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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the russian army launched a high-precision strike against a foreign militant point in kharkov. mostly there were french mercenaries there. the building was completely destroyed, more than 60 extremists were killed, and over twenty more were in the hospital. in addition, 10 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces were repulsed, zelensky’s formation lost almost 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 11 other armored vehicles, as well as nine howitzers and self-propelled guns were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 21 combat ones.
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transport links between annadar and the main airport of chukotka will no longer depend on the vagaries of the weather. a solution to a long-standing problem that local residents told vladimir putin about has been found. well, during a meeting with the government, the president noted that economic growth at the end of last year could reach 4%. alexey golovko will tell you what else was in the spotlight. from a discussion of the most important macroeconomic indicators, information about which the head of state receives almost around the clock, despite sanctions, the economy is growing, but accurate values ​​are important for further planning, the prime minister and i yesterday here in the kremlin, late at night, we discussed the situation in general in the economy, talked about the results of work for 2023, mikhail vladimovich believes that this is the indicator of the country’s gdp growth. which we are talking about now
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is 3.5%, in fact, with a more careful calculation, it may turn out to be a little higher, this growth is based primarily on consumer and investment domestic demand, this is very important, this is how economic statistics work, data on the figures of the previous year are going to be specified all year next, and this means that the final gdp indicator may change significantly, but for now here are the main and not yet final figures. third year. gdp growth - 3.5%. the growth of real incomes of the population is 4.4%. salary growth - 7.7%. the unemployment rate is at a record low, just over 2%. there is, as the president put it today, a challenge - inflation of 7.4%. the sectors that move the economy forward are industry, agriculture and construction. 110, i think, 10 million m, that's jelly. we had it, this is, of course,
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an absolute record, nothing like it in history russia has not yet existed, i want to congratulate the builders on this, the entire russian economy can be congratulated on another achievement of a high position in the ratings of international financial organizations. explain to the general public what it means to be first in europe, fifth in the world in terms of purchasing power parity, compare price levels in each specific economy with each other and... this is the calculated exchange rate of the ruble, conditionally to the dollar, by which this nominal exchange rate of ours is recalculated the volume of gdp, which rosstat calculates in rubles. in other words, it is not just the volume of industry of a particular country that is compared, but how many goods and services can be bought for the national currency. according to the international bank and the imf, germany is behind russia, with only china, the usa, india and japan ahead. japan's economy is growing at less than 1%. we are counting on growth, as they say.
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it was his first time in anadar and he saw for himself how inconvenient it is to get from the airport to the city; they are separated by a bay, which in summer can be crossed by ferry, and in winter on ice. the ministry of industry and trade offers another solution - purchase five amphibious airboats that can move on water and ice. what is the price? approximately 120 million rubles. will cost all these five cars. do you have any money? let's find it and solve the problem. have you looked at what
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is possible with bridges? i have worked on this issue, here is the figure that you told me, but it has not yet been confirmed, the figure will be much higher, i still need to calculate for another week. at a meeting with businessmen from the far east in khabarovsk , the president was told that not all planes fly to the airport on the kuril islands, the runway is there not ready to accept airliners in bad weather. talk about the work of the airport on the island of kunashir, there is a new airport there, in my opinion, completely built. that the problem there will be solved by 2025, we are now working on it, we will equip the airport with lighting equipment for the first category of approach. such trips to the regions make it possible to discover completely outdated standards; it turned out that all cars and buses at
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airports are not registered with the traffic police. i was surprised to learn that registration the ministry of agriculture was engaged in airfield technology, so indeed you are. yes, it’s true, because historically it all started with the registration of tractors, combines, and in order not to overload, well, all the time, back in the soviet goyim, that’s what mentelkoz was doing, so that traffic cops wouldn’t catch tractor drivers and combine operators on the roads, in the fields, well, and then other equipment was added, the task of the traffic cops is not to catch anyone... the economy and the relevant industries. on
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chukotka received many proposals from parents with many children. now, large families in the far east will have access to a preferential loan for the purchase of a domestic car, as well as for seven regions. page a program in which a family where a third or next child is born will be able to reduce their mortgage by 1 million rubles. payments will be made for families where the third or subsequent child is born on january 1 of the twenty-fourth year, the demographic effect by the twenty-sixth year is projected at 3,300 additional children born in large families. khabarovsk region business spoke a lot about expanding checkpoints with china.
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called on the cabinet of ministers not to forget about the needs of regional residents even during the difficult pre-election period. are there any other questions to discuss? in general, we closed the agenda. let us use this period to
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use this feedback from people not even to resolve issues on this internal political calendar, but to resolve issues of substance, those that concern people. this a very good reason for...
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the usa and the eu no longer believe in the kiev army, but they will not allow them to jump into the armed forces of ukraine, and even the head of the state department claims that the states are not against negotiations, but now is not the time yet. look, usa always. we are open to discussion, to peaceful negotiations, we are trying to achieve this with all our might, because ukrainians need these negotiations more than anyone else, but on the part of russia we do not see a readiness to talk. at the same time, washington, talking about the negotiations, did not even demand that kiev cancel the decree banning them, which moscow has repeatedly emphasized. zelensky arrived at the dovoz with the usual repertoire, asking everyone for money and weapons. byunkin was even forced to say that the united states does not have a magic pot of money for kiev. in response , the ukrainian delegation again asked the west to completely bury its reputation and take away russian assets for the ukrainians, but the allies literally brushed it aside, did not even discuss it seriously, and changed the topic to a safer one - anti-russian sanctions. one of the important things that britain does is that we don't just we announce sanctions, but make sure that they are not
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circumvented in other countries, and i will urge every european western leader who is here, as well as foreign ministers who are here, to do the same. the only thing zelensky has achieved is behind-the-scenes meetings with blinken and biden’s national security advisor sullivan, but kiev has had no success here either. we had a good meeting.
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their mobile phones, how many people died, you must understand this conflict kiev receives weapons, and then you see it destroys europe, and this confrontation cannot be ended by military means, kiev does not have such capabilities, the ukrainian offensive failed. the speaker of the house of representatives will not receive a dime from the budget. there are crowds of emigrants at the american border, kiev , before the meeting with biden, told the press that alek komarov would lead. the former governor of california, hollywood star arnold schwarzenegger was interrogated for 3 hours at munich airport for an expensive watch that he did not declare. according to bilt. watch - copy, which the swiss brand made for the film terminator. arnold claims that the chronometer
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costs 20 thousand euros. well, german customs fined him a tax of 35.00 euros. when the actor took out a credit card, he was required to pay half in cash, but was not allowed to go to the bank. as they write online, the germans took revenge on schwarzenegger for all the humiliation they suffered from the americans. more than 2.5 million signatures have already been collected in support of the nomination of vladimir putin in the russian presidential elections. these data were provided by the central election headquarters of the current head of state. vladimir putin himself came there. alexey petrov knows how the communication with the chairmen of the headquarters and volunteers went. hello. so vladimir putin. welcomes you to his election headquarters, which opened on december 21. we collected 2
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million 500,000 signatures, even more. therefore , within the next week, we are ready to provide the central election commission with all the documents with all the accompanying documents, great, thank you. already, the number of signatures collected suggests an eightfold increase minimum bar, but how do we check? we check all signatures and double-check them.
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thank you for this joint work, all the people here are young, but different, of course, and have different fates and everyone came here in different ways, the guys from the front even got here practically. but we all have a common task, strengthening the fatherland. at the headquarters, a detailed conversation with its co-chairs, of course, one of the main questions is how they manage to do everything, because public activity has become a colossal burden. this is a new activity for everyone, but since we took on
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our friendly team is very active in it, firstly, in full confidence. in our common and your victory, we meet with people, everyone expresses such support, so of course, this is the most important thing. putin addresses maryana lusenko. the conversation is about the workload of the chief physician, about how medicine has developed over the past two decades. together with you, we have gone through different periods in our country; at the turn of the 2000s, we remember it all well, it works better than any propaganda, because we remember what it was like there was, we remember... a terrible feeling of uncertainty in the future, this is a terrible test, in fact, now our children, they live in a completely different direction, the conversation turns to the accumulated experience: covid has shown that we can do a lot of things, we can ourselves, we make the right and correct decisions faster than everyone else, our institutions work faster, yes, definitely, and the consolidation of society and
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decision-makers, the authorities, and those in the field, in covid it worked simply.
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it's very important to have this meeting, well here it’s not just a matter of parting words, an exchange of information, for me it should be such a substantive meeting with such a substantive discussion of issues that interest society, and for my part i want to thank you, well, everyone who takes part in the work of the headquarters, volunteers, of course , especially in, so to speak, difficult territories, while this requires more than just...
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st. petersburg, rostov-nadon and tomsk. speaking at the opening of the capital headquarters, dovankov noted that one of the party’s priorities is to promote the development of modern technologies. in his opinion. artificial intelligence will help optimize the public administration system, i sincerely believe that after some time we will be able to replace even
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about 30% of officials with artificial intelligence, because well, life is changing, there is no need to be afraid of innovation, this progress cannot be stopped. donald trump is confident... under the gun of cameras, noisy cheers from the crowd and whispers on stage. yesterday's competitors, the forty-fifth american leader donald trump and businessman vive kramaswami together.
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he's a fantastic guy, very smart, he has amazing ideas, he is young, he has a bright future, he will work with us. political scientists are confident that working with ramoswami can bring additional points to the trump team. with his support, the electorate expands. in addition to white representatives of the working class, emigrants from other countries who settled in the united states can also vote for the ex-president. senator ted cruz of texas after the iowa caucuses. support donald trump for president of the united states
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is over, so i'm proud that 51% supported him, i believe this race i look forward to the opportunity and the moment to support him to congratulate him. after trump crushed his rivals in iowa, abc canceled the next one. nikki haley refused to go on stage unless the former us leader was on the list of participants. we had five wonderful debates in this campaign, unfortunately donald trump avoided all of them, he has nowhere else to hide. the next debate i'll have will be with either donald trump or joe biden, i'm looking forward to it. tucker carlson in his latest issue details dissected nicky haley's election campaign. obviously, canceling her participation in newhampshire was a pr stunt. the journalist focused on the fact that haley is being promoted by the same team as biden, friends of jeffrey
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epstein. their interests are quite obvious. increasing investment in the defense sector as the war in ukraine prolongs. more victims, more pen. the plan will unfold as follows: ron desantes resigns after losing several. in a row he simply runs out of funds and is forced to return to florida. donald trump is sent to prison. at this point , liberal donors are flocking to haley's house, providing her with unlimited resources. this is already happening. this plan may not work 100%. but this is the idea that democratic supporters are now promoting. according to the latest cbs news ratings, current leader joe biden could win all of his opponents. and haley, and trump, and the landing party. but the democrats will once again have to save the image of an eighty-one-year-old politician; they simply do not have an alternative candidate, only now biden is being hit by
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scandals one after another. the new york post writes that when the fbi checked hunter biden's gun bag, they also found traces of cocaine on the weapon. in light of the new details, the court will likely reject the request of the president's son to drop charges against him under the article on illegal possession of weapons. before the elections. the united states has 11 months left, and the new season of american election races will become overgrown with new scandals every day. natalya goncharova, lead. new opera, premiere performances of the war and peace. in this version by prokofiev, the storyline focuses on the story of natasha rostova and andrei balkonsky. the project was financed by young production artists. i attended the rehearsal. and the novels of the epic war and
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peace, the bolshoi theater and brusnikin's workshop also worked on it, preserved what prokofiev considered the most important in this work. it always seemed to me that the lyrical scenes, because this is how prokofem originally conceived them, the first thing he wrote was the scene of the death of prince andrei, and they are the most powerful in the opera, in my opinion, worked young directors, artists, many of whom are not yet very familiar to the public, ilya kutyukhin is a performer. it wasn’t just the vocals that helped reveal the character of prince balkonsky; when i was reading the novel, i kept shaking my head, what are you doing, why are you doing this, because of the development of media, everyone is used to close-ups and forgets about the fact that you can still show more with your body, but here it’s not that they forbade us to do all these ballet movements, we were asked, dozens of world productions, film adaptations, ballet in every character war and peace is revealed differently,
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evoking the most complex reflection of music and history, a character appears for whom everything is fine, cheerful, he is as frivolous as possible, that’s me! a minimum of scenery, a skillful play of light and smoke, and also a video projection behind the backs of the characters. it turned out to be such a very rich, beautiful, sometimes meditative performance, sometimes dynamic, in general, everything in it is harmonious, like an artistic canvas. the goal is not an attempt to shock, the creators concentrated on the main thing that was in the novel, love and faith. the heroes carried them through many trials. sofia sergieva pavel mir, konstantin mitin, news.
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our boy felt anger because of social injustice and wanted to fight it, then give him a medal and a film about family, about love, and of course, branded humor at the highest level. let's go, paris, we'll eat an oyster and napoleon really liked it, napoleon bonaparte welcomes you, in the carriage. adventure, exciting, it was unpredictable, where let’s say, like where, on the attack, it was done on a large scale, especially all these battles are right for you, very good directing, design, costumes, the ball was gorgeous, white dance, invites gentlemen home, pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what do you mean don’t dance, got up and went, the film
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is positive, kind? saw, you saw, it seems to me that i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, serf 2. the samarkan registan is an architectural masterpiece from former times, the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror, and its right part is reflected in the left, although between they are 90 steps and 200 years. soviet times, uzbekistan and cotton, synonyms, nothing grew here except it, now everything is different, cotton. still the locomotive of the economy, but no longer the curse of uzbekistan. leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built, but old connections are being remembered, and we have centuries-old connections. uzbekistan produces 350,000 cars and changes the economy at breakneck speed.


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