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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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meetings on the russia 24 tv channel . about the main events. up to this point in our news release: over the past week, the russian army carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including hypersonic dagger missiles, as well as drones. ukrainian military enterprises, which, among other things, produced ammunition, gunpowder and combat drones, were successfully hit. strikes were also carried out at points of deployment of foreign mercenaries and units of the ukrainian armed forces. all goals have been achieved. we repelled about 60 attacks in the ssu, zelensky’s formation lost about. 5700
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soldiers, mercenary officers, 34 tanks, over seventy other armored vehicles, as well as about 100 self-propelled guns and howitzers, most of them american- made in poland, were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 274 combat drones, 72 rocket systems and six tactical missiles.u. russian foreign policy and the influence of the state concept on it.
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the complex is mobile, it can be used at stationary posts in reconnaissance operations, as reported in the russian guard, the burner showed good results. meanwhile, in ukraine, the ministry of justice will allow prisoners to be sent to the army. stanislav vasilchenko has all the details. the actions of military commissars in ukraine cross all moral boundaries. not only are people kidnapped right on busy streets, but they are also forcibly sent to slaughter. today, bounty hunters , completely unscrupulously, can even show up at funerals to hand out summonses to the relatives of the victims , my friend calls me, her brother died, today is the funeral, and tetsekashniks came to the funeral to hand out summonses, what do you mean, hand out these summonses wherever you want? , well people can't come say goodbye to the fighter, the boy gave his life for us, for everyone, for you,
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they were forced to undergo a medical examination, despite the fact that duletsky has a certificate of unfitness, and belyk cannot be mobilized, since he also works as a teacher, while trying to escape the guys were beaten. andrei was hit on the head and knees many times, which the police did not interfere with; later they arrived and soon took vladimir to the hospital, andrei disappeared. it turned out that he was taken to the shopping mall, where he was forced by threats of violence to delete the video evidence he had filmed and to register. malls in ukraine are already a name a common noun, these three letters are for men. conscription age causes panic, graveyarders have brought people to paranoia, and those who do not want to give their lives for zelensky’s terrorist regime are ready to hide in berloga, just to stay alive, you need to close the door, otherwise they are blowing something, another thing, there is and more luxurious options, for example, this secret dugout, in which there is a bed and a stove for storing food, is rented out for 400 euros per month. the landlord
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writes: rescue from shopping center, dugout, shelter in a secret place. it’s rare to save from tc, but maybe a good knowledge of the law.
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in france, that the death of mercenaries from this country in ukraine lies on the conscience of official paris. the diplomat arrived on smolensk square in an attempt to explain where the french militants were coming from in kharkov. more than 60 extremists were killed this week, over twenty more were injured, about attempts to deny the obvious. elizaveta kharamtsova. happened, paris took this position after the russian armed forces liquidated dozens of french mercenaries in kharkov. and to the ambassador of the fifth republic, pierre levi, summoned to the russian foreign ministry, there was simply nothing left to do but silently walk past the journalists waiting for him on smolenskaya square. i had to remind paris that
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mercenary activity in this european country is officially prohibited; the ambassador was told that the death of his compatriots lay on the conscience of the official. numerical casualties among the civilian population and turn france into an accomplice in the war crimes of the kiev regime, however, this does not prevent the soldiers of fortune from going to ukraine from year to year. the state duma at its next meeting will adopt an appeal to to the french parliament to find out from their colleagues their position regarding the fact that their
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compatriots ignore the laws of the country. moscow and paris will not discuss the topic of exterminating mercenaries in kharkov at the highest level , the kremlin said, but the dialogue is taking place through diplomatic channels. we have stated repeatedly that there are many foreign mercenaries fighting on the part of the kiev regime, and each time our statement is confirmed. the destruction of the temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries emphasizes that for the russian armed forces there is no it makes no difference which country’s citizens are fighting against them from ukraine, experts are sure.
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channels reported about french mercenaries or at least french volunteers collaborating with the ukrainian armed forces, talking about tens, perhaps hundreds of people. back in november last year, the russian investigative committee reported that more than 500 foreigners who came to the ukrainian safari from 44 countries had already become involved in criminal cases of mercenary activity.
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social activists also carry out their work to identify soldiers of fortune. i have a whole list of foreign mercenaries. compiled together with russian groups, we are now trying to supplement the lists of such people, at the moment there are 145 people, they are actually present on the battlefield, fighting on the side of ukraine. ukraine became a subject.
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along the border, on which the allocation of money to ukraine depends, he is not going to be in solidarity, he wants to be a winner, but not in europe. putin would never have attacked ukraine, i got along well with putin, you know, it’s good to get along with people like putin and the rest. look what china is doing, they are licking their lips at taiwan. with me they wouldn't even think about it. and i had talks with chairman xi. i have an excellent relationship with him. the americans are leaving. from the european theater of operations, shifting the concern for ukraine to its partners , france pretends to take kiev under its wing,
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paris will supply about 50 missiles every month until the end of the year, and six more cesar self-propelled guns by february and 70 by the end of the year, but reports french journalists are not as optimistic as the politicians' statements. at the moment, the initiative in the east belongs to the russians, they are attacking throughout eastern front line. i asked one of the officers. does he think that if the situation develops in this way, then can we consider that cities like avdiivka are still in the hands of ukraine? and he answered that no, he said that if western support slows down and weapons stop coming, then there is a real risk for ukraine of serious territorial setbacks. germany can no longer increase military assistance to ukraine, since it has already done everything possible, such a statement was made by the german defense minister, explaining that berlin had made the greatest contribution to...
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even published an article about russia's war with nato. this is how the russian ambassador to germany commented on this on our channel in alexander karievsky’s program. sergey nechaev. looks like it was necessary. to scare the burghers once again with the so-called imaginary russian threat, we, of course, are not showing the secret plans of nato and the bundeswehr to us, unlike the newspaper, but the task of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, because no one has canceled it, in addition, they are now talking more
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about the need to prevent russia from gaining... the consciousness of canceling, of course, german society is not delighted with this, but subsidies for the bundeswehr are increasing, some funds are increasing for the military-industrial complex, which , more than anyone else, is the main beneficiary
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of this new, new atmosphere, so this everything is part of... the transformation of both german society and german, i would say, social consciousness. world politics now is such that when resolving issues, military force has become the determining argument, alexander said lukashenko emphasized that the union state of russia and belarus needs to meet the threats, which they are going to do, anastasia sakhovskaya will tell. a whole flock at the belarusian borders of the usa, britain, czech republic, france, germany. in latvia right now there is an exercise with the participation of a nato battle group, the furious wolf in lithuania, the mythical brave griffin, maneuvers of infantry, police and us military stationed in the country. an unprecedented accumulation of nato troops near the borders of a union state, the confrontation between west and east has entered a hot phase, we are confident in in minsk, a sharp aggravation of the geopolitical
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situation is making urgent changes to the country’s military doctrine. unfortunately, we are back.
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explosives disguised as a phone charger, another high-profile failure of the sbu. weapons and combat drones were transported to belarus by recruited agents, residents of the ukrainian border region, making forays along swampy rivers. the former hunters became the target of the belarusian kgb. during the investigation , caches of firearms and explosives were discovered and seized. received data on their possible use in
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the preparation and execution of explosions at oil refining enterprises. in france, farmers again went out to protest, the government is reducing support, in addition, prices for diesel and water for irrigating fields have soared due to the demands of trade unions. the authorities do not react, the protests are not shown on television, but in the end farmers block the highways, anastasia popova saw what this led to. the march
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of french farmers to toulouse is impressive; four hundred tractors blocked the entrances towards the city, some of them remained standing on the highways, another fifty blocked traffic on the city streets, and public transport had to be diverted.
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the president is again involved in military affairs, meeting with sailors in cherbourg.
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while the main competitor of the macron movement in the upcoming european elections, the young leader of the national association, jordan bardela, will go to the gironde on his first election trip, just to meet with farmers. an unpleasant surprise for the french authorities, following the south it is boiling western part of france. there is a conflict here between this... in the world, a producer of dairy products and local farmers, suppliers of raw materials, due to too low prices for milk, there are calls to block the work of factories and also take equipment out onto the streets. now they buy milk from them at a price that is almost 100 euros lower than the price at which they produce it, costs have increased significantly, and the producer, in turn, says that they are buying dairy products in france less often, it is expensive, so they cannot pay farmers more, protests in avignon, farmers are preparing for...
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but few people know that 40% of the fish used to make english fishion chips is caught off the russian coast. in may 1956, the soviet union and great britain entered into an agreement allowing the british to fish in russian territorial waters of the barintse sea. the news that...
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who started first is not even a question. back in the summer of 2022, inventing various sanctions, the uk introduced a 10% duty on white fish supplied from russia. hit primarily for british consumers, they had to pay a higher price. fish and chips producers also admit that they have been having a very difficult time of late. over the last 2 years we have been faced with very high prices for fish, which we are still... rallying behind, any business that had savings was simply destroyed because we pay a lot for fish for potatoes, the london daily mail leads
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data that is only for the past year.
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russian zone of the barin sea, this concerned not only fishing itself, but the opportunity to pass through then soviet and now russian territorial waters , as the sailors say, and to derive all possible advantages from being in this zone, i do not rule out that intelligence activity could also be behind this, because this is still we are talking about a rather sensitive area near the kola peninsula, in connection with the impending rupture of the agreement. the london press recalled the geopolitical significance of the arctic and the colossal resources that this region possesses. this, of course, is not so much fish, how many oil and gas reserves and opening transport arteries. in the process of deteriorating relations between britain and russia, in recent years the initiative certainly lay with london, not with moscow. the negative effect of anti-russian policies is obvious, but those who are very far from decision-making are paying for it. enterprises
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of the smolensk region have great potential, this was stated by deputy chairman of the government and head of mimpromtorg denis manturov during a working trip to the region, together with governor vasily anoykhin visited the rosslavl car repair plant, it supplies products for russian railways for export. manturov also inspected the production of roslavsky brakes. systems of one of the largest enterprises in the region for the production of automotive components, well , at a meeting with the governor, mantrov discussed a solution that will help the development of the enterprise, we agreed that we are ready to act as such a driver for subsequent development, security is also required, and i hope i’m counting on a guarantee
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that the smolinsk region too... volumes of e in those areas that are in demand today - by the main consumers - of our automobile industry, this is both gas and kamaz, including, by the way, our belarusian colleagues, who have little interest in these products, we are recording serious growth indicators for the industry, based on the results of the previous year our industrial production index grew by almost
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a little more than 13%. and the manufacturing industry index is as much as 18.7%, these are leading positions in a strange federal district. our average salary level is in the manufacturing industry already more than 57,000 rubles. the volume of investments also in the manufacturing industry amounted to 9 billion rubles at the end of that year. an all-russian family forum opened at the russian exhibition at vdnkh. relatives, loved ones. first. the official event of the year of the family, it was announced by vladimir putin. the forum brought together more than 250 families, including large and foster families, professional dynasties, residents of new regions, as well as families of northern military district veterans and heroes of russia. participants will enjoy an extensive program, competitions, creative meetings and master classes. on the first day there was a concert at which family groups performed , a large choir "


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