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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the cost of transporting a standard container from china to western europe has almost quadrupled. anton dadykin, matvey popov, news! construction of a metro in the krasnoyarsk territory, as well as the construction of bridges between russia and china. these and other topics were discussed today at the meeting of the president with the head of the bam-tonel stroy most company, ruslan baisa. my colleague dmitry morocco followed the meeting and will join the broadcast. dmitry, greetings, what other projects were you talking about? yes, hello, in particular about construction a new tunnel on bamiye in the khabarovsk territory, its length will be almost 2 km. the construction of bridges and tunnels, roads and railways, as well as other logistics facilities strategically important for the country, was the topic of the meeting between the president and the head of the bamten construction group. ruslan baysarov told the head of state about those already completed. also
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new projects, in particular , the construction of the first two cross-border bridges between russia and china was successfully completed, evtoavtorozhny blagoveshchensk heikh, as well as the nizhne-leninskaya tundzyan railway. the construction of these bridges made it possible to attract new investors to the jewish autonomous region. the total volume of investments in local production reached 730 billion rubles. the company also began designing and constructing another railway crossing. between russia and china, which will increase the export cargo flow from yakutia and the amur region to 20 million tons. another key project is the already completed bridge across the zeya river. 13 months of contract period completed construction in the amur region of a bridge across the yakuzee with a total length of 10 km, 2 km of which is the bridge part. thanks to the decisions you made, we began to be worthwhile.
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moscow, nizhny novgorod, kazan, one of them, vantovy, was erected in ob'.
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this bridge is 8 months ahead of the contract period nearby, not far from there we completed construction 8 months also ahead of the contract period, the bridge over soro, a beautiful, beautiful bridge, yes very beautiful, we completed the nizhny novgorod region and the aichuvash republic connects, among the current ones the company's metro construction projects in the krasnoyarsk territory will employ 9,000 specialists at the peak of the project, which means new workers... for residents of siberia, as well as an influx of investment tax revenues. a total of 15.5 km of tunnels, five near-tunnel structures and four stations will be built, three underground and one above ground. another project that ruslan baysarov reported to the head of state is the work on opening a new tunnel on bama; it is being built in the khabarovsk territory in permafrost conditions. the length of the tunnel will be almost 2 km. vladimirovich, you took part in the malfunction of the second striker. of the dusialinsky tunnel, we will
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have a breakdown of the second dusialinsky tunnel, please take part, thank you, this is a great event for the tone of representatives, you know, thank you, the length there is 2 km, but the difficulties are that there is permafrost there, that is, there is no one shield does not pass, in addition, baamton stroimost is currently engaged in the construction of eight checkpoints on the borders with kazakhstan, china and other countries, and under the leadership of russian railways it is implementing the first stage creation of a novorossiysk transport hub on the black sea coast. upon completion of construction, its throughput capacity will reach 8 million tons of cargo. yes, dmitry, thank you. dmitry morocco spoke about vladimir putin’s meeting with the head of the bamton stroymost group. to other topics. the united states has thrown aside all the principles on which the joint dialogue on arms control was previously built. sergei lavrov stated this at a press conference following the results.
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2023, the head of the russian foreign ministry emphasized: new centers of influence are emerging in the world, which are ahead of the west in development. the conversation with journalists lasted about 3 hours and the situation was discussed. the most striking fragments of journalists have also accumulated quite a lot. collected by my colleague natalya solovyova. this is a press conference summing up the results of a year of events in the international arena in the past 2023. there were many questions, of course. today in the hall there were representatives of 35 states, almost 400 people, half of whom were our foreign colleagues, they and we, including, bombed sergei lavrov for about 3 hours with different questions, one.
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west from the malicious course towards comprehensively undermining russia's security. the middle east is another important topic. in the near future, the foreign minister will fly to new york to participate in a un security council meeting, where he will talk about the situation in the gas sector. according to him, long-term peace is impossible without the creation of a palestinian state, but he also touched upon, of course, the situation in yemen. the united states, together with... the british and some of their other allies, exceeded, simply violated trampled upon all conceivable norms of international law, including the security council resolution , which only called for the protection of commercial shipping, the bombing of yemen, no one
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authorized anyone, the exculpatory statements that come from washington, they look, you know how... it still remains on paper, we saw how the european union, france, germany, the united states, as soon as they realized that the russian-armenian-azerbaijani process
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was producing results in unblocking border delimitation routes.
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cooperation that will not be subject to any western influence, in particular the use of national currencies to service trade turnover is already somewhere around 90%. this process is going on... with many other countries, the question was, of course, about elections, one way or another, electoral procedures will affect almost half of the world's population, this year elections will be held in the usa, india, russia, and in some countries in the post-soviet space, our colleague from italy asked whether a special military operation would interfere with the elections on the territory of russia, according to foreign minister sergei lavrov, in no case, moreover, over these 2 years, that the special operation showed how... consolidated russian society is. natalya soloveva, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzayans and anna povetyeva. news. established. sergei
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shaigu came to the raduga design bureau in the moscow region to check how the state defense order was being fulfilled. the latest developments of the enterprise are related to the production of guided missiles. the power of one of the aircraft's missiles has reportedly been doubled. range up to 310 km. the minister instructed to increase the production of high- precision long-range aircraft missiles. 250 km, that ’s what i want to tell you about, 250 km, we generally need 300 inventory today, for this the first 300 km for 300, 310 km, that’s what we see today, that’s what we see today , for us, but at range, these work. the state duma and accounts chamber will conduct an audit in the housing and communal services sector. we are talking about heat and water supply systems managed by private
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investors. this instruction was given by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. we are faced with a situation where concessionaires operate in the regions, there are many complaints from residents, a large number of accidents, and there is no effective management system. it would be right for our control committee, together with the accounts chamber, to analyze the constitutional agreements on heat supply and water supply, so that we receive objective information about where everything is happening. built in biberevo at the request
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of local residents: there will be swimming pools for recreational swimming and for teaching children to swim, a gym, a buffet, and also a medical office. now about the weather in the highway they called on drivers in the regions of the center of russia's black earth region to refuse long trips because of the new cyclone. the moscow mayor's office recommended that drivers in the capital use public transport today because of the snow. meteorologist ekaterina grigorova has all the details. dips appeared on the roadway, visibility was reduced to several hundred meters, and a snowstorm began in bryansk itself. due to the strong wind, snowflakes fly literally parallel to the ground. adverse weather conditions in kursk areas strong wind, snowstorm. visibility on the roads is no more than 400 m. the state traffic inspectorate distributed a video appeal to drivers on social networks. the state traffic inspectorate of the kursk region oriented the personnel and... brought as close as possible to emergency-dangerous sections of highways, in order to prevent
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traffic accidents on snowy and icy roads, the state traffic inspectorate urges drivers of personal vehicles to refrain from the train if possible. so, a vast atlantic cyclone has approached the western borders of russia, the center of the cyclone circles over the baltic, and the frontal sections stretch across all of europe, the cyclone is sandwiched between two anticyclones, the one in the west forcing it to advance. faster, the one over siberia does not allow it to quickly pass to the east, the cyclone still makes its way, overcoming resistance, so the precipitation is intense and the wind is very strong. but let’s remove all unnecessary things in order to concentrate on the position of the frontal sections, that is , the areas where the weather conditions are the most difficult. at 9:00 a.m. a warm front approached bryansk, kursk and belgorod regions and smolensk region, the wind increased, gusts of 16 m/s, a snowstorm began, in the morning the zone of the most intense precipitation was still over belarus. but now it is shifting to the central region. the cyclone will continue to move to the northeast and will move quite
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quickly. by 9:00 pm it will approach the capital region, cross the ryazan region, and reach the saratov region. warm front. by this time, most of the central region, tverskaya, novgorodskaya, leningradskaya will already be in the zone of intense precipitation. areas. light precipitation will occur from the kola peninsula to the western regions of the volga region. well , tomorrow there will be a system of atmospheric fronts. will break through to the urals. the warm front will approach the kirov region by mid-day and reach the orenburg region. the volga region will already be in the cold front zone. the zone of intense precipitation will stretch into a wide strip. from the kirov to the voronezh region, the epicenter of ne nastya will again be the middle volga, the stormy wind will rise again , there will be strong snowstorms, and the west and center of the country will be in the rear tomorrow cyclone and here the precipitation will weaken and it will get colder again. there is heavy snow in kursk, wind gusts up to 15 m/s. the snowstorm by the middle of the day the wind will intensify, the temperature will
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rapidly rise, by the end of the working day it will reach 0°, well, by nightfall. and up to positive values, but by this time the precipitation will turn into rain, in moscow this evening there will be a peak of bad weather, now -10, completely cloudy, the wind is still weak to moderate, but this will not last long, in the next few hours it will begin to lightly snow by the evening heavy snowfall and blizzard, and the wind will be in the wind reach 17 m/s. snowfall in the capital will continue at night and only in the morning the blizzard will weaken. during the day tomorrow ... light snow is possible, during the day the temperature will rise to -1°, on saturday night with the departure of the cyclone the precipitation will stop, and the frost will intensify to -13°, on saturday day -6, cloudy with clearings, finally, weather radar data over the last hour, blue tones are light precipitation, blue is of moderate intensity, green color is the densest cloud cover and the most intense precipitation, now
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this is not only the smolensk and bryansk regions, but kaluga, and tula, and these snow clouds... are approaching moscow, but we continue to monitor their progress. the investigative committee of russia has charged in absentia almost 70 more citizens of seven countries who are fighting on the side of kiev. in total , cases against 600 mercenaries are being investigated. and on the eve of the russian defense ministry announced a strike with high-precision weapons on the temporary location of foreign fighters in kharkov. denis alekseev has all the details. for the temporary deployment point of the armed forces of ukraine and those on whom they count so much, nato mercenaries. we chose the building of an abandoned clinic, although the ukrainian chick immediately after the arrival of our missiles at the target tried to put pressure on pity, saying that the russians were hitting social objects, but the footage speaks for itself. inside, the interior looks more like a hastily built barracks; outside there is no evacuation, panic, or
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crowds of people, only rescuers extinguish the fire. the strike was targeted, on a specific wing. buildings are the result of another well-coordinated work of russian intelligence and missile forces, about a hundred people, personnel losses foreign mercenaries. on the evening of january 16 of this year, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a high-precision strike on the temporary deployment point of foreign fighters in the city of kharkov, the core of which were french mercenaries. as a result of the strike , the building in which the mercenaries were stationed was completely destroyed, more than 60 militants were killed, over twenty. regarding the death of its citizens, official paris is silent, because in the fifth republic mercenary activity is prohibited by law, but soldiers of fortune they prefer not to miss the opportunity to make money on the reluctance of the ukrainian population to fight against russia and go to the front line for decent money. political scientist xavier marot
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said in an interview with artir: paris turns a blind eye to this, because it is in the interests of nato. nato is forced to send mercenaries so that the front does not collapse under the onslaught of the russian army. a significant part of the ukrainian population does not want to fight against russia, but someone needs to fight and fight well, for this purpose foreign mercenaries are used. french there are still fewer british, poles or citizens of canada, where there is a large western ukrainian diaspora. acting in the interests of nato, french president macron openly announces the delivery of another forty long-range scalp missiles. emphasizing that we cannot, he says, allow russia to win, macron said at a press conference on january 16. a few hours before arrival at the mercenary base in kharkov. moscow knows more about the activities of mercenaries on the territory of ukraine than the west would like. from the fact regular targeted strikes on their bases, the investigative committee of russia constantly replenishes the evidence base with new
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materials about their crimes. as part of a criminal case about mercenarism. additional materials were received, on the basis of which another 68 foreigners from seven countries were charged in absentia. in total, criminal cases are currently being investigated against 591 foreign citizens from 46 countries. most of them are representatives of the usa, canada, georgia, israel, great britain, germany, lithuania and latvia. meanwhile, ukrainian defense minister umerov canceled his visit to france for security reasons. kiev intends to purchase french caesar self-propelled guns and is also asking to increase the production of ammunition. but with the latter everything is extremely difficult. the french senate calculated that the fifth republic produces 20,000 nato-caliber shells per year, but the inept hands of kiev consume such a quantity in just 3
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days. denis alekseev, news. the investigative committee brought charges in absentia against the former minister of finance of ukraine and the former head of national bank. along with other officials, they made the decision to launch the so- called anti-terrorist operation in donbass. what led to'? numerous shellings of populated areas of the lpr and dpr, as well as more than 900 people were injured. a good, interesting find, keep this in mind here are documentary sources, that is , this is an explanation of why they launched a special military operation, because they destroyed the inhabitants of donbass during this period and there are documents that testify to this. at the srednevsky shipyard today the keel-laying ceremony of the mine defense ship of the alexandri project took place. the future sea minesweeper will be named after the hero of the soviet union semyon agafonov, a participant in the great patriotic and soviet-japanese wars. the ship will become the twelfth in the line. the project
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was developed by the almaz central naval design bureau for the russian navy. these are ships of the new generation of minatoral forces, they are designed to combat sea mines. exactly 81 years ago, soviet troops broke the blockade of leningrad. strength of mind residents of the city on the neva has become an insurmountable obstacle for... said federation council speaker valentina matvienko. in her telegram channel she wrote: russia is a special country of civilization, which is also supported by the great blockade page of our history. i quote: this peculiarity of ours turned out to be completely unexpected, incomprehensible to the so -called civilized europeans, who then surrounded our northern capital under fascist banners. in other parts of the world, their plan would have worked, but the leningraders did not give up, survived and won. end of quote. the terrible siege of the city on the neva lasted 872 days. the residents of the city went through real hell, but were able to withstand the horror of those days and did not surrender to the enemy. about
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the courage of the perseverance of the leningraders and their liberators dmitry akimov. st. petersburg today remembers one of the most terrible and heroic pages in the history of the city. exactly today, 81 years ago, into the homes, and most importantly, into the hearts of the residents of the besieged city. hope has returned. on january 12, 1943 , operation iskra began, the ground forces of the leningrad and volkhov fronts supported by baltic fleet aviation , they decisively attacked the german army on the shliselburg-senyavin ledge. on january 18 , 1943, as a result of the offensive of soviet troops, the city of shliselburg was liberated and the blockade ring was broken completely... the destruction of the nazis on this section of the front remained for another year, but it was on january 18 that people realized that the worst was already over. the siege of the northern capital continued from
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september 8, 1941 and lasted 872 days. we are working on victory square, this monument is probably known to all guests of the city, who arrive in st. petersburg by plane. today, on january 18th, it is traditional to lay a ceremony here. you go to the monument to the defenders of the city, among the participants are social activists, politicians, representatives of law enforcement agencies, schoolchildren and , of course, defenders of the city, residents of besieged leningrad. it is worth saying that this is only the first solemn event in a series of memorable events. this year the city widely celebrates the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad. it is worth saying that this is only the first solemn event in a series of memorable events. in that leningrad widely celebrates the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of the city. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news from
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st. petersburg. athletes from russia and belarus who have been selected and received admission to the olympic games in paris will be re-tested with the participation of independent organizations. this was stated by the official representative of the international olympic committee mark adams. let me remind you that i could have announced it on december 8th. russian and belarusian athletes for the 24th games in paris in individual neutral status subject to a number of criteria, according to the decision of the executive committee, neutral athletes and their personnel must refrain from any activity related to the national flag, anthem, emblem or any other symbol of the russian federation, the republic of belarus, national federations or olympic committees, as well as from supporting the svon at any official event or in the media before, during and after the olympics. let me remind you that the summer olympic games will be held in paris from july 26 to august 11 this year. at the beginning of the year in russia
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interest in buying real estate has increased sharply. in the primary market, while the conditions for housing lending have changed, vera moroz will talk about trends and forecasts for this year. despite the increase in the key rate due to changes in the terms of housing loans, there are no fewer clients in real estate agencies. interest in purchasing housing on the primary market in early january increased by almost 60%. according to analysts, people most often want to buy an apartment in a new building in megacities. so, the demand is in moscow. increased by 77%. in st. petersburg at 54. however, not all potential buyers reach real deals. the number of those who entered into an agreement increased by 12.5 and 16%, respectively. in russia as a whole it is 30%. and even these numbers are quite lively for january - the real estate agency explains the floors. in january, banks gave the opportunity to clients who received approval to withdraw under the old conditions. with
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the old... the down payment for loans for new buildings increased to 30%, and the maximum amount became the same for all regions, up to 6 million rub. from july 1 of this year, preferential mortgages in the form in which they currently exist should end; only family ones will remain publicly available on the market. the developers are ready.
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no one refuses to reduce volumes. 2023 turned out to be a record year for the volume of mortgages issued, totaling about 7.800 billion rubles. vtb calculated. the secondary market also picked up pace, for example, in moscow there were 175,000 transactions, the press service of the capital’s rosreestr department reported. and this is the maximum for all the years of statistics. but in 2024 the issue housing loans will be reduced by at least a third. predicts. there has developed a dependence, including a psychological one, on preferential programs and any cancellation is perceived psychologically painfully, although the share of preferential programs, if you look at it monthly, does not exceed 30, sometimes 40% of all loans issued, optimization of this has been discussed for a long time, now it’s just right to the threshold when it is necessary to change these...
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while in the long term , experts in the field of mortgage lending cannot predict market hypothermia they are in a hurry and explain that a couple of months are enough for potential clients to adapt to the new realities of housing lending. ver moroz, nikolay lomakin, dmitry maslennikov, news.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.


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