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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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they called it a terrorist attack. over the belgorod region in the russian ministry of defense, the department established the exact time of 11:15 and the place from where the missiles were launched, the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy near kharkov, only 11 km to the border, that is , the ukrainian armed forces were waiting for the planes, they specially pulled the anti-aircraft missile system closer, although about humanitarian the missions knew, the chronology of events was restored by alexander korobov. the tense silence is interrupted every now and then. farts of flying
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helicopters, military police searching for debris at the crash site of the l-76, everything that what was left of the liner was dismantled for several kilometers, look, right here, a military transport plane crashed at 11:00 in the morning, the first shots were taken by local residents, you can see how the burning liner goes around the village and falls into a field, there are no survivors, i hear a strong shot, i looked at... i couldn’t see anything in the sky, and then i looked to the side and the plane was flying across our street with its knee, then a little in front the fire was burning , then the ear exploded somewhere behind the girl , the locals saw everything with their own eyes, i saw it back in well, at the last moment it was so hot the wing turns out to be a left wing, the wing was on fire , the left side was down, and the right side was up. flew off and
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under its belly the fire was already visible, it began to fall with its nose into the ground, this is the outskirts of the village of yablonovo, literally a few tens of meters away the landing begins , fields follow it, the bks plane was just heading towards a populated area, but after being hit by a missile, the pilots decided to turn away the burning board and he fell in the fields. the russian aerospace forces aircraft took off from the capital's chikalovsky airfield on board six.
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six crew members, 65 ukrainian military personnel for exchange and three russian military personnel accompanying them. a list of ukrainian prisoners has already been published, military personnel aged from 21 to 58 years old, many of them have already been identified by journalists on social networks, the personal data is completely the same. the youngest deceased, ivan roy, lived in chernigov, was fond of sports, according to some sources in the army he was a simple checkpoint inspector, and this is a thirty-five-year-old reservist. oleg kuzma was a grenade thrower in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. at the very beginning of the northern military district, thirty-one-year-olds were captured igor yarygin and intelligence officer denis korchan. and this is the testimony of the surrendered konstantin danilchenko, he was also on this plane. we are considered meat, everyone understands why it is so cold with us, the leadership is ours. lists of dead
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ukrainians, journalists found out that among the prisoners were azov militants who surrendered in mariupol. all of them died today at the hands of their own. the ukrainian leadership knew very well that, according to established practice, today ukrainian military personnel would be transported by military transport aircraft to the belgorod airfield for exchange. according to the previously reached agreement, this event was to take place in the afternoon at the kolotilovka checkpoint. on the russian-ukrainian border, and nevertheless, the nazi kiev regime took this step, pursuing the goal of blaming russia for the destruction of the ukrainian military. the bodies of the dead have already been found in a field near the village. at the last moment, the crew of the il-76 was able to take the car engulfed in flames away from yablony. local residents remembered this trajectory well. i saw that the plane changed course the plane began to descend, it was on fire, then i saw that it had fallen. well, did you see how the guys took that plane away? well, yes. in principle, he
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fell sharply and so, of course, they went there for a little while and took him away. just 30 km from the crash site there was a children's hospice. the hospice was not damaged in this case, no one was injured. for our enemies, we pray for all orthodox christians. emergency services and members of the investigative committee will continue to work at the scene of the tragedy. the russian aerospace forces commission also flew to the belgorod region. alexander korobov, ainur vali akhmetov, oksana serzhantova, news: belgorod region. russia will do its best
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to assist the republic of chat in stabilizing the situation in the country. vladimir putin stated this during negotiations with his african counterpart. the russian leader also noted that in recent years. in connection with a plane crash in the belgorod region. we have great opportunities to develop our bilateral relations. through the un we are trying to provide support, including humanitarian support. do you know about this? we intend to do this further.
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we wish to strengthen relations with friendly russia. thank you for the invitation. our people hope that after this historic visit we will intensify our cooperation. artyom zhogo, co-chair of vladimir putin’s campaign headquarters, visited lugansk on wednesday. there he met with the svoo fighters and the families of the widows of the fallen heroes. social support for the military is on the agenda.
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in order maxim kutrunov. novokuznetsk drama theater vladimir mashkov’s working day began with applause. they call their boyfriend a people's theater and film actor in the city stalevad. and miners. the mashkov family came to kuznya in 1969 from frunze. “i’m home,” says mashkov, getting ready for kuzbass. kusbasi nothing happens just like that. the first meeting, creative, sold out, the stage hall is breathing in unison. here everyone is connected to culture directly. teachers, creative workshops, universities,
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students, specialists from cultural departments of southern kuzbass cities and regions. gradually the monologue turns into a dialogue, they ask about life, work on stage at the election headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin. mashkov connects, masterfully easily, he first appeared on stage in a puppet theater as a boy, his father was an actor, his mother a director, then the theater was in a different place, now in the most worthy in the city, the restored historical building of the kommunar cinema, the performance will be in leningrad, during the siege, set goals, so
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here i live, i live, i live, no matter what, so that i can feel that i am alive , the worst thing, despair, despair. a special meeting in the hall with the most caring people, city residents, volunteers, social activists, leaders of youth and veteran movements, again questions and suggestions. bring to our noznetsk at least one, two, three performances of your tubakov theater, what advice would you give to the modern generation, to modern youth, what needs to be done to show the political awareness of the younger generation? i come to my native kusbasy, to my beloved native novokuznetsk, of course, here is the land and people. gives me extra energy, the goal of the task is to meet as many
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people as possible, hear suggestions, orders, without interrupting my professional activities, i will return to the theater, play, rehearse, work with students, and then again go to citizens across the country. and in his small homeland, vladimir mashkov is already expected in kemerovo to meet in educational and medical centers, communicate with theater workers, veterans of labor wars, and public opinion leaders. maxim kutornov, ivan shubnikov, vesti kuzbas, novo-kuznetsk. the protests of french farmers found support in germany, belgium and the netherlands, as well as reached the scale of the european union. on wednesday, farmers gathered for a demonstration in front of the european parliament in brussels. farmers are against the abolition of benefits for the sake of budget savings , while billions are being allocated for weapons for ukraine. find out more from our own correspondent in europe, regina sebastianova. european farmers are angry. organize mass protests block roads throughout the union, from romania to germany, the louder the better, for example, today’s
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symbolic protest in brussels is definitely here this dairy cow hung by agricultural machinery. the protest in the european parliament building on wednesday brought together representatives of a number of european countries; italy, belgium, germany, france were represented here, the leaders of the trade unions who called agricultural producers here said that maybe the demands are slightly different, but the root of the problem. always one, this is inflation, this is underfunding, this is excessive regulation on the part of the european union, and of course, the reluctance of politicians, both national and at the pan-european level to listen to the demands of farmers. europe and individual countries, one after another, are canceling financial support measures for agriculture, this against the backdrop of rising costs of work, competition, which they call unfair, the ever-increasing burden of the green transition, ultimately leading to the bankruptcy of farms. you know, the farming community shouldn't have to pay the bills for inflation, the bills for the war in ukraine. it's not
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that we don't want to help, we want so that people have food. the union offered food vouchers. come on, let's help those who don't have money to buy food, but it's not up to us to pay for it. if we don’t have money, if france doesn’t have money, if europe doesn’t have money to help ukraine, let them borrow somewhere or something else. but it is impossible that, at the expense of the supply of agricultural products, they can subsequently buy weapons, not at our expense. separate protests in germany, farmers rose to the barricades in romania, belgium, the netherlands, france tractors have been blocking highways for several days, angry farmers are filling up streets and railway tracks with manure and garbage , unloading tons of waste onto administrative buildings, the strike was marked by tragedy, near toulouse a thirty-five-year -old woman from among the farmers and her fourteen-year-old daughter died after a car drove into demonstrators' checkpoint, the head of the french farmers' union promises to continue a...
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why are so many new standards being imposed on us, so many rules, when today almost a third of french food is imported, we we just want to restore the dignity of our profession. on wednesday, it was no coincidence that farmers spoke outside the european parliament; less than six months are left before the european elections, election campaigns are gaining momentum, and politicians can no longer afford the luxury of not listening to farmers. representatives of the right wing of political factions of the european parliament were seen at the rally.
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the french media found the answer of the country's new prime minister gabriel athal unconvincing; he claims that the government hears farmers and offered a meeting with them leaders, but experts are convinced that the farmers’ movement may soon be equal in scale to the actions of the yellow vests, several years ago, which caused a lot of problems for emmanuel macron, representatives of the right. they are already 10% ahead of the president's supporters in the european parliament in polls. paris adheres to the rhetoric of the european union. the european commission also says that it hears voices. we listen very carefully to the voice of farmers, and i can say that we will take this voice into account in our work, for the sake of the future of our agricultural policy. we need an approach based on four principles: security, stability, sustainable development and solidarity. we must avoid rules that conflict with food security. for the sake of stability, we need a decision on the future
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financing of agricultural policy. on thursday , the european commission promises to begin a discussion with representatives of the sectors. attempts to find a consensus, however, ursula fondeen made such promises back in september. meanwhile, the protest movement is spreading to other sectors of the economy. wednesday in germany following the farmers, train drivers began the longest strike in history. already the second protest in the new year will last 6 days and cost the german economy 100 million euros per day. regina sebastianova, evgenia zemtsova, european bureau of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company, brussels, belgium. breaking news from ribbon inform agencies the houthis announced an operation against the united states in the gulf of adana. the houthis from the yemeni ansarallah movement announced a military operation against us navy ships in the gulf of adana and the babel-mandeb strait. this is stated in a statement by the military representative of the movement. according to this text, in a clash that lasted more than 2 hours, the houthis reportedly used
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several ballistic missiles, some of which reached their target despite attempts to repel them. values, he is supported by the president, vladimir putin, on tuesday signed a decree on the uniform status of large families and guarantees. it was so necessary for everyone, both large families and those families in which one more child is now growing up, maybe two children, this is about the future is about the guidelines that every family should strive for and about the
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support that a large family will receive, in the presidential decree. all priorities are very clearly outlined; everything that is needed for a family, for a large family, will be provided by the state to a large family. france refused to hold an emergency meeting of the un security council requested by russia on the downed il-76. despite the fact that the french representative to the un abused his position as interim chairman of the security council. russia's position was clearly stated by sergei lavrov. during the press conference
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for palestine, i remember talking to candalisa rice, our assessment of the situation was that it might be better
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to advise the palestinians to hold off on these elections, but because the gauge of the mood of the population in gaza and the west bank indicated to the fact that the popularity of those who speak out from radical positions, in particular, has sharply increased.
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relations between the united states of our country, the minister replied that at a very low level , in fact, everything is limited, simply by interaction in the sphere of functioning diplomatic institutions, and well, there is a fairly clear explanation for this, the americans simply trampled on everything that at one time was the basis for any contacts -
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to the effect that we have incited europe all against you, well, almost all , just as at one time napoleon gathered europe against us under his banner, just as hitler did the same, put most european countries in the ranks of the wehrmacht to fight against the russians, against the soviet union, in the same way america is now again under the banner of the nazis, now in face zelensky, brought all of europe together very much. closely monitors that no one takes any steps to the side, well , relations between washington and
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moscow began to rapidly deteriorate after the defiant actions of the obama administration, then hillary did not become president in 2016, and donald trump was literally accused of being as a kremlin agent, in fact, then they began to expel russian diplomats en masse. sergei lavrov recalled these circumstances at a press conference today, but there is a feeling that some people here in the west are not averse to playing this card again, or at least testing the possibility of whether this card can be played, so one of the journalists, either jokingly or seriously, asked the russian foreign minister the following question: look, i'd like to know if you've been able to meet with... with former president donald trump or members of his campaign over the past couple of days? already wrote about this, right? not yet. well, thank god, because i didn't meet him. well, of course. neither with
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trump nor with any of the candidates in us presidents, sergei lavrov did not meet, russia does not interfere in the internal affairs of america, this three-day visit of our delegation has come to an end, many bilateral meetings, but as for where you started, the date of the security council meeting on the il- 76, that is, such information that this meeting may...
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in the un security council regarding this situation on our side. our own correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov, was present at the un headquarters with the results of sergei lavrov’s press conference. well, after the advertisement, our report own correspondent in serbia daria grigorova about the maidan sample on the streets of belgrade. the legendary alfabank credit card has become free forever. even more profitable, withdraw cash for free from any atm, with russian lotto the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, one hundred lotto. here.
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