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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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for 3 weeks at the box office, the bremen musicians of alexei nuzhny collect more than 2.5 billion rubles. the rental is still ongoing, but as we managed to understand alexei nazhny, now he is only interested in one project, the next one. you watched the film industry program, no matter how many films we told you about in our episode, remember, there are many more of them on the screen, so we’ll see you at the cinema.
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hello, the program's correspondents will be reporting on the main legal events of the day . i'm maxim movchan.
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anti-drug activist convicted of protecting blacks lumberjacks. a once influential police officer was sentenced in the sverdlovsk region. the investigation was able to prove that he received 1.5 million rubles from businessmen. in return he promised patronage, although due to his duty he could not provide it. read more vlad egorova. an embittered look through the bars of the court chamber, the former head of the sverdlovsk drug control is clearly dissatisfied with themis’ decision. the boss’s comfortable chair has been replaced for six months now. interior of the detention center, ahead is the path along the stage to the colony. find ergeledzh ivan alekseevich guilty of committing a crime provided for in part three of article thirty and part four of article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation. the pervouralsk city court sentenced eerili ji to five years in a general regime colony and a fine of half a million rubles for receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. during the trial, the former policeman never admitted his guilt. ivan alekseevich, you do not admit guilt. the defendant's vocal relatives
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are building various conspiracy theories about whether he did what he is accused of. former a policeman was detained last spring after being caught protecting a lumberjack in the sverdlovsk region. according to the prosecution, being an influential boss, irglice promised businessmen immunity, a kind of shield from police checks, and in return asked for 1.5 million rubles. the amount is 1.5 million, do i understand correctly? how did you understand, that is, what these funds were supposed to be used for, that is , where they were supposed to go, well, by a police officer. the scheme was allegedly carried out through intermediaries, among them the director of the belembaevsky forestry, where they cut down the forest, but got rich ergilidzhi's forest scam failed. the lumberjacks themselves issued their patron. as established during the investigation, the accused did not have a real opportunity to fulfill what he promised, and did not plan to do so. during operational activities carried out by employees of the regional department of the fsb, the person involved was detained while transferring funds to him. yergerdji was suspended from service and then fired altogether. in his last word, the defendant announced that he had been slandered. they allegedly took the money simply for some
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legal services, based on this version the former policeman's lawyer is already preparing an appeal. vlad egorova, lead the duty department. the state commission requested 28 years in prison for daria trepova, accused of terrorism, possession of explosives and forgery of documents. the defendant herself, addressing the court in her last statement, did not fully admit guilt, only agreeing with the charge under the article on the use of forged documents. but he denies committing a terrorist attack and illicit trafficking in explosives. according to trepov, she was allegedly framed by curators from ukraine. she allegedly believed that the figurine was not a bomb, listening device. it is known that earlier the defendant did not agree with the conclusions of a psychologist-psychiatric examination, which showed that after. explosion in the cafe, she was fully aware of the results of her actions. let me remind you that on april 2, dari trepova handed over a statue with an explosive device to the military correspondent in ladlen tatarsky during his creative evening. the journalist died on the spot, and 52 more people were injured. in the orenburg region, a sentence was passed on members of a gang
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who committed an armed robbery of cash collectors. threatening with pistols criminals attacked money carriers and stole almost 20 million rubles. one of the collectors was mortally wounded and fled. word to fedor eliseev. "informant natalya kuznetsova, driver nikolai ivanchin, raider konstantin popov, part of the same criminal chain, they were bound together by a thirst for profit, a daring attack on collectors, but the crime did not go according to plan, now the strong connection between them for many years is about to be destroyed by a court verdict , this is footage of an investigative experiment at a crime scene, october 7, 2022 in orsk. three masked men carried out a daring attack on the car of russian postal collectors; they managed to steal nearly 18 million rubles. footage from a street camera shows how the robbers can barely cope with such a burden. one of the collectors tried to stop the attackers, and he was simply shot dead. it is already known
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that the criminals received information about where the money guards would stop and how much money they would carry from kuznetsova. she worked as a post office manager. her relative, in turn, provided the car and drove it himself. steering wheel. thus, the group consisted of five people, a forty-six-year-old resident of the city of kemerovo, possessing rich criminal experience and leadership qualities, being on the territory of the kemerovo region kusbas, for the purpose of illegal enrichment, formed a stable armed group which included two residents of the city of orsk, and subsequently led it, including when committing a robbery against an organization in the city of orsk. an interception plan was announced in the area, a day after the robbery, police stopped a car in which... there were a member and the leader of the gang, the latter, upon arrest, sentenced himself, took his own life so as not to give up, the security forces also found a bag with money in the car , another participant in the attack managed to escape, he is still has been on the federal wanted list for a while now, one after another, the gang members heard the verdict,
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the driver of the criminal community was slightly frightened in the form of a year and a half behind bars, this is the sentence he received for concealment, the dark muse, the gang took ms. kuznetsova into custody in the courtroom, she will spend 7 years in captivity. and the direct participant in the raid will spend the next 19 years in a general regime colony. fyodor eliseev, leopold efemenko, lead: duty unit. every year, employees of the capital's head office of the ministry of emergency situations rescue hundreds of muscovites and guests of the capital injured in serious road accidents. to free drivers and passengers from mangled cars, rescuers sometimes have to cut the cars into pieces. seconds count. maxim shevchenko will continue the topic. return to smolenskaya square it’s not easy for maria artyomova. on april 1, 2021 , fate played a cruel joke on her; here maria got into a terrible car accident. at a speed of 115 km/h , a sports car driven by blogger edward bill flew into her car from the oncoming lane. in order to pull artyomova out of
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the mangled volkswagen, rescuers cut the car into pieces. we cut off the doors and the roof, respectively, while protecting it from glass fragments, that is, so as not to harm it further. here they cut off the chair. edward bill served his sentence in a colony and returned to his normal life, but maria is still in prison. crutches, rehabilitation continues. in general , it was a discovery for me that the fire and rescue service deals not only with fires, but with rescue from road accidents, because the way they carried out the work, in general, shaped my future fate. by the way, when there are no calls, rescuers improve different skills, two similar ones. incidents on the road, they say, practically never happen. here is a striking example: after an accident with a bus, a car was crushed like a piece of paper; in order to carefully remove the victims, the rescuers had to use their imagination. a this is the fifteenth fire and rescue unit in the eastern district of the capital.
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the training is carried out right next to the fire station, they use an old car as a prop, roll it out onto the site using tools, simulate different situations that can happen on... the road , the team has a hydraulic tool, a cutter and other equipment in its arsenal, practice the legend of being caught after driver collision, we penetrate, in advance for this. block the conditional victim, you can compare their coherence with the team mechanics in auto racing, where actions during a pit stop are refined to a split second. by the way, employees of the ministry of emergency situations have competitions where they demonstrate skill and speed of work in such situations; this is not for fun, but in order to learn how to save every moment, which during an accident can save the life of the victim. news: duty department. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin held a meeting
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dedicated to the thirteenth birthday of the department. before the event , a solemn ceremony of laying flowers took place. plaque in memory of the fallen employees of the investigative committee of russia. theirs is almost a minute of silence. the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, noted that last year the activities of the investigative committee were aimed at neutralizing new challenges and threats to national security. the newly created investigative bodies were fully operational. divisions in new regions of russia, the event continued with a festive concert, they wanted, like a blogger, it worked out, they will go to court, in the capital, a married couple bought into the advertising of an internet master for everything hands, ordered repairs from him, the quality was top class, and even a personal guarantee, but i found out that for a seven-figure sum they awarded someone that it became dangerous to live in the apartment, the repairs were done by a third-party company, the promised guarantee remained the same, a promise that now what to do, daniil figured out quickly? from an apartment to homelessness, dmitry and anna trachuki have not been able
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to find accommodation in their own home for several months, cosmetic repairs, they say, have been delayed to the most shameless deadlines, at first they hired one brigade, they seemed to have done everything, now i had to trust the second one to fix it, there were straight walls here, when this company came, there wasn’t a single straight wall in this apartment, they ruined everything during plastering and puttying, that is, they curved the walls , the sockets are covered in foam, one spark is a fire, the doorways are so crooked that the door is just...
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but the surprise is even, resentment and anger, resentment that you believed the cereal, that a large company will do you better than some, i don’t know, there is an incomprehensible specialist whom you found on track. the company is simply engaged in infocy, telling on social networks that we are so cool, cool, but in the end they are simply scamming people. it turned out that according to the contract , aksyonov’s company is only an intermediary, its representatives also filed a lawsuit against the trachuks, they say they are spoiling the business’s reputation, argue about money, the trachuks say that the foreman asked to give everything in cash, now they are allegedly being given the same bill again for disgusting work , the fact that the repairs were of poor quality
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was meanwhile confirmed by an examination, and perhaps it’s time for the internet builder to edit new videos, get ready, now the drum roll, look how beautiful it is, we gave the management of the aksenov company a chance to speak, but the conversation in their office did not go well from the very beginning. yes , i understand, what are you doing, what are you doing, and what are you, no , we are not doing, after such an outburst from his own subordinate, the general director of the repair office spoke without enthusiasm, the contract you have looks like it’s only responsible for everything paragraph, and you have nothing, not at all, not exactly what you are responsible for, we are responsible for everything, we are responsible for everything , of course, but the face of the company, the incomparable kirillov , never answered our calls, perhaps he is charming new clients
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, he is too busy, parts of wild animals are a hot commodity among foreign healers and charlatans, the demand for them is very high, and therefore, smugglers continue to mercilessly exterminate endangered species of tigers and bears, how is the black market of far eastern trees organized in primorye, who is helping? watch this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel, the investigation of eduard petrov, a poacher in tegru. skin: the king of animals and the owner of the taiga, the amur tiger and the brown bear are in danger, medicinal potions are made from the ground bones of tigers and the paws of bears, if a tiger is settled into powders on racks , of course they can make money, and from the red book ginseng root medicinal elixirs, which
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in our country, root ginseng on the black market can reach several million rubles, the hunt for bears and tigers continues, their skins are a currency commodity, russia channel, we came to visit you, i didn’t give permission, but i didn’t i ask for your permission, the total cost of this cattraban is more than 20 million rubles. how the security forces were able to destroy the international criminal community operating in the primorye region. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. the funniest, resourceful employees of vsin live in the samara region, this was found out in the framework. kvn cup, which was held among employees of the penitentiary system. 12 teams from different regions of the country competed on stage in front of the audience to compete for the trophy. the teams of krasnoyarsk and altai took silver edges, bronze went to the balls and students of the vsn academy. deputy director of the departments alexander matveenko thanked the teams for the game and noted that participation in the kvn movement is one of the positive directions for
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the creative development of service employees. he was sentenced to 12 years for mass cutting in the krasnoyarsk territory. verdict of the former minister of forestry of the region. dmitry maslodudov was accused of large-scale corruption by patronizing a local businessman, who unscrupulously let a huge forest area fall under the ax. the topic will continue olga zhurenkova. neither the journalists nor the defendant himself, former minister of forestry of the krasnoyarsk territory dimitry mosladudov, seemed to have any doubts that the verdict would be guilty. he was accused of receiving a bribe and fraud. he himself did not admit guilt; in his last word he called himself an honest employee. but the court, relying on the fact
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that maslodudov was detained in the fall of 2020, as was established by the investigation, later by the court, while holding the post of minister of forestry of the region, mosladudov organized criminal schemes cutting the forest, the official allegedly patronized the large logging company krasleg, the founders of which were acquaintances of his brother yuri. entrepreneurs were allocated profitable forest plots, the time frame for issuing permits for cutting down forest plantations was reduced, as well. other general patronage of logging activities was provided. details of the cooperation were voiced by the entrepreneurs themselves on condition of anonymity. a fixed weekly payment was established, approximately 400 per week. for acceleration signing documents, for the loyal attitude of forestry employees. the brother of the former minister admitted guilt, entered into a pre-trial
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agreement and received a suspended sentence. transfers went to me through the bank, 100% of the same money. they went to my brother, i didn’t take a penny, i didn’t take it, i didn’t have any ideas to take it. another episode in the case of dimitry masladudov is related to fraud. in august 2018, the official received 1 million rubles from an entrepreneur he knew. for assistance in concluding a lease agreement for a forest plot. in fact he had no opportunity to influence the bidding procedure. the state prosecution in the criminal case was supported by the deputy prosecutor general of russia dmitry demeshin. according to media reports, ex-minister. 18:15 don’t miss the final episode of our program, here are its main topics. the billionaire was covered by an avalanche. in the murmansk region
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, the founder of a large equipment sales company and his friend died while on vacation in the mountains. why did businessmen go snowmobiling without looking at it? at the weather forecast, look, look, it’s coming, was there even a chance to survive, only we new footage of the search and rescue operation, how many tourist groups still go up to the mountains and do not register with the ministry of emergency situations, it is profitable for the organizers of such trips to work in the dark, but what do extreme sports enthusiasts themselves think about, when people go to the mountains, they take all the risks upon themselves, we climbed into mountains to see how the safety of tourists is ensured along the last route...
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who put together the group and who was part of it? why are people attacked? what the accomplices sought and why the victims are still afraid to write a statement. necessary tighten legislation regarding so -called trash streams. we went to the belgorod region to figure out on the spot why the gang members reveled in their impunity for a long time. new details of the high-profile case in the report of sultan zeganov. the good news brought
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hundreds of people to painful death. the leader of the kinian murderous sect with such a telling name is awaiting the death penalty. he promised eternal life, paradise and redemption. it was only necessary to completely refuse food and follow all instructions. now this messiah accused of terrorism. material by lina skachkova. 400 victims of good news, the bodies of adherents of the kin cult continue to be found in the forest, the former taxi driver, who suddenly imagined himself as a pastor , is accused of not just mass murder, he is considered a terrorist who condemned hundreds of people to starvation. paul mckendy, the powerful leader of the sect called good news, is not immediately recognizable in the crowd, here he is in a worn striped t-shirt jumping out of the back of a truck, his closest associates are being escorted nearby, so. nice court begins consideration of almost the bloodiest case of terrorism in the entire history of the continent. mckendy promised eternal life in his flock, and to achieve it they had to literally pray and
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starve until they lost their pulse. this exhausted woman was saved not by a miracle, but by the police. a few months ago , they broke into mackenzie's hut, hidden from view in the thick of the forest, and the shokoholas were taken aback. limp and thin, but still alive people were crawling on the ground, and they were already nearby. from the food, a whole family, six children, their mother , died. she boasted that she had found a church they say that in order to meet with the almighty, one must refuse , which will lead her to heaven. then i asked her how you will read the bible if education is prohibited in your community. everything was strictly taboo, as was believed. refused to go to the hospital, explaining that she could not see doctors. the morgues of the city of malinzia
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turned out to be overcrowded, experts studied the bodies, they found out that those who did not manage to die their own death were finished off with batons or strangled, and some victims of the cult did not have enough organs at all. mckendy is by no means the most the poor pastor was suspected of illegal trade in biomaterials, despite the fact that around himself the sect created an aura of almost... a saint, wore a white toga, ate appetizingly, and preached passionately, expressively, just listen to his voice: amenituma katika. out of 300 unquestioningly obedient adherents, he was accused of kidnapping children, brainwashing, taking over television, but each time the self-proclaimed messiah remained free, the situation changed only when mass murderers were found on his site... while the state still respects freedom religion, this terrible stain on our conscience should lead not only to the severest punishment of those responsible for the death of so
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many innocent souls, but to a stricter regulation of every religious community in the future. after excavations, the shokohol forest will be turned into a memorial site, and mackenze himself faces the death penalty. officially it still exists in kinya, but has not been used in practice for many years. in addition, the leaders of good news will check navme during the trial. this is a city in the nizhny novgorod region, a flood of patyka at a local sugar factory leaked tank with sweet starch. according to eyewitnesses, the tsunami was so strong that it literally washed away two trucks parked on the side of the road, several tens of meters of fence, demolished a security booth, and damaged a heating main pipe. local residents say that syrup. swelling in cellars in private houses and garages ruined winter preparations. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe,
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also our investigation. and watch daily episodes on the platform, go to broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. our boy felt anger from social injustice and wanted to fight it. yes, let 's give him a medal then. a film about family.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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about why smugglers in the far east destroy endangered species of animals, as well as how border guards and customs officers fight them. runners and cuckolds are outlaws. primorskie border guards and customs officers have put up a barrier to smugglers who are trying to take exotic goods, parts of wild animals and plants from the red book out of russia. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. how much does a tiger cost? the tiger is one of the few animals
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that... have you ever carried something for squats? no, no, it's not worth the risk. the cost of zhenzheniya root on the black market can reach several million rubles. i gave him money. 160,000. yes yes yes. money decides a lot for them, but they must remember that customs, border guards, and internal affairs bodies are always on the alert. king of beasts and master of the taiga.


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