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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the whole world is waiting for the west to finally realize that its emphasis on neglecting multilateral diplomacy leads to tragedies time after time, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov said at an open debate of the un security council on the situation in the middle east. the security council believes lavrov should fulfill his mandate and call for a ceasefire in the gaza strip. warm, hello. so far our council has not been able to provide an adequate answer to this.
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transmits traditions and knowledge, helps preserve our culture and overcome any difficulties. the year of the family has officially started in russia. vladimir putin announced its beginning at the russia exhibition, where these days a forum called “ loved ones” is taking place, with the participation of not just large families, but entire family dynasties from all over the country. the president spoke with the winners of the family of the year competitions, and this is a family affair for us.
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shared memories of his parents, spoke about new measures to support large families, and also explained why having such a family in russia is becoming fashionable. first things first. alexey petrov. in the hall on vdnh finalists, winners of all-russian competitions, family of the year, and this is our family from different regions of the country. the youngest participant in the meeting is only 3 years old. the oldest is 75. the president begins the conversation with a decree on the status of large families, which he signed.
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they teach music and, thanks to the state program , can now teach the art of playing dozens of instruments. 10 tula button accordions, an accordion, a two-row accordion, a saxophone and horns, tubas, even new bassoons, so we really have a huge thank you a separate program to support schools , music schools, it’s very nice to hear that it really works, special gratitude is noted in the hall from families from new regions, after inclusion in russia they have new opportunities that they could not even dream of before, these regions are starting to pay taxes to the federal budget, the impact has begun, your people are very talented, able-bodied, and this has been going on for centuries. such teams and
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such character were formed, so this restoration of historical connection, well, they are on in fact, as elections and referendums showed, they... these connections were never lost, but still, in entering into the all-russian space, i hope it will happen as quickly as possible, in any case we will strive to ensure that this happened as quickly as possible, thanks to the support of family and loved ones, it is easier to take the first steps, including the young football player savya uvarov from yaroslavl, who is your favorite player, well, besides yourself, that is, my favorite player is pele, pele, well, yes . you can't be mistaken, i knew him, he was very kind he was such a nice person, yeah, i know that you knew him, he treated our country very well, the antonov family from bryansk asks a question about payments of 450,000, which
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can be used to pay off the mortgage after the birth of the third and subsequent children, can consider extending this support measure for large families; i think it ends in july. here in july of this year, the government continues to count, but they count correctly, we will extend this measure, the head of state antonov was brought a special gift, talisman of victory, bryansk schoolchildren make such talismans for participants in a special operation, we make these talismans with schoolchildren from, as they say, maybe i’m mistaken, parallel clay, vladimir vladimirovich, we can take a photo with you, of course.
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personal example, i never, i want to emphasize this, i never saw my father drunk, a real man, the best upbringing - it never happened like that, never, i ’m not talking about my mother, i never heard
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a single swear word from him, in general , well, they don’t even talk about mom either, you know, in small things responsibility manifests itself... i remember how my father was on the stairs with such an extension, we lived in a communal apartment, the electric meter was on the platform, i remember how he crawled and wrote out, you know, everything that needs to be paid for is down to the penny electricity, did everything on time, paid, then i remember how he met with his combat comrades with a friend who pulled him out of the battlefield and saved his life, putting his own life at risk. that is, here at vdnkh the forum for relatives and loved ones is the first official event of the year of the family in russia, there are more than a thousand people among the participants, there is a special, truly family atmosphere in the hall , there are entire dynasties in moscow, the forum participants came from all over the country, and the main thing that unites them is the ability to appreciate their
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relatives and loved ones. the president kicks off the year of the family. today in some countries, as you know, the institution of the family is normal, just normal human values, cynical. are being destroyed, replaced by pseudo values, where traditional family values ​​are being forgotten, but we, on the contrary, will preserve them, we will strengthen them, pass them on to future generations, this is the unconditional choice of our country, i congratulate you, all citizens of our beloved country, on the start of the year of the family. in recent years, the number of large families in russia has grown by 26%, and the number of children being raised there has increased by 30. alexey petrov, alexandra terpugova, igor belagurov, dmitry dunaev and yulia shchedrova. news. an air raid alert was announced in several regions of ukraine at once, including
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kiev, nikolsk, nikolaev, kharkov and cherkassy. on social networks video witnesses from kharkov appear. they can hear the howl of a siren and powerful explosions. but earlier it was loud in the capital of ukraine, in other regions, there were explosions from the arrival of russian long -range precision weapons; according to the ministry of defense, our fighters hit numerous military infrastructure facilities. kyiv regime. the ukrainian air defense system could not cope with missiles, and after misses they perfectly hit streets and civilian buildings. details in the material by egor grigoriev. zareva over kharkov in the entire horizon is the consequences of a russian missile strike carried out today on several major ukrainian cities at once. the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision , long-range, airborne ground- based weapons against military-industrial facilities. complex of ukraine producing missiles and their ammunition components, as well as explosives. the target of the strike was achieved,
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all designated objects were hit. fires are being extinguished throughout ukraine, but the objects, of course, are not named. oh my god, tamer, look out the window. the kiev authorities admit that all the destruction within the city is the result of the work of the ukrainian air defense. according to preliminary data , about 20 missiles flew towards kiev. they were all hit by air defense systems and they were all wreckage. which fell throughout the city. this was the case in the fall of '22, when a rocket fragment killed two polish farmers in the lublin voivodeship. today, the country's prosecutor's office finally admitted that it was a ukrainian air defense missile that had gone off course. today's footage clearly shows how a russian missile, which was not shot down, shoots off heat traps, ends up somewhere far from a residential sector, and then there are reports that a gas pipeline is on fire outside the city. mortar, shot! along the entire front line, russian troops are gradually
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breaking down the enemy’s defenses. even tank attacks resumed in the kupinsky direction. our t-80s go into battle, modernized and equipped with the most modern protection. ukrainian soldiers with the call sign barbie complain to cnn that american bradleys have trouble starting in the cold, but in general, vehicles capable of resisting russian tanks. at the same time, they show summer footage in which five bradleys were shot down in the zaporozhye steppes at once, the same armored car crew that was interviewed was destroyed almost immediately after the release of the report, without character and without strong vids. another episode of the cnn story with the american howitzer paladin. the crew of the armed forces of ukraine is forced to save ammunition, so the entire supply is laid out in a row on the weapon box. this illustrates the real state of affairs, only four shells.
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combat drones immediately fly out, destroying enemy soldiers one by one, and then another enemy stronghold. andrey grigoriev, maxim shchepilov, alexander ivankov, lead. a large weapons cache of the ukrainian armed forces was found in the zaporozhye region. this was reported by the press service of the russian guard. in the melitopol region, on the territory of a former military unit of the ukrainian military defense, department employees discovered about 2,000 ammunition of various calibers. during the inspection , grenades were also seized. with fuses, mines and hand grenade launchers. hungary, slovakia, poland
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and the czech republic warned the european commission about a catastrophe on the scale of the entire continent, unless , of course, brussels finally begins to protect the interests of european farmers, since a wave of protests by farmers who are on the verge of ruin will destroy the european economy. this is exactly what was discussed at the meeting of the ministers of agriculture of the eec countries on tuesday. the head of the hungarian ministry of agriculture stated on his own that “the country will resist dumping and will maintain a ban on the supply of agricultural products from ukraine.” report by our european correspondent anastasia popova. so far, the priority version is a tragic accident, a serious traffic accident, and not a deliberate collision. a woman farmer who went out to protest died under the wheels of a car in ariège, her fourteen-year-old daughter and her husband are in critical condition in the hospital. i have no words because i knew very well. the victim, her family, the whole family destroyed. the driver of the car, which flew into a barricade of
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hay tags at full speed, was a foreigner, his citizenship was not reported, and there were two people inside with him. women, they were heading to andora, all three were detained, they will appear in court. today all our farmers are in mourning, our nation is shocked and united. the political elite of france, from right to left, are united in solidarity with the family that suffered the tragedy. the official sees things differently ...
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the highway leading to spain was blocked, traffic was completely paralyzed. the police tried to disperse the people, of course. the movement of high-speed trains in ozhen, bags of waste were dumped on the rails, the strikers are carrying duty and does not leave either day or night. until there are concrete decisions, there will be no cancellation of actions taken on the ground. there are many complaints, the cost of energy has increased sharply, the price of fuel and resources. the body is expensive in labor, animal feed, fertilizers, and the purchase price of products either does not change at all or falls. they want to reduce the area of ​​agricultural land due to climate change; farmers cannot withstand competition with goods from outside the eu. they are of worse quality, but much cheaper, because there is no need comply with hundreds of prohibition rules in force in
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the european union. with european elections looming, it is difficult for president macron to remain deaf to the protests. i have asked the government to fully mobilize to come up with a practical solution to the difficulties you are facing. however, history is not only french. land is being taken away from farmers in the netherlands, subsidies for agricultural workers are being cut in germany, and riots are starting in lithuania. 850 tractors marched towards vilnius. people vs new green rules. increasing the excise tax on fuel and expanding protected areas. ministers are afraid of popular anger. part of our government's political culture is to admit and correct mistakes. the movement of farmers, dissatisfied with the extent to which the european authorities were carried away by the ukrainian conflict, forgetting about the problems of their citizens, footage from italy. since the beginning of the war in ukraine, farmers cannot even cover their expenses due to the rising cost of raw materials, this is
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absurd. in pursuit of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, european authorities have brought the situation is absurd, they are introducing more and more restrictive measures, demanding that farmers reduce production, while purchasing all the same goods outside the eu, often of lower quality and not meeting the strict standards of the european union, and doing this out of political politeness. the anger of farmers in brussels has been heard. the european council of agriculture ministers met today to discuss the protests and the controversial green agenda. nastasia popovlia bernatsky, denis sokolov, brussels, belgium. in the first 5 hours of the primary, your vote for potential more than 20% of new hampshire voters voted for presidential candidates. the voting is taking place in an atmosphere of intense competition between the main republican candidates donald trump and nicky haley.
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our own us correspondent, dmitry melnikov, will talk about the chances of the main contenders to occupy the chair of the head of state. your right first. among other states , new hampshire secured a presidential primary a century ago with a special law, but here too there are those who want to be ahead. it's night in the village of dixville, voting for republican candidates began at midnight, when there were 10 hours left before the official opening of the polls, with only six registered voters, they also brought the first results, unanimously against trump, that is, for nicky haley. last meeting with supporters on... haley is now fighting for the votes of so-called independent voters. despite the party consolidation around the former president, haley still has a chance to remain in the race after the vote in new hampshire. even if, or rather, when she loses it, the question is by what margin, the fact that an independent
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voter is literally torn between two candidates, polls say, and remarks from. nicky, will you marry me? will you vote for me? no, i'm for trump. trump could get haley out of the way now with one call, offering her the post of vice president or head of the state department in his possible future administration. but for now, with a lag of 12% , haley continues to fight against the age of both trump himself and the washington elite. i think politicians over 75 should take a test mental capacity. i don't mean to sound disrespectful when i talk about this. we all know people over 75 who...
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presidents, that's what seems to be the main topic of discussion between now and november, or at least that's what those in the race are focusing on most right now. i said if the intelligence test is hard, i'll take it, and i did great on it. first, they show you pictures of a giraffe, a tiger, a whale and ask you to guess the whale, these are the first ones.
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most americans want to turn over already page and move away from the candidacies of both biden and trump. 70% of americans say they would like to see another generation in power. trump said he passed the intelligence test . we are talking about two politicians who are in the area. americans, accustomed to thinking in comics and movies , have already dubbed this team of former rivals, whom trump brought on stage, the republican avengers. vivi kramaswami, tim scott and duc burgum chose the right side by abandoning their rivalry with trump. this as it turns out, he expects the same from his main rival, joe biden. do you think biden will withdraw from the election? personally, i think yes, it will be removed. high turnout. trump supporters in new hampshire frighten opponents the most; the day before the vote, residents of the state began to receive strange calls, joe biden calls, urging them not to go
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to the primaries. this tuesday's vote will only help republicans in their quest to elect donald trump again. your vote will make a difference in november, not this tuesday. preliminary investigation showed what it is. biden 's forgiveness is a fake generated by artificial intelligence, but the natural intelligence of the us president continues to play cruel jokes on him, despite all the white house statements about the adequacy of the president, now biden is confusing members of his own administration , began to thank the head of the ministry of health, javier bissera, who was allegedly sitting next to him, although on in his place was another secretary of homeland security , mayorkas. but biden still had to remember the minister of homeland security, mayor kos. it would be he who is responsible for the catastrophic
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situation with migrants on the border with mexico. the day before, the us supreme court ordered texas authorities to remove a wire fence almost 50 km long, installed along problem areas, as inhumane to refugees from the south. in response, republican and trump supporter texas governor greg. and top hats, but only tricorn hats and ordinary hats were allowed. this was one of his first decrees after ascending the throne, out of the two thousand that he managed to issue. paul also
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prohibited tailcoats, waistcoats, trousers, and individual by decree, sideburns, all this is french, which means revolutionary, dangerous for the monarchy, the emperor considered. paul was a great admirer of prussia and ordered his noble subjects to wear german-style camisoles and cocked hats. ordnung. he tried to impose german-type order in everything, it reached the point of absurdity: it was forbidden to dance the waltz, women were forbidden to wear blue frock coats and white skirts, another decree of the capital ordered everyone to have dinner and go to bed at the same time. more serious decrees prohibited the import of foreign books and notes into russia and travel abroad. border. the nobility could not stand all this, and after 4 years and 4 months of rule, as a result of a noble conspiracy, paul was. after his death, all the strange restrictions and regulations disappeared, and his descendants never gave paul an unambiguous assessment. some called him a tyrant and a despot, while others called him a misunderstood
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russian hamlet. pushkin considered him a romantic emperor, an enemy of deceit and ignorance. exactly 80 years ago, on january 24 , 1944, the korsun-shevchenko operation began to liberate right-bank ukraine from the fascists. holding the ledge the germans did not allow our fronts to close their flanks and prevented our advance to the southern bug. the forces of the first ukrainian front under the command of general vatutin of the second ukrainian front. under the command of general konev , a powerful wehrmacht group was partially defeated in just 3 and a half weeks. according to various sources, from 40 to 55 thousand enemy fighters were destroyed. soviet troops managed to completely encircle the germans. two attempts by other fascist forces to free those encircled were unsuccessful. at the end of the operation, part surrounded broke out of the cauldron, but the group was defeated. two german
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army corps ceased to exist. charlie degaud called him a traitor because he was ready to give algeria independence. the riot was suppressed, but the ultra-right was not completely defeated; they managed to create their own secret organization, the oaz, and prepare the force. a little over a year later, a group of generals tried to take power in both algeria and france. while africa was seizing the main objects in europe, the allies of the puschists carried out terrorist attacks in orly airport and two train stations in paris.
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more than 12 million people supported him with a general strike. the president himself enacted an article of the constitution that gave him unlimited rights. as a result, the puchisty in algeria were defeated, and the leaders of the conspirators were arrested. they received varying sentences, including the death penalty. but everyone was granted an amnesty, and two decades later they were reinstated in the army reserve. however, algeria became an independent state already in 1962. on january 24, 1970 , soviet weightlifter vasily alekseev established four world records in the heavyweight division at once . all records in the bench press, in the clean and jerk and two in total in the eventing were set in velikiye luki. the athlete was 28 years old at that time, and these were his first world records. alekseev, originally from a village in the ryazan region, was involved in sports from the age of 18, first in volleyball and athletics, only
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then came to... weightlifting. just a year and a half later, in 1972, he beat his own result, making seven amendments to the table of world achievements in one day. alekseev performed at several olympiads, including in the seventy-second year in munich and in the eightieth year in moscow. in total, he became an olympic champion twice, a world champion eight times, a european champion eight times and a ussr champion seven times. vasily alekseev has 80 world records, one of them - the sum of three exercises of 645 kg - will never be broken. this is what this day in history was like. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. what is a newsletter? my sister and i we spent the whole day drawing and writing the newsletter.
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they didn’t forget mom and dad , they very cleverly put in a lot of layers of protection, took colored markers, made watermarks, let’s go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot is not will pass, because in russia the ballots are marked better than money , they are very carefully protected, they have the most powerful protection, your trick will not work, people... choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, it is important to choose freely in the country, honestly conveniently, our boy felt anger because of social injustice, he wanted to fight it, yes, then let’s
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give him a medal, about family, about... and of course, the signature humour.


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