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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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assault squad. units of the central military district in the krasnolimansk direction are moving forward. kiev is constantly making attempts to regain lost positions, sending more and more of its militants to certain death. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, conduct the lugansk people's republic. demands to remove those who have lost the trust of the white house and replace them with ukrainians who were trained in the west, swearing allegiance to american interests. this is today's information from the russian foreign intelligence service. about how the united states they are tightening the nuts even tighter in the mechanism of external control of the kiev regime. so, according to the svr, washington is actually guided by the manuals of its anglo-saxon predecessors from the time of the british empire, they say. they sent political agents to the colonies. and now the united states intends to do exactly the same thing, namely, to purge dozens of inconvenient officials from the independent administration and have their positions filled by specially trained personnel. moreover, there are options for refusal.
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usa ambassador of the country, one of the most active lobbyists for the allocation of assistance for the independent states, although activity, as you can see, does not always mean effectiveness. she studied in the usa, already worked in the economic bloc of ukraine, left with the dismissed prime minister goncharuk, with whom she discussed how best to lie to zelensky about the true state of affairs in the economy. the americans are ready to focus on it all the main financial issues related to further tranches to the kiev regime. de facto this is what it is.
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is by no means a mediocre financial analyst with experience in real business, a person who knows his place, who does not dare to contradict his elders, and who must try to moderate the appetites of those who are actively stealing western aid, here you can list the entire composition of the office of the president of ukraine, under the careful supervision of markarova, together with kava , taras kachka can also gain more power. deputy minister of economy of the country, who studied the intricacies of public administration in poland in his new position.
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tired of working in the system, the tail tells the dog, but in general, the dog doesn’t like it anymore, of course, in the person of the westerner the american establishment in particular , so they are starting to hit zelensky on the hands more and more, he refused to hold elections, he refused to leave peacefully, so that means they will create problems for him on all fronts, reformat politics with such crude methods, it is quite possible, by the way, the liquidation of zelensky in one moment, loses leverage, becomes a target for attacks by western media and the main one responsible for front-line political failures, a terrible place.
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new decree of president nezalezhny on ethnic ukrainians in the territories the russian federation can only be designed for those who studied at school, already in new ukraine, for whom knowledge of the history of their country is reduced to postulates, they say, there was a big ukraine, bad russia took away its territories, oppressed and is oppressing ethnic ukrainians. comrade zelensky, you are a great scientist, who are these ethnic ukrainians in what century did they begin to oppress them?
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responsible for national policy in the country of the soviets, advocated for the so-called karenization. in the ukrainian ussr, this was the strongest ukrainization. he actively pursued it ukrainian nikita khrushchev, who occupied the chair of first secretary of the kiev regional party committee before the great patriotic war. after some time
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, khrushchev was even asked to weaken ukrainization. in moscow, they read letters from donbass workers who complained that factories would shut down because people could not learn ukrainian overnight. i, as a historian of that period, a historian of those regions, can say that i can give you, well, hundreds of, in fact, regulatory documents, from laws, starting with all kinds of circulars in the field, where the goal was directly stated officially ukrainization, ukrainization of territories, both within the ukrainian soviet socialist republic and the territories now designated by zelensky.
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suddenly, as if out of nowhere , a second one appears, and again he suddenly disappears, as if dissolving into thin air. amazing
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footage from a special operation zone, where our military personnel, well, you might think, are demonstrating almost some kind of magic in the style of the best illusionists of our time, although in fact the magic here is of a purely technical nature, we are talking about the mantle and invisible to reconnaissance officers, it allows one to hide from enemy means of control and, as far as is known, is capable of working for as long as an hour and a half at a time, that is, it gives time not only to drop into... the front line, but to carry out tasks there without the knowledge of the enemy. moreover, according to data from open sources, russian troops have similar areas at their disposal for equipment, which, accordingly, can also be hidden from unwanted observation. and here, of course, i want to understand what the principle of operation of the answers is, without revealing military secrets, will be voiced by evgeniy teshkovets. russian engineers continue to make a fairy tale come true. invisibility cloaks are a potential addition to the uniform of our military. do you see a russian soldier? no, the camera doesn’t see it in the vk range, but it’s there, footage from tests of the miracle
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mantle can be seen by a fighter only in those moments when he deliberately gives himself away. we are in favor of hidden night movement; the heat pack works at night. nothing is visible through ordinary optics at night, that is, no matter what kind of daytime observation device there is, a person cannot detect i used it, it’s pitch black at night, well, not counting the moment when, of course, a person walks along the street and so on, yes, but usually such actions do not happen. accordingly, camouflage is needed at night , we won’t explain in detail how it works, there is no need for the enemy to give information and give ideas, but in general the principle is simple: the human body, as you know, generates heat, a lot of heat, at rest up to 100 watts, for example, a soldier on marche can produce up to 300, the energy is emitted into the environment, and it is recorded by infrared cameras, our engineers did not try to hide the heat under the cloak, in practice this method does not work, instead the principle of shielding was used, a special material masks the heat signature of the fighter, thanks to
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which he adaptively blends into any background. at the same time, the developers managed to create light enough multi-layer raincoats with magnets, so that, god forbid, the element of clothing would not restrict the soldier’s movement or interfere with the use of weapons. this cloak, this cape, it is shaped like a bell. and the volume, the volume of the bell, it will give the opportunity for freedom actions under. this canopy, you know, and under it you can carry out various manipulations with weapons, with a machine gun, let’s say prepare a grenade for throwing, in any case, the manner of movement must be worked out, you must move, otherwise the meaning will be lost. speaking of movement, camouflage materials themselves have been actively used for a long time, but making an effective, comfortable suit out of it is a completely different matter. the ukrainians tried to create something similar... for example, but it turned out as always, they hoped to keep the heat under
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fabric, as a result, their cloaks turned out to be heavy, like tents, and poorly concealed a person only if he stood still; when moving, the fighter began to shine like a christmas tree. their raincoats, which, well, at least are in the public domain, which we saw, they weigh 2, kilograms, this is a huge weight, this is five bulls, they are not intended for movement, they are intended for stationary placement, this means that a person immobile. but let’s get back to what works: the russian miracle raincoats in the nwo zone will definitely be demand. the main weapon of modern high-tech warfare, drones use infrared cameras to search for targets at night. in the same ir range , for example, nato tank gunners see the battlefield. thermal sights are used by snipers and even space satellites, supposedly peaceful, but in fact, those working for the kiev regime scan the earth, including in the infrared spectrum. thermal imagers have become quite widespread on sights on copters; it is very important to somehow try
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to make sure that you don’t get too much light. here i recently talked with our snipers, they say that we work mainly at night, and for us even this leshev suit, well , many have seen such a suit, where there is a bunch of all kinds of leaves of everything, we don’t even take it, the main thing for us - this is a heat-insulating cape that will make us invisible neither to copters nor to anyone else. i note that the russian invisible squares are now actively discussed by the media on square, surprisingly restrained, without propaganda squeals, it is clear that the prospect of meeting on the battlefield with an invisible enemy and... not at all happy, but the creators of the mantle say that little by little it has already begun to reach the military, the exotic technology is being tested by special forces and giving feedback to the designers, the reviews are extremely positive. looking forward to working together to defeat joe biden. this is how donald trump, according to a number of american politicians and analysts,
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today hinted at a potential post of vice president for florida governor ronad santis, which he withdrew. his candidacy for the primary in favor of the former the owner of the white house and thereby freed the latter from the only truly strong competitor in the camp of the republican party, as evidenced by such consolidation around trump, our us correspondent dmitry melnikov found out. florida gov. desantis' second-place republican vote in iowa was a waste in new hampshire. polls showed less than 9% support 2 days before primaris. he decides to quit the race. today i am stopping my election campaign. i am proud of, that i have fulfilled 100% of my promises, and i will not stop there. it's clear to me that the majority of voters in the republican primary want to give donald trump another chance. just yesterday, trump mocked his opponent, changed his last name and called him desanctimonius, which is consonant with english
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. prude or hypocrite, but the support declared by paratroopers requires reciprocal gestures.
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for democrats for republicans. this is a significant number of voters who do not clearly associate themselves with one of the parties. we encourage them to come and vote for niki haley. trump calls nicky haley - this is a woman who directly accuses her of conspiring with the democrats, who, in his opinion, support haley, including financially, in wanting to remove him from the race.
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today he interrupted his campaigning in newhampshire to go back to court to testify on...
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we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll tell you about. it clearly showed where ukraine is located. residents of a neighboring country are threatening
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to kill a porn actress for an explicit photo shoot with state symbols, and what was expected of her? my favorite monster, i’m in control. it doesn’t matter to whom you transfer or pay, it is important that there are no commissions or restrictions. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel commissions for all payment transfers. order a free debit alpha card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. the smart choice is when you compare. adapts to any
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the head seems to be tilted to the side in embarrassment, the gaze of apparent modesty is directed somewhere beyond the frame. actually, this is where the observance of decency ends, since the girls are wearing only a few chevrons with ukrainian symbols, and the pose itself does not leave a hint of any decency. this. a photo shoot with the participation of porn models from odessa, discussed with the public, in support of square , a norwegian photographer in the new genre captured her in the most revealing poses, her intimate areas are only slightly covered with yellow flags, well, in the most obvious place at all the trident flaunts, as the author of the photographs himself said, so he would like to show that nothing can compare with the beauty of ukraine, although in square itself for some reason they did not appreciate either the creative impulse of a european or... the naked support of the kiev regime from a porn model. the reaction was tracked by anastasia ivanova.
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ukrainians were allowed to enjoy the breaks between corruption scandals, fakes and failures at the front. beautiful, well , that is, their flag and coat of arms, at least, because the model posed for the magazine, that is , it was agreed in advance that the pictures would be seen as as many people as possible, and such photographs , it would seem, only benefit the girl, or her fans, anastasia mitina, a porn actress from odessa, is known in certain circles as anna ralphs, with her participation there is revelation of material, but specifically these photos she had to delete, her compatriots persecuted her, she is from odessa, now for... the titular ukrainians, any manifestation of, let's say, the southeast of ukraine, everyone understands perfectly well that this is historical russia, they all, by the very status of their birth , are irritants for them and carry potential danger, so in this case the problem is not what she did, it’s where she’s from odessa, but what she ’s doing, well, it’s clear, in addition to the fact that they hunted and threatened the killer, the ukrainians write that they are ashamed in front of the europeans, they say ukrainian
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girls there are already associated with prostitutes, and here there is also confirmation now on all kinds of social networks, and how then to look your future nato neighbors in the eyes, they will also ask in the comments, this is really wet fantasy, this is another parade of some kind of hypocrisy, in view of that recently, another porn actress gave a t-shirt with national symbols to a famous us porn actor, then everyone , on the contrary, applauded and said: “oh, how great it is that such a celebrity is really famous.” only for lovers of, say, special creativity, now she wears ukrainian - there are symbols, that is, in essence, how is this different, it is also all very strange, disgusting and hypocritical, porn actresses are now being sent into the trenches, well, she is unlikely to have a claim to fight, as listens at least, the sushnik is indignant about this coat of arms and flag ukrainian militants have been dying for 10 years already , it’s strange that when he wrote this sentence, nothing bothered him, the ukrainian militant is still
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such popularity now, maybe new fans will appear who so like to savor the dreams of an imaginary victory. if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the “know ours” competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are
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five nominations with clear conditions. impressive effect of victory. finalists winners will receive support from the competition partners. the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31. applications are accepted on the platform ideia.roskongress.rf/brand. reports of a powerful earthquake are now coming from central countries. tremors with a magnitude of seven were recorded in china near the borders with kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan. this was reported by the uzbekistan ministry of emergency situations. the epicenter was located 270 km southeast of almaty. seismologists in kazakhstan reported that the earthquake in almaat was felt at magnitude four. tremors were also felt in bishkek in in the homes of residents of the capital of kyrgyzstan , chandeliers and furniture began to swing. some residents of multi-storey buildings left...


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