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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. an ugly story, the german government suddenly decided to intervene as a mediator in the un trial of the search for south africa, which accuses israel of genocide of the population from the gas sector. there, let me remind you, according to the palestinian ministry of health , almost 25,000 people died under israeli bombing.
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kyiv only has a new spell, not much it helps, but it's completely free. we always hear that we will support ukraine as long as it is necessary, as long as necessary. i think we need to change the rhetoric. we will support ukraine until ukraine wins. when it comes to the victory of ukraine, serious politicians in the west at least politely fall silent. from the thesis of defeating russia, the media are moving to the idea that russia’s victory is inadmissible. and there are semantic nuances here. only france this week outlined a concrete plan for military support for ukraine. macron still hopes create additional problems for the russians, who are successfully squeezing the french out of their former african colonies. we are going to supply about forty scalp missiles and several hundred bombs that our ukrainian friends are waiting for. we have also increased production within the war economy, which will allow us to supply much more equipment to our ukrainian partners, including caesar. unlike france, which
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has been supplying cruise missiles to kiev for a long time, germany is not yet planning to do this. the chancellor decided to get rid of the pressure christian democrats, who demand the transfer of tauru strike systems with a range beyond that to ukraine. 176 for taurus deliveries, 485 against, among them was even such a well-known defender
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of ukrainian interests as the head of the defense committee, mrs. strack zimmerman. the issue can be considered closed for an indefinite period, but on the other hand, scholz spoke this week. the fact that the united states does not have a budget for kiev, secretary of state blinken said, was downright dumbfounded. look, there's no magic pot of money unless we we get the money, this will be a real problem , this is a real problem for ukraine, i think this is a problem for us too, it is being questioned... the problems of ukraine were directly indicated by the artistic design of the business breakfast organized by the oligarch pinchuk at the dovos forum. what at first glance might have seemed like the scribbles of a madman was the inscription stand with ukraine repeated many times. we stand with ukraine, indicating that interest in the problem is gradually
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eroding. the politician's publication writes that this is especially felt in the united states, which, on the eve of the presidential election, is naturally immersed in the domestic agenda. what was the european group convinced of? lobbyists who visited the capitol, where $61 billion was suspended. during the visit, the group had a single message to lawmakers and the white house: wake up. parliamentarians spent the week imploring americans to be americans, to be involved, to be focused, but the united states' allies in europe found the country increasingly indifferent to the five-month delay. ukraine additional funds. uncertainty regarding the financing of the war against.
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it is not so important that what the united states can do is well known, just like what it cannot, for example, guarantee support for kiev after november of this year. in one of the interviews, zelensky first tried to correct trump, who promised to end the conflict in 24 hours. trump said: “i can stop the war, i will sit down with putin and zelensky at the negotiating table.” then the question is: what will trump do if after ukraine russia goes to a nato country, then i will say just like my father always told me.
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felt a little backed into a corner. having deceived trump, zelensky did not stop; he worked on relations with china. ukrainian leaders have made no secret of their desire to meet with chinese officials in switzerland this week, but president volodymyr zelensky went home without getting the meeting he wanted, a blow for kiev. china's decision not to meet with the ukrainians appeared deliberate and was not the result of scheduling problems. the organizers of the dovoz forum did everything. in order to involve the chinese comrades in the discussion of that same kiev peace formula, they say, once you arrived , at least sit in the hall, this could then be used to inflate a whole sensation, but chinese prime minister liqiang did not succumb to provocation and pointedly refused to meet zelensky, here khalui,
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who is ready to lick the shoes of any western bigwig with the rank of deputy minister, suddenly became filled with his own importance. there is no chinese leader in dovosi, there is a chinese prime minister, then our prime minister will meet with him, there is no here...
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also contact gaga siscombe against germany for the genocide of 1904-908, as a result of which these tribes were almost completely exterminated. germany's support for israel's genocide against the palestinians confirms the continuing colonial nature of modern germany's policies. what is being presented to germany can be extended to britain, belgium, the netherlands, italy, portugal, france, so it is quite natural between europe on the one hand and countries globally.
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were preparing for the summit on ukraine. the european parliament adopted a resolution regarding hungary, which is now blocking a four-year bailout plan of 55 billion euros. this was preceded by lengthy debates, during which things almost came to blows at times. the european union has become a pawn in the american political game. if western europe does not refuse to supply weapons to the armed forces of ukraine, the slavic peoples will unite and raze it to the ground. and you shut up, shut up, despite a series of brilliant speeches
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by opponents, the majority of conservatives and socialists loyal to the european commission recommended to exclude hungary from the decision-making process, this is exactly what brussels top officials are seeking, now she is already being asked questions about how she used european money when purchasing covid vaccines, perhaps over time she will be asked about the money lost on anti-russian sanctions, in vain , says newsweak. it is now absolutely clear that russia has defeated the western sanctions regime. instead of collapsing, the russian economy is growing rapidly, with gdp growing by an impressive 5.5% in the third quarter. nato miracle weapons such as haymars and leopard tanks were unable to ensure an effective ukrainian counteroffensive. kiev has run out of people, money, artillery shells and time. the west must stop giving money to a man with a hole in his pocket. against the deprivation of hungary.
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euros are spent, each country has 100 thousand more dead soldiers, and no one moves forward. the russians will continue their control over donetsk and lugansk. of course, they will not leave crimea, but russia's position in the negotiations will improve. giving 50 billion euros from the eu budget for 4 years in advance is a violation sovereignty of the national interests of the european union. we don’t even know what...
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directions, in order to prevent the russians from breaking through a land corridor into the baltic exclave, 400 bundusphere soldiers are sent to lithuania, and therefore germany cannot give ukraine more than what... what it has already given , we cannot go to the bank, as some demand, otherwise we ourselves will be defenseless, we cannot take tanks off the shelf to buy them, production takes 2 years, the capacity of the defense industry is limited, limited capabilities of the german budget, the mentioned 7 billion for ukraine is not free money, it is taken away from their own, for example, farmers.
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germany is by far the largest sponsor of ukraine, we should say at some point. “enough is enough, that’s enough, we can’t take it anymore. the baton of protests started by german farmers and the winding down of subsidy programs was taken up this week by truck drivers, who had their autobahn fees sharply increased. however, transport workers, just like farmers, i couldn’t get through to the chancellor, although the whole bavarian minister of economics shouted to him. thank you for coming today to show the government who is in charge, you are in charge while others have their foot on the brakes, we need you more than the federal government, if you don't take the wheel, then the shelves the stores will be empty , vegan cheese will disappear from the shelves, it’s worth telling the green ones, i ask where is the minister of economics, where is the minister of finance, where is the federal chancellor, olaf scholz, where are you anyway, you should be here among the people, the chancellor is not visible, just like it's almost invisible already of his political racing,
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the anti-hero of the german economy, its minister robert habik, has to take the rap, in davos this green de... unlike other countries with which we compete, germany’s energy supply was built largely on dependence on russian gas, in the past this gave us a competitive advantage, gas was very cheap, after the gas ran out we found ourselves at a competitive disadvantage
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, it is logical that energy prices in germany became higher, life without russian gas - the action was postponed from january 20 to january 27, so what ? at the last moment, in order to relieve the city,
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you might say, it’s very fortunate, it will just be holocaust remembrance day. mikhail antonov , anastasia barkovskaya, denis lisitsin and andrey putro, news of the week, germany, there are situations when only a big burger with tender chicken can save you, big chickenburger with a large tender chicken breast fillet in a crispy breading, tomatoes, lettuce and signature sauce. also try the new big chicken mushroom burger, it’s delicious, period, it’s our first family freckle is on the nose of my great-great-grandmother, it’s not immediately possible to understand its value, but everything changes when love gets involved, the freckle conquered a rebellious
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can have an appetite, only dad will cut it down, if you have an appetite, a snack won't hurt, appetite, sausages will help, retiring in the new year is profitable with a savings bank for... support for your big, tender, mushroom bikchickenburger is already in the combo for 429 rubles.
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a certain political culture has developed and continues to develop in the united states. culture in general is our idea of ​​the beautiful, the sublime and the base, the proper and the unacceptable. america in culture. in a sense, it is very original, especially acute, we feel the difference between us in the election year, if in russia, the integrity of the elections, the scrupulousness of the voting procedure and counting of ballots, transparency at every stage, and ultimately the legitimacy of the result, the state’s stated goal, then in the united states everything is different, the last presidential elections there were openly fraudulent, the current ones promise to become downright criminal. putin spoke about the last american elections last tuesday with all frankness.
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everything can be falsified, since in the united states previous elections were falsified through voting by mail, well, of course, something like voting by mail was bought for 10 dollars were entered into the ballot without any outside observation; observers inserted them there. back in 2015 there was an incredible spiritual upsurge, in 2020 it was even greater, we got several million more votes, there’s nothing even to compare, they asked me how everything went in
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2020, and i said: even better, if you look at the number of votes, then we performed even more successfully, but the elections were rigged, they were rigged, they took advantage of the pandemic and rigged them even more, the judges refused to understand this, other people simply washed their hands, others said: yeah, do you doubt the integrity of the elections? don’t be a conspiracy theorist, don’t cheat in the elections. there are many technologies for fraud in american elections. their use is possible because the political culture allows it. well, for example, in many states an american can vote by mail or even at a polling place without showing an id. this means that you can come again, as they say... for that guy, if i know that he is not going to vote, but even if that guy did come and
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vote, then... there is a norm that you can vote again if you change your mind, without an id you can change someone's will, but what about changing your mind? look what's happening to our country, we don't even have voter ids, why don't they want to introduce a voter id system? there's only one reason why they don't want it, because they want to cheat, they want to cheat. trump sees this, feels it himself and formulates a revelation out of nowhere. however, let's go right away let's make a reservation. trump is not our lyrical hero, we are not from his fan club. we have someone here to root for, someone to support. it’s just that the american experience, the experience of those who always obsessively teach us about democracy for russia, is, of course, interesting and instructive in a negative
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sense. it was the vote-by-mail scam that became fatal for trump. he himself asked his voters to vote at the polling stations in person and preferably exactly on election day, exactly on november 3. and in head-to-head votes, trump led by a large, but miraculous, margin thus, the vast majority of the 64 million votes sent by mail turned out
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to be bad. here, for example, are graphs of the progress of vote counting in wisconsin and michigan. everyone was paying attention to the sharp overnight surges in biden's support that put their candidate in the lead in key states. these are massive injections. the graphs may become political classics in us history. at least, cartoons with this recognizable leap had already appeared then. voting by mail in the usa allows fraud, for example, dead souls among biden’s supporters, which is understandable, they always vote by mail. in total, the number of dead people discovered during the voting was estimated at 2 million. 1.8 - clarifies the american conservative public organization judicial watch, and gives examples of districts where there are more names on the voter lists than living citizens with the right
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to vote.
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they won’t let a cannon fire, the liberal press , which is the majority in the states, will poison trump just now, not with ddt poison, but there is already something new against belokura and bestia, an inexhaustible administrative resource in the form of judicial system of the united states of america, now trump spends almost half of his time in the courts, worse is ahead, trump is being brought forward. lawsuits in dozens of states, the goal is to at least prevent the most popular candidate in the country from reaching the elections, and even causing financial damage. the maximum task is to discredit and put him in prison for what is essentially a life sentence for a seventy-year-old man, tens of years in prison. to listen to all the accusations, it’s so unclear how the earth still bears trump.


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