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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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in combat use, in fact , it is much easier to control a drone, you just need to sharply raise it and then just fly towards the enemy, we have a sapper, there is someone watching and there are pilots, we again hid one of the control points, we fly a little closer and we see that they have a nest there, i had a good background in civilian life, i played a lot on the computer, i was very...
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alisa kryuchkov studies at the educational center of the commonwealth, the largest school in russia opened last year in voronezh. now there are 2,500 students , there are more than a dozen classes in parallel, they have unusual names, for example, alice goes to the tenth l. i really like this school, firstly, it is incredibly beautiful, the interior and arrangement here are very beautiful, the building itself is very large and it’s very pleasant to be here, the colors are so well chosen, light, pleasant, colorful. alisa loves
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english and dreams of becoming a lawyer, she says it’s interesting to study. the school has art workshops, a choreographic studio, a whole scientific block with laboratories, and even your own planetarium. by the way, the changes here are unusual. our school activists organize musical breaks once a week, we select the music, and the guys during the breaks, two large ones, can spend time in the atrium in our largest auditorium, such a central point, they can. dancing, singing, jumping, generally great. the school has become a point of attraction for parents and students, says olga strukova, director of the educational center. these are various events, mom, dad, me, there is a friendly family, parents come to us, they share their experience in the profession, this is important for us, because we focus not just on receiving a good, high-quality education, but on applying this knowledge specifically in... practice, which is why our joint
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work is very active. the commonwealth educational center in voronezh was opened in the twenty-third. the largest school in russia was built on one of the sites that the housing development institute, domrf, is preparing for development and transferring sub-social projects to the regions. since 2010 , the commission for housing development construction transferred a total of 527 hectares to the regions for management and disposal. on them, in addition to schools and kindergartens, appeared. there are also parks, squares, boulevards, the baikal ice palace in irkutsk, and a center for pediatric oncology, hematology and surgery in tatarstan. the opening of the latter took place in the twenty -first year, on an area of ​​17 m2, the latest equipment, timely diagnostics, high-tech treatment, and early rehabilitation are carried out here. the center can simultaneously accommodate 100 small patients. in 2019 we applied to the russian federation and the land was allocated. 3 hectares for densky oncology, and
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thanks to this land, there is land everywhere, but it was geographically very necessary and located where it should be, so it allowed us to solve a very large social problem. over the 15 years since 2008, the development institute has transferred hundreds of hectares of land to the regions free of charge. they are building in place of vacant lots. 151 kindergartens, 101 schools, 20 sports facilities, 10 hospitals and clinics. unused lands are either transferred to management, or free of charge into ownership. the main condition is the construction of social facilities. any territory under it requires the creation of a territory planning project, within the framework of which it is necessary to create social infrastructure facilities: schools, kindergartens, clinics and other necessary ones. objects that are useful
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and necessary for any family. we have developed a standard for the integrated development of the territory, which actively shows how to correctly place these objects within the microdistrict. our task is not only to provide land plots for social facilities, but also to synchronize housing construction with these facilities. this social focus of work is part of the domrf policy in the field of sustainable development. the volume of investments in social loans alone as of july 1 , 23 is already about 238 billion rubles. and this does not take into account loans under preferential mortgage programs. with the help of such financing , social infrastructure is built. and here’s another important one to help. mechanism, infrastructure bonds. for the house of the russian federation this the agenda is very important because it first of all talks about the quality of life in general, a high-quality yard, a high-quality microdistrict, all our projects that the house of the russian federation is involved in, regardless of the direction of project financing or the provision of land
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plots for the integrated development of territories, all this is connected in one way or another otherwise with there is an agenda, because the direction of activity is aimed at improving the quality of life. citizens, it is our main focus. another area is financial literacy. in at the domrf consultation center, anyone can get detailed answers about support measures in the housing sector. first of all, we are engaged in supporting our citizens in the field of government programs, starting from regional programs and moving on to federal and state programs. when they contact us, we don’t just talk and answer clients’ questions, but... we also offer all the options that a citizen in a given situation can call or write to the center at any time 24x7, up to 1,500 are processed here per day requests, we have already provided more than 25 million consultations to citizens, and accordingly the main
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questions that we receive are precisely what measures are there, how to use them, where to find them, where to go for them, and what else can be done, to buy housing there cheaper? in order to reduce the burden on existing loans, all these requests come to our hotline, our experts process them, help people and families, and accordingly find a solution to their life situation. and together with the people at the front, domf is implementing another initiative, this is working with requests that were received directly from the president. we processed about 3,000 appeals that were related to the housing sector, more than a thousand life situations were resolved immediately and... the bulk of the appeal was transferred to those departments that are dealing with this issue. feedback from people helps domr in socially significant work to develop the housing sector. the country already has a variety of mechanisms for improving housing conditions, from preferential government programs and building cooperatives, to affordable
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rental payments to large families. in the first quarter, the state company will present new proposals for targeted support for russian families. we will not forget our calling , we bring laughter and joy to people, just wow, this is cool, very fashionable and generally unexpected, i really liked it, a fairy tale from childhood, the songs are the song of youth, it has never replaced freedom, so bright, amazingly incendiary, i really wanted sing strongly, waited for karookas,
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for the soviet union leningrad had colossal significance, aurora shot there, a revolution took place there, its population must either be destroyed or expelled, itself. the city was destroyed to the ground, pin down the leningrad volkhov front so that they would not take a step to the left or a step to the right. a frozen city, eerie images of people who are exhausted, exhausted, but not giving up. here trucks, on the not yet very strong ice , bring food to this very soft city, and they took the wounded back. the accumulation of strength began when the blockade was completely lifted, but it was already over. almost a catastrophe for the northern army group , the heroic red army broke the blockade
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of venegrad, what this day in history is remembered for, we’ll tell you right now, hello, 160 years ago, on january 25 , 1864 , the premiere of the full version of lermontov’s play masquerade took place for the first time at the alexandrinsky theater in st. petersburg. this happened 23 years after the poet’s death; during lermontov’s lifetime, the masquerade was never allowed to be staged, although he remade it many times. officially, the tsarist censorship did not like the too harsh passions in the work, but they were also frightened by the glimpses of the real story at the heart, the murder of a wife by a jealous husband. lermontov showed the unattractive morals of high society in st. petersburg in the 1830s. this is the story of an intelligent and rebellious nobleman eugene. believing the gossip that ruined his life. a story about retribution for past
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sins. the first production at alexandrinka lasted only five shows. a quarter of a century later, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of lermontov’s birth, another performance was given, but the full-fledged stage life of the masquerade began only in 1917, when the drama was staged by sevalot mir holt. since then, the play has not left the stages of the newest production in 2022 at the moscow theater of satire in sverdlo. moskomedia theater. on this day, 100 years ago, january 25, 1924, the first winter olympic games opened in france in the city of chamagne. then they were called an international sports week, but the games turned out to be so popular that it was later decided to consider them the first winter olympics. at first it was held in the same year as the summer olympics, since 1994, 2 years after the summer olympics. only 16 countries and less than 300 participated in the first games athletes, mostly men
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, competed in nine disciplines, the most titled athlete was the finnish speed skater klass thunberg, who won four medals, including three golds; the norwegian team won the unofficial team event, adding 17 medals of various denominations. our country began to take part in the winter games, starting with the seventh olympiad, it was held in 1956 in... italy, where the ussr national team took first place in the medal standings. on january 25 , 1960, by order of the ussr ministry of internal affairs, it was disbanded the main directorate of the camps, kulak, whose history is inextricably linked with stalin’s repressions. people were often sent there under false charges to be used as free labor. in the 1930s-fifties, gulak played a huge role in the economy. ussr, capital facilities were built by prisoners, all the gold in the country was mined, almost all of the tin and a third
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of nickel. prisoners worked in logging, on road construction, and developed remote and inaccessible areas of the country. counts, that according to various estimates, from 15 to 18 million people passed through the gulak, of which one and a half million died in the camps. after stalin's death during the khrushchev thaw, literary works about the gulag began to be published not only abroad... as before, but in the soviet union itself. stories and research by alexander solzhenitsyn, steep route by evgenia ginsburg, kolyma prose by varlam shalamov. at the same time, a wave of mass liberation took place; in just 3 months after stalin’s death, almost half of the 2.5 million camp prisoners were released. the further existence of this organization was considered inappropriate by the new leadership of the country. the remaining camps were reorganized into vtk, correctional labor colonies. and the word gulak remained in history.
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on january 25, 1961, the first six soviet pilots, having successfully passed all exams, received the qualification of air force cosmonaut. yuri gagarin, german titov, grigory nelyubov, andriin nikolaev, pavel popovich and valery bykovsky. the criteria for multi-stage selection were invented by scientists from. institute of aviation medicine. it is the doctors, as well as the chief designer spacecraft sergei korolev, came to the conclusion that the best candidates for cosmonauts would be military pilots. they were allowed to undergo a medical examination. hero of the soviet union, test pilot
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mark galai, the signal to start the training was galai’s team, let’s go, based on a combination of factors, gagarin was recognized as a leader, after 3 months he made his first flight into space, that’s how this day in history was, dear friends, i i invite you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv, it will be called who serves nato in russia. i i hope it will be interesting.
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large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and
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future, touch all the achievements. at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions: business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the russia forum exhibition. you have found a job and are ready to sign a contract. pay attention to what kind of labor or civil law it is. a lot will come from this depend. we will tell you exactly what in 5 minutes in
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this issue of instructions. let's start with the main thing: labor relations. civil contracts are regulated by different codes, labor and civil. in the first case, this is a relationship between an employee and an employer, and in the second, it is between a contractor and a customer. in itself, civil law does not prohibit the conclusion of civil contracts. this can be a contract, a contract for the provision of services, or, at the same time, persons who are ready to perform work within the framework of these agreements, it should be remembered that their relations will be regulated. legislation and labor legislation in this situation will not be subject to application; in simple words, such persons will not receive guarantees of compensation provided for by the labor code of the russian federation, such as, for example, payment of wages on established days, provision of work and rest schedules, provision of vacations , payment of appropriate benefits in case of layoff, in
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case of accident and in other cases. in the labor code does not have a clearly formulated list. signs when an employment contract is concluded, and not a civil law one, but from judicial practice the following can be distinguished: the work is performed under the control of the employer’s management, the employee is subject to the internal labor regulations, work and rest schedule, work schedule, and the employer also ensures working conditions , the employee performs work only in a certain specialty or position, there are other signs: how to protect your rights if it’s on your face? fact substitution of an employment contract with a civil law one. the procedure is established by article 19.1 of the labor code. relationships that arose on the basis of a civil law contract by labor,
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by means of performing a certain amount of work for a certain period of time, receive remuneration on the basis of a certificate of completion of work. the gpc agreement has a number of advantages: the contractor sets the schedule himself, the main thing is to be on time. you don’t need a work book, you don’t have to constantly go to the office, you can hire assistants. but if the performers, the customer disagreements arose regarding payment for the work, its quality, volume, timing, they could not agree, they would have to go to court. therefore , it is so important to prescribe all the conditions you need in a civil contract; it is drawn up in free form. lawyers advise paying special attention to
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several points. this, of course, is the subject of the contract, and also the case of the financial responsibility of the performer and its amount. and finally, the conditions for termination of the contract on both sides. the procedure for terminating the contract must be clearly defined so that either directly register. that in the event of termination of the contract, then, accordingly , give 3 months’ notice in advance, that is , it is directly stated in the contract that this would be insured by an individual or a self-employed person or an individual entrepreneur, that 3 months in advance, let’s say with him there is a possibility of terminating the contract, and not give 2 days notice of termination of the contract. the civil code allows the customer to terminate the contract at any time, but if the contractor has done a part. work, the law requires it to be paid if the customer refuses, you can go to court, but the costs are often higher than the price of the work. in addition, usually
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, under a gpc agreement, the contractor is responsible for meeting the deadlines; if he violates the deadlines, he pays a fine, the amount of which is determined by the customer . of course, he cannot levy fines indefinitely, but in order to reduce the penalty, he will again have to go to court, only there they can recognize the deal as bonded finally, if... the customer went bankrupt and did not have time to pay, there is a risk of being left with nothing. in the register of creditors' claims in the first place include those who worked under an employment contract. what will happen to pensions and health insurance? for performers of individuals, not self-employed or individual entrepreneurs, the customer himself pays contributions, or rather, deducts them from the remuneration and transfers them to compulsory pension, medical and social insurance. let me remind you that i have been working under a contract since 2023. gpcs can go on sick leave on maternity leave. there are also contributions that can be prescribed for injuries, then the employer will contribute another 2 to 8.5% for insurance for you,
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depending on the class of professional risk. the situation is similar with taxes. a civil partnership agreement is concluded with an individual, then everything falls on the commercial organization, either it is an individual entrepreneur, or this... already minus pre-taxes. if we are talking about a self-employed or individual entrepreneur, then it’s a different story. let us repeat the most important thing: relations under a civil contract are governed by the civil code, therefore the contractor is not covered by the compensation guarantees provided by the labor code. he received a reward. for work completed on time, disputes with the customer often have to be resolved in court. the law allows the customer to terminate the contract at any time, without giving reasons. if the contractor is not
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self-employed or an individual entrepreneur, the customer himself deducts contributions for mandatory pension, medical and social insurance from his remuneration. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to protect your interests in a controversial situation related to work, subscribe to our telegram, ask, and we’ll... talk to experts and we will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next issues. instructions.
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in general, the troops are unique, firstly , there are a lot of tasks, the tasks are so labor-intensive, i certainly feel more like a sapper , major general, a group of sappers is preparing for the upcoming task, we are improving our skills in detecting hazardous objects in buildings, this
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has been done . in order to increase mobility, as well as increase the survivability of personnel, do it yourself, class, demolition, some kind of babble. annual forum strong ideas for new time. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one
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of seven. areas in which the best breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support , your initiative is suitable, more than a thousand for implementation, the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership, you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31 , 2024, you need to create the future yourself and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse world for everyone. com.
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20 months of torment around the swedish entry into nato ended with the approval of turkey, this despite the threatening statements and strict demands of ankara, well, everything is clear there, they bargained, bargained, well, in general, everything was known from the very beginning, washington, of course, about...


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