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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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rubles for receiving a bribe on an especially large scale; during the trial, the former policeman never admitted his guilt. ivan alekseevich, you don’t admit guilt, why? the defendant’s relatives also disagree with the verdict and are building various conspiracy theories that he did not do what he is charged with. the former policeman was detained last spring, caught under the patronage of lesorob in the sverdlovsk region. according to the prosecution, being an influential boss, irgliji promised businessmen immunity, this is teeming with police checks. he asked for 15 million rubles for replacements. the amount is 15 million, do i understand correctly? how did you understand, that is, what these funds were intended for? that is, where they are as a police officer. the scheme was allegedly carried out through intermediaries, among them the director of the belembaevsky forestry, where the forest was cut down, but ergelidzhi failed to get rich from the forest scam. the lumberjacks themselves issued their patron. as established during the investigation, the accused did not have a real opportunity to fulfill what was promised and did not plan to do so. v during operational activities.
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statistics clearly indicate who is winning in this confrontation, special report by danilachko. this gray foreign car is still languishing in the police parking lot. this is necessary in the interests of the investigation, but soon the car will return to the owner. natalya spirina could not think that she would see her swallow so soon, because the car had recently been stolen. in the morning when it came out at 6:00 am.
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i didn’t find my car here, it was a shock, i didn’t even understand what to do? it took the police only 2 days to find the car, the thief was caught by a smart repeat offender; the car thief had already been convicted of the same crimes, but did not draw any conclusions. a citizen used this device, it is a mobile suppressor of cellular signal and gps beacons - when a citizen stole a car, he used it so that the car could not be tracked using... a gps t-shirt, which may have been installed in the car. now the unlucky thief is back in jail. i committed a crime and i'm in detention. which one? what they presented to you, they said, do you admit your guilt? and this is another interesting case, too in moscow. this lover of beautiful races stole a premium car worth 25 million rubles. straight from the car wash. so tell me, how did you end up here? why did you steal it?
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i wanted to go for a ride, i thought it was a gift for me, i was on drugs, and already this year in the capital there was a hijacking while in handcuffs, an alleged drug courier named umarsuda was caught with a batch of prohibited substances already on the way from the airport at a gas station and managed to jump behind the wheel of an official car customs service and sped off wherever he looked. the police have already found it. abandoned car marsud, he was hiding in a trash can, by the way , the trail was taken from the cameras, today this is one of the main means of combating thefts, they monitor the situation on the roads around the clock, according to the data center, on average, each car per day is captured by the lens of fourteen cameras, in total there are moscow has almost 400. the camera can automatically determine the make of the vehicle and compare it with the registration data of the car, thus, if false registration plates are used on the car or if, for example,
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technical means are constantly used developing, this mixture gives results, that is, we quickly find and solve such crimes when they are registered, that is, we have the skills, the opportunities here, we can do it. in addition, the russian national guard also helps stop thefts. for several years now , car owners have been able to install an alarm system from the department with a special panic button in their car. our employees are vested with powers that allow them to detain intruders when suppressing criminal offenses, administrative offenses, including traffic violations.
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often, the very fact of installing such an alarm system prevents theft; for example, cars on which it is installed in moscow have not yet been stolen. in addition, such a signal works throughout russia, however, if someone decides, then... this is what will happen to him, this is footage from the training of the national guard. we get out of the car, quickly, hands on the roof, legs stretched. in addition, law enforcement officers advise installing anti-theft devices, special secrets, and also, if possible, leave your car in a closed or guarded garage. every year, experts say , the number of ways to counteract car thefts is growing, so gentlemen car thieves should think about the fact that next time they may not go to sell the car for spare parts, but as they say, for a long time. daniel with a dry hand, lead, duty department. by plane, train, ship and everything is safe. modern technologies allow investigators not only to quickly detain suspects, but to the end solve cases that have dragged on for decades. one of these terrible stories is a series of fatal poisonings of passengers on electric trains in the 2000s.
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the head of the western interregional transport investigation department of the investigative committee of russia, pavel vamenets, told us in a long interview about how detectives bring the most complex investigations to verdicts. conversation. now is it possible to talk about any specific figures, our investigative department has worked with positive dynamics in all the main areas of our investigative work, our investigators were handling about 2.0 criminal cases, of which we completed about a thousand criminal cases, we were able to send more criminal cases to court in 10% of cases, one of the most popular topics, probably related to the topic of investigation, is work with crimes of past years, are there any new, perhaps, technologies and methods of work, where lies the difference that now makes it possible to increase
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statistics so much, the development of criminological technology of science, it does not stand still, new methods are now available. methods of studying material evidence that allow us to identify traces of crimes where we did not see this before 10-15 years ago; previously, we only carried out biological examinations on traces of biological origin, which could only be divided into four groups, respectively, blood, so here now we have created a good genomic database, which has been forming... for about more than 15 years, and as for vygovsky, those the crimes he committed can probably be called quite atypical for the investigative committee on transport, we conducted an audit of criminal cases in
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our archives, in order to identify signs of serial crimes, similarities in method, place, time, and so we identified a number criminal cases. these are about the crimes that were committed in 2006-2007, these crimes were committed by poisoning citizens with antipsychotics that were mixed into alcoholic drinks, as a result of which she lost consciousness and in most cases , unfortunately, their death occurred, and after that, when the citizens could not offer any resistance, the criminal, accordingly, stole what they had on them - valuables, so accordingly we identified 22 such episodes, which we laid out on the map, it was established that citizen vygovsky, who had previously been convicted of several such crimes, committed crimes at the same time, in the same places, using similar
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antipsychotic drugs, respectively we resumed the cases, combined them into one proceeding, as a result of... competently conducted investigative actions, joint investigative and operational activities, we once again looked at the material evidence that was seized in cases where vugovsky was involved, he had a notebook there , in which he, let’s say, even schematically wrote down where and what he stole from whom, in principle it all coincided with our unsolved crimes, this is one of the most resonant stories of the end of twenty-two, this, probably a fire color... a warehouse in the center of moscow, where there were many victims, and i would like to know about some new details of the investigation, how it is progressing and is it possible to talk about any new details now? as a result of these actions of our accused, seven people died and
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damage amounting to more than 90 million rubles was caused. during the investigation, it was established that the tenant of this premises was flagrantly violating the rules. fire safety, arbitrarily made such a transition between two buildings, which was also built without the consent of by any regulatory authorities, this crossing was built from... the case was sent to court under article 219, these are highly flammable materials, there was a violation of fire safety rules against the head of this organization, and accordingly, a criminal case was filed against the person who organized these works and our investigators, who failed to monitor compliance with all necessary standards in order to compensate for the damage caused , placed a lien on the property of the organization and its owners. increased attention from citizens russia, naturally, to what is happening
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in the aviation industry, if we talk about crimes and those cases when the investigative committee on transport has to intervene, this is how much the situation in the twenty-third year in aviation differs from the one that was in the twenty- first and twenty-second. aviation accident statistics, compared to last year, remained approximately at the same level, so to speak. to set plans for the year that has already begun, do you have a vision of how
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the work will progress further? we have a good, competent, experienced team , investigators who know how to work , know how to work, and the fact that from year to year the main performance indicators of our department are growing, this means that we are developing dynamically, we know what needs to be done , i am sure that next year the results of work will only be better. pavel sergeevich, thank you for the interview. former prosecutor of the novosibirsk region vladimir falileev was sentenced to nine years in a maximum security colony. in addition, he will pay a fine of almost 6 million rubles. will lose class rank and title of honored worker of the prosecutor's office. the retired security officer was convicted in barnaul, away from the places where he built his career. falileev managed to head the prosecutor's offices of the chita region and the trans-baikal territory before he went to novosibirsk. 3 years after he retired, he was detained. palileev was accused of a series of bribes from millionaire oleg yarovov. the former security officer insists that the businessman slandered him and promises to appeal the verdict. today at 18:15, don’t miss
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the final release of our program, here are the main ones its theme. the billionaire was covered by an avalanche. in the murmansk region , the founder of a large equipment sales company and his friend died while on vacation in the mountains. why did businessmen go snowmobiling, regardless of the weather forecast? look look. was there even a chance to survive, only we have new personnel from the search and rescue operation , vanya, turn your back, how many other tourist groups climb the mountains and do not register with the ministry of emergency situations, it is profitable for the organizers of such trips to work in the dark, but what do extreme sports enthusiasts themselves think about? people going to the mountains have all the risks take themselves. we climbed the mountains to see how the safety of tourists is ensured. oleg pasok took the billionaire’s last route. everyday life of police officers in north ossetia and alania. investigators found a truck filled with alcohol without
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a license, as in the republic they fight against manufacturers and sellers of counterfeit alcohol. they will differentiate. where does the surrogate come from, what is most often counterfeited, and where is it then sold. hundreds of boxes containing unlicensed products. what other violations of the law have to be dealt with? republican policeman. from north ossetia, reporting by alexander. teachers and passers-by were beaten on the road; probably gang members were detained in belgorod; they filmed the abuse on camera and posted scandalous videos on the internet. i stand here for this street. who put together the group and who was part of it? why are people attacked? what the accomplices sought and why the victims are still afraid to write a statement. it is necessary to tighten legislation in some respects. we went to the belgorod region to place to figure out why the gang members
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reveled in their impunity for a long time. new details of the high-profile case in the report of sultan zeganov. the judge will judge, just as maxim yakush, the culprit of the drunken fatal accident, did not try to get free, the servants of themis did not spare their former colleague. the cassation confirmed. the passenger car survived, but both passengers died. a high-ranking employee of the russian guard was sentenced in moscow. sergei volkov was accused of causing enormous damage to the department. hundreds of millions were allocated for purchasing useless junk. the safety of the crimean bridge and one of the gas pipelines was also jeopardized; the person involved in the case did not admit guilt until the very end and covered his tracks. material by andrey romanov. the former
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head of the maritime department of the russian national guard listens to every word of the judge. on the day the verdict was announced, sergei volkov. came in black, and the gloomy expectations of the colonel, a corrupt official, were confirmed at the very beginning of the meeting. sergei evgenievich volkov was found guilty. sergei volkov was detained at the end of march. then with searches in the officer’s home was visited by employees of the investigative committee and the fsb. the villagers were looking for evidence that a high-ranking employee of the russian guard was mired in corruption. during the investigation, volkov tried to hide his phone in the washing machine and even came up with a very ridiculous explanation for this. after washing. we are removing his house, this one, well, so that the drum dries out, and this thing dries out, where the powder is poured, yeah, in the morning, when i washed myself, he fell there, apparently just, in fact, sergei volkov tried that having covered their tracks and hidden their telephone conversations and correspondence from the security forces, including on a mobile phone, investigators
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found evidence that volkov allocated several hundred million rubles for the purchase of weapons under the guise... of which, as a result , useless rubbish was delivered to the russian guard unit, the amount of damage to the budget turned out to be substantial; state duma deputy alexander khenshtein was the first to voice this figure. it turned out that department officials organized the supply of low-quality and faulty weapons knowingly inflated prices. the total damage caused to the budget amounted to almost 400 million rubles. by decision of the director of the russian guard, viktor zolotov , all collected materials were transferred to the investigative authorities and the military.
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he knew and told the court that he had 14 state and departmental awards, but his previous merits did not help. the russian guard notes that they are fighting against any manifestations of corruption in their ranks. another confirmation of this is the criminal case against another high-ranking official of the department. your sentence in a pre-trial detention center awaits vadim dragomiretsky, major general, deputy commander of the central district of the russian guard. can you say anything about the charges brought against us? accused of systematically receiving bribes totaling several tens of millions of rubles. the general allegedly made money on the reconstruction of one of the military units in the moscow region. at the very beginning of the investigation, he wrote a confession, probably with the expectation that this might reduce his sentence in the future. former head of the maritime department of the russian guard sergei volkov elected another tactics, tried to prove his
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innocence to the court, but the investigators' arguments turned out to be more convincing. imprison him for 46 years. immediately after the verdict was announced, sergei volkov was taken into custody. sergei volkov left the courthouse in a paddy wagon. the van headed towards one of the capital's pre-trial detention centers. as soon as the sentence against volkov comes into force, he will be transported to the place where he will serve his sentence. andrey romanov, ksenia klimina, anton fedotov, vadim klivanov. news: duty department. good news brought to painful death, hundreds of people. the leader of the kinian murderous sect, with such a telling name, is awaiting the death penalty. he promised eternal life, heaven and redemption. it was only necessary to completely refuse food and follow all instructions. now this messiah is accused of terrorism. material by lina skachkova. 400 victims of good news. the bodies of adherents of the kinian cult continue to be found in the forest of a former taxi driver, and the one who suddenly imagines himself to be a pastor
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is accused of not just mass murder. he is considered a terrorist who doomed hundreds of people to death. death by starvation. mckenzie, the powerful leader of a sect called good news, is not immediately recognizable in a crowd. here he is, in a worn striped t-shirt, jumping out of the back of a truck. his closest associates are being escorted nearby. thus, the kinya court begins consideration of almost the bloodiest terrorism case in the entire history of the continent. makinde promised eternal life in his flock, and to achieve it he had to literally pray and starve until he lost his pulse. this exhausted woman was saved not by a miracle, but... policemen, a few months ago they burst into mackenzie's hut, hidden from view in the thick of the shokakhol forest, they were taken away, weak-willed, emaciated, but still alive people were crawling on the ground, and there were already graves nearby, like you...
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my already deceased daughter became very ill and refused to go to the hospital, explaining this because she can't go to the doctors. the morgues of the city of malinde were overcrowded, experts studied the bodies, they found out that those who did not manage to die their own death were finished off with batons or strangled, and some victims of the cult did not have enough organs at all. mckendy is by no means the most the poor pastor was suspected of illegal trade in biomaterials, despite the fact that the leader of the sect created an aura around himself, almost a saint, wearing a toga.
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as the state still respects religious freedom, this terrible stain on our conscience should lead not only to the severest punishment for those responsible for the death of so many innocent souls, but to stricter regulation of every religious community in the future. after excavations, the shokohol forest will be turned into a memorial site, and mackenzie himself faces the death penalty. officially it still exists in kinya, but has not been used in practice for many years. in addition, the leader of good news will be tested for sanity during the trial, suddenly great.
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houses and garages and spoiled winter preparations, the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is conducted by the duty department of an honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation, watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release is completed , maxim ovchan was in the studio, don’t miss our final release at 18:15, see you, you need to create the future yourself and do it together, com,
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annual forum strong ideas for the new time, you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury, choose one out of seven areas under which your initiative best fits. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31 , 2024. my mother was 10 years old then. to her they told about a petrified girl in a house on chkalovskaya street. we studied the medical archive, specifically from 1956. in the courtyard a girl was dumbfounded, she was dancing there with an icon , yes, such a miracle happened, a shameful phenomenon for us communists, they began to ask her, how did you stand for so many days, she said
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take precautions when engaging in extreme sports.
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k-52 attack helicopters worked in the svatovsko-kremensky direction, with air forces destroyed the nationalists' equipment and eliminated the militants. on the right bank of the dnieper, airborne forces, with the help of galbitsemstab , disabled the gvozdik self-propelled gun. she was discovered using drones.
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