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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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will no longer depend on the vagaries of the weather. transport links between onadar and the main airport of chukotka, a solution to a long-standing problem that local residents told vladimir putin about, have been found. well, during a meeting with the government , the president noted that economic growth at the end of last year could reach 4%. alexey golovko will tell you what else was in the spotlight. vladimir putin begins a large meeting with the government by discussing the most important macroeconomic indicators, information about which is provided by the head of state.
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based primarily on consumer and investment domestic demand, this is very important. this is how economic statistics work, data on the figures of the previous year are collected and updated throughout the next year, which means the final gdp indicator can change significantly, but for now here are the main and not yet final figures for the twenty-third year: gdp growth - 3.5%, real income growth population.
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price levels in each specific economy are compared with each other and this is the calculated exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar according to to whom they are counting. this is our
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nominal volume of gdp, which rosstat calculates in rubles. in other words, it is not just the volume of industry of a particular country that is compared, but how many goods and services can be bought for the national currency. according to the international bank and the imf, germany is behind russia, with only china, the usa, india and japan ahead. japan's economy is growing at less than 1%. we expect growth of what is called above 2%. we can say that in the medium term there will be within four. years old, we are quite capable to overtake the japanese economy, this is justified, objective data provided by international organizations. yes, vladimirovich, this is data from those structures that are difficult to accuse of any kind of favor towards us. the main topic of the meeting was the results of the president’s working trip to the far east. it was vladimir putin’s first time in chukotka, and in anadra he saw for himself how inconvenient it is to get from the airport.
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they proposed building a bridge, but this project is still being calculated, have you looked at what is possible with bridges? i worked on this issue, this is the figure that you told me, but it has not yet been confirmed, the figure will be much higher, i still need to calculate for another week. at a meeting with businessmen from the far east in khabarovsk, the president was told that not all planes fly to the airport on the kuril islands, the runway there is not ready to receive airliners in bad weather. slack about
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the operation of the airport on the island of kunashir, the new airport there, in my opinion, has been completely built, what is the problem there? by 2025 this problem will be solved, we are currently working on it. we we will equip the airport with lighting equipment for the first category of approach. such trips to the regions make it possible to discover completely outdated standards; it turned out that all cars and buses at airports do not register with the traffic police. i was surprised to learn that the registration of airfield equipment was carried out by the ministry of agriculture, and this is indeed the case. yes, this is right, because simply historically it all began with... registration of tractors, combines, and in order not to overload, well, all the time, back in the day the soviet traffic police, well , then the ministry of agriculture was involved in this, well, so that the traffic cops would not catch tractor drivers and combine operators on the roads, in
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the fields, well, and then other equipment was added, the task of the traffic cops is not to catch anyone on the roads, but to ensure safety traffic, lower. mortality on the roads, reduce the number of accidents, well, everything needs to be brought back to normal, in accordance with common sense and the needs of the economy and relevant industries. in chukotka there have been many proposals from parents with many children, now for large families in the far east , a preferential loan will be available for the purchase of a domestic car, and a program will be extended to seven regions in which a family where a third or next child is born will be able...
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business in the khabarovsk region has talked a lot about expanding checkpoints with china, the flow of goods with it is increasing and has already outgrown the current capacity. and the governor. supports this, well, business too, they need to haul goods hundreds of kilometers to the primorsky territory and somewhere else, so of course this is necessary to bring it to the end, especially since our partners on the other side of the border also ask for this and support it. far eastern fishermen, who often need to not only catch fish, but also deliver them to the other side of the country, also spoke about economic support. now we subsidize transportation. some types of fish, and some we don’t subsidize, it’s difficult for fishermen to supply them to the european part, but for now we only subsidize mentai, well, the most massive production that we have, and there was your instruction, we are now working on issues with the ministry of finance
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moreover, the expansion of support measures for lasaso on sardinova vos is also quite large, the president called on the cabinet of ministers not to forget about the needs of the residents of the regions even during the difficult election period.
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700 soldiers, mercenary officers, two tanks and 11 other armored vehicles, as well as nine howitzers and self-propelled guns were destroyed, air defense forces shot down 21 combat drones. germany will allocate 7 billion euros to ukraine in military aid. the chancellor made this decision after biden’s call. but the states themselves and the european union no longer finance kiev is in a hurry, although zelensky still hoped to beg for something at... a forum in davos, switzerland. with details from alika komarova. one of the main economic problems of the west is ukraine, they said at the forum in davos. not losing is zelensky's new concept of success. as the politikan publication emphasizes, the united states and the eu no longer believe in the kiev army, but they will not allow the ukrainian armed forces to leave. and
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even the head of the state department claims that the states are not against negotiations. but now is not the time yet. look, the us is always open to discussions, towards peace negotiations. we are trying to achieve this with all our might, because ukrainians need these negotiations more than anyone else, but we do not see a readiness to talk on the part of russia. at the same time , washington, talking about the negotiations, even... demanded that kiev cancel the decree banning them, which moscow has repeatedly emphasized. zelensky arrived as a importer with the usual repertoire, asking everyone for money for weapons. linkin was even forced to say that the united states does not have a magic pot of money for kiev. in response, the ukrainian delegation again asked the west to finally bury its reputation and take away russian assets for the ukrainians, but the allies literally brushed it off, didn’t even discuss it seriously, and changed the topic to a safer one, anti-russian sanctions. one of the important things that britain does.
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it's better to leave what happened behind closed doors. i suppose if this was a good conversation, you would share it with us. once again, it's best to keep this conversation behind closed doors. at the same time, in europe they are increasingly talking about ending the conflict as soon as possible. bundestag germany rejected a resolution on the transfer of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine. bulgaria said that they could not give the promised armored personnel carriers to kiev, and mep from slovakia milan urek called on his colleagues not to incite a war, but to focus their efforts on achieving it. "people continually demand more and more weapons for ukraine, it seems to me that you think that this is a computer
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game, press a button, kiev receives weapons, and then you see on your mobile phones how many people have died, you must understand, this conflict is destroying europe, and this confrontation cannot be ended by military means, kiev does not have such capabilities, the ukrainian offensive failed, we must talk about peace, the same thing. and in the states, there in congress they generally rejected the possibility of a quick deal on ukraine. the speaker of the house of representatives, before the meeting with biden, told the press that as long as there are crowds of migrants at the american border, kiev will not receive a penny from the budget. alka komarova, news. more than 2 million signatures have already collected support for the nomination of vladimir putin in the russian presidential elections. such data was presented in the central electoral...
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some proposals, people are very worthy, experienced and respected in society, so this should be such a substantive meeting with such a substantive discussion. we are tearing you away from creativity - vladimir putin joked, however, work today goes on without
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interruption from the creative process, for all of us, for everyone this is... a new activity, but since we took on it with our friendly team very actively, firstly , in full confidence in our common and yours victory, of course, thank you very much for such a difficult historical moment for russia and, probably, for the whole world, thank you, yes, but you made a decision, this is of course an action.
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signatures, but as they said at the election headquarters, today there are already eight times more of them, 2.5 million. the collection of signatures was carried out in the all-russian popular front by volunteers, with whom vladimir putin also spoke today and left an autograph. we all have a common task: strengthening the fatherland. and i am very pleased that i see in your face.
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they are already in moscow, st. petersburg, rostov and nadon in tomsk. margarita semenyuk has all the details. new people, new technologies. at the public headquarters of vladimir davankov
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, supporters are met by such pilots as a symbol of the development of modern technologies, one of the priorities.
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dozens of cities joined the opening of admission candidates in the video conferencing mode, the first connection being st. petersburg. today at 10 am we have a large team of people who support you. there are actually a lot of us in st. petersburg, even before the official opening of the headquarters we have already accumulated a large number of requests to you. volunteers receive requests from citizens on a variety of issues. the list already contains more than 3.00 requests and proposals that will be reflected in the candidate’s program. the election program will be announced on january 30. and we have somewhere to go.
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andreevich came to us many times, we together participated in a large, large plenary session on supporting entrepreneurs, supporting fighters of a special military operation, and of course it is important for us that now the result that we show is as high as possible. 78 headquarters will be opened throughout the country, and each of them is eagerly awaiting the visit of the parliamentarian. and we hope that vladislav will still visit our tomsk and be able to get acquainted with our students, and with our living community. the strength of our region with its calling card. in the coming days , the candidate’s team will travel to voronezh; before the end of january, vladislav davankov will meet with voters in tomsk, novosibirsk and
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barnaul. we plan to travel through about 30 russian cities. in the election race , the participant is also supported by trusted persons. when i met the new people party, i was actually very pleasantly shocked that in our country there is such a slightly new view of politics. i sincerely believe that the youth in our country are very smart, modern, they should be involved in the political process, that ’s why there is a wonderful party for young people, new people, voting for candidates for the post of president of russia will take 3 days for the first time , march 15, 16 and 17, february 25, early voting starts in remote, hard-to-reach areas of the country, 1 march abroad. margarita semenyuk, dear friends, i invite you to watch
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reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. 370 years ago, on january 18 , 1654, the pereslavl rada announced the reunification of the orthodox peoples of little russia, oppressed by poland, with russia. the polish-lithuanian commonwealth was challenged by the zaporizhian army led by hetman bohdan khmelnytsky. the fight went on with varying degrees of success. the strength was on outcome and only one hope remained - to transfer to russian citizenship. this council, which khmelnitsky convened in the city of pereslavl, was special, not only cossack, as before, representatives of the entire population, merchants, peasants, artisans and
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clergy took part in it. first, the getman held a meeting with the cossack elders, and then the decision was approved by the whole people. then, in the assumption cathedral, they swore allegiance to tsar alexei mikhailovich, who was called the sovereigns of great and little russia. an oath on his behalf received by the russian delegation. which after that visited another 177 cities and villages of little russia, where many thousands more people swore allegiance to the tsar. the war with poland lasted more than 10 years. russia defended chernigov, smolensk, the entire left bank of the dnieper, and then kiev. on january 18, 1919 , the paris conference opened to sum up the results of the first world war. 27 states took part in it, but everything was decided by great britain, france, and the usa. italy and japan. russia was not invited at all and was accused of treason because of brest treaty, forgetting that she paid for the allied victory with her blood. germany,
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the french wanted. dismember destroy, others, however, did not support such a decision. as a result, germany lost 1/8 of its territory, including alsace and lataringia, to france. they gave something to poland. danzeck became a free city with the lands adjacent to it, and separated east prussia. the army was reduced to 100,000, submarines and the air force were banned. the surface fleet was greatly limited. germany was subject to indemnities in the equivalent of 100 tons of gold, and all the colonies taken away. turkey also lost them, and bulgaria lost access to the aegean sea. the colonies were mainly divided between the british and the french. from the ruins of the austro-hungarian empire , czechoslovakia, poland, hungary, and other new states arose. but the borders were cut in such a way that it gave rise to conflicts; revanchism and fascism began to gain strength in humiliated germany. the french marshal ferdinand forche turned out to be the right man
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and announced the results. conference, not peace, but a truce for 20 years. january 18, 1943 the red army broke the blockade of leningrad. this occurred during operation iskra, this name was proposed by stalin. it was necessary to eliminate the shleselburg-senyavinsky bulge with attacks from the leningrad and volkhov fronts, commanded by marshals leonid govarov and kirill meritskov. the nazis created a deep and chaotic defense. the aleningraders had to advance across the... dragged terrain and also partake of the neva with its high banks, so our troops trained in the rear until they automatically worked out all the details of the assault and crossing so that light tanks could pass on the ice. we went on the attack in the morning on the twelfth, 6 days later, parts of the fronts united south of the workers' village, liberated shlitelburg and cleared the entire southern coast of lake ladar from the germans. this became a radical turning point in the battle for leningrad. now
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it was connected to the mainland by a corridor 8-11 km wide, but the blockade was completely lifted only a year later in january 1944. on january 18, 1983, us president ronald reagan ordered the deployment of the pershing temahawk medium-range cruise missile to europe. the flight time to moscow was reduced to 68 minutes and it was not possible have time to strike back. american. considered their actions a response to the deployment of soviet pioneer missile systems in the european part of the soviet union, which allegedly violated strategic parity, but now it has changed dramatically in favor of the west. this extremely aggravated the international situation; the world was once again teetering on the brink of nuclear war, as during the caribbean crisis. an experienced archer, the nato exercise was regarded by the soviet state as preparation for the first nuclear missile strike. the negotiations did not
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produce results for a long time and only after four. it’s detailed, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient. how to vote on a smartphone? early sunday morning, during the absolute parade , children cried out: people, get up, everyone is going to vote, mom said sleepily, let's choose remotely, dad supported yawning , we'll choose electronically, grandma and grandpa said , i'm a father, i'll go with you, but our generation loves paper ballots , well, a young
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electron change. modern, i am progress, not an opponent, hold your granddaughter’s alarm clock, this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we ’ll go with you, mother, to choose the old fashioned way, our usual methods, at the site, as usual, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, the annual forum is strong ideas for the new time, you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region, presenting the jury... your ideas and projects, choose one of seven areas that your initiative best suits; more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2024.


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