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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it's not just profitable. alpha is profitable. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order savito with delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. news of the last hour. france rejected russia's request to hold an emergency meeting of the un security council today at 23 moscow time regarding the downing of an il-76 over the belgorod region. this was reported at the permanent mission of our country at organization and added that france abused the powers of the temporary representative of the security council. the appointment of an urgent meeting on the terrorist attack was announced during a press conference at un headquarters by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. all the details of what's happening in new york right now, as well as more details about the statements.
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patriarch kirill proposed to rid the cultural space of russia of alien foreign values ​​that contradict the historical and moral principles of our country. the head of the russian orthodox church talks about this spoke at the opening of a meeting of international educational christmas readings in the kremlin palace. in particular , the patriarch celebrated such imported holidays as saint's day. halloween, instead he proposed teaching a family studies course in schools, especially since both the state and the church are offering enormous efforts to protect traditional family values. watch the full speech of patriarch kirill at the plenary session of the international educational christmas readings on our channel immediately after the advertisement. apartment in moscow count five. with just five purchases over
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the history of sophia, that is, the philosophy of history, encourages, on the one hand, to comprehend what has been passed. assessment so as not to sin against the truth. it is obvious that history is not just a collection of facts in their cause-and-effect presentation. looking at the complex and full of difficult trials , the historical path of russia, you can’t help but be amazed
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at how often it happened that our people stopped at the edge of an abyss, or even began to fall into it, and as it seemed, nothing could. comprehend the works that god does from beginning to end. reflecting on this, all that remains is to exclaim without thinking, together with the apostle paul: “o the depth of riches and wisdom and knowledge of god, how incomprehensible
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are his destinies and his ways unsearchable." at the same time, in these inspired words the true answer is actually hidden. but how should we look at history and approach the assessment of historical events? only by focusing on eternity, we we become able to correctly perceive the temporal, but if we evaluate the temporal, based only on our time, we will fall into many misconceptions. how infrequently we encounter these misconceptions, including in various historical studies. the main thing is acquisition, but what is the main acquisition? after all, the church looks at the world through the eyes of eternal divine truth. she tirelessly proclaims this truth and testifies that the main spiritual treasure that our people have is the orthodox faith,
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adopted by equal-to-the-apostles grand duke vladimir and our ancestors in the baptismal waters of the dnieper. she is the root from... from which the beautiful and powerful tree of more than a thousand years of russian statehood and russian culture has grown. for many for centuries, this faith has nourished the peoples of russia with the life-giving juices of the gospel truth. it fosters in people the best moral qualities and, most importantly, calls for salvation and elevates a person to eternal life. our people have gained christ. pizam, this is our main and most valuable spiritual acquisition , the main gift of god from the people of historical russia, a gift that we need to cherish like the apple of our eye, and to cherish today, on the one hand , in the very favorable conditions of the church’s existence, but
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on the other hand, in very difficult circumstances of that historical process, in which god commanded us to abide. if we remember this, i not only remember, but also testify in deed to fidelity to the lord and the christian calling, then i am convinced that all questions will be put in the correct order. the topic that i formulated in my report like this: between two fires:
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paternalism and dissidence. without going into the works, into the analysis of each historical era of the existence of russia, i would like to dwell only on the most important, on what is the source and cause of many losses and historical mistakes our people. this trail of problems continues, unfortunately, to this day. causing considerable harm to the country, society and even church life. we are talking about two trends in the people's perception of the world and social-state relations, which, despite their obvious antagonistic nature, paradoxically coexist together and have a detrimental effect on both the internal social situation and the spiritual life of people. for many centuries, russian society seems to be balancing between extremes. excessive paternalism, then there is the patronage of elders and the leadership
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of stubborn dissidence by elders, which is the opposite movement. paternalism, as a term, is usually applied to political and legal culture, but i think we can look at this phenomenon more broadly in the context of people’s life. let me remind you what a paternalistic model of behavior means. o such a system of relations in society in which all responsibility for what is happening is shifted to the father, that is, to the higher authorities. a person with such a view of the world considers himself only a cog in a large mechanism, and is not aware of personal responsibility for the common cause. what this leads to is eloquently demonstrated by the history of our fatherland. remember, for example, the terrible period of feudal disunity. fragmentation of rus' from the 21st to the 15th centuries. many people of that time perceived the situation in
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the country as solely a princely matter, as their personal disputes and disagreements, without considering the unfolding events as a national catastrophe. as a result , the state itself was weakened by strife, which turned out to be unable to resist mongol conquest of the country.
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when, with the support of the church , a movement of resistance to foreign intervention and the efforts of the people's militia was organized under the chairmanship of prince dmitry pozharsky and kuzma minin, and with the active participation of the church, with the leadership of the church, the invaders were expelled from the borders of our fatherland. the church, of course, in the person of its priests, did not fight, but it was an inspirer, it was, if you like, a driver. all this powerful movement that led to the liberation of our country,
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those in power were the oligarchic boyar group, so i think that many remember what happened in terms of the concentration of power, it was concentrated in these boyar oligarchic groups in groups, this group, these groups were so mired in sorting out relationships and the struggle for political influence that were ready. deep, that these were the general features of the case of bygone days, the traditions of the ancient thinking of that time, however , there are still many similar examples in history, it is easy to notice cyclically repeating situations, excessive paternalism with longing for a strong sovereign hand, which itself will bring
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order to everything, and the philosophy of mayakhat on the edge, this is the same philosophy
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in our world there will be love, kindness and compassion. today, when the countries of historical russia are going through a tragic period in their relations, more and more of our compatriots, thank god, are aware of their christian and civic responsibility, and this is expressed, in particular, in the actively developing volunteer movement. let like -mindedness, solidarity, mutual support and willingness to work. i am convinced that then russia will develop successfully progressively, without the shock of cultural catastrophes, our people will truly grow spiritually and morally, including, i confess to you,
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this is the prayer of the patriarch.
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not to become at the same time a natural enemy of russia, i will not comment now, but fyodor mikhailovich’s very strong words: the revolutionary movement in russia, which turned the history of the country in the 20th century, was prepared over a number of centuries, centuries, including the 19th century, through inclusion to european political ideas and social teachings, but at the same time there is a silver lining, as they say among our people, as if in response to the spread of these alien influences and the presentation of the supposed inferiority of the russian national tradition, as an attempt to comprehend the original spiritual path of russia, was born...
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to choose the best, it is noteworthy that the appeal of artists to orthodox spiritual values ​​and church tradition also helped to overcome the tragic breakdown in russian culture itself. if we remember the time the dawn of russian culture, the 19th and early 20th centuries, we can easily note that it is associated primarily with the work of christian-oriented writers, pushkin, gogol, dostoevsky, and. also the artists repin, ivanov, kromskov, composers tchaikovsky, grechanin , rachmaninov, the thinker berdyaev, solovyov, florendsky, lovsky, and this is by no means
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a complete list of outstanding sons of the fatherland who revealed the real beauty and richness of russian culture, and so revealed that to this day since their interpretation of russian history and russian culture remains relevant. the spirit of struggle and rebellion is inherent. many lovers of european culture, western values ​​are active in our time; today it manifests itself in those sons of resistance who strive at all costs to oppose themselves to public opinion, spiritual values ​​and the orthodox tradition, to any, even the most balanced, well-founded position of government or church authorities mistakenly believing that the mere disposition to dissent is honorable and automatically... places the person in the line smart and thinking people, not like other people, and i’ll add handshakes outside
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our fatherland. such people, as a rule, do not notice the destructive consequences of their actions, unless, of course, they act consciously. their spiritual mood was brilliantly expressed by chekhov, through the mouth of the hero of one of his stories, i quote: the main thing is to turn life around, everything else is unimportant. unfortunately, many of our public and political figures were guided by this principle at the beginning of the 20th century, at first triumphing about the bitter defeat of our country in the russo-japanese war, then rejoicing at the revolutionary changes of 905-907, subsequently greeting with delight the february and october events of 17. we know well what these rejoicings of free-thinking people led to. from the history of the 15th century. let us remember the words of christ the savior. by their fruits you will recognize them. what do we see today? in the public statements of some compatriots even
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today, mutual insults, lies, slander flow, social divisions, irritations, condemnations, and even hatred are sown. slander, malicious arrogance and crafty jealousy, unfortunately, penetrate into the church environment. causing confusion and discord among believers. for an orthodox christian it is quite obvious that the roots of the phenomenon are in the mother of all passions, in pride. therefore, each one , look how he builds, the apostle paul tells us in the first letter to the corinthians, remembering that envy is contentiousness, where envy is contentiousness, there is not a bad structure, the letter of the apostle james.
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church i appeal to all its faithful children, maintaining the ability to objectively evaluate what is happening in our country, do not get drawn into the vicious circle of criticism generated by an unrealistic concern for the well-being of the homeland and its citizens, but by the political ambitions of individual politicians or outside influence, because otherwise it is impossible to work cooperatively for the benefit of the fatherland. to the question: what to do in this case and how to proceed? answer: such a person should carry out his ministry with dignity, not forgetting to pray that the lord would strengthen strength and grant wisdom to those who make important decisions. this will be the most correct
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christian. in response, remember that the fruit of righteousness in the world is sown among those who keep peace, the apostle james, third epistle, one famous russian thinker once very clearly formulated: “the style of polemic is more important than the subject of polemic , objects change, but style creates civilization.” . i hope that high culture will develop in our society. truly mutually respectful dialogue, a culture of communication that harmoniously combines the culture of thought and the culture of speech, should not provoke a play of passions, but on the contrary, it is designed to contribute to the achievement of the common benefit of the good, to serve the solution, and not the complication of problems. i really hope that at least our church community, our church publicists and writers, will pay
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attention to these words of the patriarch. we are worried, yes, as for outside the church, well, if someone also hears it, they will understand that this is, in general , what we would like to follow, god willing, although there is little hope here, because this sea is too seething outside the church harbor, the difficult time we are going through is a time special responsibility for the country, for the people, for the church, in order to successfully overcome all... trials, our society today especially needs unanimity, which is impossible without the consciousness of personal and moral responsibility for the fate of russia. this unanimity is not in the dystopian style of zamyatin oruel, when everyone should think absolutely the same way according to a template. of course not. each person was created by god as a free person, and there must be differences of opinion among us, so that those who are skillful may be revealed, according to the word of the apostle paul.
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about the unity that we need. it is necessary to strive, as it is exhaustively stated in the local formula, unity in the main, freedom in the secondary, and love in everything. the main thing is loyalty, what is the main thing, the main thing is in the context of what we are talking about, the main thing is, of course, loyalty to one’s native country, the desire to work for the benefit of the fatherland, sincere love and respect for history, for the spiritual tradition of the people, with the undoubted recognition of the key importance of the orthodox faith for russian...
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became a period of spiritual revival of the country, or rather, the long-awaited return to her life of the orthodox faith and interests in church tradition, after several decades of atheism. russia remembered its christian roots, people flocked to churches, new parishes and monasteries began to open, the church returned to public space, and many of us lived and worked in this era, it was a period of general spiritual uplift, enthusiasm, burning, but... of course, it is impossible to burn all the time, that is, to maintain the same emotional state at the same level, and today in the spiritual a new stage has begun in the life of our people and the church, i call it a time of spiritual concentration. the time has come for adult faith, not that youthful, youthful faith, filled with enthusiasm, but in the absence of experience and corresponding volitional efforts. strong
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, thoughtful faith, guided not so much by emotion as by spiritual reasoning, this period may be even more important and responsible for the spiritual life of the people, because it tests maturity, it tests the maturity and depth of our faith, so there is no need to think, that everything important is in the past, all the fateful achievements in the past and the current era are fateful for our church and for our country. unfortunately, there have been and will be losses along the way. for some, church life has become a temporary hobby, and the gospel is touched upon only tangentially. well, the majority, those who were touched by the tangential things, have already kind of gone aside, mostly now there are people left who were not touched by the faith tangentially. and the church, at all times, strives to convey to the world
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tireless testimony. about the truth of god.


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