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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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it began again in the segment of western networks after a press conference, zelensky’s press conference in davos, about the complete absence of weapons, and there zelensky began to sign for the whole world that the world was short of weapons, and the entire collective west did not have ammunition, and not just me, the head of the rainbow icb immediately appears and says: and we have increased high-precision weapons eight times, the hero of russia boris abnosov appears, and we have significantly increased the production of such missiles, such, such... and we are increasing the range of destruction all thanks to the chips from the microwaves of the washing machines, and the ones that were picked out, and i just wanted to draw attention to how the voices around this whole news event, especially the western media, were disintegrated, because russia ended up in second place, the american rating, that is, conducts its american military portal is quite well-known and experts participate there every year, according to their application, there are more than 100 experts from dozens of countries around the world. russia, these are the
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experts who, sorry, crap themselves with his predictions for this year , how the ukrainian year will end, well, in the twenty-third year, it was precisely this news that caused a reaction in the west and in ukraine, but how can that be, we are rolling them away, we are rolling away during the conflict against russia, the russian army, but there this strange definition of the strongest army was pushed forward, i tried to argue with my colleagues about this on my site. portals, that is, how can you determine the strongest army? you can determine the combat capability of an army; based on the level of combat capability, there is only one army now on a planet that can call itself the first, this is an army whose 64,000 -strong group is constantly in the combat zone , this is the russian federation, america has not fought with its real army, since the 2000s, pmcs are present in all hot spots, not essentially inactive us armed forces, again britain.
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which has traditionally always been in the top five, fell to tenth place, surprising many, because britain is perceived here as something other than the second military force in europe, european space, at least, but the americans themselves put it in tenth place, but one more thing, if we evaluate the strength of the army, let’s count the personnel of the armed forces and the amount of military equipment, and here china, the israeli army are in what place, in thirteenth, yes no, it was, but it was somewhere in the seventh eighth, that is... the americans, the american experts, arranged the places very interestingly, but in the last ranking we were not in first place, now they have moved us to second, no, we never been on the first month never, always been americans, the question is different, that probably for the first time the americans, together with their media and analytical circles, admitted loyalty and even pointed out to the americans that guys, you are not the strongest army, where you are fighting, actually, you built the bass .
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the army in the world of israel cannot cope with hamas, which is not even a state; neither one nor the other has close all the branches of the military, that is. fall out there, but then how do they make estimates, with whom, when did the british fight, that year, but that was when and won this war, but it is possible that the coming years will punish, well, there is now a guy with a chainsaw saying, return our islands, by the way, falkland in area is half of crimea, this is quite a serious land base, so to speak, and this entrance to the acus zone, because it is the skonklands that will be bred. yes, at
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the same time, israel is fighting with hamas in the gas sector, which is the size of donetsk, so slightly, and the army, which it considered almost the best army, is fighting against people, who, politely speaking , have nothing serious except character, and the result is completely unconvincing, not a single one of the stated goals of the israeli army was achieved, not a single one, well , as if understanding that the ground operation had to end. in a few weeks , as the israeli side itself promised, i remind you that the complete destruction of hamas was supposed to be before the end of '23, and the release of the hostages, and the release of the hostages, ends in january of '24, there is a depression in the western military-political world, in in public - they go overboard, but why did this happen, well, the biggest blow, of course, is why the russian defense-industrial complex wins in competition with the collective west? these questions are not included in
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the consciousness of the collective western man in the street, how can 50 capitalist states with a huge number of military productions lose to one state called russia. in the face, although mind you, at the voting on the tauros there were german parliamentarians who remembered the 27 million dead soviet citizens, and what russia would do once again with germany, they reminded the germans, the germans are watching our program, yes, if
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they don’t stop doing what they decided to do, and macron apparently isn’t watching, well, they didn’t vote, okay, so marya vladimirovna zakharova said that they called the ambassador france in russia. how they got their ass in africa, they just kicked them out, they couldn’t solve a single problem, well, you see, they don’t give mirages and, so to speak, they don’t give it to rafale, they just brag. please, at the beginning of the program we watched a short excerpt of zelensky’s speech, where he said that the people of ukraine make
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decisions, they correct the process there. today i talked with the people of ukraine, talked with the people of kiev, with the women of kiev, we talked for a long time, in principle. obtaining this document, and not just a document, now i’ll tell you the prices in kharkov, kiev, dnepropetrovsk, they have already exceeded 5,000 dollars and reach up to 70 thousand dollars for wealthy people, well, in
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particular, those who have businesses there, farms and so on, who have business in poland, in bulgaria, here who need to constantly go there, they are not traveling, but that means... they say that for this money you are given an official document from the medical commission indicating the diagnosis , data is entered into the database of the ukrainian border service indicating that this person has the right to freely travel outside of ukraine , some villager there will have 50,000 dollars, but he won’t have 1.00 dollars, but those people who feel great with money, so it’s like this is one such topic, the second topic , means... dissatisfaction with the wives of military commissars, tsk employees, and the wives of officers of the armed forces of ukraine is growing , that is, kiev residents are already joking if you see somewhere near the kiev shopping and entertainment center a lady comes out with bags full of branded items,
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gets into a beautiful foreign car, but this is with a large share most likely, it’s either the daughter-wife of a high-ranking officer of the armed forces of ukraine , who is sitting somewhere in the rear, or it’s the daughter... starting from libetskaya there, but nothing, nothing, they’ll soon sniff it, it’s like the bolsheviks built it poorly, so that’s what they’ll tell you, they say, here they say, well, nothing has even changed in kiev since soviet times, absolutely, they say, it would seem, well, there’s money, well, change it, it’s cold, pipes are breaking, people are freezing here,
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that means and uh, what’s the problem, fix it, i say, why can’t they, i say, so they tell me, the fact is that those who understand all these old soviet... systems, they are all over 70, and those, who are young, they are either already in the ground, or in europe, or at uboy, somewhere near avdeevka near kupinsk, that is, something like this. the problem is yes, and of course the main thing is, firstly, due to the fact that men quit their jobs because they are afraid of mobilization, and it is almost impossible for women to find a job, women are offered jobs without pay, i don’t understand, if the men quit, why it’s impossible for women to find a job, i explain, women are offered a job, well, it’s like gender inequality, but they offer the next job, that is, you don’t get a rate, they tell you either 50/50, some kind minimum rate and a percentage of what you trade there, you will earn there, or just a percentage, you come, this is how much you
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pay, they say, well, this is how much you trade or how much work you complete, we will pay you a percentage, that is, no longer such a thing as wages , this is a big problem for them, and the main thing, of course , no, no, now there is one, i read obtiaronovich, his fighters were completely faced with the women’s unit, so they get money, they get it, that is little destruction. watch the program with solovyov there , watch the news there, russian programs he says, but most people, especially the older generation, they are in some kind of suspended animation, it’s just psychosis, and it accompanies them everywhere.
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well, all this sewerage, everything came out , he says, well, yes, he says, and i say what i say, nothing has been removed, he says, well , what are they waiting for, when spring probably comes, everything will melt and somehow go into the ground, that is no one is doing this, the flowers will grow like that, i was amazed by the video, i think many of them we saw when they show the kiev metro, and there is a part of the section where it comes out, well, from the tunnel it goes out into the open area, and where people just sit like that in...
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this is what i studied, i went to the embassy website today of the chinese people's republic in ukraine, the latest news there is dated november 21, 2023, according to information even from ukrainian open sources, the ambassador has not been seen since december of twenty-three, that is, even if you read not only how sasha spoke for the chinese media, but even western media, they started talking there even from arakhamia, who are they anyway, when...
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50% of some russian troops, yes, yes, that is, well, i don’t see the point in discussing this nonsense, by the way, it surprises me every time, that is, people quite seriously believe that, say, the soviet army of 1944 was weaker than the army of 1941, well, yes, they think so, but they don’t know history at all, that is, at all, no, they don’t know that they don’t know, they don’t know that in 1945 on... may 9 the number of the red army there were 16 million people actually, but when zelensky declares that he is in charge of ukraine. then he needs to quote gogol, who at one time wrote that he leads, and therefore leads with his hands , that is, well, in reality, the head of state should rule the country, not the leader, well, for him it’s like too hard a science, that’s the only thing, what he’s doing there, that ’s basically what he’s been doing all year, he ’s just selling the idea of ​​war, war with russia, well, how does this idea sell in
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in certain circles, well, every month it sells worse and worse, so we have to invent some new forms. you present this information, well, here he is, like a talented actor, trying to present something, well, every time it gets worse and worse, and there in the same states, for example, i see, there is much less support for this concept than in europe, yes, that is , scholz is inadequate there, or macron there, yes , they are ready there, as i understand it, to end their political career on radio ukraine, well, i don’t know, but that’s how the bundestag voted against, the party of 600. overwhelming, while even those who publicly spoke out for, no, well, let’s just say that when she votes, she is afraid, when the tzimer speaks, your friend alexander sosnovsky will tell you that there is an even greater version that in this year there will be re-elections in germany, so scholz will simply go to hell no, scholz
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will go to hell obviously, but the very fact is that the votes were so broken up, in my opinion there are 176 for, and 400 something. march 31, that is, the day when legitimate powers end zelensky, and what will happen exactly on april 1 , and what will not, is clear, but what will his western curators do, well, in this situation, there are, in my understanding, three versions, that is, either they will, as they say, peredon will insist on re-elections , or they will...
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well, you can still get her out, okay, who is this, it’s really just curious, what will happen and the second thing i wanted to say now is this wonderful law about mobilization, there everyone all thinks that the main thing is about some restrictions there bank transfers, there are some kind of prohibitions on this and that, in fact there are two or two pitfalls, well, those that essentially solve all the problems, the first thing is that it is written there that women will be drafted at will, but ... well, they put everyone on the military register, which means that they are prohibited from traveling abroad, that is, this state is a concentration camp in its purest form, that is , no one will go anywhere anymore, the second thing is that guys from 18 to 25 years old instead of military service , they will be required to conduct some kind of five-month military courses, that is, accordingly, all of them, as i understand it, after this course they will go somewhere near avdeevka, or somewhere, well, or somewhere, well,
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or somewhere in this direction, so they will accept him, as they the other day they adopted a law on rays with... you and i have a position as the bolsheviks , the worse the better, it fits in this situation, well
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, it’s just a shame for the ordinary population, who in many ways, and who are the ordinary population? well, pensioners, for example, are there, but according to my calculations, there are some left, well, if there is a kind of calculation of the population according to the norm and consumption 20-22 bread, but a maximum of 25 million, of which 10 are pensioners, let’s say. europe, he said 7 million left for no matter, yes, he says, yes, why did he name this figure as what, as an argument, he says, if you don’t help me, if you
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don’t help us, putin will further seize part of ukraine or the whole, respectively, a much larger number of millions of ukrainians will come to you, so use your brains, use your brains, just quickly and quickly, you showed penchuk and his forum, in general the oligarchs in this... conflict, you know, they are a special class a special case, how they behave, over the last 2 days, let’s say, pinchuk is the same as what he said at the forum that he finances, he said a simple phrase: the west is not giving ukraine, the west is giving ukraine too few weapons, time is running out, for breakfasts, for breakfasts that he financed, he gathered all these guys and, over there, i don’t know, scrambled eggs or champagne or not, he announced that you understand, you give...
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in ukraine itself, the only thing is the poles he was harmed when the periodic border was closed, he also suffers, suffers because the pipes don’t go down so easily and so on, but god bless him, this is the oligarch pinchuk, today the oligarch poroshenko, and part-time leader of the faction in parliament and the leader of his own party, also reported, he went to lvov, met with his community, told, told, told, then he gave this figure, he says, actually... here me and marina, our fund, our fund, gave 3.6 billion hryvnia to the front, about 8.3 billion rubles, this “i,
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” he says, and marina poroshenko, so we financed it, to whom does he report this, to whom is he reporting this, in order to explain where the money was made, no, volodya, lviv is poroshenko’s patrimony, it is the lviv region that voted for him, first of all, he tells them that look, you see what a hero i am, i’m going to the front gave money.
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we have idiots in ukraine, there are many of them, but the biggest idiot is kuleba. kuleba says , today he declares, we will demand, hear, we will demand the establishment
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of a direct connection between zelensky and... he tells me, he left ukraine for europe, and he tells me: dmitrievich, you understand, you he says, remember, we served with you in the soviet army and celebrated 100 days before the order, i say, we remember a long time ago, there was such a real thing, there is the minister of defense , there is such a tradition, 100 days before the order, we are still waiting, and he says, it remains 72 days, i say, 72 days until what, he says until march 31, 72 days, and i say, and then what,
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and then he says there will be demobilization, but... the furniture will be different for everyone, but note, the oil in this there is no time to eat, absolutely correct, everyone served, that’s all, see you on sunday, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the application or on the website. a female company appeared in positions in the ssu. ukrainak in military uniform was spotted on the kremensk sector of the front. this is what our servicemen told the news agency about. special forces soldier akhmat , call sign hades, says that his units heard women's voices. at first they thought it was acoustic traps, and then radio interception, and yes, there was a women’s company in the trench opposite . the women's company entered the swamp, consisting
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exclusively. and, as far as i know, they don’t have the mobilization of women, which means they are women volunteers, we haven’t encountered anything like this yet, of course, they are armored personnel carriers, they are snipers, there are enough of them there , an all-female company, a female company on the line of combat contact, what happens, the troopers can’t to drag a sufficient number of men into the trenches, or is this a calculation of the ukrainian commanders, saying that a compassionate russian soldier will not shoot at a woman? so here is the answer from the front line: we are not fighting against children, old people and women, we are not fighting against the ukrainian people, but if a person took a weapon, then this is already an enemy for us , the enemy has no gender, the enemy will be destroyed, there will be combat contacts, there are no such sentimentalities, there is an enemy, he is destroyed, i emphasize, regardless of what gender he is, these are the plots to agent
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deuchevelli, training ground. well, it’s clear that there are greenhouse conditions there, they live indoors, just imagine, she shoots from a machine gun, the breeze blew, these long hair swayed and hit the shutter.
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she throws a grenade there really is a dummy here it is he almost throws it at his feet , what effect is the ukrainian command expecting ? i think that this measure, well, in no case will help the ukrainian army, i think on the contrary, it will create very serious problems in the trenches - this is not at the training ground there, the reality of war is damp , cold here, it’s good i would like to ask that female company on... the kremensk sector of the front, how the snipers did not spare them there, well, imagine, a heavy rifle on the shoulder, but you still need cartridges for it, sometimes large-caliber ones, a woman cannot carry away an ammunition supply of 100 such cartridges, so who or what ukraine is pushing the kvakop, remember the dill propaganda video where a woman with a rifle on her head finishes off a wounded russian soldier with a sickle, so much hatred, here’s your answer, welcome for...


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