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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought together with experts. we
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are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable? replace foreign suppliers, you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you reached, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure.
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by plane, by train, by car , the slogan sounds at vdnkh today: russia is on the move, the whole point is that the exhibition forum is hosting a passenger day, passenger logistics day, the largest companies from mentra present their key achievements and promising projects. industry last year: russian airlines carried more than 105 million passengers, which is more than 10% more than 2022 level. the implementation of three traditional programs for subsidizing transportation continued. the total amount of support for them amounted to more than 30 billion rubles.
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people, which is 5.5% more than in 2022. our carriers adapt to people's needs, develop their route network, and offer new services. and an example is the tourist trains of russian railways, recognizable and popular among our citizens. i note that the rapid growth of domestic tourism will henceforth be ensured by the necessary rolling stock and fleet. one more important thing the event of this day is the all-russian family forum. relatives and loved ones. it opens at vdnkh and will last until january 23. and this, by the way,
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is the first event of the year of the family announced in our country. more than 250 families from 89 regions of the country, and professional dynasties from various industries will take part in the forum. they will meet at vdnkh for live communication, exchange of experiences and traditions. the all-russian forum, dear loved ones, opens a series of events in the regions that will take place throughout the year and cover all 89 regions. in year. family will receive special attention devoted to the preparation of a strategic document on demographic and family policy until 2030. activities are planned aimed at identifying, promoting and disseminating best practices to support families with children in the work of the corporate sector and events that will bring together family members of different ages. well , very soon in the evening vdnkh will take place on the main street stage. concert in honor of the family
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forum, and before it you can go to pavilion d. there today the russian state circus company school circus and variety art named after rumyantsev, as we know him better, like a pencil clown, will present unique circus medleys from a variety of acts and genres. visitors will see a spectacular performance by the champion of the national championship in juggling and the star of the big arena , alexandra davydov, who will perform, well, amazing tricks with hoops. well, in the youth house, the social preventive difficult theater organizes an open screening of performances with the participation of teenagers. it's called the babi bund production. news from the village. well, in pavilion 84 there is an exhibition of children's drawings, these are 48 creative works created by young artists from all over the country from 1920 to
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the present, but that is, over a century, the exhibition included a small part of the extensive collection of the international collection of children's drawings, the russian academy of education and works winners of all russia. hungary has still not unblocked the european union's allocation of the eighth tranche of military assistance to ukraine worth 500 million euros. eu representatives reported this in the press today. the united states now wants to speed up the provision of financial support to kiev.
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more details about everything natalya solovyova. the american senate is once again postponing the consideration of funding for ukraine, but in kiev they still hope for something. mad kuleba said: the united states can approve assistance any day, but no one can say when it will come. congress itself only approved funding for the government, barely making it before the shutdown. it could come today, in the adopted document, of course, the means for war on another continent are not are provided. the last tranche to kiev was at the end of december, and joe biden was unable to beg parliamentarians for an additional 60 billion dollars. i think the vast majority of members of congress support aid to ukraine. the question is, is a small minority going to hold her back, which would be disastrous? republicans adopted the principle of america first. trump on his social network spoke out against the compromise border agreement,
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on which the allocation of money to ukraine depends. he is not going to be in solidarity, he wants to be a winner, but not in europe. putin would never have attacked ukraine. i got along well with putin, you know, it’s good to get along with people like putin, the rest , look what china is doing, they are licking their lips at taiwan, in front of me, they wouldn’t even think about it, i had negotiations with chairman xi, i have an excellent relationship with him. the americans are leaving the european theater of operations, shifting concerns about ukraine to their partners. france pretends to take kiev under its wing, paris will supply about 50 missiles every month until the end of the year, and also.
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joe biden urgently needs to fire at least some of the employees of his administration, this was the advice given by the publication hill, the author of the article recalled the rating. however, jokes aside, in any case, oh
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, in fact, she could not be here, i mixed something up, you know, she fights hard for the rights of local residents, but now she is in washington, although technically the performance is in north carolina was not pre-election; biden devoted a significant part of it to criticism of his main rival, donald trump. my predecessor loves say that america is failing, say it to my face. "bless me father, for he has sinned." that is, oh well, it crashes. by the way, we heard that he wants to see the stock market crash because everything is great there, and he admits it. our economy is doing damn well and getting better, which is why he needed the stock market crash. to show his closeness to the people, after his speech, biden, supposedly unexpectedly, stopped at a fast food restaurant. under the watchful eye of north carolina governor democrat roy cooper's president is clearly not...accustomed to cash, he managed not to get confused when paying for the order, but social
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network users immediately found videos and photographs of biden's election drive to the same fast food in october 2020. it turned out that under president trump the same set of dishes cost almost a third cheaper, and other internet users compared how biden was now greeted by residents of the generally loyal democratic state of north carolina, and how 3 months ago the citizens of even more pro-democratic california
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the latest opinion poll commissioned by cbs news shows that if elections were held now, biden would lose to any of the three remaining republican presidential contenders in the race. biden's situation looks so sad that even his most loyal supporters, representatives of the kiev regime, are thinking about the need to establish contacts with trump. however, according to american politico, and... ex-president speaker of the house of representatives republican mike johnson deliberately shy away from communication, as for johnson, he has to fend off provocative questions about the outcome of the previous elections. do you believe that biden became president by the will of god? is biden president by god's will? oh, i see where you're going with this, if you believe all of this, then you believe that god allows people to rise to power. so yes, it could be god's will, but i think a nation makes a collective
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decision, and since we are given free will, i believe that during the next election cycle, we as a country will make much better choices. the new york post was the first to publicly dare to suggest what many republican supporters and conspiracy theorists have been discussing on social networks in recent months. according to the author of the article, democrats are calmly observing biden’s catastrophic ratings. because they know that in fact it is not he who will run in the elections, but the wife of the former president of the united states , michelle obama. against this background , the forecast of the outcome of the vote made by one of the american satirical writers no longer seems incredible. show. trump wins the election by a historically landslide, 128 million in favor, but trump is pre-impeached on 52 counts. biden is declared the winner of the election after mail-in votes are counted on night. trump has indeed alternated between
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speaking at rallies and attending various trials this week. the ex-president faces a total of 91 charges. he faces more than 700 years in prison, and possible exclusion from the election race. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead the way. well, now a message from leninformagen, which is literally arriving at these minutes with the mark “lightning”. to the ambassador of france. during the call to the russian ministry of foreign affairs, facts of paris’s increasing involvement in the conflict around ukraine were presented, with reference to the foreign ministry. and also in the ministry of the russian federation they stated that the death, they told the french ambassador, stated that the death of his compatriots in kharkov lies on the conscience of official paris, well, in turn, france’s increase in supplies of weapons to the zelensky regime provokes an escalation of military action, well, and another message on another
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topic. which we are also monitoring, this is based on the situation in chelyabinsk, let me remind you that there was a fire there, there is a message that the fire in the market in chelyabinsk was localized to an area of ​​1200 square meters, the ministry of emergency situations of russia reported this, for an uninterrupted supply of water, firefighters laid a pipe the line from the mias river, well, we actually managed to localize it. now economic news, briefly. red sea supply disruptions have had greater impact on global shipping than the pandemic coronavirus. this was stated by the consulting company sea intelligence. at the same time, in terms of scale, the current situation is still inferior to the events of the twenty-first year. then the ship
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evergiven ran aground in the vanity canal. the global economy was losing nearly $10 billion a week. web of the russian federation based on the results. earned 164 billion rubles for future pensioners. the yield is more than 7.5%, which is higher than inflation. in the twenty-third year, the web increased investments in bonds, both in government securities and in company bonds. now he works with the largest portfolio on the market savings of 2.300 billion rubles. the corporation manages the funds of 37 million russians who did not choose a management company on their own. to the futures market. at the end of the year, 100,000 new clients arrived; by the beginning of the twenty-fourth there were already 330,000 of them, which is 12% more than the year before. according to the site, in december alone, the trading volume in the derivatives market exceeded 8.5 trillion rubles. the most popular instruments were futures for the dollar ruble and yuan ruble. they also actively concluded contracts for gas, oil and
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gold. and magnit will buy a third of the largest retail network in the far east itself. the scrapping of russia in japan, the presidential decree has already been published on the official portal of legal information. nikolai nazdryov was born in 1971, graduated from mgimo in 1994, and has been working in the ministry system since then. from 2015 to 18, he held the position of deputy director of the third department of asia of the ministry of the russian federation, then headed it, speaks
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english and japanese. orthodox. celebrate one of the main christian holidays - the baptism of the lord: the rite of great consecration is performed in all churches water, many believers plunge into the font. this tradition symbolizes cleansing from sins. patriarch kirill performed the divine liturgy at the cathedral of christ the savior and congratulated the believers on the holiday. dear rulers, fathers, brothers and sisters, i cordially congratulate you all on the great feast of the appearance of god. the lord has appeared to the world, there is only one opportunity and one power to ensure the presence of god in our lives, this is our faith, therefore today, like no other, calls us to strengthen ourselves in faith, in piety, perhaps, to rethink
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some moments in your life, to evaluate what can really be... the studio worked with eminent directors, whose films were included in the golden fund of domestic and world cinema, these are esenstein and torkovsky, bondarchuk and kolatozov, danelya, minshov, rezanov, gaidai, mikhalkov.
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in honor of the holiday, a large gala concert will be held, the first 100 years of the anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, famous directors, actors, musicians, ballet stars will take part in it, including, for example, andrey
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konchalovsky, oleg basilashvili, alexander shirvint, sergei bezrukov, irina pegova, sergei shakurov, maxim overin, denis matsuev, yuri bashmet and many, many others, veterans will also take part in the concert, veterans will be honored in the studio among the guests.
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road services were transferred to an enhanced operating mode, additional equipment was brought in, the number sent to combat the consequences of the snowfall, the equipment of local utility workers had to be doubled, 1384 are working non-stop on the streets of kazan cleaning machines and other special vehicles, the local airport went into operation. according to the actual weather, school classes are being held remotely, the situation on the roads in the republic is close to critical. temporary
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traffic restrictions have been introduced for all types of vehicles on the m5 and m-12 highways. on other roads for freight transport and passenger buses. there are many kilometers of traffic jams in places with almost zero visibility for all types of transport, the m7-volga highway is closed. don't go here to kazan, here khan in general. traffic restrictions are recorded on the m-7, m-12 and m-5 highways. in addition to tatarstan in the nizhny novgorod, ulyanovsk, samara regions, as well as in the republics of mordovia, chuvashia and mariel. heavy snowfalls covered not only the volga region, but also the central federal district. there is ice and snow jams in bryansk. the day before, residents manually pushed buses and minibuses. bad weather overtook the capital and up to 16 cm of snow fell in moscow last night. wind gusts reached 21 m/s. on the city streets, local residents observed snow tornadoes. the height of snowdrifts in places in moscow reaches more than half a meter. and here it must
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be said that the capital’s services coped with the consequences of this snow apocalypse with a solid “a”. to eliminate the consequences of the snowfall, the city used the maximum number of cleaning equipment. traffic jams in the capital reached nine points. bad weather caused difficulties in railway traffic. another day. and this is footage from crimea, mud , yellow danger level in the city, extended rivers, landslides, heavy downpours. over the past in one day, a third of the monthly rainfall fell on the cities of the peninsula. the elements will not subside for another two days. rain is expected in crimea on january 19 and 20. roads and houses were flooded in sevastopol ; temporary accommodation centers on
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one of the streets opened their doors. in yalta, the elements collapsed a retaining wall, you have to go around half of yalta to get to the address, which is directly located behind this pile, that is, you can’t get there from this side, from that side only through the entire, entire yalka, city utilities of the regions faced with due to the elements, they were transferred to an enhanced operating mode and eliminated the consequences as quickly as possible. varvara nevska, andrey sapegin and ivan kuznetsov, news. conversation with bad weather, we will continue with tatyana belova, she will continue live with tatyana belova, she is live, tatyana, hello, how will the situation develop further in the volga region and in the south? there will be a snowstorm for two days in the volga region, and it will get colder in crimea. one of the most striking and unusual consequences of a snowstorm in nizhny novgorod, in the very center of the city of the zelensky congress, snow melted avalanche. she damaged a regular bus and several cars; emergency doctors arrived at the scene and examined the people; fortunately , there were no injuries. traffic was blocked
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for quite a long time. the time it took for the services to clear the remaining part. this was the situation during the day, at the height of a snowstorm on some roads in tatarstan , employees of the ministry of emergency situations helped dig out cars, employees of the ministry of emergency situations helped dig out cars that were covered in snow literally before our eyes. traffic on some highways was stopped due to the accident. so on the m7 highway in one of the accidents, 27 cars were destroyed. oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, here comes the power. specifically, it ’s just meat, and you don’t see such footage often, tatarstan traffic inspectors dig out snow removal equipment stuck in the snowdrifts on the road during a snowstorm, extreme conditions today in other regions of the volga region, cars collided during a snowstorm and slid into a ditch in the balakov area of ​​the saratov region, the following footage is from the samara region, the regional road service
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shared footage of clearing the roads. in the krasnoarmeysky district, it is clear that on in some areas, the roadway has completely disappeared under the snow, snowdrifts have appeared, the cyclone continues to slowly move to the east, the european anticyclone is pushing it from the west, but the cyclone is moving slowly because it has to overcome the resistance of another anticyclone, the siberian one. the frontal sections stretch along the border of the anticyclone, but ninasti is not the only place where ninasti rages. another source of bad weather is forming a new wave cyclone, which is spinning in the active area. frontal section. while the volga region is drowning in snow, rivers flood in crimea. ministry of emergency situations, russia additionally sent an airmobile group to the sunken area of ​​sevastopol. in the region the previous evening and at night, up to the third monthly norm of precipitation fell. more than 70 houses and eighty private plots were flooded. rescuers evacuated 19 people. tomorrow the volga region will still be in the bad weather zone. a new vortex formed on the wave of the atmospheric
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front will maintain the high. high intensity of snowfalls, a zone of strong winds, although it will move a little to the east, but tatarstan, saratov and ulyanovsk regions are again in the epicenter of severe snowstorms. on sunday, snowfalls and blizzards will make their way beyond the urals, but the zone of the most unfavorable weather will move to the south, where blizzards will swirl again and frosts will intensify. according to the vulzha, the situation will gradually begin to improve. in rossiyskoe until the end of the day there will be heavy rain and gusty southeast winds with gusts of up to 18 m/s. temperature. the night will remain at the same level as during the day, +10, +11, tomorrow will also be rainy and warm, but on sunday night it will become sharply colder to +1-p2, and showers may turn into snow; at the beginning of next week , frosts will begin to occur at night; the fallen moisture will freeze, forming black ice. on friday alone , about 15 mm of precipitation will fall in kazan, the same amount as fell in two days last time. saturday night will bring more. mm per day
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from saturday at least 10 mm will fall on sunday night another five, in total this is almost the entire monthly norm, only by sunday evening the weather will begin to calm down and freeze. it's already lit up in moscow today sunny, in the evening the thermometer is about -8, tomorrow night within the city -10. tomorrow cloudy with clearings during the day -7, on sunday night up to 18° below zero. this is russia 24, we continue: the foreign policy of our country and the influence on it of the corresponding state concept approved by the president in march last year became the main topic of the operational meeting of the permanent composition of the security council. vladimir putin held it via video conference. good afternoon, dear ones.


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