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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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20 months of torment over the swedish entry into nato ended with the approval of turkey, this despite the formidable statements and strict demands of ankara, well, everything is clear there, they bargained, bargained, well, in general. everything
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was known from the very beginning. washington, of course, pushed through what it needed; there is no point in hoping that it will not be able to unite all of europe in the fight against us. just as, well, he naively believes that washington will now condemn the ukrainian authorities for a terrorist attack in the belgorod region for murder, including ukrainian military personnel, that is, it is clear that washington doesn’t care, so what about the fate of the slavs?
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listen, well, orban recommended that parliament vote to approve the application, did anyone read that this won’t happen, or what? what surprises me most is when, in all seriousness, they look for such putin farshtei, as they say in germany, in the european union among the leaders, but there is no one there, they have their own problems that they solve, different bargaining systems, we have friends except... there is no army or navy, and this needs to be very clear understand that when suddenly someone agrees to supply us with something, sell something, help us in some way, he is solving his problems, and he, as a rule, is interested in very specific , very understandable, pragmatic goals, so there is no need to count in any way , worry, otherwise it will be like our eternal attitude towards the bulgarians, we still expect gratitude from them. what a joy, bulgarians,
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gratitude, but i mean the political authorities, they are on opposite sides of the barricades, that is, that is why there is no need to even pay attention to this topic, inflated to the unimaginable military budget level, the largest corporations are interested in endless warriors and will not allow the end of international conflicts. the west is systematically putting itself on the rails of militarization, so it will not stop until it is stopped, but...
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they only care about the continuation of this colonial system, where the united states is at the top, everyone else is actually in different form of subordination, and the european union is subordinate to all others, so when europeans believe that americans are their allies, americans are their masters - this is not one thing and the same thing, europe is occupied, so the europeans can pretend that everything is fine, but as they are told, it will be so. by the way, just to make it clear. this is just something,
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he is schwab’s adviser, this is the same argumentative forum, this is what he said back in 14. today in the world many, or maybe most , legal systems are based on the idea and belief in human rights, but human rights are like heaven and god, this is just a made-up story that we made up and spread everywhere, maybe it’s a good story, or maybe even an attractive story. we want to believe in it, but it's just a story, it's not reality, it's not physical reality. jellyfish, woodpeckers and oysters have no rights, just as homo sapiens have no rights. take a person, cut him open, and look
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inside, you will find blood, heart, lungs, kidneys, but you will not find any rights there. the only place you can find rights is inventing them. the mountain is a reality, you can see it, touch it and even smell it, but israel or the united states are just stories, very powerful.
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not a fateful challenge, the reason is known, it consists in the position of the united states, blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the bloodshed in the occupied territories, the resourcefulness of american diplomacy, which either floats ceasefire resolutions or calls for a reduction in the intensity of hostilities in gaza, is disconcerting; it is clear that this gives carte blanche to continue: collective punishment of palestinians. the humanitarian consequences of such policies are dire. almost 30,00 civilians were killed , including a huge number of women and children. severgazy practically completely destroyed and uninhabitable.
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80% of the entire population of the sector are internally displaced people, a real human tragedy with no end in sight. the failure of our council to take comprehensive measures means that the current escalation of the conflict in palestine has given rise to metastasis throughout the region, and again not without the disastrous participation of the united states of its allies, whose military presence in the middle east, as in other parts of the eurasian continent, creates everything new, unacceptable risks for international security. 30,000. that the permanent representative of israel , gelad erkhdan, can object to this, he suddenly says that destroy iran and everything will be fine, iran, and hamas, not turkey, which is compatriots with well, along
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party lines with hamas, but iran, who is qatar, alone from... hamas, and iran, well, at least not all in one chain. i would add it up, but for some reason citizen irdan decided to kick russia? as we all know, iranian drones are being used by russia to kill civilians in ukraine. iranian terror will reach all of us, each of us knows this. we all know, even russia, which is cooperating with iran. well, sergei itorovich responded to this that they leave it on your conscience, your conscience is a lot. can accept, and mr. irdan can name who died from allegedly iranian drones?
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these are the civilians and how many of them died? the main thing is that at least they found the parts, well, they presented them , but they can’t, because what they presented is ours, that’s what i’m talking about, that’s the problem, that is, mr. jordan is spreading a deliberate lie to the very the point at which the total number of civilian deaths is primarily due to an activity. ukrainian air defense in its peaceful, incomparably less than those terrible atrocities that, in particular, american and israeli weapons were committed not against hamas, but against palestinian civilians, although, as we remember, the president of israel had previously said that there are no palestinian civilians and that they are all to blame, everyone, women, children, everything, for me, as for jews, the concept of collective responsibility,
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in general, you understand what industry is
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russia, how do you even imagine spare parts from a refrigerator that are used to produce what? well, in general, you should have at least some kind of education, but at least an elementary one, that is, we pulled out a microchip from there and so quickly whispered it, made passes with our hands and thus cunningly inflated it, blurred it. twang, twang, they changed the architecture, oh my, what a style, you probably need to argue with trump here, twang, 2,500 flew, yes, you’re all idiots, and your intelligence doesn’t work anymore, then there is this level of discrediting knowledge, no, i’m glad if you really think so, it shows how phenomenal nerds you are, and of course, trump lit it, that is, after all.
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let me remind you once again that nine of our servicemen, six crew members, three accompanying persons from the ministry of defense , and 65 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces who were imported for exchange were killed. well, a pentagon representative at a daily briefing said that he doesn’t know anything about this, that ukraine doesn’t report to them, so he had nothing to say about this regarding the downing of a russian transport plane , there was nothing.
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so you started with the fact that everyone there treats us with them, it’s not necessary, well, in general, we don’t care who will be there, in fact, we don’t care who didn’t say that it ’s impersonal, i said that there’s no need to look those you don’t need to look for, you don’t need to look for those who love russia, this is what i absolutely agree with, but what has now been clearly determined after new hampshire is that trump is the only candidate from republican party, well, it’s clear , yes, what’s going on in south carolina, no matter what happens there, even if... hypothetically, helly, who was the governor there, will be able to get more votes there than trump, that’s already all, everything is already completely clear it has been decided that trump is in charge, biden has already admitted this, biden has stated that we now need to fight trump, because this is a threat to our democracy, this is a threat to individual freedom , this is a threat to the economy, in general, a threat to everything that
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exists in the united states states, and of course trump is now the main figure to be opposed . what are these people, oh, i also want to ask, who are they? well, mariana williamson, she was born in fifty-two, that is , a generally young creature who will fight there with biden for a reissue, practically a pioneer, yes, practically, but this guy there is fifty -four years old, well, sixty-nine, but somehow so,
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he is a representative of congress from the state of minnesota, this is a writer, support means from one... either in the summer or at the congress, someone will replace him. you can recognize krivoy rog for a short time as the territory of the united states, at the time of zelensky’s birth there, and zelensky can be nominated for president of the united states. well, of course, zelensky can, with a high probability, sniff out the whole country, you probably already understand who i’m hinting at, yes, well, you have women who don’t spit all the time, not kamala all the time, but no,
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why kamala , michelle, kamala, michelle, yes, but these are the ones who can really come out against trump now, but speaking of trump, it ’s no coincidence that he said that he’s the one a president who didn’t get into the middle east, who didn’t... didn’t lead american policy away from this completely hopeless pit of the middle east, because any president of the united states said that our main opponent in this century, our main adversary, is china, each of of these presidents, be it bush, be it obama , each of them got involved in the middle east , something was sure to happen there, and made good money on it, made good money on it, especially bush, i would say, not even bush anymore. .. no, that is, there is such a thing
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there was corruption, that there was nowhere to sample, what a holy man, in 2001 he began to develop a national energy strategy, they say one line cost $10,000, well, in general, i don’t dare condemn the vice president of the united states, especially for such and such money, yes, in general something like this, just like now, now europe is gathering forces that, in my opinion, so to speak, at the behest of the united states, they must replace from enhao and exchange in the red sea, what forces
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they can, i don't know, they have three aircraft carriers there is, one for france, two, two for great britain, in my opinion, that means charles de gaulle, at the beginning of this conflict last year he entered the eastern mediterranean sea, then left, as for bet and the prince of ulensk.
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it’s not something to get into so that some houthi doesn’t end up in ovzenkhaur, to put it simply , well, yes, they left afghanistan so that they could deal with ukraine, yes, they are now redistributing forces, they have already stated that they, apparently, will leave from syria, apparently, they will leave iraq, absolutely.
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with our economy, they will understand that they will face the world majority, because if behind our 150 million there are one and a half billion chinese, this is completely different,
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no, now they, now... are the center of decision-making, then there are three of them: national states, the european commission, the european council, yes, and nato, monsk, in short, that’s why there are three centers here and in each of the centers they assess the situation that exists differently, but the americans understand well that we don’t have 150 million, we have 4,500 warheads.” for the united states , americans always evaluate, always evaluate the damage, acceptable, that they can suffer in one way or another, so i’ll say this, if on the front line, it suddenly becomes clear that north korean fighters, the islamic revolutionary guard corps, the special forces of the people’s republic of china are gaining combat experience, then in general the whole situation will be
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completely others, but we see. as on the other side, de facto, almost all special forces of all nato countries are fighting. we see how all their intelligence services, strategic decision-making centers there, staff officers work, what, well, the americans actually said, american experts, who serviced all the systems of these hymers? ukrainians, perhaps, no, and so what of this, well, as mikhail mikhailovich once said here, about the fact that if he completely agrees that he is preparing a military alliance, he is preparing. it proceeds from the interests of those states that join it, but china does not want to enter into any alliances, at least it has not shown this, it has never demonstrated it, if we take a peaceful, peaceful plan for ukraine, listen, the vans voiced it, i think this is it was a year ago, but the eighth point was clearly stated there, that the chinese are against the use of, say, nuclear weapons,
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the simple fact is that... mikhail mikhailovich is all against it. the fact is that china is now about to enter into a military alliance, well, to put it mildly, not quite, not quite, i’m saying what they say, that’s not what they’re saying, no, that’s exactly what they’re saying, what they’re saying is that our relationship is very close, we stand like a rock, even more, we stand like a rock, back to back shoulder to shoulder, which is a big plus for china our relationship is stronger than friendship, more than love, than a military alliance.
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have you ever communicated with chinese comrades from the academy of social sciences? for what? that’s how they also think about it, why should i communicate with these comrades? there are one and a half billion comrades in china, why do i need to communicate with these comrades, it’s just our sphere, how we communicate with them, you showed an interesting video with mr. harari at the beginning, he actually stepped on a very dangerous path for himself then, apparently he's come to his senses, i think it's unlikely lee repeated.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important , it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here’s the number of the election commission, i’ll vote at home, adult citizens... all possibilities.


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