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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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a storm warning has been announced in tatarstan. on the territory of the republic there is strong wind, snow, blizzards, heavy ice on the roads, snow drifts in places; several flights have been canceled and delayed at kazan airport. at the same time, on four sections of federal highways in the penza, samara and orenburg regions, restrictions on trucks that were previously introduced due to bad weather have been lifted. and now to the news of the last hour from iraq, as reported by the middle east. a us airbase in western iraq came under rocket fire. messages that are currently arriving however, saudi television reports that about twenty missiles were fired, while other middle eastern media write about five missiles and say that five missiles fell directly near the base. it is believed that the us air force base was attacked by pro-iranian groups that are now operating in iraq. and the consequences. nothing is reported. the
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israeli air force struck one of the districts of damascus, destroying a residential building. it is reported that four military advisers who represented the iranian corps in syria were ultimately killed. guards of the islamic revolution. tehran has already confirmed this information. also, according to the ministry of defense of the arab republic , at least one civilian was killed and three more were injured as a result of the air raid. in the israeli defense department. has not yet commented on this incident, candidates for the russian presidency, as well as their proxies, are holding a meeting with voters in the regions of the country. now everyone can write their proposals and wishes to the election headquarters, so candidates for the post of head of state will have the opportunity to learn about to find new ideas for your programs on pressing problems. with details margarta semenyuk.
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analyzed. and, probably, in the first place are wishes, good luck, words of support to our candidate, presidential candidate vladimir vladimirovich putin. to maryana lysenko, professional questions, and medicine, wishes of healthcare workers to improve the outpatient system . the mimis system is already functioning, which connects hundreds of medical institutions in moscow, clinics, dentists, and treating doctors can see information about the patient.
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they meet the candidate for the post of president of russia . victory will be ours. and in nizhny novgorod from the ldpr party, leonid slutsky. he visited the production of packaging for pharmaceutical companies. automation has simplified the work of employees. in fact, every sixth box of medicines sold in russian pharmacies is made here. they create their own equipment and software. we will advocate that we have more robotic production of this kind, so that it is not migrants, but robots, who perform the work. some tasks related to
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simple operations so that the nizhny novgorod region and others develop effectively, the russian presidential candidate from the ldpr party understand that people have always come to our country because it is often better here than in other countries, this must be treated normally, but there must be zero tolerance to crimes, the number of migrants can be reduced by half only by optimizing production, optimizing
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processes, such a big point of the program i will present on january 30, all decisions on various problems, issues, suggestions and initiatives of citizens will be displayed. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sberbank card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, what men are silent about, about... what life is out of control, fears of ceasing to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis, the recommended course is two packs lamogitase, against prostatitis, can soseson,
6:07 pm
appetite anywhere, dad says, only dad will tame it. appetite, a snack won't hurt, if you have an appetite, sausages, dad can, we take out loans, it's easy to get them, we're all at sovcombank, we take out loans, and we got them quickly, we're at sovcombank, we take out loans, we're at sovcombank, up to 5 million, loans that they know everything than 100? look, it’s better to twist it once, order with avito delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, 30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household appliance product, built-in combustion oven for only 1,700 rubles. in mvidio and eldorado. alfabank
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maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, among the advantages there is miramestin, miramestin is logical have one in your medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia, the legendary alfabank credit card without... paid forever has become even more profitable. get a supercake every month and withdraw cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. in
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new russian regions were repaired and built. 17,000 objects, said deputy prime minister marad khusnulin, speaking at a plenary session during the business program of construction day at the russia exhibition. evgenia petrukhina will talk about new technologies in the industry and plans for the future. we are building the future pavilion of the russian ministry of construction, like a temporary portal for several years in advance, where the paving slabs are heated. the streets are cleaned by these robotic street cleaners. and these drones help construction workers at construction sites. this hydrographic complex has already helped with construction of embankments in nizhny novgorod and saratov. a drone surveyor will immediately replace a group of specialists. no need to tell how.
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coordinates on the ground, developers , its shooting and work is tied to control this robot, these are made in izhevsk, flying along the floors from floor to floor. he will record everything he sees, respectively, with a video stream, in the future there will be an analysis for a construction defect, he will be equipped with a thermal imager, all any heat loss that will pass through windows, doors, etc. technological holes, in general , we can record, that is, if a developer puts into operation a house that, for example, has poorly installed windows, and for example , there is blowing from the cracks, this copter will notice, yes, yes, of course, of course it will be visible. and, apparently, such a copter will have a lot of work. the volume of construction in russia has increased by 23% over several years. over the past year
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, 110 million m2 of housing were put into operation, a record figure. we must build 1.150 million square meters of housing before the thirtieth year, if the plans are to be fulfilled, this means that 20% of the country's housing stock must be renewed. the president in front of us is very ambitious. important work within the framework of the state program for the socio-economic development of crimea-
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sevastopol is carried out by the ministry of construction. to date , 627 objects and activities have already been completed, and 651 projects are at the implementation stage. one of the important mechanisms has become the attraction of investments to the crimean peninsula; the same work is beginning to be carried out step by step and dynamically in the territory of donetsk and the lugansk republics, kherson.
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infrastructure budget loans, and a comfortable urban environment is formed, where
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there are no unimportant projects. evgenia petrukhina, evgeny kirilenko, konstantin berzov, news. just wasting gigabytes and minutes? and receive gifts, but what’s possible? you can, yota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can yota, apartment in moscow. count five, only five purchases from a thousand rubles on any credit card from bera until january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free one credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country,
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you can have an appetite anywhere, only dad. adapts to any engine operating mode in real time and activates those additives that are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection.
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chief. the topics of the outgoing week and the big investigations of our correspondents in the final episode of the program will be conducted by the duty department live with you, i’m andrey ivlev. and let's start with the news of this saturday in the republic of coma, police are investigating the causes of a massive accident involving a loaded timber truck. according to the latest data, five people were injured, including a child. the accident took place on the chipoksar highway from sikhtivkar. after the collision, one of the cars ended up under a trailer with wood, and there was a family inside the trapped car. child, the footage of the rescue of the injured baby will not leave anyone indifferent. rescuers delivered the child from the trapped car to the applause of eyewitnesses. the affected family was promptly
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taken to the hospital. current legal news is delivered in real time to our live feed. in connection with counterfeit goods in north ossetia, police seized another batch of surrogate alcohol. what other violations of the law do we have to deal with in the republic? alexandra
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mastovaya will talk about the specifics of police work in vladikavkaz. they beat up random passers-by. this week in belgorod, probable members of a youth gang who carried out mayhem were arrested. on the streets they filmed what was happening on the camera posted scandalous videos on the internet, so what were the accomplices trying to achieve? is it true that the victims are now afraid to write a statement? our correspondent sultan ziganov went to the belgogorod region. denis strikalov has barely turned 19 years old, and he is already handcuffed and under escort awaiting interrogation in a case that has thundered throughout the country. investigators call denis a probable member of a youth gang who... kept the residents of belgorod in fear. only our program he agreed to talk about why he took part in street fights was guided by supposedly noble motives. i had everything according to my conscience, and
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there was no such thing, i never, never just beat a person, there were statements towards my mother, for my mother, i think any boy would go. true, after watching the videos, which have recently begun to actively spread on social networks, it is difficult to believe in strikalov’s words, as investigators established that the young man and his accomplices were beaten. bohdan khmelnitsky, who intersects with privolnaya street. belgorod youth often gather in this place, since it is here that one of the major
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entertainment centers is located, and as it turned out, it was in its vicinity that a greater number of attacks on townspeople were committed, and the gang members were not shy about random witnesses or cctv cameras, on the contrary, they themselves filmed the bullying over people on mobile phones were posted online. it is unclear what the brave souls were counting on. for most internet users, such videos are expected caused outrage. the police drew attention to the outrage of the youth group members and opened a criminal case for hooliganism. after studying the videos, criminal investigation officers established the identities of the defendants in less than 24 hours. our employees detained four suspects, three of whom were previously convicted.
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indication, they immediately identified two victims, only we have footage of checking testimonies on the spot with the participation of beaten young people, they said that the conflict initially began in an entertainment center near food court, aggressive young men behaved defiantly and provoked people to fight, then the brawl continued on the street, then they used their fists and not only how much to hit, check, forehead, bottom now. the security forces quickly identified the juvenile sadists; they turned out to be nineteen-year-old denis gubin and his seventeen-year-old friend amil, the latter, perhaps the most prominent representative of the youth gang, in the video
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he was distinguished by extremely cruel behavior, some online even dubbed him the leader of the group. it is known that gafarov came to russia from kharkov, he studied in the capital, at college, but was expelled, and now he is at risk of losing what he recently received. denis gubin had previously been prosecuted for drug possession, but with an outstanding conviction, he again found himself in trouble, given all the madness that the young people were doing on the streets of belgorod, investigators insisted on their arrest, and his mother came to support gubin in court.
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parliamentarians will begin to consider long-awaited amendments to the administrative criminal code next week. now for for violent broadcasts, individuals face a fine of up to 600,000 rubles. and for officials up to 700. and if the author of the trash show also committed a crime live, this will be considered an aggravating circumstance in court. we definitely believe that it is necessary to tighten legislation regarding so -called trash streams and the state. as for the belgorod youth gang, its online channel has already been deleted, but the internet remembers everything, and therefore their monstrous antics, filmed on camera, formed the basis of the charges and
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investigation. things currently going on continues, a set of investigative actions and operational search activities has been organized aimed at identifying all persons involved in the crimes committed, and also at establishing the role of each person and identifying additional episodes of their criminal activity. the identities of all members of the group have not yet been revealed, since many of them are under 18 years old. those involved in the criminal case are no longer behaving as smartly as before, they are trying to press for pity. same. strikalov admits that he did not want such bad fame, after in college, he dreamed of serving in the army, then working in the police, but now this path seems closed to him. sultan siganov, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, irina babak, lead the duty unit from the belgorod region. ambiguous history in the urals. former rural district police officers from the sverdlovsk region became involved in a criminal case for abuse
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of official powers. police officers from the internal security unit of the sverdlovsk main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs. all materials collected on this fact were sent by the internal affairs bodies for further implementation to the investigative committee. according to the investigation, in the period 2019-2021, the specified citizen was
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an employee of the service at that time. zolotko himself has a different version, this is what he told local journalists in court before choosing a preventive measure, the victims openly came with a friend who threatened my wife with a knife. in court, the victim himself admitted that he pressed me with his elbow there at the police station, pressed me to something, such people are now testifying against me, police officers are testifying against me, who are subordinate to the authorities, to which i wrote a statement. our program has obtained a copy of this statement, in which zolotko complains about his allegedly illegal dismissal and provides interesting information about the events of february 2000...


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