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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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lena is the wife of my youngest son, that is, i am her mother-in-law, well, this is deura, so to speak, but de facto, we are family, beloved and very close people, close, even despite the fact that we live quite far from each other friend, they are in bryansk, and we are from the village of lazrevo, tula region, but we don’t care. we communicate every day, almost every day , we support each other and even take part in some competitions and projects together, not so long ago, 2 months ago, literally, we were all together at the forum, dear loved ones, took part in this forum, relatives and loved ones are a community that is part of...
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this support measure is very important, please tell me, maybe we can consider extending this support measure for large families, it ends in july, in my opinion , in july of this year, i agree with in your assessment, it is effective, well, concrete , but the family simply receives money, and this is significant, that is, if you look at the cost of housing, for example, in the city of bryansk, then approximately...
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we do it with schoolchildren from, as they say, maybe maybe i'll be mistaken, parallel clay, the first batch is drying, we will come and paint them, vladimir vladimirovich, we can take a photo with you.
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thank you very much and thank you for doing this, thank you. because i’m speaking now both on my own behalf and on the part of our soldiers to whom you are sending this, you know, well, you’ve probably heard many times already, such crafts, letters, drawings, our guys are in the combat zone in those conditions, in where they are located are hung not as a work of art, but as a part of the heart of those who remember them. and wishes them good luck, victory, good luck victory, so thank you for what you do, thank you for the gift, let’s take a photo, yes, let’s do it, it was a broadcast,
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a meeting of the president with the participants and winners of all-russian family competitions. vladimir putin signed a decree that at the federal level consolidates the status of large families and determines support measures for them. the document was published on the official legal information portal. so, according to the decree, it is established that a large family in russia is considered to be one in which there are three or more children. the status of a large family is established indefinitely. a single sample certificate that confirms the status will be established by the government in the near future. according to the decree, large families are provided with state benefits , payments in connection with the birth and upbringing of children, support in the field of labor relations, as well as the right to free visits to museums, parks, and exhibitions throughout the country. in addition, parents with many children will be able
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to receive additional professional education, and mothers with many children will receive the right to early assignment of insurance pensions. well, the document also defines a list of social support measures, which... it is recommended that the heads of all regions establish, including free prescription drugs for children under 6 years of age, free travel on public transport for students, as well as free meals in schools, benefits for payment of housing and utilities and other measures, all of them will be in effect until the eldest child turns 18 years old or until 23 years old if the child is studying at a university full-time. the decree also provides for the creation in russia of a data bank on large families. it will be carried out by the government, which will also monitor the socio-economic situation of such families. let me remind you that previously there was no uniform approach to determining the status of a large family in the country and it was not enshrined in law in any way. regions had the right to independently determine criteria and
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prescribe support measures. last march , prime minister mikhail mishustin supported the idea of ​​establishing a unified definition of a large family. and to other topics. this morning, russian troops carried out a group strike on targets of the ukrainian military-industrial complex. as stated by the ministry of defense , high-precision long-range airborne ground-based weapons were used. the targets were enterprises producing missiles, ammunition and explosives. we’ll find out more details from denis alekseev. denis, we welcome you. tell us, which regions were hit today? yes, welcome, well! foreign mercenaries in ukraine become it’s getting harder and harder to make money, less than a week has passed, and russian missiles have again hit the legionnaires’ bases, again in kharkov. in addition, early in the morning it flew to other military installations of the ukrainian armed forces in different regions of ukraine. in sumskaya, in shostka,
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a hit was recorded in the building of the impulse plant, where components for artillery shells were produced. in the dnepropetrovsk region, with a high degree of probability, the target was the mayskoye airfield, and also. mirgorod airfield, and starokonstantinov, rockets fly there traditionally. in addition to airplanes, there both ammunition and long-range missiles can be stored. our military is destroying it all piecemeal, the dry land people can’t do anything, hide it or not. there is only one result. this morning, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high- precision, long-range, air- based ground-based weapons against the targets of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. producing missiles and their ammunition components, as well as explosives. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit. well, kyiv did not stand aside either region and the capital of square, where our rocket scientists worked as meticulously as possible.
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in these shots , russian modernized missiles appear in the sky above the city, releasing heat traps , confusing air defense systems, an innovation that is ukrainian and nato. the army can hardly boast, on our part everything has been worked out point by point, these are the consequences of the work of anti-aircraft installations in the ssu, there are plenty of them in kiev, they are trying to cover defense enterprises... working for the needs of the army, but, as it turns out, there is little use, but fragments of anti-missile missiles, every now and then, fall into residential areas, but ukrainian propaganda , showing, for example, this footage from kharkov, once again accuses russia of striking social objects, only what kind of objects are these, where there are blackouts on the windows, like in the barracks, and she is no longer on the video, they were prudently filmed so that there would be no suspicion, but in this photograph they were taken right away. after arrival, the windows were still tightly covered and sealed. everything that
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arrived at strategic targets in ukraine this morning is a comprehensive high-precision strike from the ground, water, air. weapons of different classes were used, but all for purely military purposes. these are precisely the principles of warfare that our military does not change and that ukrainian nationalists have long given a damn about. we continue ours. a social military operation, our military does not hit social facilities in residential areas and does not hit civilians, unlike the kiev regime, this is what fundamentally distinguishes our military from the military of the kiev regime. well, what about our groups on the fronts? continue to carry out combat missions, six attacks of the ukrainian armed forces were repelled in the kupinsky direction, and four in the krasnolimansky direction. ukrainian personnel losses per day again exceeded 500 people; near artyomovsk, our lancet
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destroyed the control center for unmanned aircraft. ukrainian commanders are confused; they have to keep the army afloat, show results to the west, but things are getting worse. what kind of victories can we talk about when the soldiers only dream of how to quickly lose a leg or be captured ? i need you to freak out a little. want, to. my leg was torn off up to the knee, because i want to leave the war, i can’t put up with it, but everything was torn off my leg, i’m getting a prosthesis for 6 months, well, in general , there’s not much that’s pleasant, but there’s no turning back, too much has already been lost, technology disappears , just like people, but if things get worse with the replenishment of weapons, due to interruptions in investment, then they give, then they don’t, so far the infantry is being replenished steadily, the capture of men... in ukraine is only gaining momentum, and as reported in
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the operational services of the dpr in donetsk, new shelling, today at least two people who came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces in the kuybyshevsky district. the explosions damaged the buildings of a kindergarten, a community center and an apartment building. olga lukyanchenko with details. ukrainian militants struck the kuybyshevsky district of donetsk and hit civilian infrastructure. to the new population, the palace of culture in the same kuibyshevsky district was damaged, and it was left without glazing, with the facades damaged, now the employees of the institution, volunteers, are trying to remove the consequences of this terrorist act, there is information about the wounded, this is one employee of the palace of culture, others, all details about the wounded are still being clarified, it is known that there are several of them, they held a reception for citizens asking about communal services.
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a kindergarten in the kuibyshev district of donetsk was also under attack, it was also left without glazing with a cut facade, fortunately there were no injuries among the employees who were on site, the kindergarten staff are still in a state of shock, there are no military facilities nearby, only peaceful infrastructure. residential buildings, churches, that is, the targets of ukrainian militants, as usual, they chose the civilian population of the donetsk people's republic, the shelling was allegedly carried out using a reactive fire system, as evidenced by fragments found at the scene of the shelling, now emergency services have already responded to the scene, and employees of the investigative committee have arrived. olga lukyanchenko, vladislav medianik, lead donetsk. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin today called on foreign parliamentarians and international
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organizations to condemn the sunday shelling of donetsk, which killed 27 people. albolodin emphasized that the city was hit with western weapons. the world must know about the terrible tragedy that occurred in our peaceful city, donetsk. therefore, we consider it correct to have national parliaments of all countries. about this, so that the united nations can assess what is happening, and of course, it is important for us to have this position. to all citizens of the planet, responsibility for what happened lies with the bloody nazi, kiev regime, personally with zelensky, who gives orders to shell peaceful cities, 27 people died with the help of what
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nato weapons, so we appeal to the parliaments of france, germany, britain, and other countries to make them think about their leaders making decisions that lead the world to failure. a special military operation stopped world war iii. a good chance for trump to get rid of the last obstacle to complete control of the republican party. this is exactly what the american press calls the republican prime minister in new hampshire. voting has already begun. according to ancient tradition, the first in residents of the tiny commune of dikvil-nochi in the mountains in the north of newmpshire voted at midnight. there are only six registered voters there, all of whom voted for trump's rival, former south carolina governor nicky hale. so formally she is still ahead. however, both opinion poll data and political scientists’ forecasts indicate that donald trump is the favorite.
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moreover, cnn believes that his victory in new hampshire will be devastating, and this will supposedly be an irreparable blow. for heil, so the same as the defeat in the iowa vote for another trump opponent, florida governor ron disantes. he later announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy. will nicky halley do the same if newmpshire fails? just a question. in any case, trump says that he is confident in his victory and will go to the end, he wants revenge against joe biden. all these accusations from biden, he threatens democracy because he can't win fairly. on the primary ballot among
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republican supporters in iowa, halley ranked third behind trump and desantes. previously she. she claimed that she would not give up and would continue to fight, it’s strange, the country is run by old people, so nothing works, this is her remark, it was addressed to both trump and biden at once. trump, in turn, doesn’t like haley either, calls her “this is a woman,” a pro-biden candidate, a warmonger, and so on, these were all quotes, saying that she and the democrats allegedly secretly support her, because she has no chance in a confrontation with biden, this is also data from opinion polls. here at trump, if you believe sociology, is very convincing, the current president and the leader of the democrats, trump was generally called upon to withdraw his candidacy without waiting for the elections themselves, and let me remind you, in november. the republican party has clearly demonstrated its choice, trump will already 99.9% represent the republicans in
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the upcoming election campaign, haley, as a candidate, represents the globalist. many experts have already said that helly ’s rhetoric is more reminiscent of a conventional biden. trump needs to be in the coming year be as careful as possible, perhaps remember some old sins yourself and try to prevent potential threats. and once again , polls show that the majority of americans do not want a repeat of the 2020 vote, then biden was against trump, although this is exactly what is heading towards this. the current head of the white house is 81 years old, and the state of his health, everything has been said for a long time, but the democrats have no real alternatives. the same, as political scientists admit, applies to republicans, among trump republican voters have a very high anti-rating, to the point that many of them are ready to vote for joe biden. but
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the current american administration is not interested either. the united states did not learn a single lesson from the policies pursued after the collapse of the ussr. washington still has a superiority complex and impunity. the current administration is not interested in having any political dialogue except for contacts that occur on the topic of exchanges, the functioning of country embassies, missions russian diplomats in new york, but that never happened. political issues, anyone who is sincerely interested in justice, including establishing justice in relations between russia and ukraine, which , of course, would involve an end to western
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policies using ukraine as a tool in the war against russia, we would be ready to listen, and we we talk about this all the time. throughout last night in new york, sergei lavrov literally held negotiations without a break. the minister held a number of bilateral meetings, the main topic of which was the neighbor. oriental a crisis. with representatives of iran, lebanon and the united arab emirates, lavrov discussed the situation in the red sea and the inadmissibility of escalating the conflict in the gas sector. but we talked with the head of the turkish foreign ministry about coordination in the middle east in the transcaucasus. in addition, joint energy projects were discussed. and now we turn to the information agency's feeds. so, dmitry peskov said that the europeans spent. a lot of money for ukraine, but the investment went bankrupt, europe understands this, they now need to pump up public opinion, as well as dmitry peskov reported that
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vladimir putin has no plans for a visit to the dprk before the end of march, and also from the news, the meeting between vladimir putin and lukashenko will be before the end of this week, recalls a message from dmitry peskov, he also said, albeit modest voices from europe, which, despite disagreements, speak of necessity. way out of the situation in ukraine through dialogue. there is little hope, but nevertheless there is, apparently. so here we go. the previously introduced anti-russian sanctions due to false statements in the press were even recognized in a german court. meanwhile in the european union began to discuss the thirteenth package of anti-russian sanctions. the date the new set of restrictions comes into force is announced by bloomberg. and according to him, the next package will be accepted by february 24. all the same people can enter it.' sanctions, additional trade restrictions, as well as some loudly announced measures to combat circumvention of restrictions, this was just a quote,
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both through third countries and through companies within the european union, that is, nothing new was invented in the eu, and the chances make it before february 24th are small, because the previous twelfth package required several weeks of negotiations between members of the association, apparently even they understand the absurdity. sanctions, and the german court also upheld alisher usmanov’s claim against forbes, seeking to discredit the publication’s information about usmanov’s connection with vladimir putin. let me remind you that usmanov filed a lawsuit against forbes because of a phrase from an anonymous expert that the businessman allegedly acted as a figurehead for vladimir putin; it was this phrase that later influenced the justification for the introduction eu sanctions against business. they did not find any other reasons to attract, but the hamburg regional court ultimately prohibited the american magazine forbes from disseminating such statements, including the court declaring the retention
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of seized property documents in the usmanov case illegal and ordering the return of everything that was seized from the businessman. it is completely unacceptable for the eu council to copy such articles verbatim to justify sanctions without checking their accuracy. this is a complete institutional failure that is. it turns out that the eu council justifies sanctions with fake news, the dissemination of which is prohibited by the court. i buy at a profit, pay for techno. cyberweek at the megamarket. megamarket, buy profitably, pay for techno, buy
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native russia, homeland. our family tree contains all the values ​​that every person carries in his heart with warmth and love. let's sing a song together in honor our beautiful homeland. this song is known to everyone, literally from the first picture in the abc book. where does the homeland begin, with a picture in your primer, with good and faithful comrades living in the neighboring yard, or maybe it begins with the song that our mother sang to us, with
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the fact... that no one can take it away from us in any trials, where the homeland begins, the cherished ski dodge, from the very birch tree that we fell, we bow to the wind growing. or maybe it begins with the spring song of a starling, from this country road that is not visible the end of which the homeland begins with the windows.
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burning widows from my father’s old budenovka, which we found somewhere in a closet, or maybe it begins with a table of wagon wheels, from the greeting that in your youth you brought to her in your heart. where to start homeland, homeland, be happy, we invite the stage of the president of the russian
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federation, vladimir. good afternoon, dear friends, good afternoon, i welcome you to the all-russian family forum, which kicks off the year of the family; it is a natural continuation of the year of the teacher. mentor for these national projects dedicated to children, we are putting into practice everything that we just talked about with the large families who stand behind me, the main, main purpose of the family is the birth of children, the continuation of the family, and therefore the continuation of our people, our
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centuries-old ... stories.


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