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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the russian army repelled 20 attacks in su, half of them in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, four armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven howitzers and self-propelled guns, and 20 combat drones were shot down. about the situation on the front line, stanislav nazarov. in the resurfacing zones under the throat, artillery crews are rotated.
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big, as soon as we shoot, we immediately change position. battery warfare is underway,
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we have thermal imagers, night lights, that is , even at night we can fight them so as not to allow yourself to be detected and mislead the enemy, the crew takes each cartridge case with them, any traces the enemy can see from a drone and track down the location of our equipment. we work both at the leading edge and at more distant borders. mainly there are strongholds and equipment during rotation. drones have become widely used, we are raising the barrel, now they must give us the coordinates for mounting them on the guns so that we can start working, together with the artillery in the fortified area, the armed forces of ukraine are working with attack drones with the help of loitering lancet ammunition, a camouflaged d-30 howitzer of ukrainian militants was destroyed. well done, good job, retreat, roll, artillery crew forty de.
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said prime minister of slovakia robert ukraine is not an independent country, it is under the control of the united states, fitz said about this. according to him, the european union fully accepted the american approach to kiev on this issue, and thus committed.
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as eyewitnesses write on social networks, recently many coffins have been brought from the front, and residents of the sumy region are extremely aggressive towards the ukrainian authorities. russian presidential candidates, as well as their proxies, hold meetings with voters in the regions, with details margarta semenyuk. citizens' appeals have already
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been received by vladimir putin's support headquarters, one of them is a book, an expanded fourth edition with bright, poignant historical quotes from vladimir putin, the authors want to replicate it throughout the country.
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work, everything will work out for us and will definitely work out, but our country needs stability, stability in our country, this is our president , they are talking about patriotism, brotherhood, about the historical unity of donbass and russia today with the chairman of the people's council of the dpr artyom
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zhoga, activists of the movement of the former, young army soldiers, vigilantes are all helping the front and the fighters, making dugout candles in the rear, weaving camouflage nets, candidate vladimir putin's confidant is asked about the present. so that, well, optimism that everything is not so bad, that everything is fine, everything is great ahead of us, victory will be ours, a candidate for the post is being met in nizhny novgorod president of russia from the ldpr party leonid sludsky, he visited the production of packaging for pharmaceutical companies, automation simplified the work of employees, in fact , every sixth box of medicines sold in a russian pharmacy was manufactured. here they create their own equipment and software, we will advocate that we have more robotic production of this kind, so that not migrants, but robots perform some tasks related to
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the simplest operations, so that the nizhny novgorod region and others develop effectively, candidate for president of russia from the ldpr party, proposed to write off the regions' debts and raise student scholarships to the same level. a participant in the presidential race from the new people party, here they are asking to open a police station, they assure that the issues of migration and the distribution of prohibited substances are acute. we have a lot of cameras, yes, it is important to understand that people have always come. our country, because it is often better here than in other countries, this should be treated normally, but there should be zero tolerance for crime, the number of migrants can be cut in half only by optimizing production, optimizing processes, i
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will present such a large point of the program on january 30, all decisions on various problems, issues, proposals and initiatives of citizens will be reflected in the programs of candidates for the post of president of russia. the first one took place in lozhniki the winter drift cup, the art of controlled drifts, was seen by danil makharin, on this january day in luzhniki the unconventional roar of the stands was heard after a goal was scored or a puck was scored. in endless drifts, this is what winter drift looks like, one of the most popular and accessible types of motorsport in russia. the most important thing is that the audience likes it, it’s really very spectacular, when i act as a spectator, i sit on the podium, it’s very pleasant to watch it. georgy chevchan, the main star of the tournament in luzhnyaki, winner
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of a dozen domestic titles, and the first drifter in history to win two of the most prestigious international cups in a row. there's a reason there's a line for autographs. lada is, of course, ideal for winter drifting the platform itself is suitable, and there is sufficient reliability, no matter how strange it may sound, imported cars break down more often, this is 100%. and accessibility, that is, it’s all inexpensive, and you can buy it all; if , god forbid, something breaks, i went to a nearby store, took it, and replaced it in half an hour. because there are developments, and a lot of services around, well, in general , everything is there, so russian jigs are
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generally an eternal machine, it’s a pity they don’t make them more, because it’s very stylish, it has a great history, because in winter all over russia there are a huge number of winter championships, all the guys drive zhigulis, because the zhiguli is the fastest car for winter drifting, it’s clear that we don’t have ice here, but the car still controls just amazingly, it’s very pleasant to drive and in general... this is the best that the domestic industry has created for guys who love to drift. the entire spectacle of paired races watches how literally centimeters remain between the cars during drifts, it seems that they are about to collide or fly into the fence, but they are a true professional and they control such moments, although no one is immune from mistakes. system criterion. consists of several parameters: trajectory, angle of movement, speed and style, everything is assessed
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by judges who look at two races of each pair, in which first one car plays the role of leader for a certain task and route, the second one tries to repeat everything synchronously after it, followed by the cars are changing places, we are now being judged by legendary judges who have judged the entire season, i think they have done so much over the summer we've seen enough that now they just seem to me.
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hello, the american method is live. today we will tell you about iran, how in 3 days you can lose the country, the throne and cause hatred among your people. our guest today is mohammed marandi, professor at the university of tehran, fate this man is very unusual, he was born and lived in the states, that is, in fact, he
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is an american citizen by birth, but he moved to iran, lives and works. tehran , does not like the usa, why, he will tell you, but until the islamic revolution iran was ruled by shah, a very charming, intelligent, educated man, riza, pehelvi, he was friends with everyone, but above all with the americans, he gave them everything the oil industry, all oil production, american monopolies owned iranian oil, and of course, they paid in dollars themselves. to the shah, the shah earned 100 billion dollars, those dollars of the 20th century of the seventies, this is a lot of money, but more than 80 billion were spent on american weapons, on
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the iranian elite itself, which revolved at the top of the shah and... only 20 billion ended up in state budget, but this did not cover the needs of the population for a good life. in 71, mohamed riza helvi decided to show the whole world that iran is not just a source of raw materials for western countries, but a great power with a rich cultural history, the heir to the persian empire dariev. muhammad pehelvi gave a luxurious reception in honor of the anniversary of the founding of the persian empire, which lasted. 3 days, the venue was chosen in the desert, in 13 months they built a giant park with fountains and lush tents, thousands of trees were brought from europe, amazing, luxurious birds were brought from latin america, from africa, they were settled in these man-made gardens, so that when the guests come to this party,
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they heard and delighted their ears with the singing of these birds of paradise. 65 were invited to iran . and in terms of rank, monarchs should go ahead, because they are hereditary rulers and irremovable, like presidents, say, or prime ministers; monarchs stood on one side, presidents stood on the other side. ministers, the line was uneven, nevertheless, monarchs walked forward, except for the american delegation, they, of course, passed without queues,
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each tent was provided with security and servants, including cooks and the famous maxim restaurant chain, was brought. from france thousands and thousands of bottles of collection champagne wine from the 1862 harvest, there was a sea of ​​whiskey and this is in a muslim country where drinking is generally prohibited. the shah did not invite any of the iranians, except for the service personnel, there were not even ministers, there were only foreign guests who, in general, came to look at their waters, because the americans, for example, believed that iran. this is already completely their territory, from which we take oil, in return we give, well, glass beads,
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when the revolution happened, the shah, we had to leave iran, the revolution was quite bloody, it died, there were clashes in iran between the shah's security service, the protesters, iran was led by the ascetic, religious leader, aitallah amini. i was a teenager when it all happened, i remember on soviet tv, they showed tehran raging, and then i was amazed that military vehicles, our vehicles, there were mazs, krazys, that is, the shah was buying military equipment from us too. the hatred of the people and the shah and the americans was very strong.
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that's good, i think most people had that idea at the time because my parents were involved in politics and opposed the power of the shah in iran, my father was in prison, we had a different point of view, while the american government and western media supported the current regime in iran. so i've been questioning what i've heard since i was a kid, mostly because of what happened to my parents. since childhood, it has been clear to me that... information in the united states is controlled by the media and major corporations, that is, when controlled information is disseminated, people believe certain attitudes and think
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accordingly. in other words, when americans heard news about iran, about the revolution in this country, they did not understand that the people of iran were mainly opposed to the shahs. in the usa, they believed that shah was a wonderful person, simply because the mainstream american media supported him. thus, if the means of disseminating information is in the hands of only a few, then true democracy is impossible because you do not have access to the necessary information to make an objective decision. 40 years ago i didn't believe the us was a true democracy or open society. today i believe the situation has become much worse. the states have become much better.
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usa, despite the fact that they are absolutely innocent. i also want to note that in middle school in american school, as part of the curriculum, i read history books. the first year after returning to iran, after the revolution, i studied at an international school, also using american textbooks. these textbooks gave the impression that it was the americans who won the second world war, everyone else played smaller role. only later, when i began to take a more serious interest in politics and scientific activities, did i realize that it was not the united states that played the key role in the victory over nazi germany in europe. and
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the soviet union. so you can see how the information that was given to the americans worked out. and so i argue that the united states is not truly a free country, because people are not given access to objective information through the mainstream media. look at the image that is being painted about iran. he is always maligned, and this creates problems not only in the us, because western media is so powerful, people in russia learn about iran from the west, and most likely. the opinion about this country is negative: people in iran and other countries also learn about russia through the west. thus, they also develop a negative view of the country because of the western media, that is, the western media not only forces americans to think a certain way, but unfortunately, they traditionally have a very serious influence on the rest of the world. iran and russia
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pay a lot of attention to family values, both countries are under sanctions, the population respects religion. i believe that the orthodox church in russia and the shiite ideology are parasitically similar. i also think that because the us has antagonized iran for so many years, it has caused it suffering. the iranians have learned to cope with this and this experience of confrontation.
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russia and iran do not know about this, because we get information about each other most often from western sources. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. first and most importantly - this is the revolution that took place in iran. instead of the shah's regime, which was tightly controlled by the west, an independent country appeared, and decisions were now made not in washington, but in tehran. the americans will never forgive us for this. the second reason is that iran supported the liberation movement around the world. in south africa, iran provided aid and funding to the anti-apartheid movement.
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the west supported the apartheid regime. unacceptable to americans. so the hostility towards iran runs deep roots in history. this is a very comprehensive approach covering all aspects of iranian life. usually, when my colleagues are invited to iran, or when researchers come to visit us at conferences, the first thing they tell me is that they are absolutely amazed at how different iran is from their ideas about this country. the same
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goes for russia, though. has tried for many years to establish good relations with the united states and european partners, the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control control, which is why the russians were never able to integrate into the so-called european family or nato. the americans are always trying to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same applies to iran, this is the most significant country in western asia. which is unacceptable for the united states; they want to maintain complete hegemony and dominance over this region. only after the revolution did iran become a more or less open society where real debate takes place. there was no debate during shah's reign. shah stood at the helm, everyone else had to obey.


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