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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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on may 9, i draw your attention to the issue of the fight against nazism, it is impossible to celebrate the victory in the second world war, and june 12, russia day. further, russian diplomats cannot be invited to receptions organized by the governing structures and missions of the european union, as well as the ministries of foreign affairs, states, and the eu. presence at events of third countries.
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the meeting in davos on ukraine, as they are trying to present it, is that there were more people taking photographs than at the previous meeting. that's it, that's it, that's it the criteria by which western diplomacy values ​​and evaluates its own efforts. we have a magazine called industry of eurasia. please, as on time. 30, well, 15 minutes.
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good afternoon, eurasian industry magazine, aider kutmuvaev. sergevich, please tell me, i have a question that i ask you every year, how do european sanctions react to the development of the eurasian economic union. and the second question, as we know, there is a union state between russia and belarus. last year, the president of kazakhstan.
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direction for further work of the eurasian economic union, but i honestly admit that i have not heard of kazakhstan showing any interest in joining the union state, please, thank you very much, maria vladimirovna, once again i congratulate you on your song of life.
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the relationship not only from cuba, venezuela, nicorai with other countries, from latin america, what you said, first about the parliamentary conferences that were held here in moscow. the new president after the elections, everyone knew this, they made such a decision, this is not a refusal to join, this is an explanation of why now they are not ready for this, we took it this way, i think that when the government of president meley gets
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used to the matter, then they will be able to finally determine their position with greater grounds, but brix - his popularity is growing and i said about 30 applications for so, in order to establish some kind of relationship with this association, at this stage, of course, we will concentrate on ensuring that new members enter the common work as smoothly as possible and that we continue to move forward, we have relations with latin america as a whole.. .
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this is not a question for me, this is a question for those who will be elected by the american people with the understanding that the elections will be fair,
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please, serbia, introduce serbia, good afternoon, my name is. regarding serbia, what is the fate and what is the history and political history for kosovo and what will happen in the future with the western balkans.
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a month and a half ago you were in skopje and there you were not respected by blinken and the rest of the western foreign ministers. we will call him so that he comes and starts a dialogue between you, thank you very much,
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thank you very much, not a very flattering offer, of course, about, about kosovo, and president putin, your humble servant, always, when we meet with the leadership of serbia, we say that we support and will support the position that... the serbian people, the serbian people will choose leadership, we see how the serbs are being bullied, i mean , if we take the kosovo problem, in 2013 , through the mediation of the european union , an agreement was reached between pristina and belgrade on the creation of a community of serbian municipalities in kosovo, everything was there it is described what rights they have, how they organize their lives, provide law enforcement functions, language,
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education, schools, churches, more than 10 years have passed, nothing has changed, a dead end in the implementation of this agreement, which the european union presented as its greatest diplomatic... ... the serbs in the north of kosovo, so that these rights are, well, absolutely some kind of artificial,
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and real power should remain with the albanians, and this is a shame for the european union, of course, it should be, but because they beat the kettledrums like that in 1913, that here we are achieved, that’s all, the kosovo problem is solved, nothing like that.
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the speaker of the macedonian parliament sits at a table on which the albanian flag is hoisted. macedonian is also somewhere, but albanian is nearby. but this, strictly speaking, is a separate topic. as for skopje and the osce ministerial meeting, i don’t know if they ignored me, as you said.
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i don’t know, i don’t see much point, to be honest, it won’t be interesting, it will consist of slogans, knowing tone’s speech, i can imagine it, a serious conversation should not be conducted in public, they are absolutely not ready for this, not ready in every sense, neither politically nor substantively. if i may, i can’t help but give a final question to the man in uniform. thank you, maria vladimirovna, it’s very nice, you are both respected, i will be happy to ask a question on the mar topic, i represent the ideological center of marxism, my name is, normal, audible, audible, everything is fine, why
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does dialectics, including mikhailovich dostoevsky, teach us , so... according to safety from december 15, 2021, not is it rolling, isn’t our whole situation heading towards a repeat of the caribbean crisis due to the fact that the west rejected our proposal in option 2:0? thank you, well, this topic has been discussed many times lately on
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various talk shows, political science gatherings, it is really one of... several players, if in the west those responsible for politics could each speak out independently, i think the situation would have been different, but they were all built, they were built by the americans, but to
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a very large extent by the british, i cited...
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everyone just says that putin is threatening with a nuclear bomb, although this has never been said, unlike the europeans, the americans, the same germans said, putin should know that we, too, have nato nuclear weapons, many times, the british, the former prime minister who said i’ll press the button without hesitating, but we don’t need to be scared. many people know this, you need to read the drawings more often, he has an aphorism about russian. how to deal with it, thank you, thank you very much, colleagues, just a diagram, thank you big, it was a press conference
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in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2024. now avtodor has called on drivers to address the issue of bad weather regions of central russia and the black earth region to refuse long trips due to the invasion of a new cyclone. the moscow city hall recommended that drivers in the capital use public transport today due to snowfalls. we'll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. she joins the broadcast. ekaterina, greetings. has this cyclone already manifested itself in russia in some way? yes , and in many. regions in the next frames there will be highways from the bryansk region, barriers have appeared on the roadway, visibility has been reduced to several hundred meters, the snowstorm began in bryansk itself, due to the strong wind, snowflakes
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are flying literally parallel. on the ground, unfavorable weather conditions in the kursk region, strong winds, snowstorms, visibility on the roads is no more than 400 m, the state traffic inspectorate distributed a video message to drivers on social networks. the state traffic inspectorate of the kursk region oriented its personnel and brought them as close as possible to emergency areas of highways. in order to prevent traffic accidents on snowy and icy roads, the state traffic inspectorate calls on drivers. so , a vast atlantic cyclone has approached the western borders of russia, the center of the cyclone is circling over the baltic, and the frontal sections stretch across all of europe, the cyclone is sandwiched between two anticyclones, the one in the west forces it to move faster, the one over siberia does not allow it to quickly pass to the east, the cyclone still makes its way, overcoming resistance, so the precipitation is intense, and the wind is very strong, naube...
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everything is superfluous to concentrate attention on the position of the frontal sections, that is areas where weather conditions are the most difficult. at 9:00 in the morning, a warm front approached the bryansk, kursk and belgorod regions and the smolensk region, the wind increased, gusts of 16 m/s, a snowstorm began, in the morning the zone of the most intense precipitation was still over belarus, but now it is moving across the central region. the cyclone will continue to move to the northeast and will move quite quickly. it will approach the capital region by 9:00 p.m. will cross the ryazan region, reach the saratov region, a warm front. in areas of intense precipitation, this at the moment, most of the central region, tverskaya, novgorod, leningrad regions will already be there. light precipitation will occur from the kola peninsula to the western regions of the volga region. well , tomorrow the system of atmospheric fronts will break through to the urals. the warm front will approach the kirov region by mid-day and reach the orenburg region. the volga region will also be in the cold front zone.
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intensive zone. precipitation will stretch out in a wide strip from the kirov to the voronezh region, at the epicenter, nastya will not again be the middle volga, the stormy wind will rise again there will be strong snowstorms, but the west and center of the country tomorrow will be in the rear part of the cyclone and here the precipitation will weaken and it will get colder again. there is heavy snow in kursk, wind gusts up to 15 m/s. by the middle of the snowstorm , the wind will intensify even more, the temperature will rapidly rise, by the end of the working day it will reach zero degrees, well, by night it will already reach positive values, and by this time the precipitation will turn into rain. in moscow, this evening there will be peak bad weather. now it's -10, completely cloudy, the wind is still light to moderate, but this won't last long. in the coming hours, light snow will begin, by the evening there will be heavy snowfall and blizzard, and wind gusts will reach 17 m/s. snowfall in the capital will continue at night and only in the morning
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will the blizzard weaken. during the day tomorrow , light snow is possible; during the day the temperature will rise to -1°; on saturday night, with the departure of the cyclone, the precipitation will stop, and the frost will increase to -13°. on saturday afternoon -6, cloudy with clearings. and finally, weather radar data for the last hour, blue tones are light precipitation, blue is of moderate intensity, green is the most dense clouds and the most intense precipitation. now it’s not only smolensk and bryansk. regions, but already kaluga and tula and these snow clouds are approaching moscow, but we continue to monitor their progress, yes ekaterina, well, we are preparing for a cyclone, let me remind you that ekaterina grigorova spoke about the entry of a new cyclone into the european part of russia.
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now footage from the kremlin. ruslan segievich. your company is known, how do you assess the situation, how do you work? vladimirovich, thank you very much for your time, please allow me report on the activities of the bamtenli stroy group of companies. let me briefly remind you of the history of the company: in 1975, by order of the ministry of transport construction , bam nalestroye was formed for the construction of all tunnels on the baikalur mainline.


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