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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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keeps up with the times, because technologies are developing rapidly, especially with regard to artificial intelligence, and russia occupies a leading position in this race, for example, the masterpiece neural network from yandex, which generates pictures and text, is in the top three among similar applications around the world . i can assume that next year russian solutions will compete on equal terms, that is, three or five leaders will be formed, including the united states. usa, china, russia, maybe even south korea, maybe someone else who can do it let them, they will compete to see who has smarter artificial intelligence. the creation of literary works by artificial intelligence is an inevitable phenomenon, experts say. such novels may well appeal to inexperienced readers, but alas, there is no depth in them. when the blog was written by 12 and said: today i am a genius, he himself did not expect that he would write this.
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you see, for him 12 was the same creative surprise, like uh, like everything else, but artificial intelligence can write well, even very well, but he will never not reach the level, especially in poetry, this is impossible, because outwardly everything will seem to be successful, in reality there will be no depth, the main thing is there is no subtext, there will never be a deep subtext in artificial intelligence in prose, in poetry , the novel takiya tower of sympathy by a japanese writer was written with only partial use of artificial intelligence, basically everything was invented by riya kudan herself, the only complaint is that she did not indicate the neural network as her co-author. association for the promotion of japanese literature, which awards the prestigious akutagawa prize, has not yet commented on this issue, as well as the kudan award in general. maria valieva and olga alvukhina, lead. alfabank was the first in
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king tastes better on fire, beloved chmona, ruler of the universe screwov, maria the hostess. either olya, or vera, sanya, sanya, return the mower, vika sherstenik, it doesn’t matter to whom you transfer or pay, the important thing is that there is no commission or restrictions. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel commissions for all payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. attract a lot of lawyers and develop a confiscation mechanism russian frozen assets, which will avoid destabilization of the global financial system. such statements from western officials are increasingly heard at the world economic forum in davos. according to reuters, g7 countries continue
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to discuss the possibility of confiscation, but some group members are concerned about the consequences of such a move. us special representative for economic recovery of ukraine, penepritsky. in fact, everything is very complicated, and the first thing you need to understand is that you will have to involve there are a lot of lawyers in the case. after the start of the special operation, western countries blocked both the assets of russian government agencies and private individuals who were under sanctions. in june of twenty-two, the us treasury estimated their value worldwide at approximately 330 billion dollars,
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of which about 300 billion are the assets of the central bank. most of the amount is in the european union, namely in the belgian euroclear. with these funds, the group earned about 3 billion euros in just 9 months of last year. the possibility of using frozen russian assets to help ukraine is being discussed in the west for a long time. the american foreign affairs committee of the house of representatives of the congress supported a bill that gives the us president the right to confiscate such assets and the secretary of state to transfer them in favor of kiev and international organizations. however, states simply do not have a full-fledged legal basis for confiscation. there will be an erosion of trust in the western financial infrastructure, and this is now, in principle , happening, because the same sanctions that the west is taking not only against russia, but in fact, today the west is leading an economic war against russia and against
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china, and against other countries, that is , one should not think that only sanctions are imposed against russia and sanctions are also imposed against chinese companies. european central bank. previously warned that using frozen russian assets to finance ukraine could pose reputational risks for the euro in the long term, and called on brussels, and i quote, to look beyond this separate conflict, and also look for other ways to finance ukraine. should be in february a family group meeting will take place. by this time, the states and the supporting united kingdom, canada and japan offered to prepare possible options, with germany, italy and france, as well as representatives. the eu stated that the legality of confiscations must be carefully assessed before any decision is made. at the same time, in december, the european commission approved a mechanism that provides for the use of taxes on income from frozen assets to help ukraine. belgium recently announced that
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technical work had begun to implement this offers. according to deputy head of the russian foreign ministry sergei ribkov, the idea of ​​confiscation is gradually taking on more concrete contours. moreover, the russian side. will certainly take measures if it comes to the realization of such threats, including those of a mirror nature. earlier , presidential press secretary dmitry peskov noted that the united states did not notify moscow about the support of the white house administration, decisions on the seizure of russian assets, while there are practically no channels of communication with washington. businessman oleg derepasko is confident in there are no legal grounds for the confiscation of russian assets frozen in the west, and the consequences for a country that decides to do this will be unpredictable. russia can also confiscate the assets of foreign companies on its territory, that is, quite a lot has been invested in the russian economy, according to various estimates from 150 to a trillion dollars, well, how
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to count, western experts believe that about 70% is already under control in one form or another russian government, fine. can agree on macro-financial assistance ukraine, we are talking about 50 billion euros for the period until the twenty-seventh year. germany recently announced that it will allocate more than 7 billion euros to kiev this year. the decision was made without any approval at the eu level, which caused discontent in the union. however, many experts, and, as western publications claim, a number of eu members and the uk, believe that european money is simply not enough to cover the needs for the restoration of ukraine. experts. other countries that it is better to store
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funds in independent banking centers in currencies other than the dollar and euro. this is me, maxim nikitin, the creator of nanocomputers capable of more precise... drugs into diseased cells , and this is the moment when i decided to become a scientist, we experimented in a real laboratory, then i wanted to make an important discovery, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties at uka.rf, in sportsmaster, prices are half, numbered and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes, a sore throat, this minus, among the advantages there is miramestin
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business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us! the tape guarantees the best prices on everything with red price tags over. conditions on the website, guarantee of the best prices valid in all hypermarkets with delivery, stable, low prices in the feed, they told me, you will dance with this house of culture, well, we danced and danced together, everyone sang in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zoevo, and another 200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. russia's concerned projects for solution. president and concerned people,
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a typical supermarket, it would seem such a common action to take yogurt for breakfast or buy a bottle of milk, but according to the latest study, the behavior of russians when choosing a product... began to change back in 2022 . analysts at the nafi center say that the popularity of the brand’s beautiful packaging is now of little interest to buyers. according to the study, choosing. buyers’ products are primarily focused on price , 82% of them, discount promotions are important for 88% of consumers, the vast majority reads the information on the packaging, here the buyer first looks at the production date, expiration date, studies the composition of the product, and only then pays attention to its weight or volume, at
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this is an already familiar product that the buyer has thoroughly studied previously; usually no one double-checks it. like the fine print in a contract. the already famous nine eggs, the usual 980 ml and 230-240 g. the trend for non-standard packaging came from abroad. manufacturers began to compress food and drinks, explaining that this is convenient for the buyer, according to the principle of bought and eaten immediately.
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this is taking into account urbanization in many countries, this is especially noticeable in china. if they don’t have enough time to cook in their kitchen, they switch to those packaged products that is called, unwrapped, eaten, so that there was no residue left, another thing, here are the packaging, which are marketing, just there 800, 900, this was due to the fact that visually the product would look cheaper, that is, it is here, but it was as marketing, because again when specifying honest. there is no consumer deception here, it is excluded, every buyer can count. this phenomenon is called shiringflation, a decrease in the mass, volume or quantity of goods in a package at the same price. eventually the consumer gets less product for the same money. such tricks are an illusion of stability and the manufacturer increases margins at the expense
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of the ordinary buyer, according to the ministry of industry and trade. previously, this concept did not exist among us. this. in general, the word is foreign, in our country any such attempt was always called in simple russian words: body kit or deception with all the ensuing legal consequences, that is, all this came to us from abroad, a survey was conducted at the center for the study of consumer behavior of roskachestvo. knows about shrinkflation technique only half of the respondents, one in five , see this as deception. most often, thinner packaging is noticed in the dairy and cereal departments. according to the study, now the standard size of a package of butter is 180 g . 70% of the products on supermarket shelves are of this volume. sour cream is popular in 300 g jars, almost a third of this format. cottage cheese is most often packaged in 180 g packages, yogurt in 260 g packages, and half a kilo packs of pasta are disappearing from the shelves.
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almost half of the market is 450 g packaging . classic liter. replace milliliters with grams is another manipulation of shringflation, and at the same time legal, they explain at the institute for the development of entrepreneurship and economics, it’s all about elementary physics, when converted from one system to another, products lose weight. due to the fact that the density of all these...
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is a reduced pack of 0.9 liters, in order to meet the monthly requirement of 10 liters, the consumer is forced to take not 10 packages, but 11, so he already overpays 10%, respectively the manufacturer wins 10%, and the visually reduced container may not differ from its twin is larger in size, but such a variation in volume is found in goods that form the basis of the grocery basket. last year in russia ... the packaging requirements for some products changed, no more 450 g or 980 ml, only fixed values. the prosecutor general's office achieved the amendment. changes in gost. now producers of butter and sunflower oil, vermicelli, salt, sugar, flour, rice, black tea and other essential products who want to declare
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their compliance with the state standard must use fixed values ​​for the quantity of such goods. for example, according to the new rules , buckwheat should be packaged in half a kilogram, 2 kilograms of milk, 200-250-500 ml, liter or 2 liters. so... there are 200 g ready to buy 100, who, for example , are ready to buy 400 and 400 g, for example, the format is very common now, the consumer is absolutely accustomed to it. the fat and oil union of russia, which unites enterprises that
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supply 80% of the russian market with vegetable oils, explains that non-standard packaging is a retail request, and production often has to adapt to such orders. two main packages, this is 1 liter, here it’s just 0.9 - this is our invention, let’s say, in our market, right? these are 1 l and 5 l, the two main ones, the two main volumes that are exported today, if we are talking about 0.9, this is an order item from retail chains, and here we need to look at the label stocks, respectively, the capabilities of the liter production line bottles, whether modernization is required there or not, depending on this, estimate the costs, well i think that these are relatively small costs that will be included in the price one way or another, and here experts agree on one thing, taking into account: packaging supplies for a single transition to the so-called honest liter and honest kilogram may require at least six months. confectionery factory in the kaluga
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region on an area of ​​almost 10,000 km, seven powerful lines. this one produces only oatmeal cookies. according to gost, tatyana shlykova has been in production for almost 20 years. the chief technologist tells how to add markings.
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one such conveyor can produce up to 20 tons of cookies per day, and reconfiguring such equipment to meet new gost requirements is unprofitable for the enterprise. reconfiguration of equipment. this is stopping the line, this is already a waste of time, but it takes 15 minutes more, well, depending on what kind of packaging, some difficulties may arise, this is of course a loss, firstly, the line is stopped, and secondly, this equipment is being reconfigured , this is equipment wear and tear, so we try to minimize it, that’s why we are expanding, purchasing new lines, so that one line produced only a similar product with similar packaging. meat processing plant in the krasnodar region. up to 30 tons of sausage are prepared here every day, more than 180
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types of products and many recipes are 20 years old, says the chief technologist of the plant , evgenia ignatenko. we are now continuing to introduce some new products, some novelties, in order to keep up with the times, we are learning a lot, as you already said, a lot according to gost, as it was 20 years ago. it is true, yes. we have a large sales volume of sausages produced in accordance with gost standards. self the word gost on labels does not mean that the packaging must necessarily change. there are many national standards , the requirements of the prosecutor general's office for compliance with packaging relate to only one single standard: 8.579/2019, but the ministry of brom and trade is ready to expand this requirement to ban all manufacturers of socially significant products from... retail chains that
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label on their shelves products that have decreased in sizes with special labels, they write that the volume or weight of this product has decreased, and the actual price from the supplier either increased or remained unchanged, and we are now also agreeing with our networks that they will follow the same path. products manufactured according to specifications are now more difficult to check than products manufactured according to gost standards. the manufacturer is not obliged to disclose the recipe, which means there is oversight. organs have fewer selection criteria. in the studied twenty-two brands of the product category sprats in oil, the declared and actual net weight did not correspond only in two brands. this indicates that the manufacturer that every third manufacturer does not report the main product. if the buyer has suspicions about the quality of the products, he can contribute to an unscheduled inspection with the help of rospotrebnadzor. this is a prescriptive
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claim. preparation of a statement of claim, which directly participates in the judicial protection of consumers, everything will be dictated by the specific situation and the circumstances that accompanied the compliance of consumers with their legal rights. companies resort to inflation to maintain their market share. however, sooner or later it will not be possible to retain the buyer by using such tricks, even if they are completely legal, to endlessly reduce the packaging. manufacturers will still have to reduce production costs in such a way as to return to the honest flossing customary to the buyer. my mother was 10 years old at the time, they told her
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about the petrified girl, the house on chkalovskaya street, we studied the medical archive, specifically in 1956, they said that in our yard a girl was dumbfounded , she was dancing there with an icon, and such a shameful miracle happened a phenomenon for us communists, they began to ask her, how did you stand for so many days, she said, the fire surrounded me, she walked by and said one word, kat,
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muhammad marandi, professor at the university of tehran. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. the first and most important thing is the revolution that took place in iran. the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control. the americans are always trying to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same concerns iran. i believe that the iranians have adapted, they are increasingly doing business and trading with countries in the global south. hoping confidently that in the future, the difficulties faced today by the iranian people and the good people of russia will lead to relief.
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about the main events up to this minute in ours. in a news release, the ministry of defense reported that fighters from the southern group liberated the village of veselye in the dpr. the army repelled 10 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, zelensky’s formation lost another 860 soldiers and mercenary officers. seven destroyed tanks and 11 other armored vehicles, as well as 22 self-propelled guns and galubitsa, mostly of american polish origin. missile forces and artillery, as well as drones, hit two locations
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of foreign mercenaries and four warehouses. missiles and ammunition.


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