriction on the movement of all types of vehicles. dear road participants. in the afternoon , traffic was completely closed for all types of transport along sections of five highways in bashkiria; in the footage, one of them is the federal highway r-240 ufa orenburg. several mass accidents have previously occurred here due to poor visibility in snowstorms. roads in the volga region are gradually starting to open. but not in all areas the snowstorms have already subsided. the lowlands are still not visible in the almetyevsk region of tatarstan and, judging by the following filming, problems persist in roads. also in the samara and ulyanovsk regions, there is no road at all in snelgivskaya, on karmalovskaya mountain, here is karmalo delyakova
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, a truck is stuck here, there is no road at all, even zero is invisible, i need to call the ministry of emergency situations, i have arrived, i must say that all these weather disasters are farewell hello atlantic. cyclone and tomorrow it will move to the barints sea, and its place over the volga will be taken by an anticyclone, but this will not stabilize the atmosphere in european russia, the fact is that a new cloud vortex will already break through to the west of the region, carrying another wave of bad weather, tomorrow the weather on the russian plain will be quite contrasting, in the east of the region it will be sunny, and the temperature will be noticeably colder than usual , but the western half will be covered by the cloudy fields of the cyclone, so snowfalls and snowstorms will be heavy in some places, in the extreme south-west some where precipitation can turn to freezing
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rain. one more nuance, bad weather: the invasion of a cyclone will provoke a sharp increase in wind. tomorrow afternoon, the resulting storm zone will stretch from the baltic coast to the spurs caucasus. for now they will only be in this area. western regions of the russian plain, but gradually the storm will make its way further and further to the east at the end of the working week it will reach the volga, for example, in kazan precipitation is unlikely tomorrow, and frosts will sharply intensify, during the day in the capital of tatarstan the thermometers will be -15-20, on friday the influence of the cyclone will begin to affect, it will snow, and due to the wind gusts up to 18-23 m/s. a real snowstorm will arise, in total more than a third of the monthly precipitation will fall in the city. in moscow the first half of tomorrow
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the day will still be cold and calm, but then the wind will increase to 15-20 m/s, snowfalls and blizzards will begin. together with nenasy , warm air masses will enter the megalopolis. the warming will peak overnight friday morning. icy conditions are possible in some places. rains, and as a result of the snow storm, the snowdrifts in moscow will grow by another 10-15 cm. now economic news, briefly. there are no euros left in russia's national welfare fund. now the accounts store rubles, gold and yuan. this data is provided by the ministry of finance. they note that the current volume of the national welfare fund is almost 12 trillion rub. the fund's dollar assets stopped being replenished in 2021. and at the end of the twenty- second, accounts in british pounds and japanese yens were reset. at the end of the year, novatek increased natural gas production to 82
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billion cubic meters, of which 78 were exported. increases in liquid hydrocarbons, the company produced more than 12 million tons of oil and condensate. experts call the report positive, given that gazprom was forced to sharply reduce production last year due to the loss of the eu market. group. aeroflot by the end of the year by 16% increased transportation, more than 47 million people used its services, of which 80% on domestic routes and 20 on international routes. more than half of the flights were operated by the parent company aeroflot. the rest shared the victory and russia. as transport minister vitaly savelyev previously stated, in total russian airlines carried 105 million passengers in 2023. and the chinese economy grew by five at the end of the year. according to the chairman of the state council of the people's republic of china, litsan, china continues
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to give the world an incentive for development. china's contribution to world gdp growth rate is about 30%. it was economic news, briefly. in the bulgarian city of plovdiv, protests against the demolition of the monument to the soviet soldier-liberator alyosha resumed today. authorities.
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al alyosha must remain in place, it is an integral part of the appearance of the city, a symbol of the fight against nazism, a symbol of all those who gave their lives in this fight, it must remain, and those who want to get rid of it are fascists. protesters have posters in the city council, there is no place for the nazis, hands off alyosha, they are trying to recapture the monument from pro-western local democrats who encroach on the historical memory of the bulgarian people. the main motive is what the monument symbolizes. they are even ready to accept the legendary monument in altai, this is where the red army soldier alexey skurlatov, who became the prototype of alyosha, is from; in the village of nalobikh they carefully honor the memory
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of the hero who went through the entire war and liberated him. at the foot of the liberators' hill, on which alyosha stands, his defenders gathered. alyosha is a symbol of pilaf devai. and he keeps the memory of the spilled blood. we are temporary in this world, but history is eternal. the generations that will come after us must remember this. these memory destroyers must not be destroyed. the liquidation of memorials shows their weakness
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and powerlessness. in honesty, the plovdiv city council has already backed down and removed the issue of dismantling from discussion, which was supposed to be considered this wednesday, but there is no final decision not to touch alyosha yet. the fact is that the monument is located at the highest place, where we celebrate all important events, but i would like to raise questions that are a real problem for the city, not just politicize the mood. let's first build something, let's solve the problems that concern people, and then we'll think about individual political issues. but in germany. they quietly erased the memorial inscription from the stele in dressden about the victims of the bombings in 1945, when the city was subjected to massive raids by british american aircraft. this is what the memorial looked like on altmarkt square just recently, and this is how empty it is now. the german press is indignant. bilt addressed the administration dressden, but the following questions remain unanswered: why was the inscription removed, by whose order, is a new inscription planned, what statements in the inscription were incorrect
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that it had to be removed? the authorities simply reported that the redesign of the memorial to the victims of the air raids of february 13 and 14, 1945 is going according to plan, now local officials, who previously brought flowers here themselves, are making excuses, saying they agreed to remove the inscription back in 2019, they promise to recreate it and even indicate the number of victims, however, these data in germany are now underestimated, they write only about 25 thousand dead, which contradicts historical facts, when they say that the anglo-americans will destroy... according to various estimates, soviet historiography said 135 thousand civilians, children, women, old people were destroyed during this three- day the bombing of drezzon , well, here’s where to get away from this, these are the democrats, these are today’s leaders of germany, if we talk about what they destroyed, how they will educate their current generation of germans, in the spirit of americanism in the spirit of russophobia, hatred of russia, they can
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add? vladimir putin today visited his campaign headquarters, which has been operating in gostiny dvor in moscow for about a month, as a presidential candidate.


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