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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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holidays with soul. we talked a lot about people of various nationalities who in the 18th-19th centuries found themselves in novorossiya and, creating their own colonies, developed these spaces and made them suitable for life. the manifesto of catherine ii opened the way for many of them to come to russia. on the permission of all foreigners entering russia to settle in whatever provinces they wish, on the rights granted to them, published in the summer of 1763 . before catherine, inozemtsev was invited to russia by other russian rulers, but it was her manifesto that laid the foundations for a large-scale migration policy that stimulated the development of vast areas of land by foreign colonists. the young empress, who had just ascended the throne. understood perfectly well
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that a large country with a then population of only about 15.5 million could not develop normally without an influx of fresh blood. knowing the expanse of the lands of our empire, a considerable number of which still remain idle, many of which hide inexhaustible wealth in their entrails, then to the proliferation of many manufactories, factories and other factories. great ability. in a word, in russia there are territories and riches in the depths. come and help us master it. the settlers were promised serious benefits. the main one is freedom of religion, which should not infringe on the interests of orthodoxy. the construction of their own churches was allowed only where foreigners of fellow religionists settled in separate colonies. the settlers were released for different periods of time. from
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all taxes and burdens, as well as from military service, they were promised ships for construction houses, the purchase of bread before the first harvest, livestock for the acquisition of agricultural equipment and craft tools. a special office of guardianship of foreign colonists, which was granted special powers, was supposed to take care of those who came to russia. its officials obliged. agitate for moving from capital cities to free lands, contribute to the creation of a favorable opinion about russia. the coming decades showed how prescient catherine the great was in her manifesto. as a result of the russian-turkish wars, russia annexed azov, kerch, yanikole, kinburm. in 1783, crimea became russian, and then the borders of the empire in the south were moved to the dniester. composition. russia entered vast
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spaces along the black sea coast, the construction of rinaslav, kherson, sevastopol, nikolaev began, and the development of the natural resources of donbass began. the knowledge and skills of foreign immigrants, their perseverance and hard work turned out to be very helpful. they not only changed the appearance of novorossiya, but laid the foundations for the multinational character of the population of these territories. at the end of 2000. twenty-third year, the 260th anniversary of the aforementioned manifesto of catherine the great was celebrated, about how this event is interpreted today in the story of anna efimova. russia as the ark of world civilizations for centuries. india - the countries of the middle east, latin america, europe - is the case when the appearance matches the content. guests arrived from...
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catherine's forum from different parts of the globe . the forum was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the signing of two important historical documents, the highest manifestos of catherine ii, on the annexation of crimea, taman and kuban to russia and about inviting foreigners to settle in our country. both have been around for more than two centuries; initially they were not interconnected, but as history has shown, they turned out to be complementary. the catherine forum is being held for the first time, despite this, it brought together more than 600 participants from 35 countries. this is a clear illustration of the fact that today politicians and diplomats are increasingly turning to historical experience, because it is more relevant than ever. the reign of catherine the great was a time of rapid expansion of the borders of the russian empire, access to the black sea consolidation on the southern borders became a priority state task.
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russia has never professed colonial logic, russia has never historically been a colonialist, and russia has never historically been a colony; this is an amazing, unique combination. crimea, taman and kuban became part of the russian empire in april 1783, according to the manifesto of empress catherine, with the glory of the bloodless annexation of crimea. belongs to the actual co-ruler of the empress, prince grigory potemkin. take care of maintaining calm in crimea, potemkin wrote. it is the will of the imperial majesty that all troops stationed in the crimean peninsula treat the residents in a friendly manner, without causing
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any offense. and if you look closely at this, you can see historical parallels with polite people of the 20th century. by the way, about the image of the referendum. centuries can also be found, then the so-called jury lists were distributed among the population, almost implying the right to choose, those who disagreed with the advent of the russian crown were sometimes forced were to leave, but considering that at about the same time, in the cradle of democratic freedoms in the usa, congress even approved an act on the resettlement of indians on reservations, which actually meant genocide, the difference in approaches is obvious, initially as...
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we will annex it, we will restore order there so that it was clear that crimea and all of new russia at that time were not at all a paradise. today's thesis our crimea was extremely unpopular even among the most advanced civil servants of the 16th century. working in the regions was considered almost exile to southern siberia. with the entry into the russian empire , craftsmen from the old world flocked to the peninsula and the adjacent territory of novorossiya. the italians began to return. the former genoa colonies on the peninsula were destroyed.
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italians rebuilt the moscow kremlin participated in the establishment of the first glass factories, german doctors and pharmacists treated royalty even under alexei mikhailovich, but it was from the middle of the 16th century that foreigners began to be invited to the country en masse to conduct their affairs under the sovereign empress catherine ii even created something like a prototype of a modern migration service, the office of guardianship of foreigners. this was on purpose. a department that was supposed to solve all the problems of migrants, and financial problems, and naturally, this is the environment in which some difficulties and some conflicts could arise, so to speak, it is clear that
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some offenses could be committed there, a separate story is the resettlement of germans to russia; by the 16th century, a united germany did not yet exist; instead, there were dozens are scattered. german states are quite densely populated. for german peasants, the opportunity to receive large plots of land for free was very attractive. not to mention the fact that a fellow countrywoman ruled the country where they were going for permanent residence. by the way, a descendant of the family of catherine ii. prince eduard von anald also came to the forum in moscow. you can say that for him it became a family event. we have gathered here precisely because we are united by catherine the great.
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groups, with the collapse of the soviet union, they, true, they flocked en masse to germany, but many still live in two homelands. russian germans, i always say, have two hearts. anna yafimova, valery savelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. fine.
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we will talk about the significance of catherine the great’s manifesto on inviting foreigners to novorossiya with our regular expert, historian, political scientist, rastislav ishchenko. rastislav, good afternoon. good afternoon. rastislav, this manifesto of catherine the great is what it was, a tribute to the tradition of invitation foreigners, or is it still forced? was responsible or even ahead of the european armies, because the streltsy army of ivan the terrible was actually the first regular army in europe, which means that during the 17th century
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europe came a very long way, which means from permanent mercenary armies, which were really convened only for the period of war, to permanent regular armies that served and trained constantly, and quite large ones. peter begins to create a regular army, a huge number of officers are needed, because there was no such army in russia, there simply weren’t enough of their officers physically.
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by the imperial center, yes, they were considered as lands on which commercial agricultural production would flourish , that is, what is still actively happening there, that is, in essence it was a forced step, yes, it was a forced step, you need to understand , what was it then, the southern russian steppes - they were not an earthly paradise, as they are now, it was a scorched territory in which they could still come, which means that some tatars there would be completely taken away, well , it’s even good there when ...
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were there any pros and cons in the end? well, are there any downsides ? can we say that in it, except for some, there is always, and any phenomenon always has one side and another side of the coin, that’s it.
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cannot take risks, it is being carried out, which means that appropriate measures are being taken, just as the americans took out the japanese, and the canadians during the first world war sent ukrainians to concentration camps, because they came there at one time as... ukrainian subjects, and canada, being the dominion of great britain fought with austria, that is, such internal contradictions arise, simply in comparison with the positive that the state receives from the settlement of lands, from the emergence of cultivated farmers, from the introduction of new technologies, from the emergence of commodity production itself in empty territories, which
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, well, there is simply nowhere to put them, but must be protected, this positive significantly outweighs all these negative aspects, especially if he knows in advance that these negative... centuries will be repeated today, of course, making some adjustments to it in accordance with today? well, first of all, today it’s still unclear, we need to is it possible to populate novorossiya on a large scale, that is , will it have to be done? yes, it lost part of its population, but it also lost part of its industry, how quickly it will now develop economically.
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buying or receiving some kind of housing from the state, yes, and if you have a normal paid job, attracting people there will not be a problem. thank you very much, it was very interesting. january is not only a month of long new year holidays, which today, in the bustle of working days, are already difficult to remember. january is. christmas holidays, festivities that turn the first month of the year into a period of anticipation for magic, joy and the brightest feelings. in a word, it’s time to remember folk traditions and leaf through the secular and orthodox calendars. christmas, old new year,
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baptism, favorite holidays from childhood with a special atmosphere, night service in the temple, christmas paradise. hearth light. on january 7, in any frost, it will be warm with this bright family celebration. on the thirteenth, carolers with sneezing, once again the new year's light and olivier, the feeling that now everything has definitely arrived. january 19 - baptism, immersion in wormwood, for some just hardening, for many cleansing of body and soul. these dates are not easy. entries on the pages of the calendar , which can be changed if desired, they contain the high sacred meaning of orthodox rituals and the age-old wisdom of folk traditions, they contain the memory of generations, the soul of the people, something that becomes part of us, even if we do not immediately realize it, but
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it turns out everything can be changed, or rather, moved dates in the calendar, in ukraine it is indicated that zelensky is an orthodox celebration christmas from january 7 was moved to december 25, when christmas is celebrated by catholics and uniates, baptism was moved, it will take place on january 6, and not on january 19. the main motive is not like in russia, not like the parishioners of the russian orthodox church, another attempt to renounce from the memory of generations a part of one’s own soul.
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in winter, the lights on the city christmas trees are lit , stabilizing , a fifteen-meter beauty was installed on lenin square in mariupol, in the first days of 2024, the residence of father
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frost was opened here, not for long, for only 3 days, but when how not to wish well-being for your beloved city for the new year? the twenty-second year, sometime in the twenty-third, active restoration work began, and in the twenty -fourth we are planning to generally sum up everything to the maximum, restore everything as soon as possible , and restore peace as soon as possible. in lugansk , the tradition of installing a christmas tree on the theater square was not interrupted even in the most difficult days of 2014-15; almost a thousand decorative elements were used to decorate the current twenty-six-meter new year's beauty. we came from androcyte specifically for the christmas tree take a look, i really liked the impression, it’s very beautiful, it really gives me such a mood.
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suffered, the enemy set himself the goal of inflicting as much harm as possible on the civilian population, but because he used cluster
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munitions, that is, there was simply no military expediency in carrying out these attacks. almost immediately after midnight in the first minutes of the new year , svatovo and lisechansk came under fire. fortunately, no one was hurt, the christmas truce proposed by russia was the ukrainian side did not support it, reports of shelling continued. january 5 elenovka, january 6 yasenovataya, makeevka, stakhanov. in the front-line settlements of the zaporozhye region, holiday services were canceled, everyone who wanted to attend the christmas service was transported to the berdyansk cathedral. every year there are more and more parishioners in orthodox churches in donbass. the proximity of military operations, the inevitability of suffering, concern for loved ones bring people to god, and on january 6th on christmas eve...
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we celebrate with family, with relatives, with loved ones, this such a tradition since childhood, we were instilled by our grandparents, we meet very much like this in a quiet, cozy atmosphere of a spiritual holiday, so we go to... ministers, so i think that the country of russia is more true, so it is better for us to follow our traditions, which are from ancient times ancient , going out into the square and shouting, chanting
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some slogans is easy, but then living by this slogan is difficult, that’s why it’s good to say today that december 25 is our christmas, but on the 25th no one in the temple did not go, the temples are like were empty, and remain so empty. and today , january 7, the churches here in lugansk in the donbass are filled with people, so in different ways, but at the same time without betraying traditions, they celebrated the new year and christmas in novorossiya and once again confirmed the unchangeable truth. the main value is to be with loved ones and family on such days. and they prayed and made wishes about one thing: in donetsk, in mariupol, in lugansk. grandma taught. christmas, the skies open. i tell everyone: “ i won’t ask anyone for these wishes, no matter where i go, everything they say: we don’t want anything, we want peace , we want it, as all people want peace... so
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that people can calmly live their everyday lives, peace, goodness, we really want everything to be decided, everything to end, for us it’s just without any tension or stress. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery saveli, typical new russia. this is all we wanted to talk about today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon.
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everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse worse. we realize that taxes are rising.
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i came to the zone of a special military operation by calling my heart, of course i was not suitable for my years, but as a military specialist i considered it necessary to be here in a difficult time for russia, i just took it and went to the military registration and enlistment office, such a time had come for russia that i had to get up again in formation with their former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers fought to the death during the great patriotic war. for our homeland, many, even children, fled to the front to get there, take up arms and fight this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be only ours, until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down, serve under
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contract. about the main events up to this minute in our news release. the ministry of defense reported that fighters from the southern group liberated the village of vesyole in the dpr. the army repelled 10 attacks in the ssu; zelensky’s formation lost another 860 soldiers and mercenary officers. seven destroyed tanks, 11 other armored vehicles, as well as 22 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly of american polish origin. rocket troops and artillery, as well as drones, hit two
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deployment points on...


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