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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch in the application or on the website. in the krasnolimansk direction , a concentration of manpower and armored vehicles in the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. our attack helicopter group hit all the targets. they attacked the enemy from as close a distance as possible. having completed the combat mission , we performed an anti-missile maneuver, using the on-board defense system, and successfully returned to base. performed search support for strike groups.
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troops gain an advantage over the organization of water crossings by engineers, our establish key objects, and thanks to the enemy. drone operators for engineering troops are trained in nizhny novgorod; the training is organized for the needs of special operations. vera lagunova attended the classes. in a combat situation, such a meeting between a kamikaze drone and a truck would most likely be the last for him.
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fly like a snake around a building, fly basically there are tracks, fly the entire track, control the drone that you control. the curriculum is designed taking into account the experience of special operations, for example, except for theoretical and practical training classes, the training center has a workshop equipped, where military personnel learn to repair drones themselves. the main requirement for future drone operators is a developed vestibular apparatus, unaccustomed to such flights and maneuvers, even on a simulator, you may... feel dizzy,
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fine motor skills of the hands, attentiveness and reaction are also required, but this is developed at the control panels of drones, first virtual military personnel spend up to 8 hours a day. now our the military personnel who have been trained here on the basis of our training center successfully carry out their assigned tasks; there is a need for both making passages, hitting various targets, including operators of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), and mining, which we are now also mastering and adopting. the other day , another group of 30 engineering troops began training, many of them participants in a special military operation for retraining arrived directly from the front, a fighter with the call sign kid mobilized for main specialty radiominer. the commanders offered to train on a uav, i didn’t think twice, i agreed, because my comrades on the front line needed help, since i was there myself, i understand what it’s like without support.
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the engineering troops are creating entire units of drone operators to work in the special operations zone, where drones are already used, for example, for clearing mines, one of the most dangerous combat missions. vera lagunova, vladimir siganov, marina ikonnikova, vesti privolzhye. now let's talk about the weather, heavy snowfall cross winds made the weekend difficult for residents of the ulyanovsk region. there, on some sections of the roads, traffic for heavy trucks and buses is blocked. restrictions remain in effect until conditions improve. saratov region. ice has been declared an orange danger level, yellow in the samara and penza regions, as well as in chuvashia. snowstorms are also predicted during the day in the perm territory, udmurtia in the southeastern regions of the nizhny novgorod region and a number of other regions. a storm warning in the krasnodar territory in the sochi region promises showers in the mountains, sleet, rising water rivers, increased wind. the consequences of abnormal snowfalls are being eliminated in kazan. more than half of the monthly precipitation fell in just 3 days. as for restrictions on
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highways due to bad weather, tatarstan has already allowed passenger cars to travel along the m7 highway. on m-12, restrictions remain at kilometer 720. on the highways near orenburg, where restrictions were introduced a couple of days ago, they were extended until 10 am, on the border with the samara region until 1 pm. in the murmansk region , travel to teriberka is blocked, as well as along the kola and serebryansky gas roads. in the north in the krasnoyarsk territory, traffic on the highway to narilsk airport is completely closed; during the day the wind promises to increase to 33 m/s. a fire broke out in the port of ustluga near st. petersburg, where the terminal of the novotek company caught fire. there were no injuries, the governor of the region, alexander drozdenko, reported this in his telegram. he also added that as soon as the fire started, the staff was promptly evacuated, and
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firefighting equipment from the ministry of emergency situations was brought in to extinguish the fire. a high alert regime has been introduced in the area where the terminal is located. specialists arrived on site administration of the leningrad region. frosts in the united states have already killed over 60 people, media reports. journalists say that many victims of the disaster froze to death right on the roads after being caught in a strong storm. heavy snowfall covered the northeast and midwest of the country. forecasters warn this is not the end. the abnormally cold weather for the country will last at least a week. temperatures in some states will drop below -35°. during shelling of a us air base in the west. several military personnel in iraq could have been injured, the pentagon admitted. all the wounded are under under the supervision of doctors, the statement said. the day before, at least 15 ballistic missiles were fired from iran at a us air base in iraq. hezbollah
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and al-nujaba have already claimed full responsibility for the attack. internal political contradictions are growing in germany. chancellor scholz's ratings are consistently low. the opposition media is accused of nazism. on the streets, besides striking farmers, crowds of demonstrators, protesters say there are no more good politicians in the country, and the scale of the crisis is in the hands of ekaterina radaeva. about 150 thousand people took part in protests against the alternative for germany party. according to police , the largest number of people gathered at demonstrations in hanover and frankfurt, each with 3,500 people. we, as democrats, stand together against the man-haters of our country. we do this together and we do it with determination. it doesn't matter where we come from, it doesn't matter what we believe. over the past six months, the alternative for germany party has been rapidly gaining popularity. according to opinion polls, her
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rating has jumped to 23%, while confidence in chancellor scholz and his government fell sharply. more than 70% of germans are dissatisfied with their work. the ruling coalition may lose the elections, so it is very opportune for the chancellor to correct the publication by publishing a message that a conference of right-wing politicians was held near the building; among other things, at the meeting they allegedly discussed the possibility of expelling millions of migrants from germany. corrective reported that a representative of the adc also took part in the event. the press associated with the ruling circles immediately launched a large-scale campaign against this party. its members began to be called not...
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in germany has already threatened to organize new large-scale protests by farmers if the government does not meet them halfway. ekaterina radaeva, news. the first winter drift cup took place in luzhniki, bringing together the country's top racers. danilo makhalin watched the competition. on this january day in luzhniki , an unconventional roar resounded from the stands after it was packed. or an abandoned puck, tires screeching in endless drifts. this is what winter drift looks like, one of
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the most popular and accessible types of motorsport in russia. the most important thing is that the audience i like it, it’s really very spectacular, when i ’m sitting on the podium as a spectator, it’s very nice to watch it. georgy chevchan, the main star of the luzhniki tournament, winner of a dozen domestic titles, and the first drifter in history to win two of the most prestigious international cups. it’s not without reason that the line for autographs and photos for him stretched almost along the entire route, we ’re used to it, we meet our fans at all events, give autographs, we already know some of them by sight, all the participants raced in cars of your family and these are not restrictions or mandatory conditions, precisely the wishes of the racers who can’t even imagine another brand in winter drifting, the lada for winter drifting is, of course, ideal, the platform itself and...
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a huge number of winter championships take place all the guys drive ladas, because ladas are the fastest car for winter drifting, it’s clear that we don’t have ice here, but the car still controls just amazingly, it’s very pleasant to drive, and in general, ladas are the best that have been created domestic industry for guys who love to drift. the whole magic of paired races is to watch how literally centimeters remain between the cars during drifts, it seems that they... are about to collide or fly into the fence, but this is a real professional, and
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they control such moments, although still no one is immune from mistakes. the criterion evaluation system consists of several parameters: trajectory, angle of movement, speed and style, everything is assessed by judges who look at two races of each pair. in them, first one the car performs the role of leader for a certain task and route, the second... repeats everything synchronously after it, then the cars change places. we are now being judged by legendary judges who judged the entire season, i think they have seen so much over the summer that now they are just - it seems to me that they are enjoying what they are about to do. the uniqueness of the first winter drift tournament is that the organizers combined professionals and amateurs into one bracket; one of these, a kind of guy from the street, was kirill shaldon. this is generally very cool, because we... the boys, who always watched all these people on tv, on the screen,
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probably wanted to get there too, of course, not in the summer, because there are very large budgets, but in the quality of such races this is just an unrealistically cool event, who would have thought that kirill would not only reach the decisive races, but also in the end beat all the titled stars, i have the best team, it’s just the dmc service, the garage, everything, they are the best all . into the arms of your team immediately after the results are announced, now he is the first champion of the rds winter drift cup. daniil makhalin, dmitry shevilev, maxim devitakin, karen melikyan, lead. european politicians and military officials assessed the consequences of the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive. what exits do they offer? more on this in our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. good evening, dear friends, welcome to the discussion on my channel. yes, the times when you could enjoy peace and tranquility during the winter
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holidays are apparently over. wars on people in the middle east in ukraine are haunted, some demand the supply of heavy weapons, others advocate negotiations. and about the current geopolitical situation, i would like to talk with two distinguished guests who came to us.
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to organize this, but i'm glad we met here today in noirupin, it took a while to about an hour north of berlin. i would like to ask you, gerbrant, do you think russia will agree to negotiate now, when the military defeat of ukraine is visible on the horizon, as you do you think so? i would not go so far as to say that ukraine’s defeat is becoming obvious on the horizon or has already become so, that it will not achieve its goals, but, but i will not evade the essence of the issue because of this, the possibility of negotiations appears only then when there are serious
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attempts to start a conversation for this, sometimes you have to agree in advance in order to even reach negotiations. such a conflict is not a case where the parties reveal all their cards from the very beginning and say: here, what we want to achieve in the current conditions, otherwise nothing will work out. the debate in the us has been more open from the start. yes, than in germany, by the way, in a number of other nato countries, it was more critical, that’s right, in some nato countries there was a more open discussion than in ours, and i recommend that you familiarize yourself with the kind of debate that is going on there. there is one point that we have not yet mentioned, namely, to put it simply,
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ukraine had and still officially has.
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ukraine in nato would be a problem for anyone hypothetical russian, the government is something that they don’t want to admit, and the point here is not at all that mr. putin does not have a very pleasant character, this is a real problem, and there is, perhaps, a way to get ukraine. into nato through partition, so if in the end there is some kind of korean solution left, then one can imagine that if the country is partitioned, one part will be integrated into nato. i, i don’t want to speculate too much, i’ll just
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say that this, of course, would not be the most pleasant and beneficial, neither for ukraine, and therefore i am in favor of solving this problem, which, by the way, was discussed at the negotiations in march 2022, where an agreement on this issue was already reached. of course, the agreement was reached under pressure, but an agreement. it was, namely, ukraine should have a non-bloc status, be outside the military blocs, that is.
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this discussion of nato membership before the russian attack, in my opinion, contributed significantly to the fact that
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no meaningful attempt was made to prevent this attack, because that the russians, i could now name names, but there were many politicians who said that ukraine should be a member and that it would become one. i can say that i have been here and would not want to come here again. extol my role, but i was also chairman of the nato ukraine commission, chief of staff of nato and the council of chiefs of staff of nato russia, i know both sides well. in 2002, i had the opportunity to work very actively on the integration of the ukrainian armed forces into democracy, so to speak. and i, i personally negotiated with three candidates for membership, exactly. with hungary, with the czech republic and poland. and after these negotiations, i came to the conclusion that russia is not against nato expansion
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on principle, as it is always presented. this is my personal perception. it may not be like that, but i came to this. the fact is that russia evaluates this from a strategic point of view, namely, what kind of country, due to its size. geostrategic position and military potential would change the balance of power between russia and nato to the detriment of russia, and here, of course, ukraine occupies the very first line, because of the size, because of the geostrategic position, because of the potential that this country will bring with it, and this must be understood. there is also a second point. when mr. stoltenberg says that ukraine will become a member of nato, he refers to the protocol of the bucharest summit,
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where president bush tried to put pressure on the heads of state, in 2008, yes, with great zeal he sought an invitation from georgia and ukraine, which he did not succeed in, then how this usually happens in such cases. in kamenika, to save face , they included an excerpt, which is now in their mr. stoltenberg relies on statements. i recommend that mr. stoltenberg look at the nato treaty, in particular at article 10. and then he will discover that ukraine cannot become a member of nato at all. at least not in the foreseeable future. i don’t know what will happen in 50 or 100 years, but in the foreseeable future it won’t be possible. first of all, yes, i will get to this, but first briefly. firstly, ukraine cannot say that they could, as we have been hearing for a long time from our minister of foreign affairs, obtain membership in the alliance, having
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absolutely right, although this is fundamentally true, according to international law for nato, desire is not enough, because nato must invite each new member based on the consensus of all member states. currently these requirements have not been met, and this should not be expected in the foreseeable future either. back in 2002, when i was in ukraine, i was asked when we would finally become members
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of nato. our army does everything that you say, i said, you do not meet the requirements, you must understand that it is not your army that becomes a member of nato, but you, as a state like ukraine becomes a member of nato and you do not qualify. what these requirements were would be too long, maybe you could briefly outline all of them.
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publicly stated: we are ready to accept a neutral status, we also refuse membership in nato, and this was also in the negotiations with ukraine in the ten-point plan that ukraine presented at the negotiations, it was formulated by ukraine, because the final document essentially reflects the position in ukraine, we have to remind you of this, they always say:
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and this led to a situation in which both sides were ready to make concessions, they made them, this situation will not happen again, i would like to talk more about your call for peace, because of which, in particular, we have gathered here today , you published it at the end of the summer, it’s called ending the war through negotiations, you previously
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mentioned two of your colleagues. hayjo-funki and horst teltschik, with whom you published your call for peace. there you write: “i want to quote you: if the offensive fails, we should expect that ukraine will require western soldiers to follow western weapons. do you really believe, gerbrant, that nato or the west will go so far and send their military to this war. i do not think so. but i suspect that there will be individual politicians who will speak in this spirit, especially if the united states partially, partially refuses to participate in the affairs of ukraine, and that is quite obvious, if you send soldiers, you become...


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