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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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in the lipetsk region on the topic of hospitality, and on urban development in general. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. no, arms or legs are not a problem; even such one-armed bandits will do for meat assaults. such cruelty of the leaders of the kiev regime is becoming commonplace; in the west it only causes smiles. more than a dozen names have been published on lists of french soldiers liquidated in kharkov. war in iraq and
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a militant lgbt activist of an extremist organization, which paris will not wait for. relocants are coming back, but why? why did those who left russia not succeed in either georgia or kazakhstan and what will they do at home? complete downgrade of the apu. due to a lack of equipment, ukrainians are creating cavalry anti-tank detachments. is it even possible to shoot a jewellin?
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various lyrics that are now going viral in the ukrainian blasphere, this is, in particular , a whole song with a guitar, dedicated to those sushniks who do not want to follow the orders of the command on the front line, and choose a different path for themselves, that’s all for it, there’s a gurilochka flow, soap kachechku peche, all for what , well, it’s not difficult to translate from the language into russian, the hero of the hit dreams of drinking: vodka, biting it with the strap of his beloved woman, precisely with a baked duck, for which he is ready to decide on szch, that is, unauthorized abandonment of the part. in short, the author essentially promotes desertion, and judging by how popular his work turned out to be, many deserters completely agree with this message. and no wonder, because the kiev regime itself is already doing literally everything possible so that the mere thought of military service does not caused nothing but horror or disgust among its citizens. among other things, he began to re
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-throw for slaughter those who were terribly maimed in previous meat assaults. evidence will be provided by stanislav bernval, stanislav, greetings, well, the army is now being recruited from legless, armless, lame, blind, sometimes crazy, partially drug addicts, all these are potential fighters of the armed forces of ukraine. filigree, steering the boat with one hand, another ukrainian boater, kalek, rides towards his death. so one-armed. bandits, fighters, ingloriously, who ended their lives somewhere in a cold trench on the very front line of hundreds, but this new ukrainian trend, of course, amazes with its unimaginable cruelty. mikhail shtuka, mikhail danisyuk and vitaly polivka died earlier this year. it would seem that the news is quite common, but what makes it wild is that at the end of last year they had already received severe wounds at the front. because of this, they lost the ability to move normally. to the front, where they ended
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their short, inglorious life. the economy according to zelensky is so harsh, merciless, with three hundredth there is a certain financial scheme for the simple reason that if he is injured, then he is entitled to payments, and if he is not paid to him. what is due is sent straight to the front, where it can either be disposed of, roughly speaking, or disappear into obscurity, and these payments will not reach him or his family. zelensky, in principle, seeing the lack of funding, he begins to save, and here the war economy is already underway. that is, look, the scheme is very simple, he was wounded, the poor fellow is treated, of course, somewhere near the front, maybe even on his feet, if those will remain, they will stage , but then they will immediately send the battle again, but... in one direction, but
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as they say, no body, no action, and continuing the section of laughter through tears, in addition to folk art on the topic of desertion, there are virals and others online videos, the authors of which... openly mock the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces. a poster with beavis and bathhit in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is going viral on social networks. judging by the recording, the picture ridiculing the ukrainian military was posted by the creator of the animated series, mike judge. on the poster, one of the soldiers is holding a machine gun turned in the wrong direction, the other completely threw a grenade at his feet. the painting is sold by an animator. in a single copy for $333, at the end of the video judge wrote: “i will spend all the money i earn on charity, ha ha, i’ll put it in my wallet, subtle and black american humor.” western representatives of culture
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are mocking the ukrainian soldier, well, firstly, this is on a par with what charlie hebdo has been doing for many years. let's understand that another of the... directions of western propaganda is that it is necessary to go on the defensive, this may be part of the plan that , well, since the ukrainian soldier is like this, it is necessary to take something from him, that is, fatigue and irritation from the ukrainian agenda in the west and from zelensky constantly asking for money has reached its apotheosis , well, that is , everyone is already openly wiping their feet on ukraine, who doesn’t get hit, let’s understand who’s the boss? even in censored america, and this is a censored country, donald trump is an example, even in censored america, it is impossible to hide ridicule of ukraine, zelensky, all his cliques, the more defeats ukraine has, the more
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beavis and buthits there will be. in general, no one really wants to give money to ukraine, but at least someone needs to fight, here, as they say, all means are good, so be it. the owners openly spit in your face, scornfully, chuckling, there is no turning back, so lame, blind, dependent, crazy, let's go out, does anyone need to fight? stanislav bernwalt and an army of colleagues. nine people were wounded after ukrainian militants shelled kuibyshevsky danetsk district, among the victims, including two employees of the ministry of emergency situations. as the head of the dpr denis pushilin said, one of the sappers died in the hospital. strike high. fell on a kindergarten and a cultural center. at that moment , the head of the district administration was holding a public reception for the population there. in addition, a family of pensioners was killed today as a result of a terrorist attack. a drone with explosives flew into their yard from ukrainian positions. from donetsk. report by olga lukyanchenko. ukrainian militants struck the
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kuybyshevsky district of donetsk. they hit civil infrastructure, for the civilian population. the palace of culture in the same kuibyshev district was damaged. it was left without glazing. illuminated facade, now the staff of the institution, volunteers, are trying to remove the consequences of this terrorist act, there is information about the wounded, this is one employee of the palace of culture, and the others, all the details about the wounded are still being clarified, it is known that there are several of them, we just held a reception for citizens on the issue of communal heating, heat supply, electric combustion, here on breaks, people injured, two people, emergency zone. also under attack was a kindergarten in the kuybyshevsky district of donetsk, it was also left without glazing, with a damaged facade, fortunately, of the employees who were on site, there were no injuries, the kindergarten staff is still in a state of shock,
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there are no people nearby military facilities, only peaceful infrastructure, residential buildings, churches, that is, ukrainian militants, as usual, chose peaceful targets. statement by the french authorities themselves that there are allegedly no mercenaries from ukraine fifth republic, and therefore , they again allegedly could not die in the northwestern military district zone. well, let me remind you that the reason for the reaction of paris was the data of our ministry of defense about dozens of soldiers of failure, liquidated in kharkov, in turn , the elysee palace, and at the same time the kiev regime
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still claims that a harmless hotel was disarmed there, where no one from the military was based, but now a lot of noise has been caused by an interesting list published by french journalists. allegedly the names of those same exterminated foreigners, and here, for example, it is worth paying attention to such a characteristic detail, first on behalf of one of the persons on the list, alexis drion. posted an entry on extremist facebook that he seemed to be alive, although then the post suddenly disappeared, and therefore a logical question arises: who is carrying out such obvious information manipulations? this is far from the only mystery, evgeniy nipot will confirm. evgeniy, hello, but it seems the french country wants to avoid wide publicity by any means. alexei, hello, they are pursuing their deceitful line in the style of nato countries. more than a dozen names of the military of the fifth republic were published in french. in kharkov there are french people,
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most of whom are not even 30 years old. among them, according to riya news, alexis drion, the son of a french brigadier general, joined the militants last year, constantly posting photos of himself in equipment, including with the chevron of the ukrainian extremist organization. nationalists. it’s interesting that in these shots, near the triumphal arch, drion is holding a banner in front of the veterans. it's unlikely they could trust a non-military person. he was reportedly liquidated along with his partner, sebastian benard, who left to fight against the russians back in 2022. however, he quickly returned home, a year later he made a second attempt, joined the fifth assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, and evacuated his wounded fellow countryman maxim. comte, who later publicly announced the failure of the counteroffensive.
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interestingly, the webinar served in the former colonial regiment of morocco, was a marine in a light armored unit armed with amx wheeled tanks, those that paris sent to kiev, among the supplies there was a large range of weapons, including caesar self-propelled guns. it is imperative that the officers of the artillery crews working with french systems must be either the french themselves or others. i emphasize that the current military personnel of nato countries, because for shooting it is necessary to use an automatic guidance system through a group of satellites, the communication channel is protected, in fact it is a military secret , the french have no right to entrust it to the ukrainians, even purely formally. artie writes: in kharkov at the moment russian strike on the disposition of foreigners, was gilles bernard sylvain, came to ukraine in october 2022, stories. about front-line life, either boasted or complained that he had to eat only pork; instead of a cutting board, they used
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a cardboard with the inscription “ukrainian chicken” in english and arabic. why did the ham so impress the nato military man, who, according to him, took part in the invasion of iraq, and in one of the photos he published, there is a chevron with the stars and stripes. there are also professional soldiers working in french army, who were released to fight in ukraine with the support of their... leadership, for example, guiem beranger is on the list. a source in france told me that there is a certain chief warrant officer guiem bérenger in the forty-eighth signal regiment in ogen, who is currently on a mission. we’ll talk about béranger a little later, but representatives of the french sos-donbass movement also talk about such secretly sent people. they organize rallies and actions to convey to the french the truth about the crimes of the ukrainian armed forces against the residents of the republics. at one of the events to the organizers a military man approached. i asked why. what we want to achieve, so he said that we are in the small town of pau, on the border with
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spain, this is a small town where there is a military base where paratroopers train, and he says, we are training, we should soon be sent to ukraine to fight against russia. among those killed and dispatched, according to artie’s information, is charles bertin roussel, a fanatic who tattooed the abbreviation zsu, that is, the armed forces of ukraine, on his fingers. published footage of the shooting on social networks, reported that in the foreign legion entered in june 2023. his quality is now especially needed by ukrainian formations, because the young man, apparently, is a representative of the lgbt movement, recognized, let me remind you, as extremist, a lover of pink hearts in joint photographs with partners and ambiguous comments about them. another military man from the lists of those liquidated is guiem beranger, mentioned above, who fought in ukraine almost from the first days of the northern military district. according to artie merange , he was an aidarovite, a participant
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in the national battalion, banned in russia, and in general in the published there are many radicals on the lists of those killed , those who were expelled from the french army for unworthy behavior, and it is for such dismissed or resigned that the french authorities extradite all their fellow citizens fighting on the side of kiev, the french military are sent there, but naturally the government... no, no, this is not we, they go there completely without permission, without asking us, and they want to, they go, that means they go, we cannot forbid them. such an excuse. the french authorities publicly disavow their own military, whom there are quite a few in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and apparently, sooner or later they will join the list of losses, and this absolutely suits paris, which is why they are not waiting for them. evgenia nit and the french mercenaries. well, by the way, powerful explosions from the arrival of russian
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high-tech weapons in kharkov, as well as other ukrainian cities, thundered today. the targets were reportedly '. the kiev regime, and the enemy’s propaganda did not immediately figure out how to cover what was happening. first, ukrtv broadcast a standard training manual, according to which it was shot down absolutely everything, and then they turned it all around as if the missiles did arrive, but hit peaceful buildings; both options, of course, are false. details in the material by denis alekseev. it is becoming increasingly difficult for foreign mercenaries in ukraine to make money. less than a week has passed, and there are russian missiles. again struck the legionnaires' base in kharkov. in addition, early in the morning it flew to other military installations of the ukrainian armed forces in different regions of ukraine. in sumskaya , the building of the impulse plant in shostka was hit. there was a production facility there components for artillery shells. in the dnepropetrovsk region, with a high degree of probability, the mayskaya airfield became the target. and
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also the airfield of mirgorod and starokonstantinov. rockets generally fly there traditionally. there 's something there. liquidate. in addition to aircraft, ammunition and long-range missiles can be stored at this airfield. our military is destroying it all piece by piece, the dry land workers can’t do anything. whether you hide it or not, the result is the same. this morning, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high-precision weapons, long-range airborne ground-based attacks on military-industrial complex facilities of ukraine that produce missiles and ammunition components, as well as explosives. substances. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit. the kiev region and the capital of square were not left aside. there, our rocket scientists worked as meticulously as possible. in these shots , russian modernized missiles appear in the sky above the city, releasing heat traps, confusing air defense systems, an innovation that the ukrainian and nato
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armies can hardly boast of. on our part, everything was worked out point by point, these are the consequences of the anti-aircraft work. apu installations. there are plenty of them in kiev, they are trying to cover defense enterprises working for the needs of the army, but, as it turns out, they are of little use, and debris from missiles every now and then ends up in residential areas. ukrainian propaganda, showing, for example, this footage from kharkov, once again accuses russia of striking social facilities, just what kind of facilities are these, where on the windows blackout, like in the barracks , and it’s no longer on the video, they were prudently removed so that there would be no suspicion, well, there are...
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again more than 500 people, near artyomovsk , the russian lancet destroyed the unmanned aircraft control center, ukrainian commanders are confused, we have to keep the army is afloat, showing results to the west , and things are getting worse, what kind of victories can we talk about when the soldiers are only dreaming of how to quickly lose a leg or surrender, what’s wrong with me? so that i my leg was torn off up to the knee, because i want to leave the war, i can’t put up with this, but the whole leg was torn off, so i’m getting a prosthesis for 6 months. in general, there is little pleasant , and there is no way back, too much has already been lost , equipment is disappearing, just like people, but if things get worse with the replenishment of weapons, due to interruptions in investment, then they give, then they don’t
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, then the infantry is still being replenished stable, the catching of men in ukraine is only... speeding up. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. in russia, she was considered a successful engineer and collaborated with fashionable architects, but for the border turned out to be of no use to anyone and could not find a suitable place. a typical story from the life of relaxants, which is given in a new study on the situation of russians abroad. an international team of sociologists surveyed 10,000 people to, as they say, determine the average temperature abroad. and here's the result. a year and a half after moving.
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"hello, those who stormed verkhniy lars, those who fled to kazakhstan with one suitcase, then in the twenty-second, when a special military operation began, and then they suddenly began to return, and throughout that year they returned ; for georgia, for example, the following statistics appeared: in 1920 , 1,856 russians entered the country;
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it was forced, of course, because there is no normal work in georgia for russian relaxants. in the latest report of an international sociological project, there are as many quotes as you like, from the words of real people, about how difficult it is to find a job in georgia. yes, in kazakhstan it is not easier with work and housing. here is a man who changed apartments six times, literally living out of suitcases. those who left were workers, usually remote workers, in what are called professions. like programmers, designers, bloggers there, they thought that they were people of the world, when it turned out that europe was not waiting for them , the post-soviet space remained, then
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a revolution of consciousness happened, they find themselves in the position of a slave, well, in the literal sense of the word, because they are taken out by some company for which they work, it promises to rent some office there, but it turns out to be an old soviet sanatorium that no one has renovated, now... they can cut your salary , do whatever they want to you, people simply couldn’t stand it even psychologically and returned, this is the first stream who returned, the second stream are those who stayed, stayed behind and already realized that they were simply not welcome here, not providing a residence permit, refusal to search for vacancies, elementary rudeness in line at the store, simply because you are russian, one of the most painful realizations of the relaxant, that the world has changed a lot and not in your own country, you are not needed, painful it’s such a feeling that they are trying to return quietly, without advertising it even among their friends, they rushed there, and then the realities
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of life began to sober us up, we’ll go to other lands, they’ll welcome us there, everything will be fine, and then it turned out that life really doesn’t end tomorrow, so they slowly began to return, among the relaxants there was also a cohort... of the so-called party-goers and influencers without a specific occupation, who had heard enough of agents like makarevich and with him, and rushed after the start svo into the conventional big world, well, well, from their smartphones and the comfort zone of the capital, they decided to get out to georgia, to israel, to armenia, to someone, someone to poland, the baltic states, well, they just ended up in dangerous in an idiotic position, if they landed at benguri airport a year ago...
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whoever didn’t talk about a criminal case, didn’t hang out with foreign agents, in general, they ’re welcome. those who were not seen discrediting the army, those who hung around there, looked at real life and returned, in principle they can be accepted, because these people saw that they would not be safer than in russia anywhere. however, there are those like the popularizer of science asya kazantseva, who has so far tried to make money in russia by collecting lectures, although, it would seem , she would go to these lectures, given that kazantseva called russia a pig that devours its own children, so here are her lectures now they have canceled it in moscow, in kazan, and this activist wrote a post that it was on the advice.
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over 200 ukrainian militants, as well as a tank and several enemy artillery pieces in the red-lebanese direction of the special operation, while in the donetsk sector, where our southern group operates, two infantry fighting vehicles, six vehicles, a d-30 galubitz, and almost 300 ukrainian armed forces personnel were disabled. the operational setup was studied by our special correspondent in the zone, stanislav nazarov. during aerial reconnaissance at the positions of ukrainian militants near donetsk, drone operators discover an enemy tank. shot! our
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artillery works in conjunction with kamikaze drone operators; several fpv copters are lifted into the sky at once. they reported that there was movement of enemy equipment in the village. the equipment is hiding, the enemy is afraid to release it because the target is bold and they don’t have enough equipment. near donetsk , multi-layered fortification structures have been built, such concrete barriers are an additional line of defense against enemy equipment, installed around.
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cavalry anti-tank detachments, is it even possible to shoot from a javelin from a horse and how , due to the lack of equipment , do the ukrainians create horses yet? russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear
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for... everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, we look before everyone else, four children, ex-husband, at work, endless stress, vosnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, sign up and watch. this is my group and we are called temporary musicians, beautiful picture, soulful, and most importantly karaki, you can simply sing the entire film.


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