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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels, the duty department and an honest detective, follow with us, that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. if you don’t have an arm or a leg, it doesn’t matter; even such one-armed bandits will do for meat assaults. such cruelty of the leaders of the kiev regime is becoming commonplace; in the west it only causes smiles. more than a dozen names have been published french soldiers liquidated in kharkov. son of a brigadier general, participant.
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war in iraq and a militant lgbt activist of an extremist organization, which paris will not wait for. relocants are coming back, but why so? why did those who left russia not succeed either in georgia or in kazakhstan and what will they do among the people? complete downgrade in ssu. due to a lack of equipment , ukrainians are creating cavalry anti-tank detachments. is it even possible to shoot a jewellin from a horse? and how the horses have not yet been eaten, eggs, hot water and toilets, prove that you are not in russia, a western flash mob on social networks, foreigners who have left russophobes show what a life of abundance is, and why the toilet is not made of gold, well, let's start with a very peculiar lyric , which is now widely believed in the ukrainian blasphemy, this is in in particular, entire songs with a guitar, dedicated to those people who don’t want to...
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leaving a part, in short, the author essentially promotes desertion, and judging by how popular his work turned out to be, many predators with such we completely agree with the message, and no wonder, because the kiev regime itself is already doing literally everything possible so that the mere thought of military service does not cause anything other than horror or disgust among its citizens, including starting to re-throw to slaughter those who were terribly maimed in previous meat assaults, evidence provided by stanislav bernwald. filigree, steering
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the boat with one hand, another ukrainian, koleka rides towards his death. such one-armed bandit fighters, ingloriously, ended their lives somewhere in the cold there are hundreds of people in the trench at the very front line, but this new ukrainian trend, of course, is striking in its unimaginable cruelty. mikhail shtuka, mikhail danisyuk and vitaly polivka died earlier this year. it would seem that this is quite news. unusual, but what makes it savage is that at the end of last year they had already received severe wounds at the front, because of which they lost the ability to move normally, joke and denisyuk are missing a leg, and polivka’s lower body has failed, but these serious wounds do not interfered again send them to the front, where they ended their short, inglorious life. according to zelensky, the economy is so harsh and merciless. with three hundredths there is. a certain
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financial scheme for the simple reason that if he is wounded, then he is entitled to payments, and if , without paying him what he is due, he is sent straight to the front, then he can either be disposed of there, roughly speaking, or disappear into obscurity, and these payments will not reach neither him nor his family. zelensky, in principle, seeing the lack of funding, he begins to save, and here the war economy is already underway. that is, look, the scheme is very simple, i was wounded. the poor fellow is being treated, of course, somewhere not far from the front, maybe even on his feet, if they remain, they will put him back on his feet, but then they will immediately send him back to battle , but with a one-way ticket, but as they say, no body, no business, continuing the section laughter through tears, in addition to folk art on the topic of desertion, other videos are going viral online, the authors of which openly mock soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. on social networks.
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a poster with beavis and buthit in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces is going viral, judging by the recording, a picture ridiculing the ukrainian military, posted by the creator of the animated series mike judge. in the poster, one of the soldiers is holding his machine gun turned. in the wrong direction, another completely threw a grenade at his feet, the painting is sold by the cartoonist in a single copy for $333 at the end of the video , judge wrote: “i will spend all the money i earn on charity, ha ha, i’ll put it in my wallet, thin and black american humor". western representatives of culture are engaged in mocking ukrainian soldiers, well, firstly, this is on par with what they do. for many years now, let's understand that another direction of western propaganda is that we need to go on the defensive, this may be part of the plan that, well, since the ukrainian soldier is like this, we need to take something from him, that is, fatigue and irritation
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from the ukrainian the agenda in the west and from zelensky constantly asking for money has reached its apotheosis, well, that is , everyone who doesn’t get there is already openly wiping their feet on ukraine, come on... they openly spit in your face, sarcastically, laughing, there’s no going back, so what lame, blind, dependent , crazy, let's go out, someone needs to fight, within 24 hours the fighters of the russian group of forces at the center destroyed over 200 ukrainian
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militants, as well as a tank and several enemy artillery pieces in the red-lebanese direction of the special operation, while while in the donetsk sector, where our southern group operates, two infantry fighting vehicles and six vehicles were disabled. howitzer d-30 almost 300 personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. stanislav nazarov studied the operational situation. during aerial reconnaissance at positions ukrainian militants near donetsk , drone operators discover an enemy tank. our artillery works in conjunction with kamikaze drone operators. several fpv copters are launched into the sky at once. they reported that there was movement of enemy equipment in the village.
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reconnaissance on artemovsk street, military personnel of the 150th division of the southern group of troops discover unexploded ammunition. the initial part simply broke when it hit the ground, but did not detonate. most explosive items here are destroyed on site. for once, two three we pull, right? let's! under the leadership of western curators, ukrainian militants masqueraded mines as a variety of objects during their retreat. we found either a night light or a heat lamp.
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our artillery is covering. stanislav nazarov, vitaly kadanovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. trying to justify themselves, french officials became completely confused in their own testimony. this is how the russian ministry of foreign affairs commented on the statements of the french authorities themselves that there are supposedly no mercenaries from the fifth republic in ukraine, and
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therefore they will die in their own zone again supposedly they couldn't. well, let me remind you that the reason for the reaction of paris was the data from our ministry of defense about dozens of soldiers of failure who were liquidated in kharkov on their own. turn the elysee palace, and at the same time the kiev regime still claims that a harmless hotel was destroyed there, where no one from the military was based, but now a lot of noise has been caused by an interesting list published... by french journalists, allegedly listed the names of those same destroyed foreigners, and here, for example, it’s worth paying attention to such a characteristic detail: first, on behalf of one of the persons on the list, alexis or alexis drion, they posted a post on extremist facebook that he seemed to be alive, although then the post suddenly disappeared, and therefore a logical question arises: who is carrying out such obvious information manipulations, and this is far away not the only mystery, evgeniy nipot will confirm. more than a dozen names of the military of the fifth republic were published on
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french-language resources, paris disowned them, calling the data about them a quote, gross manipulation. european officials they preferred to disown the damn dozens of frenchmen liquidated in kharkov, most of whom are not even 30 years old. among them, according to riya news, alexis drion, the son of a french brigadier general, joined the militants last year, permanently. photos of themselves in equipment, including with the chevron of the extremist organization of ukrainian nationalists. it’s interesting that in these shots near the triumphal arch drion is holding a banner in front of the veterans, it’s unlikely that he could be entrusted to a non-military person, he was reportedly liquidated along with his partner, sebastian benard, who left to fight against the russians back in 2022, but quickly returned home and a year later undertook a second one. attempted to join the fifth assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, evacuated his wounded fellow countryman
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maxim rikont, who later publicly announced the failure of the counteroffensive. it is interesting that binar served in the former colonial regiment of morocco, was a marine in a light armored vehicle unit, which was equipped with amx wheeled tanks, the ones that paris sent to kiev; among the supplies there was a large range of weapons, including and caesar self-propelled guns, a must for the world's officers. the crews working with the french systems must be either the french themselves or others, i emphasize active military personnel of nato countries, because for shooting it is necessary to use an automatic guidance system through a group of satellites , a secure communication channel is actually a military secret, entrusting it to the ukrainians, even purely formally, the french do not have rights. artie writes: gilles bernard sylvain was in kharkov at the time of the russian attack on the location of foreigners and arrived. to ukraine in october 2022, talking about front-line life, he either
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boasted or complained that he had to eat only pork; instead of a cutting board, they used a cardboard with the inscription of ukrainian chicken in english and arabic. why did the ham so impress the nato military man, who, according to him, took part in the invasion of iraq, and in one of the photos he published, there is a chevron with the stars and stripes. representatives of the french also talk about such secretly sent people. sos-donbass movement. they organize rallies and actions to bring awareness to the french the truth about the crimes of the armed forces of ukraine against the inhabitants of the republics. at one of the events , a military man approached the organizers. i asked why we were protesting and what we wanted to achieve. so he said that we are in the small town of pau, on the border with spain, this is a small town where there is a military base where paratroopers train. and he says: we are training, we should soon be sent to ukraine in... among those destroyed, sent, according to artie, is
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charles bertin roussel, a fanatic who impaled on his fingers the abbreviation zsu, that is, the armed forces of ukraine, published footage of the shooting on social networks, reported that he entered the foreign legion in june 2023, his qualities are now especially needed by ukrainian formations, because the young man, apparently, is a representative of the lgbt movement, recognized, let me remind you, extremist, lover of pink hearts. joint photographs with partners and ambiguous comments about them. another military man from the list of those liquidated is gyom berangel. there are also professional soldiers working in the french army, whom were released to fight in ukraine with the support of their leadership. for example, gyom beranger is on the list. a source in france told me that there is a certain chief warrant officer guiem bérenger in the forty-eighth wadjen signal regiment, who is currently on a business trip. the forty- six-year-old french citizen was actively filming tiktok, including talking about his injury. according to artie, mirange. was an aidarovite, a member of the national battalion banned in russia, and in general, in the published
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lists of those killed there are many radicals, those who were expelled from the french army for unworthy behavior, it is for such fired or resigned that the french authorities hand over all their fellow citizens fighting in the country of kiev, the french military are sent there, but naturally the government says: no, no, it’s not us, they go there completely without permission, without asking us and they want to. .. they are going , that means they are going, we cannot ban them, such is the excuse: the french authorities are publicly disowning their own military, of whom there are many in the ranks of the armed formations of ukraine, and apparently they are sooner or too late... will add to the list of losses, and this absolutely suits paris, so it won’t wait for them. well, by the way, powerful explosions from flights of russian high-tech weapons in kharkov, as well as other ukrainian cities, thundered today. the targets, reportedly, were numerous military infrastructure facilities of the kiev regime, and the enemy’s propaganda did not immediately figure out how to cover what was happening. first
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, ukra tv broadcast the standard training manual, according to which absolutely everything was shot down, and then they turned everything around as if the missiles were still there arrived. but both options, of course false, struck the peaceful development. details in the material by andrey grigoriev. the glow over kharkov across the entire horizon is the consequences of a russian missile strike carried out today on several of the largest ukrainian cities at once. the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high-precision, long-range , air-based ground-based weapons on facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce missiles and ammunition components for them. as well as explosives, target strike is achieved, all designated objects are hit. fires are being extinguished throughout ukraine, but of course the objects are not named. oh god, look out the window. the kiev authorities admit that all the destruction within the city is the result of the work of the ukrainian air defense. according to preliminary data, about twenty missiles were flying towards kiev. they were all hit by air
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defenses, and it was all debris that fell throughout the city. this was the case in the fall of twenty-two. when a rocket fragment killed two polish farmers in lublin voivodeship today, the country's prosecutor's office finally admitted that it was a ukrainian air defense missile that had gone off course. today's footage clearly shows how a russian missile, which was not shot down, fires off heat traps and lands somewhere far from a residential area, and then there are reports that a gas pipeline is on fire outside the city. mortar, shot! all front lines, russian troops are gradually destroying the enemy’s defenses, even tank attacks have resumed in the kupinsky direction, our t-80s, modernized and equipped, are going into battle the most modern protection. a ukrainian military man with the call sign barbie complains to cnn that american bradleys do not start well in the cold, but in general, vehicles that can withstand
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russian tanks, they show summer footage of five shot down bradleys in zaproze. moreover, it is precisely engaged in the fact that , according to reconnaissance coordinates, it strikes enemy artillery nests, and it is much more convenient if they are silent, it is very powerful, it hits ranges of up to 30 km, and a unit of drones interferes with the planned rotation in the ssu under
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novomikhailovka, reconnaissance detects the movement of infantry , combat drones immediately fly out to intercept, destroying the enemy... maria loves the sun very much, but life is spent among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, of the advantages there is mirestin, it is logical
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open debates of the security council on the middle east began. more than twenty foreign ministers, including sergei lavrov, are taking part in the meeting. on the eve of the security council, the head of the russian department outlined moscow’s position in an interview with journalists from the american cbs. in particular , lavrov said that ignoring. humanitarian law in the middle east conflict will only lead to tightening, and also recalled the consequences of us aggression against yemen and called on israel to stop the attack on syria. with details our staff correspondent usa, valentin bogdanov. sergei lavrov's diplomatic marathon at the un continues with bilateral meetings. the minister of foreign affairs of algeria enters the room of the russian delegation. and this is a meeting with the head of mid-schweitz.
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under control, the main thing is only to understand whose description of the situation in the red sea is quite suitable, after the americans and their allies in the so-called coalition, bypassing international law, began to hit the sovereign country, the aggravation in the middle east is a direct consequence of the ruthless israeli bombing of the gaza strip, which washington in fact also encourages. all these are topics of dialogue between the heads of the russian and iranian foreign ministries. in the meeting room. and the foreign minister of iran, bilateral meetings with colleagues from indonesia, the united arab emirates, turkey and lebanon, and this is only the first day of work of the russian delegation at the un. such
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a composition. it is no coincidence that a meeting on the middle east will begin in the security council in a couple of hours, and lebanon is also teetering on the verge of being drawn into a growing conflict. sergei lavrov has a separate meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of this country, obdallah buhabib, and after the meeting we have a separate question for him about the role of russia. you know, now it is difficult to talk about the peace process in the middle east, i hope that russia will play an important role in the settlement. if there is a ceasefire in gaza, which , unfortunately, is not happening, there is a war going on now, there are armed clashes with the israeli army on the territory of southern lebanon, but i know that if there is such a possibility, russia will case will act in favor of peace. sergei lavrov discusses the situation in the gas sector, as well as in syria and the middle east in general, with his turkish colleague hakan fedan; at the meeting they talk about cooperation in the energy sector and other joint
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russian-turkish projects.
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american relations if donald trump is elected us president. i don't believe there is any difference. the desire to destroy russian-american relations, the foundation of these relations, including all agreements on strategic stability, parity, mutual trust, president george w. bush began to destroy all this. the impunity complex is too deeply ingrained in minds and bodies. those who invented the russian threat, who ignored it many times.
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lead the un headquarters. in russia, she was considered a successful engineer and collaborated with fashionable architects, but she turned out to be of no use to anyone abroad and could not find a suitable place. a typical life story of relaxants, which is given in a new study on the situation of russians abroad. an international team of sociologists surveyed 10,000 people in order, as they say, to determine the average temperature abroad. well, here’s the result: a year and a half after moving, emigrants in most cases were unable to improve their financial situation, as the authors of the study say, after a strong drop, the overall level of income has not recovered, while a significant part of the relaxants have lost their jobs in russian companies , if at first almost half of those who left continued to receive wages in their homeland, now only a little more than 10% of them remain, and the trend is the termination of such cooperation remains. anton potkovenko will tell you what such statistics mean in practice.
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hello, those who stormed upper lars, those who fled to kazakhstan with one suitcase back then in the twenty-second, when a special military operation began, and then they suddenly began to return, and throughout that year they returned, in georgia, for example. , the following statistics appeared: in the twenty-third year , 1.856 thousand russians entered the country, and 188 left.


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