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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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today russia celebrates engineering troops day. it was the barrier system erected by the engineering troops that played a key role in disrupting the offensive in the ssu, defense minister sergei shaigu said in congratulating military personnel and veterans on the holiday.
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about military engineers, report by mikhail andronik: the road further is blocked, engineers and sappers are working, clearing agricultural land, unfortunately, many fields are still mined, now they will detonate the explosive objects found, let him press, but before detonate explosive objects, and these could be mines or unexploded shells, they must be found. the territory where the fighting took place is so clogged that the engineering units of the southern military district work almost seven days a week. we always start engineering reconnaissance with a fly-over of the territory given to us for signs of mining, this is capping, clearing, straps , plugs, boxes are often left behind, the projectile is not removed, we do not touch, moving towards you
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with charges for detonation, a separate story, according to according to sappers, this is an urban development that takes much more time to clear of dangerous debris. the more difficult it is in such houses, there are a lot of traps, hooks can be made on a fishing line, they can simply get caught and , accordingly, as they say, it is dangerous, but what to do, we have to do the work we have, the longer you communicate with sapyurs, the more careful. you behave in the liberated territories, here, for example, there are a lot of interesting objects that the armed forces of ukraine left behind the crime, for example, this one here is unusual, quite a bag of food rations, but it cannot be moved or moved until it has been examined by specialists, and indeed literally any object can turn out to be a mine trap, military engineers explain, for example, a switch, a seemingly ordinary switch in an apartment , we can also turn into a self-made explosive
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device, a grain device, we press, the circuit of the plastic exploded, so accordingly, we can also use a regular syringe, for example, we modify it a little, we get it on a syringe contactor, you can also use ordinary clothespins, also two contacts, plus or minus a short circuit, leave behind militants and other unpleasant surprises, most of the bridges in the liberated territories were blown up during the retreat of the ukrainian armed forces. and here , too, the engineering troops always come to the rescue. during the special military operation, military engineers established dozens, if not hundreds of similar crossings in the liberated territories, without which thousands of civilians would have remained cut off from all over the world. the engineering corps has a lot of special heavy equipment in its arsenal, which can be used to dig a trench, lay a pipeline or build a bridge across a river. the military can do it in the shortest possible time. if
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the entire crew is well-coordinated, 12 minutes, if you can break the record to 11.5 11:30, perhaps the most famous crossing during the svo, according to the military themselves, which has no analogues in history, was the ferry crossing across the dnieper. for six months, under daily shelling from ukrainian militants, our military transported more than 300,000 civilians and more than 100,000 vehicles. well, you can see for yourself how courageous the attack is shown personally. who understands that a missile can arrive at any moment, this is already courage, but the main work of the engineering troops is directly on the battlefield, they are the first to go on the offensive to make passages in the enemy’s minefields, they go far beyond our forward positions to cover them engineering ammunition. a
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mine clearing installation for airborne troops lifts an enemy stronghold into the air. the stormtroopers can only enter the already cleared territory. the application of the installation is non-standard, it was originally intended. camouflage as much as possible, remove just as they say , so that the unmasking signs of a minefield should show and present some of these qualities, surprises, traps, what could they put there, how to mine, then demining, just the same the sapper also has a head that must work at 100%. always, not only the enemy masters modern technologies, this is one of the engineering units of the group of military centers here also understand the advantages unmanned vehicles provide. close lines, enemy positions, delivery of our engineering mines,
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directly with the help of quadrocopters. firstly, we save personnel, they no longer go out into the open, do not work, but from cover, calmly.
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support for hamas began shelling israel and caused return fire. yemeni houthis are against.
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fell by 96%. cargo flow from asia to europe went around africa and delivery increased significantly expensive. on the night of january 16, amid much fanfare, iran launched missile attacks on the territory of pakistan, syria and iraq. jordan also carried out an airstrike on syria, supposedly the drones came from there.
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concerns russia and, of course, it is possible that the result of these monstrous tectonic collisions will be new conflicts, new wars, new blood, and it cannot be ruled out that in 2024, god willing, this will pass us by, we will witness a nuclear clash in israel with nuclear weapons, it’s no secret that iran has them, pakistan has nuclear weapons weapons, india, and north korea in south korea have american military arsenals with nuclear weapons, so contradictions are growing, naturally, russia has the greatest potential and due to the fact that the globalists insist on their
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dominance, despite that they are the reason for the escalation and new bloody rifts throughout humanity. it would be better to solve this peacefully, but it is hardly irresponsible to hope that all this will work itself out, and i think we need to prepare for a very serious conflict, perhaps a world war with full responsibility, the more we are ready for a full-fledged, direct nuclear war with the globalist west, the greater the chances of avoiding this war. so, let's return to the fire in the middle east, alexander belibov understood. on saturday , the israeli air force launched another strike on syrian territory. this time, the densely populated almizeh area, located in the western part of damascus, was attacked. the missiles were fully reported by the arab media, the target of this attack was located near the lebanese embassy. how
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the four-story building was destroyed by iranian military advisers. later, the islamic revolutionary guard corps confirmed this data, announcing the death of four of its officers as a result of an airstrike. according to some reports, among them was the deputy chief of intelligence of the alkhuts special forces, sadeq mizadeh. over the past month, this is the third israeli attack aimed at eliminating so -called high-ranking officials. axis of resistance in neighboring states, at the end of december in damascus there was iranian general razim mousavi was killed, and on january 3 in beirut, the deputy head of the hamas politburo, oleg alyaruri, was killed in a drone strike. and now the whole question is how tehran will react to what happened; there is no doubt that this will certainly happen. this week, iran clearly demonstrated to the whole world that it can reach its enemies, no matter where they are. on tuesday night, the ksir aerospace forces attacked the capital of iraqi kurdistan, the city of
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erbil. strikes were made in the surrounding area airport, near which there is a us military base. these shots show the operation of the american air defense system, which turned out to be ineffective against iranian drones and missiles. several missiles hit targets in the area where the american consulate is located, but the diplomatic facility itself was not damaged. according to the irgc, the target of the attack was objects associated with israel. in response to israel's recent crimes in the martyrdom of commanders of the isis and resistance movements, the zionist regime's spy centers belonging to massad were destroyed. the islamic revolutionary guards hit the positions of terrorist groups associated with isis in syria. this was a response to the terrorist attack that occurred two weeks ago in the city of kirman, during mourning events dedicated to the fourth anniversary of the death of iranian general qassem sulaymaniyah. the victims then were 80.9 people, and the militants of the so-called islamic
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state took responsibility for the explosions. in addition to revenge on terrorists, the attack on militant locations in syria was also a demonstration of the military potential of the irg. launched from the khuzistan province in southwestern iran, the ballistic missiles hit targets in northwestern syria in the idlip province, covering a distance of more than 1,200 km. this attack was the longest- range strike of the xeer aerospace forces in the entire history of their existence. and at the same time an unambiguous message to israel and the united states that iran, if desired, can easily reach both the territory of the jewish state and american military bases in the region. in general, take on all those who have long filled askomina this week in tehran seems to have made up its mind. on wednesday , the ksir again hit the militants, this time those hiding in the pakistani province of balochistan. a day later, islamabad responds to iran in kind, shelling the outskirts of the iranian border town of siravan. the target of the attack is...
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the people of iran. we have always emphasized the importance of dialogue and cooperation in confronting common challenges, including the threat of terrorism. and we will continue to strive to find joint solutions. much more worrying in the region itself and far beyond its borders is the situation in yemen, where the houthis, who have already survived five raids by the american-british coalition on their military installations, have still not lost any of their combat potential and are only increasing the pace of attacks on ships that pass by day by day.
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new to the nato club, but already competing in coolness, all checkpoints between russia and finland are now closed, last week one of the finnish politicians even wrote on social networks that everyone who illegally enters finland from russia should be shot. due to anti-russian sanctions, trade turnover collapsed, all real estate transactions began to be prohibited for russians, and in the fall the finns started thinking about confiscating real estate belonging to russia. russian-language schools are closing, about how finland, to please its new allies, to its own detriment, is breaking off relations with russia, denis davidov. snow is knee-deep, the tsar has gone bankrupt, the tsar is a store in the finnish borderland, designed for russian tourists. as soon as the border closed, the store closed too.
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closed forever, judging by the maps in the online application, although the owners seem to have hope. heating in there is light in the building, too. to make money from the russians, finnish businesses invested 50 million euros in this construction alone. 203 km to st. petersburg, but you can’t walk, you can’t drive. the border is locked on the finnish side. to spite moscow, helsinki has deprived itself of billions of euros and continues to fence itself off. border guards are going to put up additional barriers. at this time , the russians are appealing the authorities’ decision to close the border. about the restriction of the rights of people with russian citizenship to cross the border, which is completely illegal, we are talking about a fundamental human right, which is enshrined precisely in the charter of human rights, which means article twenty-one, a ban on discrimination,
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border authorities refer to, we have an order, but you have no right to execute it, don’t be afraid go against this system? i'm very afraid, very, very afraid. for several months now, the finnish government has been looking for mechanisms to prohibit russian citizens from real estate transactions in the country. they won’t be able to buy or rent an apartment, either. it is forbidden. defense minister anti hekkinin wants to achieve a complete ban on real estate transactions for russian citizens. according to him , it is necessary to find a legal solution to this issue. hyakkenin is confident that solutions can be found in the spring. he admitted that restrictions may affect. rental conditions and background checks of already completed real estate transactions. the russian passport irritates finnish politicians so much that they propose to take away finnish citizenship if someone has dual citizenship. famous baltic disease to uproot everything russian, it may spread to maps, there are plans to erase names associated with russia, like this suvorov lane.
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suvorov lane in memory of the events of the late 16th century, when catherine ii sent lapitranti here. their great commander to strengthen the walls of the local fortress on the territory of which we are now located, then a temple was built here for the soldiers of the infantry regiment, the church of the intercession of the most holy theotokos. for more than 100 years, these lands were part of russia; after the independence granted by lenin, the russians remained in finland. four generations of the peasant volkov family lived in this house of vlapi intrante, almost the entire 20th century. now there is a restaurant there.
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the russian population was literally purged in the finns' plans for creation in greater finland in the south to the volga, in the east beyond the urals, that is , the kola peninsula, karelia, the pskov region, also estonia, part of sweden, norway, all for themselves. on the cover of the book from 1942 there is a map.
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written for the freedom of finland. the politician paid the ukrainian army so that a mine with these words would be fired into the donbass. he he wrote that killing russian soldiers is good, you need to kill as many of them as possible. finnish politicians have begun cracking down on the language. they want to close the largest russian school in the east of the country. the official version is to save the budget 1 million euros. have you heard that your school may be closed? and what do you think?
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the states support the finnish nato recruit not only on the ideological front, they are going to transfer dozens of fighters, tanks, the pentagon has already received free access
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to their airfields, garrisons, training grounds, the country's leadership does not object to american nuclear missiles on its territory, the new member takes ryan so seriously that ocean experts are surprised, we have already deployed part of our forces in finland, and i suspect that if we are allowed, we are going to deploy. missiles in this country, this makes finland an attack magnet. the globalist elites keep telling people: the russians are coming, the russians are coming, this is absurd. when the russians actually came, came, flew to finland, its budget was replenished annually by 600 million euros. the shelves of another border store in the east of the country are reminiscent of those times. a huge supermarket, which is now frequented by rare finns from neighboring villages. here they still rely on... they rely on the main guests, not english-speaking, but russian-speaking, to whom they are welcome. denis davidov, anton chagaev, diana schastlivaya and inna kazantseva. news of the week from finland.
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the campaign for the russian presidential elections, which will take place on march 17, is gaining momentum. 11 candidates are participating in the election race, eight of them represent political parties and three are self-nominated candidates. now the collection is underway. signatures in their support, nominees from political parties represented in the state duma by the third legislative assembly of regions are exempt from this procedure. representatives of non-parliamentary parties are required to collect 100,000 signatures from russians, and self-nominated candidates - 300,000. vladimir putin's campaign headquarters has already exceeded the plan by at least eight times. more than 2.5 million signatures were collected in all 89 regions of the country. on wednesday , putin visited his campaign headquarters in moscow gostiny dvor and met with the co-chairs, vladimir mashkov, maryana lysenko and artyom zhoga.
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enough is enough, the ldpr party decided to organize an all-russian public opinion poll. on tuesday, several hundred activists traveled around the country on special buses. in 2 months they will have to interview citizens in the most remote corners of russia about their problems and aspirations. these data will form the basis of the election program of the ldpr presidential candidate, leonid slutsky. the main thing is we, as
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the great one taught. during the spring session we will introduce such a bill and also discuss with the government some of
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the necessary paperwork, we will simply reduce... it in order to help our handsome dogs. candidates for the post of head of state who have not yet managed to collect signatures have another 10 days, then the central election commission will check them and decide on the registration of the candidate. our boy felt anger because of social injustice and wanted to fight it, then let’s give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course a branded one the humor is at the highest level, let's get settled and eat and i really liked napoleon, napoleon bonaparte welcomes you to an
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exciting adventure. yours, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, which means don’t dance, got up and went, the film is positive, kind, jamarnoy, you saw it, you saw it, it seems to me. i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, serf 2, we will take on this matter,


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