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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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such a practice can lead to the most unfavorable consequences, it is very important through educational and cultural activities through the media and the education system, to create in society an idea of ​​​​the value of chastity, please do not shudder at the embroidered use of this ancient very correct thesis, which was slandered, which was tied to losers, to women who are on...
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important and about what can really lead to a reassessment of so many life actions, especially by us, our young men and women. so, this is really one of the most important factors of chastity, which forms the integrity, as i said, the integrity of the human personality.
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to protect, and what are we guided by, practically, waving our hand at this kind of prohibitions, i don’t understand why, the state has the tools of opportunity, you really can’t destroy the psyche, the unstable psyche of a young man, pushing him through some temptations to those actions that then can ruin his life, i’ll say it again, that through educational programs, cultural programs, well...
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i have already had occasion to raise the topic of migrants more than once in various speeches, in particular at the world russian people's council. i will repeat the same thought, since the situation is becoming truly critical. the massive influx of migrants into our country, who often do not speak russian, have no idea of ​​russian history and culture, traditions, customs, but the saddest thing, who do not want to integrate into russian society, is changing the face of russian cities, leads to the deformation of the single civilizational space of the country; if we replace part of the russian multinational people with other peoples who follow their own historical... path and do not accept our identity, then our country will become completely different. russia needs significant adjustments to its migration policy. i already spoke about this at the world russian people's council, i received some criticism from the muslim brothers there, but after oral
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explanations, many withdrew this criticism, because that we are not talking about those who live with us, but about those who come to us. currently , his pastor is performing his duties in the area. there will be you, one of you, but under no circumstances should you be in the convoy, where there are hairdressers and all sorts of cooks, there are service personnel, there is also not your place, but your place is behind the first line, on the first line you target, on the second line,
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where our soldiers are, including those who are preparing to attack, or those who come after the attack, this is your place, for pastoral work, for consolation, for support,
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bose, and they are not on the front line, because i already said that there is a reason not to let them there, but they are right behind the front line, they are among those who were wounded, they are among those who now they are preparing to go on the attack, and there they are really needed, there their word helps, inspires, enlightens, strengthens, but snipers also finish shooting at these places, sometimes using other types of weapons. so we actually have losses. on the third of november twenty-one , an agreement was concluded between russia and the vatican on the mutual recognition of higher education, qualifications of academic degrees awarded to graduates of vatican universities.
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at the same time, the issue of state recognition of theological knowledge of degrees issued to graduates has not yet been resolved. seminaries, academies, we also form priests who are able to carry out their pastoral work in their area, well
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, indeed, as i already said, it turns out that the russian state recognizes academic degrees diplomas of the roman catholic church, but refuses to recognize diplomas issued by higher educational institutions of the russian orthodox church. currently , the state duma has adopted in the first reading a corresponding bill that allows us to overcome this contradiction. works, hoping that they will lead to qualitative changes in public life,
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i testify that the russian orthodox church, i am sure of this, as well as representatives of other traditional religious communities of russia, i am also sure of this, are ready to collaborate with you in this important matter , i call on all of you for your work on your loved ones, god's blessing and thank you for your attention. it was a broadcast from the federation council, the chairman of the upper house of parliament valentina matvienko and patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill opened the plenary session of the christmas parliamentary meetings. vladimir putin signed a decree on supporting large families. the document states that families with three or more children receive this status indefinitely. social assistance is provided until the eldest. the child will not turn 18 years old or until 23 years old if he is at the same time receiving
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full-time education. families receive benefits , payments for the birth and upbringing of children, as well as support in work-related issues; mothers are assigned an insurance pension ahead of schedule. in addition, parents with many children can receive additional vocational education. families can visit museums, exhibitions, parks, and culture for free. this year in russia is officially declared the year of the family. at the forum relatives and loved ones, which is taking place these days at vdnkh in within the framework of the russia exhibition, a family hearth will be lit. participants in the event will be people who have made a significant contribution to the development of our country. and now in direct contact with odnkh, our correspondent anastasia ponko. anastasia, hello, what other events? is planned within the framework of the forum "family loved ones".
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hello, alexander, today is the last final day of the “family and loved ones” forum, and today there will be an official opening, which will essentially be the start of the year of russia in the family. also, today is the fifth day of the forum, but at the same time no less intense than in previous days, the program is very diverse, in fact, attend various lectures, master classes, and activities. quizzes will be possible throughout the vdnkh site; five pavilions have been prepared for this. here we are now at 55, and here, for example, they are now giving a lecture on how to achieve and how to maintain harmony in the family. immediately after this lecture there will be another one, celebrity guests will come and talk about values, family traditions, talk about their example, how their family was created and how maintain harmony in the future. in total, there will be about a dozen different lectures in the vdnkh pavilions, there are, of course, master classes, some activities, here
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you can, for example, compete with other families, take part in a quiz or create a lashuta blanket for your family, and which will become part of the general pano, this is a symbol of the forum, relatives and loved ones, and president vladimir putin will also take part in the official opening of this event, and the head of state will hold a meeting with the participants and winners of the all-russian competitions family of the year and... this is our family. the family of the year competition in 2023 was held for the eighth time, a total of 3,500 families participated, but only 85 became winners in five categories, this is the youngest family, and the largest families, rural families, as well as families in which the spouses are already married at least thirty years and families who preserve national and cultural traditions. another competition is ours. family is a project that unites families through some common affairs, activities,
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the competition is still running until january 31, but for now only the remote stage is taking place, where families undergo various tests, so to speak, very soon the family teams that will enter the district semi-finals will be determined, and then to the finals of the competition itself, the main prizes for the winners of the finalists are 300 large family trips and 30 certificates by 5 million rubles to improve living conditions. the forum participants , relatives and loved ones, are more than a thousand people, families who have made a certain contribution to the development of the country. there are many children here. young families, families with adopted children, families of russian heroes, participants in a special military operation, the forum will end with a concert on the main street stage of vdnkh, then there will be a colorful ceremony of lighting a family hearth in the heart of russia, the event begins at 20:00. alexander, thank you, anastasia, this was our
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correspondent, anastasia ponko, she told us what topics will be the focus of the choir today. dear, love, there is an anticyclone in typemania, in which there are 36.5 million prizes, enough for the residents of moscow, st. petersburg, samara, ufa, i don’t believe it, believe it or not, 36.5 million prizes, from january 29 the app is delicious, period, than the sides. it’s better to look once, turn, turn, turn only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, in january we are raffling off houses,
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cars, prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million , hurry up for tickets. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything otherwise, i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it, join the megamarket. megamarket - just grow with us. they told me, you will dance with this house of culture, well, everyone danced and danced together, everyone who wanted to sang in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zuevo and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. my daughter sang the best again. it's five.
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the growth chart. the product portfolio is developing. a large family is like a large organization, and its development requires support. national project on demography presidential decision, all measures to support families with children. a smart choice is when you compare offers for a product directly in yandex search. win when you bring joy to your loved ones. order an izbermarket scooter from the megamarket and win 10 million rubles. annually. forum strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits you. your initiative, more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation, the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership.
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you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31 , 2024. and now the latest data from the ministry of defense. the russian armed forces launched a group high-precision strike on ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities where missiles and ammunition were produced. the control center was also hit. explosions thundered. an air raid alert was announced throughout the country. sumy objects were hit, all targets were destroyed. let me remind you that this morning and night in kiev and other cities of ukraine , dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and kiev-controlled territory of the kherson region. powerful explosions and subsequent fires were reported in the city of shostka, pavlograd, kharkov and the pechersky district of the ukrainian capital. exactly. the strikes are systematically reaching their targets on the front line in the donetsk direction; operators of combat drones of the southern group of forces destroyed firing points, a large amount of
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enemy equipment and personnel in the area of ​​​​the village of spornoye. and in the belogorovka area , the positions of the eighty-first airmobile brigade of the ukrainian armed forces came under russian artillery attacks. the enemy suffered significant losses. american administration. the current administration is not interested in having any political dialogue except for contacts that happen on the topic of exchanges, the functioning
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of country embassies, the mission of russian diplomats in new york, but these are never political issues, anyone who is sincerely interested in justice , including establishing justice in relations between russia and ukraine, which, of course, would imply an end to western policies that use ukraine as an instrument in the war against russia, we would be ready. listen, and we talk about it all the time. and all last night in new york, sergei lavrov literally held negotiations without a break. the minister held a series of bilateral meetings, the main topic of which was the middle east crisis. with representatives of iran, lebanon and the united arab emirates, lavrov discussed the situation in the red sea and the inadmissibility of escalating the conflict in the gas sector. and we talked with the head of the turkish foreign ministry about coordination in the middle east in the transcaucasus. besides, discussed a joint energy project. in egypt today , a new stage in the large-scale
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construction of the eldaba nuclear power plant will be launched in a solemn atmosphere. and the leaders of russia and the arab republic will watch the start of pouring concrete into the base of the fourth power unit via video link. vladimir putin and abdel-fattah az-sisisi are building the aas with support.
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these visits, as a result of which enterprises receive recommendations, rather than fines and sanctions. in the twenty-third year, we reduced control and supervisory duties by 50%. activities, but we increased supervision activities at extremely high-end facilities by 6%. as for the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, we have organized a regime of constant supervision there, inspectors from rostekhnadzor, there are 24 of them there with a permanent stay, we also conduct daily briefings with representatives of the magats mission, you know that there are four people present there, very important.
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in order for the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant to be under control, it requires special attention. now it's time for economic news. the government supported extension of the sale of foreign currency earnings by exporters. this was stated by first deputy prime minister andrei belousov. according to him, the measure showed its effectiveness and helped stabilize the situation on the domestic foreign exchange market. in october, when the presidential decree on the sale of foreign currency was signed, the ruble exchange rate noticeably strengthened by 4.5%. to the previous month. the main legal entity of yandex in russia has changed its owner; it has become a kaliningrad structure. the main operating company of yandex in our country was transferred to her. to the register of participants in the special administrative the district joint stock company was incorporated at the end of last year. yandex is undergoing a restructuring process. let me remind you that its main shareholder is the family trust, established by the founder arkady voluzh. at the same time, 88% of the capital is in free circulation.
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a delegation from the turkish state oil and gas company batas will arrive in russia this week to hold negotiations on the creation of a gas hub on the territory of the republic. turkish media reported this. the idea of ​​a hub to which the lost volume of transit through the north can be redirected the stream was put forward in the fall of twenty-two by vladimir putin. turkish authorities say that in terms of infrastructure in the country, almost everything is ready for the implementation of this project, but amendments need to be made. legislation. and for the first time, the indian stock market surpassed the hong kong market in capitalization. the total value of shares on indian exchanges reached $4.330 billion. in hong kong , the amount is estimated at 4.290 billion. bloomberg writes about this. india is now the fourth largest securities market in the world. the growth coincided with the crisis in hong kong, where the most attractive chinese companies. they have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.
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it was economic news, briefly.
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hello, i am bari sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how to arrange it. future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear, clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing
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foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, now personnel from...


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