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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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[000:00:30;00] experts cannot yet say how likely it is to appear; perhaps it is a type of influenza or a new strain of coronavirus. in any case, russia will prepare for various epidemiological challenges. anastasia panko, anton dadykin, elena pomelnikova, lead. next, after a short advertisement about those who can help
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trump win. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free debit alphacard. not just profitable, alpha profitable. does your stomach feel like you want to go to the toilet? cystitis always goes in the wrong direction. tell cystitis. cyston. 14 natural components of cystone against nagging pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to emit mochi. and let your friends pull you. karaoke. cestitus, i say. ceston. good afternoon. my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it , join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, in the whirlwind of life
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station pro. do you want to visit your dream future? all transfers are payments. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. in the bulgarian city of plovdiv , protests were held against the demolition of the monument to the soviet soldier-liberator, alyosha. demands to be left alone. well , why are the country’s authorities trying to do everything so that the bulgarians lose the memory of how
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the russians repeatedly did them. rescued, boris ivanin will tell you. in the bulgarian plovdiv, over which the soviet alyosha towers, local residents took several protests to defend the famous monument.
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siege of the municipal building. our war, our patriotic one, can you imagine how many alyoshas died, our russian alyoshas died then, because thousands of soldiers died, not only in bulgaria, the veteran himself died in 2013, he managed to survive attacks on the monument in
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the late eighties and early nineties, but now there is a new battle , at the foot of the liberators’ hill, on which alyosha stands, his defenders gathered. alyosha is a symbol of plovdev. and he keeps the memory of the spilled blood. we are temporary in this world, but history is eternal. the generations that will come after us must remember this. these memory destroyers must not be exterminated. the liquidation of memorials shows their weakness and powerlessness. under pressure from the public, the plovdiv city council has already backed down and removed the issue of dismantling from discussion, which was supposed to be considered this wednesday, but there is no final decision not to touch alyosha yet. the fact is that the monument is located at the highest place, where we celebrate all important events, but i would like to raise issues that are a real problem for the city, and not just politicize the mood. let's first build something, let's solve the problems that concern people, and then we'll
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think about individual political issues. the estonian authorities did the same and hastened to declare that they do not plan to move the bronze soldier again. after he was removed from the center of tallinn to a military cemetery with great scandal and despite protests. the balts are afraid of a loud repetition, so in germany they quietly erased the memorial inscription from the stella in dresdon about the victims of the bombings in 1945, when the city was subjected to massive raids by british american aircraft. this is what the memorial looked like on altmarkt square just recently, this is how empty it is now, the german press is indignant. bilt turned to the dressden administration, but the following questions remained unanswered: why was the inscription removed, by whose order, is a new inscription planned, what are the statements? the inscription was incorrect that it had to be removed. city officials simply announced a redesign of the memorial to the victims of the air raids of february 13 and 14, 1945. is happening according to plan. now local officials, who previously carried
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the quotation here themselves, are making excuses, saying they agreed to remove the inscription back in 2019, promising to recreate it and even indicate the number of victims. however , these data in germany are now underestimated, they write about only 25 thousand dead, which contradicts historical facts. when they say that the anglo-americans destroyed - according to various estimates, soviet historiography said 135,000 civilians, children, women, old people, were destroyed during this three-day bombing of dredzan, well, where can we get away from this, these are the democrats, these are today's leaders of germany, if we talk about what they destroyed, how they will educate their current generation
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of germans, in the spirit of americanism and... donald trump is confidently leading the presidential election race. more than half of americans are ready to help the forty-fifth president return to the white house. trump too. a hug under the guns of cameras, noisy cheers from the crowd and whispers on stage. yesterday's competitors, the forty-fifth american leader donald trump and businessman viva kramaswamy talks together about the future of the united states. an indian-american businessman is urging his supporters to vote for
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trump. we are all equal in being americans, we all believe our ideals still exist and this man must be your next president to make them a reality. guy, very smart, he has amazing ideas, he is young, he has a bright future, he will work with us. a peaceful victory for donald trump. 51%
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supported him. i believe this race is over, so i am proud to support donald trump for president of the united states. i look forward to the opportunity and the moment to support him in congratulating him. after trump crushed his rivals in iowa, abc canceled the upcoming republican debate in new hampshire. nikki haley refused to go on stage if the ex-leader was not on the list of participants. usa. we had five wonderful debates within this company. unfortunately, donald trump has dodged all of them. he has nowhere else to hide. next debate which i will spend will be with either donald trump or joe biden. i'm looking forward to it. takir carlson in his latest episode took a detailed look at nicky haley's election campaign. obviously, canceling her participation in newhampshire was a pr stunt. the journalist focused on the fact that
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haley is being promoted by the same team as. more victims, more revenue. the plan would unfold as follows: ron desantes resigns after losing several caucuses in a row, he simply runs out of funds and is forced return to florida. donald trump is being sent to prison. at this moment, knicks. desantis could have defeated all his opponents, both haley and trump, and current leader joe biden, but the democrats will once again have to save the image of the eighty-one -year-old politician; they simply do not have an alternative candidate. only now biden is being hit by scandals one after another.
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the new york post writes that when the fbi checked the bag with hunter biden's gun , they found more traces of cocaine on the weapon. in light of the new details, the court will likely reject petition of the president's son to drop charges against him under the article on illegal possession of weapons. there are 11 months left before the us elections. and the new season of american election races will acquire more and more new ones every day. course a for a boy from the tver region
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, victor b, was shown the museum of the history of the tver-svorsky military order of honor school, a tour of the classroom was also given, the location of the course was shown, where the svorovs live with us, and victor also visited the additional education classrooms, where he met s...s office of robotics and automotive engineering, and attended a dinner with svorovites and then
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proceeded to... the russian olympic committee is optimistic about the future, despite the obvious politicization of world sports. true, because of this, there will be almost no athletes from russia at the summer games. the head of the committee , stanislav poznyakov, told the details to my colleague danil makhalin. the upcoming summer olympics in paris will be the first in modern russian history when, at the games , the unambiguous politicization of sports in execution
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could actually lead to complete politicization. movement, this undermines faith in the ideals of sport, in the ideals of olympism, but nevertheless we, as a responsible national olympic committee, will make every effort to ensure that these principles, which were laid down by baron decubertin, the founder of the modern olympic movement, are respected , they were propagated and preserved on the territory of our russian federation while the situation is still the same. i don’t intend to make any compromise in the very near future, but ocd is still optimistic looks to the future, including about the potential starts of very young athletes. for us, the reference point is 2026, the youth olympic games in senegal, which will be held, well, for us
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there is a very high degree of confidence that our young athletes will be able to participate in these competitions, so the main thing for us now and... we are all in the olympic committee of russia, we are preparing a program to prepare our athletes by the twenty-sixth year, and based on the fact that in twenty in the sixth year, the next games will be the twenty-eighth in los angeles, then we are aware that we are also now preparing athletes for the olympic team 28 through the reserves . the process and approach to this preparation may probably change so that the recent history of departures does not repeat two fencers. having a direct relationship not only with the russian national team, but with service in the russian guard and the ministry of defense. indeed, the guys committed a rash, absolutely wrong act, i am personally ashamed, as a fencer, that these athletes, in
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including being on the national fencing team when i worked in the fencing federation, i probably find my shortcoming somewhere in this. we probably missed the patriotic component, but i want to say that they are absolutely and unequivocally used, used by the western mainstream, never in their life would any of these athletes become famous for their sports results, it is in this context, of course, that they say , write and so on. daniel makhalin, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. and now the federation. for headaches there is askafen at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. ascafen - when you have a headache. apartment in moscow count five. with just five purchases over a thousand rubles on any
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learning, something that will not leave you the same. netology, start learning netology for free. rf. pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. communicating with government agencies through government services has become even easier. the portal offers more and more opportunities to direct your questions to the right address. this is what the feedback platform does. we solve public services together. we will talk about its capabilities in this issue. instructions. what can government agencies pay attention to through the feedback portal? for almost any problem, piles of snow on the paths and overflowing trash cans, broken lamps and non-working lighting,
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potholes on the roads, you can raise problems with baby food in schools, non-functional appointments with doctors through the government services portal, tourist cashback. in general, if your problem lies within the responsibility of any government agency, then feel free to contact us. there is only one exception - appealing court decisions. there is a separate procedure for this. there are two main ways to communicate with the state on the state services portal through the section we decide together or through a special application government services we decide together, it is available for both android and ios, of course, absolutely free. for full use you will need a verified account. in the feedback form, you must fill in the fields marked with an asterisk, but it is better not to leave even optional fields empty. the more information you provide, the easier it will be. will work with your message, the most important principle that you need to remember is one message on one issue, that is, in one message you do not need
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to indicate all the problems that bother you at once, you need to send your own message to each question, if in one message it will be immediately several problems that must be solved by different departments, then in the end it will not reach anyone, and if the problems are divided, then each government agency will receive a message according to its specialization and all of them will be resolved. main plus that a citizen, as a rule, of course , does not know where exactly he wants to complain , he has problems, accordingly, in general, by and large, he does not care which of the authorities or organizations is responsible for this, he has a problem, he wants them to decide, this is the meaning and essence of the feedback platform itself, that a citizen simply sends a problem, then it is routed depending on the affiliation of the department, you can and should attach photographs if they relate to to the point, photos cannot be edited, please send them. as it is, there is no need to combine several photos into one, of course, there are also minimum requirements for images, the object or essence of the problem
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must be clearly visible in them, there are restrictions on the number. messages from one person, no more than two messages per day and no more than one per hour. it’s better not to spam or include any links in your messages. if, for example, you want to draw the attention of government agencies to illegal content on the internet, then it is better take a screenshot of the screen and attach it. most departments, municipalities, schools and other educational institutions, as well as clinics and hospitals are already connected to the platform, so in almost all
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cases your request will reach... write to us in telegram, we will ask the experts about everything and tell you in the next issues our instructions. my mother was 10 years old at the time, they told her about a petrified girl in a house on chkalovskaya street, we
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studied the medical archive, specifically in 1900. the sixth year, they said that in our yard the girl was dumbfounded, she was dancing there with the icon , yes, such a miracle happened, a shameful phenomenon for us communists, they began to ask her, how did you stand for so many days, she said , the fire surrounded me, she walked by and said one
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word, roll, roll, roll . muhammad marandi, professor at the university of tehran. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. the first and most important thing is the revolution that took place in iran. the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control. americans always try sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same goes for. iran. i believe that the iranians have adapted. they increasingly do business and trade with countries in the global south. hoping confidently that in the future, the difficulties faced today by the iranian people and the good
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people of russia will lead to relief. the russian army struck. a precision strike on a foreign fighters' point in kharkov, mainly french mercenaries were there, the building was completely destroyed, more than 60 extremists were killed, over twenty more were in the hospital. in addition, 10 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces were repulsed, zelensky’s formation lost almost 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers, two tanks and 11 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as nine howitzers and
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self-propelled guns, and air defense forces shot down 21 combat drones.


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