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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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and our candidate and president, the current and current one, is taking steps to ensure that healthcare is a source of pride. also in the regions, the collection of signatures in support of self-nominated candidates and those running from parties not represented in parliament continues. in yekaterinburg, volunteers wearing candidate symbols interview passers-by and give them brief information about those they represent. candidates are required to submit documents for registration to the cec. no later than january 31, after which the centersbercom will have 10 days to verify the accuracy of the data and making a decision on registration. in the new russian regions , 18,000 facilities were repaired and built, as stated by deputy prime minister marat khusnulin. today he spoke at a plenary session during the business program of construction day at the exhibition at the russia forum. we will find out more details from our
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correspondent evgeniy petrukhina, she works in the pavilion of the ministry of construction and has direct communication. zhenya, greetings, what other statements were made and what interesting things were presented at the stand? yes, daria, hello, we are indeed working in the pavilion now the ministry of construction of russia, it is called building the future, and today the latest developments are really presented here not only in the field of construction, but in the field of housing and communal services, for example, you can see heated paving slabs, or you can see such a robot. a robot policeman, it’s called, it removes leaves, dirt and even washes paths, well, now i’ll ask the directors to show you a special hydrographic complex, this is a drone that, in fact, is already being used by specialists for construction control, for example, they were building an embankment in saratov, in nizhny novgorod, and in the near future this complex will begin work in dagestan. in fact, can you imagine, you don’t have to send a group of surveyors to the site, but send just one specialist.
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according to depth ferry meters - these are echo sounders , respectively, monitoring - these are cameras, scanners and so on, they are absolutely accurate, just like any geodic work, now we will show a special copter for monitoring construction, this is a new development, such copters are produced by wyzhevsky, experts are already saying that they have big plans for this development, well, for example, it will be possible to control the quality and...
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today we are talking about the results of the work, for example, in 2023 , 110 million square meters of housing were put into operation, this is a record figure over the past few years, the volume of construction in russia has increased by 23%, marad khusnulin said today, we must... build before the thirtieth year, if
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exactly the plan is to carry out 1.150 million square m2 of housing, this means that 20% of the living stock in the country needs to be updated. over 4 years we have introduced 387 million square meters, last year , just yesterday statistics showed 110.4 million square meters were introduced in our country, this is 0.75 m per person, according to our national project we should achieve an average of 0.82 m, this is 90% of the plan; we have never built so much housing in the country. well, of course, the pavilion of the ministry of construction today is filled with interactive exhibitions, so, for example, you can rush along the tavrida highway, and not only that. it completely replicates the existing wheelhouse and chassis bridge, marsky large vessels. absolutely all navigation equipment
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is operational and shows quite real data. we are moving on a coast guard patrol boat in the waters of the novorossiysk port. the port itself was there. digitalized and transferred to virtual reality, it was transferred so well that i’m looking at it now and i’m getting seasick, in general , the pavilion of the ministry of construction of russia is also an excellent platform for developers from different fields who can meet here, discuss ideas and maybe present in a year , for example, new developments, daria, new ideas in the service of russian builders, zhenya, thank you, our correspondent evgenia petrukhina was in direct contact with the studio. the new minister of defense of slovakia stated that - quote, due to the transfer of weapons to kiev by the previous government, the country was left without air defense, combat aircraft, and most importantly, without money for
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the mig-29 transferred to ukraine, which the european union promised to pay to bratislava. more and more european countries feel deceived by what they are offered, maria skorodilka will tell you. berlin sleeps neither day nor night, here at the gates where once stood the wall that separated germany from the west and the east, gathered those who are sure that their government divides them into friends and foes, rich and poor. where are you, scholz, come out to the people, we are fed up with everything. helping ukraine, the traffic light coalition forgot about the residents of germany - the crowd is chanting. farmers from all over the country stand like a wall, from here to the bundestag it’s a stone’s throw, which means the authorities must. we support the protest because now is the time to hear people, the traffic light coalition must disappear, prices are very important to me, because i am a farmer and this is a family business, i wanted to open stables, but with today’s plans of the authorities i will go broke tomorrow,
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livestock farming is unprofitable, we have no future, for such an agricultural country as germany, this government is a disaster, but the german chancellor cannot even rein in the cabinet of ministers, he... kiev is agonizingly looking for money, promising investors the best deal in the world. we offer you the best deal in the world. with your soldiers, give us weapons and money, and we will finish the job, by saying this, kiev is essentially recognizing simple ukrainians for them are just firewood in the furnace of war, but ukrainian nazism is not new to the world for a long time. british social networks are commenting on photographs of asunak’s recent trip to kiev, where the british prime minister
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met with zelensky, went to a certain hospital, where , according to reporters, he took a photo with a militant in the ssu, the military man has a prison tattoo on his arm, there is no god, users of western social networks are in shock . great neighborhood, nazism and godlessness, so why be surprised? british newspapers say there will be no good news for kiev, a shortage weapons and people will drive the ukrainian armed forces into a defensive position, experts say. it’s absurd to even believe that in 2024 ukraine will be able to hold the line of defense and eventually go on the offensive, but this will not happen. last summer, the ukrainian armed forces already initiated an offensive, which turned into a colossal failure. and we will not provide them with weapons and training for a year to help defeat the russians, who arm and train their soldiers much more effectively than we do. but european lobbyists for ukraine are reaching out to washington, while the us has made no decisions on new tranches for kiev. according to forecasts of major american publications, the west
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may leave ukraine without trenches for many months, this will lead to the collapse of the ukrainian front, journalists sum up, well , further help from kiev for washington is a luxury, as the media write, citing sources in... the us is driving now there is no money even to replace its outdated nuclear missiles, biden’s support is melting before our eyes, and the white house is a place where pensioners feel like presidents, sotirists joke, and the fact that kiev continues... yes, greetings to the exhibitors, several
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hundred spectators have gathered here to watch this winter drift series, which is being held for the first time, and here we hear a rather unusual roar from the roar of the podium from goals scored in football or abandoned pucks, just like the temple of tires , which can be heard during this winter drift series, in general, here, frankly speaking, is one of the most... unusual sensations, when you understand that two cars, in pair races , just two cars compete, they literally pass each other in centimeters, cutting these circles, it’s as if they’re going to hit each other or touch some kind of fence, but often, considering that these are professionals after all, this doesn’t happen, and from this, most viewers here get such true aesthetic pleasure, the criteria for evaluating these for
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... absolutely all participants, which is why the lada is of course ideal for winter drifting , the platform itself and sufficient reliability, no matter how strange it may sound, imported cars break down more often, this is 100% and availability, that is, it’s all inexpensive to buy it all it’s possible, if god forbid something breaks, i went to a nearby store, took it, changed it in half an hour, because there are developments, and a lot of services around, well, in general, everything is there, so... russian jigs are generally an eternal machine , it’s a pity they don’t make them more, because it’s very stylish, it has a big
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history, because in the winter there are a huge number of winter championships all over russia, all the guys drive ladas, because the lada is the fastest car for winter drifting, it’s clear here we don't have ice, but the car is still easy to control it’s amazing and very pleasant to drive and in general lada is the best thing that the domestic industry has created for guys who love to drift. interest in these races is also due to the fact that these competitions bring together professionals and amateurs, so those who won the russian championship, world cups and just guys from the street are also participating here, one of whom is kirill sholton, who has now reached the semi-finals , but we will already know how it all ends, and you will recognize the studio’s word in the final material: you see very impressive footage of competitions within the framework of the winter drift cup, said danilo makhalin. russian
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tennis player alina kalinskaya beat american sloane stephens in three games on the australian court. the russian woman reached the fourth round of the australian open. during the breaks of the match, the spectators delighted our athlete with her performance of kalinka. kalininka kalininka. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sberbank card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a loan discount, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. valentina, valemedina. drops for calm with valerian, milkweed, hawthorn and mint in olemidin, calm,
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only calm. so, so what, now we have one benefit in mind, discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months, from highsens washing machines for only 2999 and more in installments. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, manage to buy cosmetics for 1% of the cost, apply select thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. in life vic. failures, failures, hope you fills the biglanch, there are many tasks in the rhythm of the worker, your break fills, meat sauce, sytin hot, meat with noodles. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. get a supercake every month and withdraw
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cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable, alpha profitable! when you rush along the highway, you will easily fly past this sign, in the new children's clinic there is something to see, besides it, this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium, you will certainly not before him, against the backdrop of great talent in the renovated cultural center, the sign of russia’s national project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes that he brought to our national life. russian projects by decision of the president. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. the holidays continue with russian lotto. we are playing at home in january. cars, and also million-dollar prizes. and the jackpot is 800 million. just some kind of holiday.
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buy tickets in company stores on the website one hundred. lotto. minus at the zoo. five, mom will say it's five, action oralsept for pain and inflammation in the throat, five actions of oralsept for sore throat, at avito work it’s easy to find your place, dad, it ’s home soon, soon, i won’t stay late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, well, what a hat, 10 minutes until a new job, many vacancies and... every day there are new, avito jobs, you will find not just a job, but your place. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often. cashback bonuses in pharmacies - to take care of yourself. discount on a loan to
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buy something you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or. at the branch and receive special, favorable conditions. today in crimea they celebrate a significant date: republic day. 33 years ago the first referendum took place on the territory of the soviet union. at it, crimeans spoke in favor of restoring crimean autonomy. yana will tell you how this day is celebrated in the republic today. in the crimean state archive, the history of the peninsula is stored in the smallest detail among one and a half million documents, there is one dated january 21, 1991, this is a report on the holding of a referendum, the result of that vote was the appearance on the world map of a completely new autonomous republic of crimea. 33 years ago a choice was made here that
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determined the fate of the peninsula for many years, an unprecedented turnout of 82% at that time. january in crimea held the country's first referendum, almost unanimously, crimeans voted for the creation of an autonomous republic within the soviet union, but instead they soon found themselves ukraine has been trying to return home for more than 20 years. well, crimea, in fact, i mean in fact, in terms of mood , never left the russian federation, despite the legal decisions made there
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by someone unknown and at whose command it is unclear, in fact, that is, the crimeans have always had an ideology in their souls , that is, to be together with... after reunification with russia, crimea began to change before our eyes, all sectors are developing. the president's first decision after returning the peninsula home was the construction of the century. the grandiose bridge across the kerch strait, which was the dream of many generations, built in record time. every day thousands of cars travel across the crimean bridge. and dozens of trains rush by nearby, trains carry tourists to the peninsula, and he has food. what to offer to guests, in almost 10 years the palaces and castles of crimea have been restored, new hotels have been built, the legendary artek has been restored, which welcomes children from all over the country. nice, i really like it.
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the fate of the cat twix, whom the conductor of the ekaterinburg, st. petersburg train threw out of the carriage onto the street, having adopted the animal for the homeless. for several days , teams of volunteers were looking for him, the cat survived in the cold for more than a week, and today he was found in the snowdrifts near the railway arrival without signs of life. eyewitnesses reported that there were tracks of large dogs next to him. the owner of twix identified his pet and said that he would seek punishment for the conductor. the un is concerned about the situation on the korean peninsula and calls for de-escalation and full implementation by the dprk of the resolution with security. this was stated by the representative of the secretary general of the international
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organization after phinyang tested an underwater nuclear weapon system. for its part, north korea says this is a response to military exercises involving the united states, south korea and japan, which are being held near the demarcation line. what position does beijing take on this issue? about the growing contradictions in the east? the dprk's test of the heil underwater nuclear weapon system, translated as a tsunami, raised, of course, a big wave, but more of an informational one; japan, south korea and the united states even gathered their representatives on nuclear issues in siuli, moreover, they immediately drew a parallel: if the head of the dprk foreign ministry was on a visit to russia at that moment, it means he was on a test. and also a russian trace. phinyan is sending missiles to moscow in exchange for secret technologies, washington has convinced its allies. we also need to keep a close
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eye on what russia might provide to north korea in exchange for these weapons exports. nuclear technology, the pinyans assure, is needed by the dprk not for the sake of status membership in the nuclear club, but for protection from the united states and tsunami testing in the sea of ​​japan, the agency reported, was carried out just...
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even walked through the elections in taiwan. we have a one china policy. our policies have been consistent under both democratic and republican administrations in accordance with the taiwan relations act. and here's how to look at it. i kind of perceive it differently, a little like an ambassador here, because 70%, more than 70% of the people in taiwan voted. it was not easy to grasp the meaning of what was said, and even more difficult to find the connection.
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the vladimir region, the land of ancient monasteries of modern technologies, is developing. recently , many qualified specialists have returned from megacities to their small homeland. what contributes to this and how?
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loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we are at sovcombank, we take out loans, we approved them quickly, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, this sign is modest is hidden behind the loud victories at the new stadium, in any weather it will support the spirit of sports at the new grounds near the house, this sign does not climb ahead against the backdrop of great... talents in the renewed house of culture, it will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment, the sign of russia's national projects is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes that it brought to our lives. national projects of russia by decision of the president.
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terzhacheskaya printing house of one of the largest enterprises in russia for the production of diplomas, certificates, certificates and many certificates. among its customers are the russian government apparatus, federal ministries and regional executive authorities. all products are equipped with a high degree of protection against counterfeits, the same ones that were openly sold in city flea markets in underground passages in the nineties. we have contributed to this discipline. now there is no point in buying blank in the metro, because he has...


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