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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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great! hello, the most discussed legal topics of the past week and the big investigations of our correspondents in the final episode of the program will be conducted by the duty part, i’m andrey ivlev with you, watch now. a billionaire died in the mountains, only here, new footage of a search and rescue operation of tourists in the khibiny mountains. on your back, vanya, turn your back, it will be easier. oleg posobin went along the last route of the merchants. mockery for the sake of hype.
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a youth gang that was filming trash content with real people was detained in belgorod. i i stand here on this street. sultan ziganov found out why the victims are still afraid to write a statement and talked with the attackers. a blow to counterfeit goods. in north ossetia, police seized another batch of surrogate alcohol. what other violations of the law do we have to deal with in the republic? alexandra mostovaya will talk about the specifics of the work.
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the camera posted scandalous videos on the internet, so what were the accomplices trying to achieve ? is it true that the victims are now afraid to write a statement? our correspondent sultan tseganov went to the belgorod region. denis strikalov has barely turned 19 years old, and he is already handcuffed and under escort awaiting interrogation in a case that has made headlines throughout the country. investigators call denis a likely member of a youth gang that kept the residents of belgorod at bay. only to our program. agreed to talk about
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why he took part in street fights, was guided by supposedly noble motives , i had everything according to my conscience, and there was no such thing, i never, never just beat a person, there were statements towards my mother, for my mother, i think any kid will go, however, after watching the videos that have recently begun to actively spread on social networks, it ’s hard to believe in strikalov’s words, as the investigators of the young man and his accomplices beat random passers-by, having a clear advantage in strength, they they did not give their victims a chance to defend themselves, everything that happened was filmed, and the content was accompanied by so-called boyish romance. i stand here for this street. the more attention the videos attracted, the tougher their content became. a team of trash bloggers regularly went hunting. now we are in the area of ​​bohdan khmelnitsky avenue, which intersects with the street.
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belgorod youth often gather in this place, since it is here that one of the major entertainment centers is located, and as it turned out, it was in its vicinity that a greater number of attacks on townspeople were committed, and the gang members were not shy about random witnesses or cctv cameras, on the contrary, they themselves filmed the bullying over people on mobile phones were posted online, it was unclear what the daredevils were counting on, the majority of internet users expectedly aroused outrage at such videos, the police drew attention to the outrage of the youth group members and opened a criminal case for hooliganism. after studying the videos, criminal investigation officers established the identities of the defendants in less than 24 hours. our employees detained four suspects, three of whom were previously convicted. on behalf of the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, check on... and employees of the investigative committee for
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the belgorod region. having carefully watched this video, experts came to the conclusion that this is no longer just street hooliganism, an aggressive company beats two people half to death.
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it is known that gafarov came to russia from kharkov, studied in the capital, at college , but was expelled, and now he is at risk of losing his recently acquired citizenship, but there was no point, let’s say, as they say, that i wanted to kill him there, there was no such a thing, even in the video at the end you can see that i made it up too another participant was stopped there; denis gubin had previously been prosecuted for drug possession. with an outstanding criminal record, he again found himself in trouble, given all the madness that young people were doing on the streets of belgorod, investigators insisted on their arrest, his mother came to support gubin in court, you controlled him in general, well, just like you met with him now, i of course, she came
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here often, so what was he doing, walking, the sverdlovsk district court sent the accused to a pre-trial detention center, but this did not seem to upset them.
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a set of investigative actions and operational search activities aimed at identifying all persons involved in the crimes committed and also at establishing the role of each person and identifying additional episodes of their criminal activity. the identities of all members of the group have not yet been revealed, since many of them are under 18 years old. those involved in the criminal case are no longer behaving as smartly as before, they are trying to press for pity. the same denis strikalov admits that he did not want to be so bad. fame after college he dreamed of serving in the army, then working in the police, but now this path seems closed to him. sultan siganov, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, irina babak, lead the duty unit from the belgorod region. ambiguous history in the urals. former rural district police officers
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from the sverdlovsk region became involved in a criminal case for abuse of power, allegedly after complaining about inaction. their colleagues. at the end of last week, security forces detained yuri zolotko and took him in for questioning. while the investigation is ongoing, he will be under house arrest, the court decided. as follows from the criminal materials. case, the former district police officer used force against the detainees, this allegedly happened in the period from 2019 to 2021, but for some reason only now the already convicted repeat offenders testified and said that zolotko caused them physical pain. the illegal activities of this citizen were identified and documented during the implementation of operational information by police officers from the sverdlovsk internal security unit, the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs. all collected. by in relation to this fact, the internal affairs bodies sent materials for further implementation to the
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investigative committee. according to investigators, in the period 2019-2021, the specified citizen, being at that time an employee of the service of local police commissioners, used physical violence against three citizens. in the criminal case, investigator skr interrogated a number of witnesses, conducted a search of the home, during which a number of items of interest to the investigation were seized, and a number of other procedural measures were carried out. at the very zolotko. another version , this is what he told local journalists in court before choosing a preventive measure, the victim openly came with a friend who threatened my wife with a knife right in court, the victim himself admitted that he crushed me there at the police station with his elbow, pressed me against something - then, such people are now giving me testimony from police officers against me, testimony that is subordinated. our program obtained a copy of this statement, in which zolotko complains about
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his allegedly illegal dismissal, reports interesting information about the events of february 2022 . then workers, digging a grave in a local churchyard, came across three bodies that lay in the ground without a monument cross. one of them belonged to a child, which means that we could be talking about a fresh, secret burial of an entire family. according to yuri. former police officers ordered the funeral service employees to deepen the hole and bury everyone without conducting an identification examination. zlotko, who was in office at the time, assures that he learned about what happened from the workers immediately contacted the authorities, but his message was allegedly ignored. yuri zolotko attached to his statement an explanation received from an eyewitness, an employee of the funeral home oleg bushuev. here is a copy of this document dated november 13 last year. confirms his words and now we managed to contact him by phone, there was a specific smell there, rot
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straight from the police, i was completely shocked, they told us to bury everything deeper. after the inspection, the experts actually found the bodies of three people in the indicated place, but as follows from official reports, they did not reveal any crime, so whose bodies are these and why did the police initially decide not to advertise this story? questions so far... remain unanswered, local journalists are conducting their investigation, yuri himself gave the impression of a man who is committed to the letter of the law, he tried to do everything according to the rules, according to instructions, as far as i know, thanks to him, even the local police officers were paid bonuses that they had not received before. the village of shalya, where the principal district police officer worked, is located 165 km away from yekaterinburg, it is known that zolotko actively... fought against the illegal sale of alcohol, here is footage taken during a raid in january 2021, please tell me,
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besides this alcoholic product that you are selling illegally, you also have it somewhere ? the dismissal and detention of the district police officer raised many questions among local residents, journalists and lawyers. through the public council under the ministry of internal affairs of russia, we will also take control of this situation and see how, what happened, what happened, from one angle, absolutely worthy. who always advocated for compliance with the law, from another angle, if you look at it, there are corresponding statements from victims who accuse him of committing a crime, in this situation, of course, the law should come first, if some time has passed, suddenly it dawns on the person that someone there was an accomplice there a year ago or there some time later. caused him bodily harm, but for some reason he didn’t tell anyone anything, why suddenly this information appeared now, this
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should also become the subject of research, studies, including by investigative bodies. our editors are not trying to take sides; we have given the opportunity to voice their position to all participants in this controversial story. of course, we wanted to talk to the former district police officer himself, but now yuri zolotko is under house arrest and is prohibited from doing so. communicate with reporters, you cannot share information with his wife. under the article on abuse of power, a person involved in a criminal case may face up to 10 years in prison. so how did it turn out? it is known that the head of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin requested a report on the investigation of this criminal case and the results of the pre-investigation check on possible illegal actions of police officers in the sverdlovsk region. well, our program will continue to closely monitor this story. in st. petersburg
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, the consideration of the high-profile case of daria trepova on friday is nearing its final stage. the prosecutor requested 28 years in a general regime colony for her and a fine of 800,000 rubles. this is a record-breaking sentence for a woman. well, this is a serious accusation. the criminal case is being considered under articles of terrorist attack, illegal carrying explosive devices and using false documents. according to investigators, on april 2 last year, on the instructions of ukrainian curators, trepova brought a bomb to one of the st. petersburg cafes, which was placed in a figurine and handed over to the military correspondent. vladlen tatarsky. the journalist died as a result of the explosion. 52 people were injured. in the last statement, trepova agreed only with the charge under the article on the use of forged documents. according to twenty-six-year-old daria, she was framed by curators from ukraine. she supposedly i believed that the statue was not a bomb, but a listening device. the same thing is said
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by the person who introduced himself as the defendant’s husband. a certain dmitry rylov spoke. the media with an appeal to the wanted journalist roman popkov, who allegedly gave the task to trepova. other notable legal topics and incidents of the week in the review by galina khangureeva. on monday in moscow, the magistrate court arrested pranksters for daring antics in the subway. the friends ran on the roof of the train, kicked the cars, unscrewed light bulbs at stations and provoked passengers. all the incident was filmed. during interrogation they stated. that they came to the capital specifically to film entertainment content. on tuesday, the second western district military court sentenced a high-ranking employee of the russian guard to six years in prison. sergei volkov was found guilty of supplying low-quality radar systems to protect the crimean bridge and gas pipeline from drones. the total damage caused to the budget amounted to almost 400 million rubles. as
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investigators found out, volkov understood well that the purchased equipment will not allow protecting strategic ones. objects, but nevertheless adopted it. on wednesday it became known that a lawyer from udmortia had been detained for blackmailing his own client. according to investigators, alexey barinov demanded 15 million rubles from the woman. otherwise, he promised to spread the incriminating evidence that he collected during his communication with her. fsb officers detained the lawyer immediately after receiving the first tranche - 2 million rubles. the court sent barinovo to pre-trial detention. on thursday during a fire in the novosibirsk gymnasium. died man, a flame broke out in the basement, during the evacuation it turned out that a private school for training security guards was located there, firearms were taken out of the premises in a bucket , a deceased employee of this company, according to preliminary data, he was carrying out welding work, which was the cause of the fire, a criminal case was initiated case, investigators and prosecutors will check who even
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allowed the guards to be trained in the basement of the gymnasium. on friday in moscow, a niva driver crashed into a bus. beat people, five people were injured, they were taken to hospital, two were in serious condition, cameras recorded how the white cornfield was changing lanes from one lane to another, after which the driver lost control and the car was carried off the roadway. the cause of the accident was most likely weather conditions, but the media reported that the culprit of the accident had violated traffic rules almost 30 times over the past year, most often he was fined for speeding. galina hungureeva, duty officer. the focus is on the investigation of particularly serious crimes, including those against children. on this week the investigative committee of russia turned 13 years old. over the years, the department has earned the respect of people, and the chairman of the investigative committee of russia , alexander bostrykin, spoke about this at a ceremonial meeting on friday. according to him, the full-fledged work of newly created units in new regions of russia, where war crimes are being investigated, has been imposed.
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the department's activities were aimed at implementing strategic development plans for russia. licenses, as in the republic they fight against manufacturers, sellers of counterfeit alcohol, where the surrogate is being brought from, what other violations the republican police are fighting against, from the water supply station. this overweight young man in black sweatpants clearly imagined himself to be the hero of a cheap spy drama, covered his mouth with the collar of his jacket, his head
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with a hood to hide his face as much as possible, having noticed journalists, at the department of the ministry of internal affairs of the podigorsky district of north ossetia, alania, for some reason he changed his mind about going into the building began to frantically call someone. who do you keep calling and telling about being filmed? maybe it's easier somehow comment on what happened. it’s responsible that you want to say that it’s not you, yes, just a very similar person, but it’s a coincidence, the reasons for this behavior are quite understandable, the young man was detained the day before by employees of the department of economic security and anti-corruption of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic, here is operational footage, a citizen with a naked he was clearly unhappy with his stomach, he apparently wanted to build a business by selling counterfeit goods, but the enterprising businessman was handcuffed right on the highway, he the truck would have been filled with ethyl alcohol without a license; he was carrying 3.00 liters for sale. these boxes contain bottles of ethyl alcohol that investigators seized the day before. let's
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see the contents. here is a five-liter container, no label, no excise stamp. most likely , this liquid was planned to be used in the future for the production of surrogate. the fight against counterfeit goods is one of the key areas in the work of the north ossetian police in allania. in a warehouse the size of a football field, hundreds of boxes of alcohol of dubious quality, often surrogate they tried to sell it under the guise of well-known brands of alcohol, here, for example, vodka, but the excise stamp came off from it, this suggests that most likely this is a craft, but here, in all likelihood , it’s some kind of champagne, they just didn’t have time to stick the label , police regularly shut down small shops... large ones producing counterfeit alcohol. a full cycle was established at this underground enterprise. the swill was made, bottled, and fake excise stamps were stamped here. the surrogate
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was supplied throughout the north caucasus federal district. police officers seized more than 17,500 bottles from illicit trafficking. this is a surrogate in any case, naturally, it was made on non- certified equipment, there are definitely complaints about the contents here. vodka cognac all without excise stamps, why is there no excise stamp? can you explain? wine, homemade, red, and you told us that you don’t have alcohol. to prevent counterfeit goods
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from ending up on store shelves, the task of the police is to block the supply channel in a timely manner, but unscrupulous businessmen constantly they are trying to find loopholes, transporting non-excise goods in trucks disguised as milk or fuel tankers. very often we come across, we declare, the overload is illegal and contains alcohol. caucasus, inspectors inspect each large cargo in detail. this time no violations were found, which means that the active fight against counterfeit products brought results. by the way, the drivers themselves talk about this. tell me, maybe you or your colleagues have encountered the problem of transporting consignments of alcohol? well, i heard a long time ago, well...
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not only with manufacturers and sellers counterfeit alcohol, but with violators of traffic rules, special attention to owners of tinted cars. quite a busy intersection in the center of vladikavkaz, traffic police officers are now working here, potential violators are pulled out of traffic, one of them was stopped for a couple of minutes... without any problems, clearly everything that can be done, laws are for breaking them, but the daring motorist still had to remove the film from the windows. the transparency
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of the windshield and front side windows should be be at least 70%. for those who like deep tinting, it is on average no higher than 10, which means the driver is at great risk due to poor visibility. this is a tonic device, it determines the average transmittance of glass, transmittance is 6.1%. what does it mean? this means that he does not pass through the guest house, here is another violator in an elite suv, he clearly lost his temper when he saw the journalists, and almost... knocked down the camera of our cameraman, hello, tell me why you are tinting the car, what are you doing , i don't need a camera, you understand that you you understand that this is an article, you can why you rules, don’t go on camera, you can explain why you are breaking the rules, this is only a small part of the big work of the traffic police officers of north ossetia, alania, they are responsible for traffic safety at the verkhny automobile checkpoint lars, traffic police squads
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are on duty here. 24/7, during patrols, by traffic police officers, we do not allow trucks to leave out of turn, so that there are no violations of traffic rules. former truck drivers stood in line for weeks to cross the border. now the throughput has increased several times. the electronic queue and the operation of checkpoints without breaks or days off made it possible to relieve congestion on the highway. as far as i've driven, everything is usually fine. employees' everyday life. the police are varied, because the work is carried out in several directions: in december, the police were on the trail of the brothers kazbek and vladislav kolumbegov, accomplices allegedly involved in the assassination attempt on the brother of the head of the alagirsky district of the republic, they opened fire on the victim right in the center of the city, and then got into a car and fled. this is footage of the arrest of possible drug dealers: a husband, wife, and their friend purchased large quantities of methadone, then packaged the drugs and sold them, now
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the accomplices face up to... life imprisonment. do you use drugs? yes. how long ago? about five years. the detection rate of crimes in the republic has only increased in recent years. any violations of the law must be nipped in the bud - those who have been protecting the peace of north ossetians for many years are sure. alexander mostovay, yaroslav borisov, alexander feaktistov and pavel alekseev. vesti is a duty officer from north ossetia. the kalina joints and the bear's fangs were brought to trial. this week in usuriysk , a criminal investigation into the smuggling of derivatives was completed, as parts of rare red book animals are called; they are used in medicine to prepare dietary supplements; the illegal business brings poachers billions of dollars in income. by the way, eduard petrov’s investigation was devoted to this topic shortly after us, don’t miss the film poacher in tigrovaya skin he talks about smugglers who mercilessly exterminate endangered species of tigers and bears,
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just like the black ones in the seaside. the market of far eastern wood products, who helps criminals transport exotic goods, and how customs officers and border guards resist illegal business, our colleagues will tell you. the king of animals and the owner of the taiga, the amur tiger and the brown bear are in danger, from the ground bones of tigers and lavas of bears they make healing potions, if you spray them on powders, on racks, you can of course make money. and from the red book root of ginseng, medicinal elixirs, the cost of ginseng root on the black market can reach several million rubles, the hunt for bears and tigers continues, their skins are a currency commodity, the russia tv channel came to visit you, i did not give permission, well, i i’m not asking for your permission, the total cost of this contraband is above 20 million rubles. how the security forces were able to delimit the international criminal community operating in primorye, we and...
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and did the businessmen even have a chance to survive, only we have new footage of the search and rescue operation and unexpected details of a high-profile story, it turns out that there was another person in the company of businessmen and he survived, an investigation by oleg posobin from the murnom region. this footage of the search and rescue operation of the pitrelius pass in the khibiny mountains is for the first time on television. emergencies ministry employees are trying.


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