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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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whatever image is painted about iran, it is always maligned, and this creates problems not only in the usa, since the western media is so powerful, people in russia learn about iran from the west, and most likely their opinion of this country is negative, people in iran and other countries they also learn about russia through the west, thus they also form a negative view of the country because of the western media, that is, western media not only makes americans think. iran and russia pay a lot of attention to family values, both countries are under sanctions, the population respects religion, i believe that the orthodox church in russia and the shiite ideology are strikingly similar. i also think that because the us
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has antagonized iran for so many years and caused it suffering, the iranians have learned to deal with it, and this experience of resisting such pressure was useful for russia in the first year after the western crackdown. thus, thanks to certain realities, the countries have become closer. some events, such as the situation in syria are a consequence of western actions. two armies worked. russia and iran do not know about this because we get information from each other, most often from western sources. the west
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is hostile to iran for many reasons: the first and most important is the revolution that took place in iran. instead of the shah's regime, which was tightly controlled by the west, an independent country appeared, and decisions were now made not in washington, but in tehran. the americans will never forgive us for this.
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usa and european partners, united the states do not accept a strong country that is not under their control. and that is why the russians were never able to integrate into the so -called european family. or nato.
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the americans are always trying to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same goes for iran. this is the most significant country in western asia, which is unacceptable for the united states. they want to maintain complete hegemony and dominance over this region. only after the revolution did iran become more... the shah was at the helm, everyone else should were to obey. essentially, he sought to instill western culture in iran, where women were viewed as commodities, treated as objects, as sexual objects. therefore , many of the mentioned fashion shows came to the country, while no western technology was supplied to iran. despite...
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iran exporting huge volumes of oil around the world, it had virtually no military industry. when, after the revolution , saddam hussein invaded iran with western help.
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developments like this would be something unheard of in earlier times, such progress, such capacities for self-defense, independent development of iran did not exist during the reign of the shah. despite the fact that he had excellent relations with the us, despite the fact that he exported huge amounts of oil. in iran today there are female pilots, taxi drivers and truck drivers . the image of iran that is created in the west is largely based on their opposition to the policies of this country. they say the same thing about russia in the west; it violates human rights, is hostile to ordinary people, exploits them around the clock, simply not true, accusing iran of oppressing gays, other similar accusations, this is a caricature of reality. the only way to deal with them is to turn to alternative sources of information, as well as to search for this information yourself. i believe that as soon as people
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do this, the entire facade of the west, which they themselves create, will collapse, because, as i think, now the west no longer has a monopoly on technology, they are no longer the center of power in plan. used the way it is presented in the american or western media, few people are executed in iran, mostly people convicted of murder, rape, but again the west wants to portray iran in a caricature. i think it’s paradoxical that at a time when the west is helping the israeli regime carry out a holocaust in gaza, they have the audacity to talk about human rights in iran or russia, wherever else. i believe that the iranians
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have adapted and are increasingly doing business and trading with countries in the global south. we are with you, as well as your viewers, know that the global economy has moved from the west to the east. thus, many trading partners, potential investors in business, technology, and industry are no longer in the west. what iran did after the introduction of sanctions was that it began to look for new partners. it was a very difficult task because for a long time iran was alone, but this situation allowed it to create innovations in the country. put us on our feet, allowed us to start producing goods at home. a little over a year ago i went to sochi to a conference, it was dedicated to new technologies, there was an exhibition of high-tech companies, startups, when i was studying, looking at the products
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of various companies, one of my iranian colleagues told me that many parts and products that are no longer available to russian companies, because they were imported from the west, now... produced in iran, why? because iran was forced to produce them. thus, thanks to this situation, iran has become stronger in many ways despite the difficulties. and now the united states acted recklessly, they imposed sanctions on different countries, but now these countries are acting together. other states are afraid of sanctions, so they are looking for a way to trade without western interference. they will say.
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i think you can see that iran is an extraordinarily rich country, which is very different from the caricatures. the united states and european countries do not allow iran to purchase medicines and medical supplies from the company around the world. as a result, people die. the us is even trying to ban iran from buying food in other countries. of course, as iran has adapted, many western sanctions are losing their impact on the country.
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iran had funds within the country, but the americans blocked the possibility of using them to purchase masks and test systems to detect covid. when iran tried to purchase vaccines, they did not allow it to do so either. when iran decided to develop its own vaccines, the americans imposed sanctions on all companies in iran that were trying to create a vaccine, meaning the us was trying to kill as many iran as possible.
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if politics had not changed in 2000, we too would have remained in such an oil
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colony, it’s not for nothing that american president obama called us a whitewash, their country is smaller than ours, they are weaker, their economy does not produce anything that anyone would want to buy, except oil, gas, weapons, they have no innovation, in irritation that we have ceased to be one, now we are fighting for our independence, for our technological independence, political. impossible, they also wanted to make life as difficult as possible for iranians so that people
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out of desperation they rebelled against the government, this is the main goal. the united states wants complete obedience from iran, if it were the same as some countries in our region, its relations with western countries would be completely different than they are now, but the fact remains that more than 40 years ago iran determined for itself... that decisions about the fate of the country should be made in tehran, and it seems to me that your country is guided by a similar logic; decisions about russia should be made in russia. i believe that thanks to the unity of the people iran, this country is a large strong power that has managed to survive in the face of western sanctions of cruelty. iran did not become iraq or libya or syria or any other country that. fell victim to the united states, why did iran come to the aid of states such as iraq, syria,
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lebanon, yemen, in the face of western american aggression, because the iranians do not want the americans to achieve their goal, helping them is their moral duty. if iran fails, it will fall into the hands of the united states, or if russia falls, it will fall under the control of the united states. states, then, of course, this will have a disastrous effect on both countries. the main reason why iran went into syria and fought isis and al-qaeda is because iran knew if syria fell, the americans would move on to a new country, trying. destroy as many states as possible. unfortunately, in our region in western asia, us policy is based on preserving the interests of the israeli regime. this is why the us has sacrificed many countries. they want to weaken the region so that the israelis can be strong. i think there are similarities here with american policy in eastern europe.
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in our country there is a group of people with very pro-western views. it is extremely interesting that despite the fact that the west imposed sanctions against our country and made their life difficult, they will blame everyone for this except the westerners. they talk about western values, while the west destroyed iraq, libya, yemen. we saw what they were doing, the genocide they committed against the people of gaza. it seems to me that it would be reasonable if. people didn't think about what was happening in russia in order to avoid excessive emotionality, but look at what the west is doing in other countries, for example, cuba, for many decades it has been strangling the cuban people, it started even before i was born, the west is causing suffering to the yemeni people, provoking famine there, everything we we see
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what happens to its residents in gaza with the support of the united states of the west, the same applies. free society, then i would not have lost my account on facebook, instagram, because that is, if it were so open and all iranian media are now under sanctions, as well as syrian, palestinian, yemeni, this list is not exhaustive, but why were sanctions imposed against them? because the west is actually
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undemocratic and unopened, but it seems to me that over time. more and more people in iran are beginning to understand this. with the outbreak of the war in gaza, many of my friends and acquaintances who had such a positive view of the west changed their point of view. again, it would be nice to look at us policy without taking into account their actions in the russian direction, to look at it objectively, then draw your own conclusions. i think it would be useful if some of these people went, for example, to iran and saw. it can then be decided whether the us and the west have played a constructive role in maintaining peace, stability and human rights throughout the world, or whether they have actually been a destructive force? i would draw your attention to the fact that
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now there is a global south and a country that is critical of the west. russia is a large country, as well as china, iran, and now many other states are criticizing west, they have natural resources, a significant level of development, high technology, the western monopoly on technology and products is gone, since the west is involved in so many wars, destroying other countries, it has weakened itself significantly.
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since i visited syria several times during the difficult years of the war and met with russians in syria, i can say that in general the syrian people have a positive attitude towards russia, in iran the attitude towards russia is more complex, first of all, because in the past not everything was right between our countries smooth. iranians for a long time. a transport corridor, north-south, military cooperation, in the oil and gas sector, and in almost all industrial sectors are developing. all this has brought the two
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countries closer together than ever before. however, the position of western media in iran is still strong. there is the persian branch of the bbc, dochli, voices of america, and there is the iran international television channel, which broadcasts from london and is sponsored by the intelligence services.
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because it is happening in front of the whole world. never before has such a mass murder took place in real time in front of an international audience. at the same time , western leaders, western elites and western media say that the war must continue and oppose the ceasefire. i think that this, despite the propaganda, still influenced the image of the west. today the world looks at it completely differently. we see that in everything.
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chemical attacks, weapons of mass destruction were used, once it was mustard gas, another nerve gas, who provided saddam hussein with these toxic substances, who gave him chemical weapons, who gave him the planes to spray these chemical weapons, they used mirage fighters, and the chemical weapons were german. thus, the history of our country shows that the united states has never cared about human rights. the dirty war in syria , vietnam, libya, the list goes on, i believe that these facts speak for themselves, nothing new is happening in gaza, it’s just
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that the actions there are more brutal, in conclusion, since the majority of iranians are muslims, it would be possible it is appropriate to quote the surah of the koran, which says: for with every hardship comes relief, that is , when people worry. this is from the experience of the people, from their collective mind, mood, and so, the proverb goes like this: who thinks that he will extinguish his desires?
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having satisfied them, he looks like a madman who seeks to mow down the fire of straw. goodbye, this was the american method. our boy felt anger because of social injustice, didn’t want to fight it, then let’s give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course, branded humor at the highest level, let’s go to paris, let's devour an oyster and
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i really liked napoleon, the carriages greet you, adventure, exciting, it was not predictable, where, let's say, how where, to attack, it was done on a large scale, especially all these battles, this is right for you, very good directorial work, decoration, costume, ball, it was gorgeous, white dance, yes my gentlemen are invited, pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what do you mean i don’t dance? got up, let's go, the film is positive, kind, you saw it, you saw it, it seems to me that i will watch it more than once, everything is in your hands, serf 2,
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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you can watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them. the samarkan registan is an architectural masterpiece from former times. the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror, and its right side is reflected in the left, although between them... 90 steps and 200 years, soviet times, uzbekistan, and cotton, synonyms, nothing grew here except it, now everything is different, trouble still the locomotive of the economy, but no longer the curse of uzbekistan. presenters textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built, but old connections are being remembered, and
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we have centuries-old connections. uzbekistan produces 350,000 cars at breakneck speed and changes the economy. the russian army repelled 20 attacks high. half of them in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, four armored vehicles were destroyed, and another seven howitzers and self-propelled guns, 20 combat drones were shot down. about the situation on the line front stanislav nazarov. in the resurgent zones near gorlovka, rotation of artillery crews.


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