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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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sister all day, they drew a ballot , wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad , they put it in very cleverly, many degrees of protection, took colored markers, made watermarks , let’s go vote with it , choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, the ballot is at you are beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot will not pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, it is very carefully sewn into them. the most powerful defense, your cunning will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, it is free to choose in the country, important, honestly convenient, it’s a day of mourning in the dpr, donbass is mourning those killed in the market, ukrainian troops have intensified shelling of the population and civilian infrastructure of the dpr. in afghanistan, a search team discovered.
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announced his refusal to continue the fight for the presidency of the united states and supported donald trump. who's left? main competitor. let's start with the latest news. fsb officers detained residents of kuzbass on suspicion of treason. according to intelligence services, he transferred money to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. during the investigative activities it was established that these funds military equipment was purchased. a criminal case has been opened. this morning, ukrainian troops launched new attacks on donetsk and makeyevka. according to
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those who died on sunday , 28 civilians became victims of kiev terror, dozens were wounded from donetsk, our correspondent vadim topalov was in direct communication. vadim, hello, what is the situation now? vera, greetings, yes, indeed, early in the morning ukrainian militants attacked the donetsk people's republic.
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there were also hits in the boiler rooms in gorlovka, there were wounded there, in particular along the street ermolova, a man born in the eighty-seventh year of pokalashnikov was wounded, a woman was wounded in the sixty-first , in addition, hits were also recorded there on life support facilities, for example, in the kalininsky district , a gas pipeline was damaged on yanko street, in addition, an object in the donbass came under fire there. energy, in addition, in the nikitovsky district microdistricts, the village of shakhty gagarin and the komsomolets microdistrict are de-energized, that is, the ukrainian, kiev regime is deliberately hitting peaceful civilian targets, and again peaceful civilians are suffering population, i remind you that indeed january 22 was declared a day of mourning in the donetsk people's republic in connection with the barbaric shelling. textile microdistrict in the capital
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of the dpr, let me remind you that ukrainian militants from a position in the kurakhovka area attacked the textile microdistrict, the mercury market, killing 27 people and injuring a large number of people. doctors are still providing assistance to the victims; they are in medical institutions in the city, some of them are receiving assistance at the republican trauma center. brought to us six people, unfortunately, we were unable to save one woman, she had injuries incompatible with life, all other patients receive assistance in the emergency department, mine explosion injuries, they bargained, these are the most vulnerable segments of the population, these are pensioners, they ended up in exactly those shopping arcades where grandmothers trade with deer, the chairman of the investigative committee ordered to investigate this war... crime
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to establish all the culprits of what happened on the ukrainian side, i remind you that january 22 is also another black date in history donetsk people's republic, so 9 years ago. a stop in the basse area was attacked by the kiev regime, then eight people were killed, dozens were injured , that is, the kiev regime does not violate the terrorist tradition, it again hits civilians, civilian objects, again ordinary, ordinary people, ordinary civilians suffer, we continue to monitor the situation in the capital of the donetsk people's republic, studio! vadim, thank you, our correspondent, vadim topalov was in direct contact with donetsk. strikes on donetsk will be discussed today at the un security council. the meeting was urgently initiated by russia; the delegation of our country led by foreign minister sergei lavrov has already arrived in new york.
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meanwhile, the un secretary general strongly condemned the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on civilians and facilities. antonio guteres demanded that the kiev regime immediately stop shelling. now, on other topics , a storm warning has been announced in primorye, a powerful cyclone is approaching the region, gusts of wind are knocking down, advertising structures are being torn down, several buildings were left without roofs. in vladivostok, trucks and buses were closed on the bridge to russky island, and students at the far eastern university were transferred to distance learning. read more about the situation ksenia kolchina. it is now more than windy in vladivostok, sometimes it is even difficult to stay on your feet, because the wind gusts reach. that is, such a good speed of the car on the highway, as for the frost, it is generally not great, -13, but taking into account the wind, it is still -30, so it is very difficult to be outside in vladivostok right now uncomfortable, and sometimes even dangerous, because
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videos have already appeared on social networks of how the wind literally knocks people off their feet ; they cannot then get back up; in addition , the wind also tears down structures. which is also dangerous to life, in particular, two technical buildings today were left without roofs due to the storm wind, the roofs were torn off and fell directly on parked cars, again, in the name of safety, traffic restrictions were introduced on the bridge to russky island, now it is prohibited there entry of heavy trucks and buses, of course for many people who work on the island have a question about how they can get home, mostly teachers and students of the far eastern federal university, taxis. taking this opportunity, they significantly raised prices, and now it has become known that distance learning has been introduced at the far eastern federal university today, and those student teachers who for some reason cannot leave the island are ready to be accommodated on the fefu campuses; in general, today the weather forecasters promised snow storm
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throughout primorye, in vladivostok, as we see there was only a storm wind without snow, but nevertheless, in other areas of the region the snowstorm still passed, but... the road services did their job, transport links between settlements were not disrupted, and intercity buses were also all on line. ksenia kolchino, denis yunak, dmitry popkov, far eastern news bureau. bad weather is also in the volga region, the consequences of the snowfall are being eliminated there, it became the heaviest in the last 5 years, an abnormal amount of precipitation fell, a snow storm hit several regions. on some sections of the roads , half a meter of snowdrifts formed, which caused the formation of... many kilometers of traffic jams on the highways , traffic was limited, only the night before they were opened to trucks and buses. in sochi , the consequences of a landslide that blocked the road to the rosa hutor ski resort are being eliminated. increased danger has also been declared in road tunnels. tourists are asked
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to avoid hiking and long trips. temperature swings are expected in moscow; a thaw will begin in the middle of the week, thermometers will rise to +2 and snow will begin to fall. but. however, according to forecasts, it will not be so intense. a large fire broke out this morning in samara; a market on the outskirts of the city caught fire, with commercial containers becoming the source of the fire. by this minute, 1. m2 was engulfed in fire. a special train left to fight the fire. about 80 emergency situations ministry employees are already working on site, and they have more than twenty pieces of equipment at their disposal. according to the latest information, there are no casualties. in afghanistan. the search is underway for two people from the crashed business jet, nothing about their fate yet unknown, earlier the search team found four survivors, they were provided with the necessary medical care. let me remind you that a private falcon 10 plane was flying from thailand to moscow. over afghanistan, pilots reported
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an engine fuel problem. there were six people on board. the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case into the crash. now let's take a break for a short advertisement and then continue. i buy at a profit, pay for techno, cyber weeks for mega. megamarket market, buy at a profit, pay for techno, buy carob coffee maker for only 14,990 rubles. five actions oralcept for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years of age. oralsept is five. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for
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least 12 people were killed after israeli strikes on the town of khan yunits in the southern part of the strip gas. this was reported by al-jazeera tv channel. among the victims are women and three children. meanwhile , the israeli army captured another tunnel of hamas fighters in the underground complex; previously there were about twenty hostages, but by the time the troops arrived there was no one inside. as vtsakhal clarifies, some were released earlier, while other hostages remain in the gas sector. at the same time, the israeli authorities again rejected a ceasefire in exchange for the release of prisoners. hamas demands, in exchange for the release of our hostages, to stop war, withdraw our troops from the gaza strip, release the killers of rapists from the special forces of the nukhba group, leave hamas in place. i am not prepared to agree to such a fatal blow to israel's security. the yemeni houthis are ready to block three important channels for oil and gas supplies to
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israel. sources close to them report this. this plan is called the al-aqsa triangle. representatives of the movement can block the babalmandep, armuz straits and even the suet canal. and this will jeopardize the entire logistics of energy delivery to the jewish state. the husets are attacking commercial ships associated with israel, while the united states admitted that the campaign against yemen may drag on. deterrence is not a kill switch, we are working to reduce the houthis' ability to continue to carry out those attacks and we are destroying their stockpiles so they can't carry them out later.
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opportunity to work with him to defeat joe biden, the worst and most corrupt president in the history of our country. german farmers intend to resume their strike today, from the government requires continued subsidies for the agricultural sector and the abolition of tax increases. the german cabinet of ministers, however , is not making concessions, and this could cause problems not only in germany itself, but throughout
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europe. konstantin churikov with details. the economic downturn has been officially recognized; a recession at the end of the year may come to dozens more european countries, and with it the dissatisfaction of citizens, which is still the first, but quickly losing ground, to be determined by the eu economy. already today, as promised by the head of the german farmers' union, joachim rukwid, the new large-scale protests by farmers if the federal government does not meet them halfway and refuses to cancel subsidy benefits, including natural fuel. according to. germany, like other eurozone countries , has problems with the budget; this is due, firstly, to the economic cycle, and secondly, to a sharp increase in energy prices due to anti-russian sanctions
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, the loss of the russian market as a surplus market. in addition, germany has reduced export supplies to china, and china... is focused on helping the ukrainian regime, rather than solving specific everyday problems and leveling out the socio-economic situation in the country, that is, with the orientation of its own citizens, this, of course, cannot satisfy representatives of ordinary strata of the population. meanwhile, the german authorities
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are reassuring the rest of the world that everything is supposedly not so bad with the german economy, that’s what vodavosya said the other day. some of you think that germany is probably a sick europe, germany is not sick, after another successful period since 2012 and these crisis years, germany is just tired from lack of sleep. the alarm clock has gone off and now it's time for a good cup of coffee, which is structural reforms, then we will continue to achieve economic success. this was the same finance minister to whom a few days ago the farmers in berlin shouted: “get lost.” but christian linder cannot be convinced; he believes germany is taking steps towards success, even though it finished the year with a negative result. for the first time since covid 2020, the country's gdp decreased by 3%. at the same time, exports decreased by almost 2% and fell by exactly two
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production. this is data from the federal statistical office. its head, ruth brat, said the decline was due to steel. high prices at all stages of the economic process, and one could simply say that germany abandoned cheap russian gas. the reason is that germany is destroying its competitive advantage in the world economy in the european economy. these competitive advantages of the german economy did not lie in the fact that they have a high level of sophisticated production technology, which they do. there is german discipline, none of this germany is not truly strong; its strength lay in the fact that they received energy resources and raw materials, if we look at it. in particular, oil as a raw material from russia, this was germany’s competitive advantage. meanwhile, the european central bank's former chief economist , jurgen stark, warns europe of
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unstable inflation due to a variety of external factors and warns colleagues against cutting interest rates. in the near future we will be faced with rather unstable inflation due to many external factors, production supply chains may be disrupted again. the ec should not signal a cut in interest rates just yet, because there are also structural factors that keep prices high in the medium term. analysts are confident that the recession in germany will affect the whole of europe. back in november, the european commission predicted for a number of countries a drop in gdp from 2% in latvia to 1% in ireland, almost -3 in estonia. experts say that it is the case in germany. a fourth of the eu economy, that is, berlin, in fact, acts as the main donor to europe. as the situation in germany worsens, the risks grow not only for itself, but also for
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the countries receiving subsidies in the eurozone. there are now 18 such countries of dependents. if they are given less money, people in these countries will become poorer. it is clear that everything is very, very bad here and that germany will continue to lose competitiveness because... the chemical industry and the manufacturing industry in general are being destroyed, the ferrous metallurgy industry is being destroyed, the largest production facility has been closed, the corpse, in principle, is now standing the question is that those layoffs that are unfolding in industry will turn into mass layoffs in the service sector, because if we take the german steel industry for example, it is believed that 80 thousand jobs here support 4 million other jobs, no longer connected. with this type of production, experts currently have no other forecasts; it seems that the scholz government itself is not expecting miracles. the german ministry of economics, according to
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the publication spiegel, predicts about zero gdp growth rates (06-08%) to twenty eight years, which means only one thing: the good times for europe are over. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all fees for transfers of payments. order a free alpha debit card, not easy. win when you give joy to your loved ones, order from a megamarket, an izbermarket scooter and win 10 million rubles. in
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on the air, studio five is a place where we traditionally have the opportunity to look at the events happening around us a little more closely than the dry news format allows. the number of victims as a result of the ukrainian armed forces' strike on the donetsk market on sunday increased to 26 people, this was reported on our broadcast the head of the dpr, denis pushilin, told the tv channel, who linked this intensification of attacks on civilian targets on people, first of all, with the fact that the russian military is moving the front line away from donetsk, the capabilities of ukrainian troops are becoming less and less. this quote is why they are taking it out on the civilian population. in general, the tactics of the ukrainian armed forces have hardly changed over the past almost 10 years. strikes against civilian targets, strikes against civilians, traditional terrorist tactics, absolutely all front-line regions suffer from it. zaporozhye, of course, not exception. the head of the zaporozhye region, evgeniy baletsky, is with us in the studio today. evgeny vitalievich, hello. last week the ssu hit the town of pologi, but they stayed.


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