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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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this is a combined arms army, so the exercise of a combined arms army in europe, i’m not sure that they will gather such a mass there, not even one, well, this is called an operational exercise, an operational exercise, but nevertheless, by the standards of the great patriotic war, especially its beginning, this combined arms army, this is a very large formation, look at what is being done in terms of technical support, i am absolutely sure that german technical groups are already finding...
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in fact, they even said yes, they only needed one and a half year, them there is a year left in order to reach a very high pace, so we must understand that yes, we have a shaman, this is of course wonderful, the west, like the west, like civilization, is shrinking , but he himself will not fall, he must be dropped, it’s beautiful, by the way, the french they said, no, no, no, no, no, we don’t have mercenaries there, well, france is helping ukraine with the supply of military equipment and military training in full accordance with national law. in france, not from
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hiring, not in ukraine, nor anywhere different from some others, that is, you have already refused from your dead, or those who died were not mercenaries, but active military personnel, who are some of the others, well, well, that’s understandable, french foreign ministry, advertising. this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, a beautiful picture, and most importantly , karooks, you can simply sing the entire film, i sang songs that i really liked, i liked the songs, i liked the artists, i sang along with the actors.
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i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole movie is just in one breath, the whole movie goosebumps are similar, your song can change the world for the better, at the same time funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, bullseye, bremen town musicians, now the best of our army in no in the world, and probably never was, one of the problems is the use of kamikaze by the enemy and pividron, accordingly we need to develop electronic warfare equipment, and what do you do with it , what kind of cover do we have for tanks, drive and use machine guns like a gun, the best. in 2 months it was
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destroyed 300 300 300 beautifully go to hell. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, honest and convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, the grandfather has not been found.
2:35 am
leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer , child, this is the work of your hands, open the laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there are resources about elections on the internet, the site is immediately up to date: information about candidates, elections, places and dates, results of electoral votes campaigns. wow, how technologically advanced everything is, you can see for yourself on the internet, having looked at the tsikrf portal, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
2:36 am
well when you say working, are they stopping? no, are they going to continue? yes, for ukraine after yesterday's meeting with members of congress? i think the vast majority members of congress support. the question is, at the moment when this happens, at the end of the us in iraq , explosions will sound after the explosion in verbili, sirens will sound in iraqi kurdistan. on the outskirts of the international airport, the de facto capital of the autonomous region of rbili, there was big explosion, al jazeera reports, what's going on there? well, that means regarding pakistan and iran, well, there won’t be any war between them, i think they would be understanding, the fact is that
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pakistan could not help but respond, yes, but it was as if he answered, you offended us, but we did you too obi a little, but in general we respect you, and we hit the same organization, as i understand it, which is located. this is a province in pakistan, 44% of the territory of pakistan occupies with a five percent population and sestan, this is in iran, yes, everything, nothing, and we could say, yes ok, some balochis, somewhere someone is being shot there and so on and so on, but the fact is that this is... again the struggle for global logistics, we see that ansaralu, which no one knew recently , what is this, suddenly she taught that, excuse me, many european sectors of the economy are in a difficult situation, there is no supply of auto parts from china, from other asian countries, to the largest automakers in europe, which means
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that kadr has stopped supplying lit gas along this route and in general god knows what 's going on, but now it's a question of logistics, it's a matter of that geographically this same belonuzhestan and these same... chinese headache, the chinese at one time believed that we would give money to the pakistanis, we would give gwadar 49 billion dollars and we would exploit it, we would go there to africa from there, and we would go through gwadar they are also connected through the northern ugur autonomous region, through karakarovsky. access there later to south china, it turned out that it was not so simple, these same balochs, who have a lot of different terrorist groups, there, i won’t list them all, there is a front liberation of baluchistan, the army, etc., and so on, they have now launched a large-scale rebel war, and
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almost every month they either fight something with the chinese or attack, and so on and so forth, the problem arises where we invest money, what what to do with this logistics, but for us it is important that in the neighboring iranian sestan-biljstan... there is the port of charebahar, where we are also striving, we say, now we will lay everything there, we will lay it there, and we will do it right, thank god, the north - the south will work, maybe yes, and we’ll trade with india, with southeast asia, we will go to africa, but the fact is that exactly the same events are happening there, so this is important for us, now there is a struggle, by and large, for control over logistics systems, will the americans to control these structures in order to undermine such a system, by the way, the chinese have a significant part of it... the program is one train, one track, that’s exactly where it runs, so to speak, yes, where such problems have arisen now, i think, yes, by iranian version, the united states, its allies, let's call it that , support these terrorist groups, they do their best to destabilize the situation so that, well, the situation in this
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region, according to their version again, as for kurdistan, the baluchi separatist organizations are connected with the kurdish ones, although this, well, this is on the other side of iran, as they say, they are also supported, backed by the united states. and israel and that they are using them, but now interesting things are emerging after these attacks and so on, it turns out that the americans are also planning to create their own proxy, well, you know, this one is peculiar. in the american way, but they see that the iranians are working, they were sub-creating there, especially, they dream of creating a big proxy in the form of iraqi kurdistan, yes, they are already saying, well, the federal government in baghdad is saying that it is necessary to invite the early stay of the american, to stop not to stop, that’s one question, but already in erbil the leadership, represented by the kurdistan leadership, the barzani and masour families in barzani and nichervan in barzan, are saying that we don’t need americans to take them out, we love them, they are good to us , under no circumstances should we go out, we are there without... we can’t, and the us congress is immediately discussing the issue of strengthening, that is, financing the possibility of creating on
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the territory of iraqi-kurdistan, a powerful missile defense and air defense system against iranian drone missiles, the issue of the plan comes up immediately, it means people work there too, why not on the territory of the entire iraqi kurdistan and this population is 11-12 million people, just in case 85,000 km, this is a large territory with oil with all the affairs, it is impossible to create the so-called only pishmerga, the peshmerga is armed... destabilization of iran and not only iran, we have things that affect it very seriously
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, we say, if american troops leave iraq, who how will it be supplied in syria and so if this happens there is a small 8-10 kilometers and these are those kurds who love turkey or who don’t love it very much means there very much who erbit loves turkey very much very much they are somehow just they traded there and they are now selling mefty. calmly and iran also loves it a little, this is sulaymaniyah - this is the talabani clan then not everything is simple there , but they say in the end we will measure them, everything will be very good then they get entry there then the desire can find kurds who definitely don’t like anyone, well yes, everyone loves money.
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that you can act on your own, but as for pakistan and iran, well, they have one enemy, it’s called baluchi separatism,
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which is really very strong, well, let’s already achieve the situation in this region, when i i worked at a newspaper, my editor called everything complicated and incomprehensible kurds, and asked me to just go without the kurds, okay, so i’m now without the kurds, indeed, as for the exchange of pleasantries between pakistan and iran, belushian separatism is not a new topic. caused a lot of trouble for the iranians and pakistanis, and indeed china there is also quite alarmed by the beluch factor , there is a china-pakistan economic corridor and the baluch have generally vowed not to allow its construction, so to speak they said we don’t need any democracy or projects or jobs, we need a future for our people, but the pakistanis need money, and the chinese have this money, they are ready to invest it, but they won’t...
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defeat hamas, destroy hamas, this means that it is not israel, well, of course, with the assistance of the cia, who, with the assistance of the cia, took up terrorism, in principle, israel has always been doing this, so here, as if i have no evidence, but it’s difficult to refute, we all know that when israel needs to eliminate some nuclear physicist, he
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does a great job, well, and so on and so forth, in general, said, done, israeli... i beg your pardon, iranian intelligence worked, in my opinion, quite well, because well, the strikes that were inflicted on iraqi kurdistan on assyrian idleb, in the end, on pakistani terrorists, they did not start the third world war, that is, they were quite careful, but at the same time they really eliminated those who, in the opinion of the iranians, were involved in a specific terrorist attack, today abdullah in davos said that these blows are not worth ours. yes, ballistically means connecting with what is happening in the gas sector, but he meant there is no direct connection, but indirectly, of course, there is, this is all a fight against those who do not want to let iran, and then china and russia in brackets, develop, and it’s good that you started with satanism, but really, really the point is, the point is the satanists, who today find themselves in a very difficult situation, for a very long time they managed to ride on
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this satanist doctrine, well, there’s only one of them a well-known american satanist , there is also a church of satan, with a monument to baphamet such a lavey described, in general, do what gives you pleasure, and if someone bothers you, destroy him, but this is one of the rules in their satanic bible, they are very for a long time they did what they like, what gives them pleasure at all levels, starting from pedophilia, ending, therefore, with theft, genocide of other peoples, and so on, but, however, you understand, satanism does not imply sacrifice,
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in general yes, and give them a foothold, and they were given a foothold, the comrades iranians gave them a foothold, and we see what these far from the most powerful guys did, indeed yemen is a country where 70% of the population, again, thanks to the gentlemen satanists, needs humanitarian assistance, the people there dying from cholera 21st century, people have been bombed for years, a coalition led by the united states of america, but... not satanists, believers, religious people, people who have a goal, and this goal is much higher than them, they, here we are yesterday discussed the phenomenon with one of my colleagues houthis, why, why, why were these people able to, i beg your pardon, bend the hegemon , how did it happen, well, not only geography, yes, it’s clear, this is the neck of a bottle, it’s clear, yes, the red sea, everything is clear,
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this is babelmandyp , yes, but not only, but there must be something else, here i am... this friend of mine explains, says: abast, you understand, they believe in god, they have an understanding that yes, here husi was the boss, they killed him there, his brother came, now they are trying to kill him too, but everyone knows the rules of the game, which are not written down a specific person, but the lord god, in principle, whether a boss, a subordinate , a stormtrooper, an officer, no matter who, they know that the rules are the same, but... they were not written by man, and we follow these rules, it doesn’t matter if they kill whether they are our commander there or not, qasam soleimani was killed, but an equally professional person came to his place, nothing changes, i’ll just clarify for our viewers that soleimani was not a houthi, no, well, the iranians, yes, i, i mean mind that it was destroyed, again believing that now everything would collapse, hussein
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al-houthi was the founder, i just put it together.
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in your mind, you have a ton of your own problems , to which he laughed and said, yes, and america, that means they live in the same house with israel, and britain and israel live on the same landing, it was actually interesting there, when did they hit the next one? strike on evin , it was said, but we did it absolutely rightly, it threatens our national security than absolutely, that is, this is what the range of the missiles should be, but in one thing they are right, so that they reach washington or something finish? everything is a little deeper and wider, they are right, in fact, the houthis threaten their national security, and the dollars threaten, they threaten the image of the americans in
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the world, if the americans do not solve the red sea problem, they will show weakness, they will show weakness, in the background, okay, if this had happened 20 years ago, you know, but against the background of how they were leaving afghanistan, against the background of the fact that they achieved nothing in iraq, achieved nothing in syria, cannot achieve anything in ukraine. or maybe they are just really weak, and the main weakness is not military, and intellectual, of course, well, because they called scholz’s liverwurst, and he’s just jellied meat, he’s just real jelly, compared to brawn, this is a powerful brawn, compared to these two, no, the thing is that with blinkin, the american armies, they cannot find an opportunity to fight hamas, hezbollah.
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they are live, this is some pretty serious program in prime time , they call iran the axis of evil, well, iran is all that, yes, but how can the houthis treat those who call them the axis of evil, that’s what i’m saying, in general, i think it’s time to create, i encourage this in every program, so i think that it is necessary to give the opportunity to train a small korean, north korean partisan detachment, a few chinese, there is no need to take many, a couple of million people at most, a platform for the exchange of experience. yes, absolutely right, no more, just no more. well, really, why more, right? of course, no more, nikolai nikolaevich. yes, vladimir rudolfovich, when they talk about the death of general
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soleimani they always think only about iran, but i i remember that the day before the death of general sulaymaniyah, the chief of the general staff of taiwan crashed in a helicopter, and the next day the chief of intelligence of kurdistan. and so you know, it seems to me that all these operations and these regions for the united states are somehow connected. and are much closer to each other than we might think, yes , that is, here is just a retrospective of the quarter that was before, a coup attempt in sri lanka, where the chinese port of hambantota for 99 years, today it is gwadar, this is the chinese port of chahbahar, too this is the port where the chinese interests, where iranian oil is loaded , which goes, before that the hustites, and before that , in fact, a border clash on the china corridor, the indian ocean, they are. is this all one big strategy of the united states, which has already declared an unspoken cold war on china, which is no longer similar to a cold war, in fact, it is a hot war against our chinese
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partners, it seems to me perfectly... they understand what is happening, for in general , the iran-pakistan clash is some kind of nonsense, because, firstly, two members of the sco, pakistan since 1917 , iran since last year, which means there is no such country in pakistan and there is no country that would be loved in pakistan like iran, because it is also a muslim country, accordingly, there are public opinion polls there up to 70 %, and what’s interesting is that now the elections in pakistan will be on the 8th, which means february, and the parliament there will change and, as a result, choose. to the united states, because if the conflict flares up now, pakistan will forget about india, which means it will completely reorient itself on some kind of anti-russian, anti-iranian axis , he will forget about china, that is, it essentially kills from it would not be necessary, it would not be necessary, yes, but i will remind you that imrankhan, who was demolished in pakistan, he came first to vladimir putin on february 24 , which means that before that he
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was set up at the olympics in beijing, where he was also a guest, so he showed his pro-chinese and pro-russian position very clearly.
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hello, i'm boris akimov. and i, oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts we we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific
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stories. i am not a specialist in the middle east, directly, i understand that a blow to chinese logistics, where the port of gwadar needs
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chinese and iranian oil, means. balochistan has always been and the balochistan liberation army has set its goal to expel chinese influence from these territories, that is, they are actually waging a proxy war, the americans want to create a deologistan on this territories, to wage a proxy war against chinese interests, one belt and one road, this is happening now, it’s already the twenty-fourth year and the houthis, the iranian-pakistani, means resistance, what’s next, well , that is, there is no positive trend, but the fact that shamans are appearing in davos, it seems to me that everyone has already understood how this will all end, it’s not that it’s not good, but it’s scary, that there will be a recession in all these territories and so on, an important point to focus on, at least just literally one minute, now we are all in some kind of false - construction that the united states will now leave and it is not enough for the united states to leave immediately; some ideal world will appear, will not appear, then a world will appear that will...


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