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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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over the last week, more than 80 people were injured there, and with this number, 28 people died, the pressure is scary, gorlovka is even more often than donetsk in recent days, there are flights there using the infrastructure, i was there on friday, that is, you saw all this, we i was driving there between yenakiva and gorlovka, we left gorlovka in literally an hour and a half, the fog just began to dissipate , then it was already gone, there was a very thick fog, and yet the city remains alive, continues to live in this city.
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valiantly there zelensky came up with what they they took the terekon, i was just talking to the guys who are talking there with the staff with other legendary guys there, there are 132 brigades, there is colonel hero of the russian federation, i am commanded by sergei nikolaevich, well, serious , strong men, they say, we are holding the terekon, we are holding everything , but there is no need to relax, everything is very far from the point where you can say, it’s all over, very far away, that’s it, sorry. this will sound a little
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alarming there, but the west is only accelerating, look what they are shouting, what they are planning, so we definitely shouldn’t relax i need, you know, i was very, you know, disgusted to read the reaction of officials who reacted to the tragedy in donetsk, when the un secretary general, he declares that we are against all shelling, but what do you want from him? i want a person who lives on american money, who is absolutely dependent, and it’s lucky for them that they kill russians, i want from a person the executive director of some main state main international organization called the united nations, i want a tough, understandable reaction with the application of sanctions against those who organized it, i want to raise the question that this toxic regime cannot receive any weapons, everyone who has it...
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we cannot expect any sanctions from international organizations, what they are, what they were, now the minister is in the security council about he makes a statement, and the main conclusion from all this is our statements, that is, when we did this, in the end we only have to say one simple thing: if you if we are not able to make a decision in order to calm down your dwarf, then we will definitely find opportunities to do this on our own, no longer in any way to get away from the subjunctive mood, let’s just get rid of this evil card. let’s figure it out, vladimir vladimirovich, yes,
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it’s hard to believe, but today is exactly 10 years since this symbolic first sacrifice on the maidan, it seems like everything happened yesterday, yes. it’s already been 10 years since this same maidan nigayan activist was sacrificed, and it is clear that this sacrifice they selected him, i don’t know, first they saw his poem, which he read there by taras shevchenko, then they decided that he was suitable, or they decided to choose him because he had a colorful personality, and then they gave him the poem to read so that they could spin it, but the fact is , that they chose him, of course, not by chance, they shot him in the back from 3 meters away. well, they came up with a version that it was berkut who modified
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some pump-action shotguns, sub-action ones, and fired from somewhere from afar, but it was years later that they came up with this version, but at the same time, you remember, the trees were cut down on the maidan so that all traces of into the water, that's it. all matters were essentially covered up , with that one, remember how shocking the first blood was, yes, how much blood has now been shed after this negayan, how much blood is being shed, how much more will be shed, all these are the consequences of that bloody milestone, after which it really the organizers of this euromaidan chose a bloody path, a bloody scenario, they realized that otherwise they would not be able to mobilize their crowd. but at the same time , it would seem that donetsk has been shelled for 10 years, and yet, you see how shocking this terrible crime is, this murder, well it’s really scary to imagine people in the market, everyone understood that this was a market, everyone knows that there were no tanks, no armored vehicles, nothing, they were shooting, killing
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civilians who had gathered in the market, and today i read, leaf through the western press, the lion’s share western newspapers will not react to this at all. frankly speaking, it didn’t bother them, moreover, i wouldn’t be surprised, i haven’t seen it yet, but i won’t be surprised, as is usually the case, the footage is very scary, yes, that soon we will see the same footage, but with a caption, here russian aggressors fired at ukrainian ones.
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with germany in the forties and with japan in the forties, he openly calls for genocide of russians, but half of the russians must be destroyed, atomic bombs must be dropped, and so we will crush this wolf openly, calmly, without any problems, mind you, on the ukrainian channel, yes he appears, well, it’s not a problem for them not in the sovereign language, no, but he doesn’t know anything else, well, except for english and russian, well, that is, this man represented nato here in moscow, the north atlantic... alliance, no matter what who had no doubts about their attitude towards us, but also towards ukrainians , these words of this figure, yes, who says that ukrainians are dying for us, well, in general, it’s also a revelation, that’s what ukrainians need to do, and the main thing today , when the speaker
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of the ukrainian foreign ministry nikolenko declares that he is telling the slovaks: look, ukrainians are dying so that russian troops do not come to kosice, he will explain this to the ukrainians, in which... since yes, that you are not dying for your land , not for yourself, you are dying for the interests of some western states, for them, that is , you tell them this to the eyes of the ukrainians, you can’t say this, because all the media are clamped down, freedom of speech is clamped down, they imprison journalists, throw them behind bars, but note, again, the press was never indignant about dmitry’s arrest skvortsova, the western press, i have never seen a single publication on this matter, but when surveillance begins on soros... soros journalists, well, on information killers, there is immediate noise, here the western press is making noise, you can’t touch them, there is the press is untouchable, that means, even if they are information killers, there are people who are trying to write the truth, they can be imprisoned, killed, shot, no problem, since they are
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the same russians, when zelensky issues this decree now, they are somehow written on the knee, there not even ukrainian, there are such phrases that... no, well, he didn’t write it, well, someone there, you understand, and what he writes there, we must fight to ensure, for access for ethnic ukrainians on the territory of russia, old oak
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starting from the ceremony of sewing, ending here this torment in the russian language, which this bastard not so long ago called family, one word literally, now that we remembered the maidan, and freedom of movement, you remembered, yes, i liked it most now, leshchenko, speaking in davoz, one of singers of the maidan, one of those who directed this maidan there, brought people out, and led this meeting every day, for which he called, then for freedom of movement, europe, freedom, yes. now he says in full: it is necessary to ensure the deportation of ukrainians in ukraine, because there is no one to die, it is necessary
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so that they die, if only he could tell this on the maidan to all those whom he brought out, advertising, large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions: business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride. your country, come to the exhibition forum russia,
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you know, vladimirovich, i didn’t know that today we would even touch on the topic maidan, yes, but just this morning i somehow came across this video. i was interested, after all, 10 years later, to see what these people were thinking on the maidan, but i posted it on my site, now i’ve rewatched it, people speak on the maidan and say: “i want my children, when they grow up, so that they can fly to paris in the morning and to london in the evening." i want my wages to be higher, there are fair wages, someone says that the gap between the rich will narrow.
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country, you know, that is, it arises in me question: either this person does not manage the processes within the country, or he is disingenuous, or he is disingenuous, regarding mobilization, i said many times on your program, it was one thing at the very beginning of this conflict, when there were charged nationalists, yes, who took for themselves the decision to go and fight with
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russia, it was one story when today children are snatched from the hands of parents. a completely different story, here is a case in kharkov, when a seventy-year-old man who lived in a village, from whom a child with asthma was taken away without medical examination and sent to war, he just came, identified this military commissar and stabbed him in the neck several times, that is, these processes, they will already become irreversible, i emphasize again, there is a big difference; already the second one has been killed, and there is a big difference between what your child took.
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transfer their television channels under the control and financing of the state for this period of time, that is, at the cost of taxpayers, zelensky maintains oligarchic television channels until the revival of political life, i assure you, as soon as political life is revived, the telethon will immediately collapse,
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everyone will regain their television channels and will continue to participate in the active... political life of ukraine. by the way, about political life, you can, of course , argue as much as you like whether there will be elections or not, but today i’m watching our hetman, the one that was before, who was successful, who gave ukraine everything, as i understand it, yes, here are the fields with him ears were growing, wages were growing, there was a lot of justice, too much, i why i say this because i watched his video that they made, where all the people greet him. there are people left, as i understand it, there’s nothing left, there’s emptiness, you know, the place where at least there was at least something human in these people, there was a conscience, has long been overgrown with grass,
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it seems to me that it needs to be mowed, or better yet, it’s probably still uprooted , everything that is there, vladimir, yes, thank you, well, first of all, i want to. it’s natural to express words of condolences to our fellow countrymen from the donetsk people’s republic, yes, because this is what we have in common grief, that’s why a day of mourning has also been declared in the zaporozhye region today, but on monday, because well, it’s hard not to feel it, moreover, one of the murdered grandmothers, who was sold there, and on these straight cardboards, when she was selling there with flowers that she grew on a small plot there, like a dacha , yes, and in one of the most terrible areas of donetsk, there in the nitrogen district, and where actually... everything flew and shot, but when she found out that they were buying flowers for avenue of angels, she always gave away for free , can you imagine, this granny, who lived in poverty, only knew that if a person goes there to lay a gift, she simply said, no, i... i can’t take money for this, that is, this it’s hard, it’s hard to talk about this, well, of course, and if we look, yesterday there was belgorod, today donetsk, yes, this will
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continue constantly as long as there are black-red or blue-yellow rags hanging somewhere, and these bandera ones flags, we need to understand this, and here are just words, sympathy, yes, sorrow, something else will not be enough, i am deeply convinced that we must actively participate in order for nikolai to remember, as they say, yes, that is, never again, so that... the basis of any political project, there was no political ukrainianness, because it was clearly based on russophobia, on hatred, deaths, murders, well, just the destruction of deaths, look even what a holiday they sacredly invented for themselves, yes, the day of the bastard, as it is called among the people, yes, that is, it sounds so difficult to the russian ear, well evil, but as it were, well, no one calls it evil, this is the union of the unr zurn, two crypto states controlled by external ones, something is called mating, but it’s not. sounding z is not another word, well, to the russian ear it sounds like something very dog-like, well, that’s how it is, you know, that’s how it is, and uh, well,
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it’s impossible to say on the air and how many words to say, but one thing is important here, that’s why i ’m talking about active participation, but some tragedy happened, something else, so each of us must go provide for our defenders something, i don’t know, go and take part there. there to knit, i don’t know, there are nets, yes, there , to participate in the purchase of some kind of drone, body armor, something else, everything for the front, everything for victory, so as not to constantly live in this state of stress, grief understanding the suffering of our loved ones, wherever they are, that today these devils are saying yes about the original ukrainian lands there and so on, but it’s not a question, but then if they say that voronezh, rostov and so on, that’s ukrainian, then this is what more voronezh.
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do you understand the land, but the southern coast of france has always been ours? yes, well, the cote d'azur is quite good and such a normal zone is worse than the berdians-kirillovskaya zaporozhye region, but it will also go quite normally. you know, here - what i wanted to say about, just yes, well, if i say everything for the front, everything for victory, that’s what was correctly said about the air defense, and about the rebs, because now it’s all the same, no matter what, 50-odd enemy regimes that are controlled by foreign states, they supply these nazis to everyone. what is possible and necessary, and we don’t need to relax, yes, that now the front will collapse there, something else, no, we see perfectly well, if you can show these illustrations, yes, how they dig into the ground,
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this is just necessary understand like rats, but i gave photos to the editors, if possible, this is in the zaporozhye site, and directly on the same yes, these are ready-made modules, yes these are ready-made modules, it’s all underground, yes, and here you can live and work, that's the depth, that is, it's like you have to hit it, it's simple. hit in a straight line or with geocinths, something else, in order to get to these devils, they have traditions of permanent caches, here are jobs, laid communications and other things, and you understand at what cost it will be necessary to dig them out of there, they are 10 years after the great patriotic war, these rats ran and hid in their shelters, well, it’s clear that we are equipped here, we have a bomb for this, they now have just a volumetric explosion, they have just been given control modules , they can disassemble it very well.
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with participation, the french can say anything, but we have already named the names of the french who were covered in kharkov, the italians are mourning here with sadness, the americans were found here.
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who at the end of december was sent to abraham lincoln, that is , the same story is repeated there, but pay attention, everything is normal with the italians, the greeting, yes, they are already greeting the sun there, raising their hands and other things, regarding deaths, everyone remembered negayan, but i remember yana, there was also zhiznevsky, yes, that is, it was not just random deaths, one is 20, the other is 25, one is a native of belarus, the other is an ethnic armenian, and if we remember armenia and belarus, there were also maidans, attempts at maidans, this... you started talking, i don’t even want to say these abusive words, but i’ll say sobchak, yes, we remember about the same belgorod, yes , when she also had shells flying out of nowhere and so on, and what a moment, yes, they tell us about mercy, naturally mercy must be shown, and mercy is very simple, these are all the scoundrels who commit these war crimes, shelling and
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etc., they should... go straight to dad to bandera, but just right away, this is a normal manifestation of mercy, the death penalty we need to raise this issue for terrorism and similar things, man, woman, what's the difference, it's the instinct of self-preservation of our people, i am also surprised by this moral question, that is , it turns out that the families of the survivors with their taxes will pay for the stay in prison of the killers of their loved ones, of course.
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is actively spreading, it is actually on lies, on this , on turning inside out, inside out, in war, on these constant sacrifices, she lives, she feeds on this, and zelensky is now demonstrating this once again, vladimir recalled the holiday that is now celebrated today, well, conciliarity day, it’s officially called, yes, and with all these historical - yes, yes, analogies that i spoke to you. and now they are trying to present this matter as some kind of holiday of the unification of ukrainian lands, and hence this decree, and about historically populated ukrainians on the territory of the russian federation , and in the context of this holiday, there is a whole series of such historical semantic statements, if we look at what meanings are being conveyed, here is the return of the truth about the historical past for the sake of
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the ukrainian future, this is in relation to that... and, listen, dissemination of information about the more than thousand-year history of ukraine, yes, that is, we, but can they tell me the coins that the ukrainian state served during its thousand-year history?
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this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, beautiful picture, and most importantly karaki, you can simply sing the entire film. me songs that i liked as a child, i liked the songs, i liked the artists , i sang along, i sang along with the actors, i have already conquered this city, i need to move on , the whole film is just in one breath, the whole movie gives me goosebumps, your song can change the world for the better, at the same time funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, apple.


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