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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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ivanovka, kherson region. as a result of the actions of russian troops in this direction, the enemy lost up to 325 military personnel, three tanks, 29 vehicles and 25 field artillery pieces in a week, killed and wounded. within a week, 21 ukrainian military personnel surrendered, 14 of them in the southern donetsk direction. it was shot down by russian aerospace forces aircraft and air defense systems within a week. six tactical missiles.u, jadam guided bomb, 11 rszzo al rockets, 62 rockets multiple rocket launcher systems, haymarс and uragan, as well as 274 unmanned aerial vehicles. in total, since the beginning of the special operation, the following have been destroyed: 567 aircraft, 265 helicopters, 10,894 unmanned aerial vehicles, 450 anti-aircraft missile systems... complexes: 14,686 tanks and other
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armored combat vehicles. 1,202 multiple launch rocket system combat vehicles, 7,788 field artillery pieces and mortars, as well as 17,617 units of special military vehicles. russian foreign policy influence. corresponding to it the state concept, approved by the president in march last year, became the main topic of the operational meeting of the permanent composition of the security council. vladimir putin held it via video conference. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will talk about the implementation of the provisions of the foreign policy concept of the russian federation. please. the french ambassador came to smolensk square today in an attempt to explain. where did
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the french mercenaries come from at the base in kharkov? let me remind you that this week it became known that our military struck with precision weapons at a base where foreign fighters were stationed, mostly french, as it turned out. more than sixty were killed, and over twenty more were wounded. official paris continues to claim that france supposedly has no mercenaries either in ukraine or anywhere else. about even efforts to deny the obvious. elizaveta khramtsova. pretending that nothing happened was the position paris took after the russian armed forces liquidated dozens of french mercenaries in kharkov. and to the fifth ambassador republic pierre levy, summoned to the russian foreign ministry, simply had no choice but to silently walk past the journalists waiting for him on smolenskaya square. i had to remind paris that mercenary activity in this european country is officially prohibited, which, however, does not interfere. good luck to the soldiers
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to go to ukraine year after year. at its next meeting, the state duma will adopt an appeal to the french parliament to ask their colleagues their position regarding the fact that their compatriots are ignoring the laws of the country. at the highest level , the topic of the destruction of mercenaries in kharkov and moscow and paris will not discuss, the kremlin said, but the dialogue is taking place through diplomatic channels. and we have stated more than once that there are many foreign mercenaries fighting on behalf of the kiev regime.
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topic, as for the french media, they obviously, france does not want to discuss this broadcast position of the ministry of foreign affairs, although some television channels reported about french mercenaries or at least about french volunteers collaborating with the armed forces of ukraine, talking about tens, perhaps hundreds of people. back in november last year
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the russian investigative committee reported that more than 500 foreigners who came to the ukrainian safari from 44 countries have already become involved in criminal cases of mercenary activity.
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they carried out their work... without any obvious benefit to them, which means they do not fall under the definition that would threaten them with trial, however, the majority of the largest french media, traditionally attentive to the death of their compatriots, tried... to avoid the inconvenient topic . elizata khramtsova, anastasia ponko, news. preparation for the third world war. that's what the press calls the new ones nato exercises, this is exactly what, judging by leaks of secret documents and statements by nato officials, the leadership of the alliance is doing. the press is focused, firstly, on the statement of the head of the nato military committee, admiral rob bauer, that the north atlantic alliance must prepare for a direct clash with russia in the near future. for 20 years , according to him, the governments of nato countries should be able, quote, to rely on the industrial base, so that if something happens , they can quickly start producing weapons and ammunition, and young people in european countries should prepare for a potential conscription for military service, against the background of the publication
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in the bilt newspaper, in its possession, allegedly secret documents of the german government, according to which berlin is preparing for a conflict with russia already in the twenty-fifth year, and what will happen... that's what he said . in moscow, the statement by nato officials, as well as the alliance’s military plans themselves, were called irresponsible. the statement is irresponsible and simply begs the question: have the europeans not forgotten how to fight? i don't remember them
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fighting in the last 100 years. therefore before why such calls should be made, you need to ask the same european youth. she is ready to pick up a machine gun and go to war. the most important thing is what values. these people will defend, we defend our homeland, our russian land has value for us, but they don’t have such values, i think that the head of the nato military committee is deluded that young europeans will go to defend europe. the american media called the upcoming nato exercise called stalwart defender a test of the world war iii scenario. they will start next week just in germany, poland and the baltic countries.
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scale, but the scenario is the same, a reflection of russian aggression. in recent years, nato has been increasing the number of its troops on the so-called eastern flank, along the borders with russia, strengthening contingents in poland, the baltic states, the czech republic and romania, deploying new air defense systems and reconnaissance equipment there. moreover, this concerns not only the americans, who traditionally, for obvious reasons , play a leading role in nato; the germans are sending their troops to poland. countries baltic for placement on a permanent basis. in many countries, from the czech republic to france, there are calls to increase the production of their own weapons. sweden, our northern flank, received membership in the alliance at the summit last summer, as stated in washington, and
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will also be integrated into the nato structure. prika, dream of croque to a star, burger. it’s profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, favorable deposit rates, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount, transfer your pension at sberbank, online or in a branch, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, i do sports every day... but how to protect my joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneu helps support
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of ukraine and deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine, including kinzhal missiles. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in the donetsk direction alone , the enemy lost more than 1,800 soldiers. our military repelled 15 attacks there. our correspondent denis alekseev has the latest information on the progress of the special operation and the situation on the fronts. he goes live to the facts. denis, greetings. lots of numbers, lots of important information. where do we start? yes, greetings, well, let's start with the good news from the donetsk front: our southern group is there liberated the village of vesyoloye. such a local success opens the way for russian troops to kramatorsk and pushes the formation of the armed forces of ukraine even further away from the administrative borders of the dpr. our troops continue to expand the zone of control south of artyomovsk, kleshcheevka, such a cherished line for the armed forces of ukraine still remains for the militants. deadly. army aviation and artillery defeated two mechanized brigades at once;
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zelensky’s army lost about 300 people there. here is footage of the destruction of a ukrainian armed forces unit at the forefront. reactive system calculation the hail struck the target. destroyed near a platoon of ukrainian military personnel. those who managed to leave the trenches escaped. on the same front , two points of temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries were destroyed within 24 hours. four warehouses with missiles and ammunition, and also an ovsu minus a tank, two armored cars and 17 vehicles for various purposes. it was on the southern donetsk front near novomikhailovka. there was a large-scale attack by ukrainian paratroopers; an attack near verboviv was repelled in zaporozhye. local fighting continues near rabotino. in the zaporozhye direction units of the russian troops inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the 65th, 118th mechanized, 128th mountain assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as
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the fifteenth brigade of the national guard of ukraine, in the areas of the settlements of verbovoye and malaya takmachka. and raboteno, zaporozhye region. enemy losses in a week in this direction amounted to 395 ukrainian military personnel, a tank, nine armored combat vehicles, 16 vehicles and 10 field artillery guns. well, by the way, about rabotin among ukrainian soldiers in general this locality of association, to put it mildly, is not very good, between our positions and the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, the distance is 100 meters, russian. troops are conducting daily assaults, the dry land is squeezed on three sides, it is here that the ukrainian counter-offensive planned back in the summer fizzled out, and just give the ukrainian soldiers a reason to be frank with the journalists of the french figaro, the fighters from this direction said that things are bad. the russians have a lot of drones, a lot of fpv drones,
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the imbalance in their favor is simply huge. reports. the militants continue to publish their failures on their social networks, for example, an american stryker armored personnel carrier drowned in sticky mud. the date of the video is not specified, but the meaning is clear. sometimes our military doesn’t even have to do anything to destroy nato equipment; it simply cannot reach its destination. russian missile specialists have developed a good tradition of carrying out targeted strikes on nato equipment bases in the rear. parking lots, service points, flights stably to other strategic military infrastructure facilities. during the period from january 13 to 19, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including kinzhal hypersonic aircraft missile systems, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which enterprises
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of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that were repairing weapons and equipment were hit , manufacture of ammunition, foreign nationalist mercenaries. the target of the strikes was achieved, all designated objects were hit. well, this is the picture that emerges from the liquidation of ukrainian equipment on all fronts during the entire period of the special operation: 567 aircraft were shot down or destroyed at the site of deployment, four were destroyed. 150 anti-aircraft systems intercepted almost 11 thousand drones, in just a week air defense personnel reported the destruction of 274 units, six more tactical missiles and 73 projectiles from rocket systems were intercepted. in ukraine , the ministry of justice has prepared legislative changes that will allow
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convicts to join the ranks of the armed forces. forces of the country. this was reported by the deputy minister of justice. until the document came into force...
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what would you do if you saw that a tcc employee was exceeding his authority? if i were a good athlete, they would fly in all directions and break their arms and legs. i would try calling the police, although i doubt they would help in this case. independent artists, apparently, are also not needed. recently, in chernivtsi, employees of the shopping center beat and kidnapped the vocalist of the group intermez and his friend. was a police officer and was taken to a shopping mall, where they were forced to undergo a medical examination, with the fact that duletsky has a certificate of unfitness, and belyk cannot be mobilized, since he also works as a teacher,
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the guys were beaten when trying to escape. andrei was hit on the head and knees many times, which the police did not prevent. later she arrived and soon took vladimir to the hospital, andrei disappeared. it turned out that he was taken to the shopping mall, where he was forced by threats of violence to delete the video evidence he had filmed and to register. ttck. rented for 400 euros per month, the landlord writes: salvation from the shopping mall, dugout shelter in a secret place. it’s rare to save from tc, but
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maybe a good knowledge of the laws, which, by the way, the military commissars themselves are definitely not familiar with. so in the poltava region, a legally savvy man gave a police officer of the tsk a real lekbes. do you have a basis for checking documents? well, visually in person from 18 to 60 years old, you have information that shows that i violated the rules of military registration, you stopped me, you had reasons, visually, i ’m explaining to you, visually, there is information on me, on you specifically, no, then what was the basis, well, you yourself understand, a bit of a conflict, a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, we read it, can give you a memo to study your powers
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, what is needed, you need to take everything into your hands and somehow try to help the guys, i decided to give the group a way out, well, while the group was leaving, i covered them if possible, well
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, the guys got out, the main thing is that everyone is alive, god grant that it stays that way. the awards were presented to the soldiers by deputy minister of defense viktor garimykin, he thanked all the military for their service and wished everyone a speedy recovery. hospital employees were awarded today medals for... the legendary alfabank credit card , free forever, has become even more profitable,
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hello, i am boris sakivov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought, together with experts.


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