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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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when he turns to his children and it’s clear that the person there has a presentiment of his death, is in a terrible state, speaks, by the way, in russian, now it’s difficult to look for reasons, because there are different versions, there is the most conspiracy theory that, well this is a radical mine planted under zaluzhny, because it ’s still the military’s fault, of course, who is the commander-in-chief of the military, this is a beautiful idea, that is, in this way zelensky destroys zaluzhny completely. they say what kind of savior are you when
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you killed your 65, it’s beautiful, it’s hard to talk about it, but i’m just talking about how cynical it is about human lives, how soulless this military machine is, which really doesn’t spare anyone, and the truth will probably cost someone, i don’t know, or a shoulder strap or something else in ukraine, but it is no longer terribly bloody, but it looks very much like that.
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all the assessment, that’s all, they were happy, the russian assessment, we are waiting officially, they already gave it , it was lost, for them it was such happiness, everyone understands, everything is studied, the lubinsk office, human rights ombudsman, everything is sorted out, everything is studied, although the answer is on the surface, but the most, i repeat, the most terrible thing in my opinion, and the most frank understanding of today, for me personally, is that for these people money means much more than any human life , one’s own, someone else’s, it doesn’t matter, just anyone, people for them...
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no one will remind you that well, i watched, followed the telegram of the head of belgorod, mr. glatkov, he said that there was a missile danger there, but based on this it is clear that, well must be implemented, must be implemented embody life, what the president of the russian federation, supreme commander-in-chief vladimir vladimirovich putin said, look, and if this happens...
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the issue with kharkov is removed from the agenda, meaning that it can never be ukrainian, that’s all that happens, if we want to secure our belgorod airspace, then it is obvious that the question of liberating the kharkov province from the ukrainian nazis, well, obviously becomes one of the primary tasks, but it is difficult to imagine the existence of this there rotten nazi enclave, that is, it is clear that there will be constants from there...
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that she warned and determined the corridors, and this method of transmission was already on january 3, and it was successful, today we are seeing that this regime is on someone else’s territory is shot down by a plane, rejoices, of course, we receive these victims, what is the reason, i do not rule out that this regime, which is fighting among itself, is actually already beginning to destroy the same in this way...
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why? the fact is that, and vladimir putin spoke about this, and the minister of foreign affairs russia, lavrov, we are dealing with the american occupation administration, there is no ukrainian government there and there will not be, now in march all legitimacy, so to speak, disappears, it is clear that they will do everything that the task sets for them, the american, so to speak, curators, it is clear that today they are at 24. determines the strategy, this is no longer an offensive strategy, they can talk about it, but really a strategy of defense and terror, for this strategy they begin to select personnel, so to speak, policy to form, budanov is already being considered for the place, because most likely terror will be
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first, and defense will be in second place, then there is the question of what changes can be made in the sbu, where the little one should go to this they write ukrainian. sources and go to the ministry of internal affairs, he was once the deputy minister of the ministry of internal affairs, but to the leadership of the sbu, as if the first deputy should come to a package nicknamed the strangler, such an interesting thing, you know, when he, being convicted for 6 years, was still working in ubob, came out after the revolution of dignity, this is a revolution, just give such a chance, then had relations with terrorist acts in the donbass, connected, so to speak, with russia and so on.
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excluded in february, in the month of march , it is no coincidence that they are asking for a ranshtai and in reality, as if they received a signal that we will give long-range missiles, that is, this is what the terror is about, this is the terror, zelensky’s decree, and here we will expand the historical borders , well , what is this, if you look at it from one side, it’s complete nonsense, but if from the other side, we ’re kind of pushing it apart, but what does belgorod have to do with it, when it’s the territory of ukraine or...
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the ministry of defense of ukraine was supposed to hold a prisoner exchange today, which did not take place. according to the russian side , this happened as a result of the downing of a russian il-76 aircraft, which was allegedly transporting our prisoners. now we do not have reliable information about who exactly was on board the plane and in what quantity. for its part, ukraine has fulfilled all agreements to prepare for the exchange. the russian captives were delivered on time, the agreed point for exchange, where they were safe. safety our defenders, according to the agreements , were to be provided by the russian side,
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at the same time the ukrainian side was not informed about the need to ensure the security of airspace in the area of ​​​​the city of belgorod during a certain period of time, as has happened many times in the past, ukraine was not informed about the number vehicle . routes and forms of delivery of prisoners, it is known that the delivery of prisoners occurs both by air and by road, road transport, this can illuminate deliberate actions of russia aimed at creating a threat to the life and safety of prisoners. landing a transport aircraft in a thirty-kilometer combat zone cannot be safe in any case and must be discussed by both parties, because otherwise it jeopardizes the entire exchange process. based on this, we can talk about planned and deliberate actions by russia with the aim of destabilizing the situation in ukraine, weakening
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international support for our state, i translate into russian: yes, ukraine shot down plane, the second very important point, yes russia warned that there would be an exchange, the third very important point, this is not the main intelligence department, but the ministry of defense is to blame, because venoshenko said that all the information was transferred, that he did not know, and not ukraine dont know. thus , kirill’s theory looks very, very close to reality. this is a special operation where one of the main goals of the strike is to destroy zaluzhny, because it shows: yes, it was ukraine that shot down, yes, it was zaluzhny’s fault, and gur i didn’t know, but russia had to ensure security, well, yes, you had to shoot down the missile that shot down the plane. everyone flew, advertising, in general
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, engineering is unique, firstly, there are a lot of tasks , the tasks are so labor-intensive, i certainly feel more like a sapper, a major general, a group of sappers, is preparing for the upcoming task, we are improving our skills in detecting and neutralizing reserve building items. this was done with the aim of increasing mobility, as well as increasing the survivability of personnel, do it yourself, what a class! large-scale projects, modern technologies , new horizons, russia of the present and
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future, touch all the achievements at the main exhibition... 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that delights russia, immerse yourself in the incredible atmosphere pride in your country, come to the exhibition. forum russia. the russian ministry of defense called the crash of an il-76 over the belgorod region a terrorist attack. the department established the exact time of 11:15 and the place from where they launched rockets, area of ​​the village of leptsy near kharkov.
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the border is only 11 km, that is, the ukrainian armed forces were waiting for the plane and specially brought up an anti-aircraft missile. the tense silence is continually interrupted by the sounds of flying helicopters, the military police are searching for debris at the crash site of the il-76, everything that remains of the airliner is scattered over several kilometers, look right here, a military transport plane crashed at 11:00 in the morning, the first footage filmed.
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local residents saw everything with their own eyes, i saw, well, at the last moment, how it was burning the wing, it turns out to be the left one, the wing was on fire, the left side was piled down, and the right side was up, the plane was flying and under the belly a fire was already visible, the nose began to fall into the ground, this is the outskirts of the village of yablonovo, literally a few tens of meters away the landing begins behind there are fields along it, the bks plane was just heading towards... the russian aerospace forces plane took off from the capital's chikalovsky airfield on board six crew members, 65 captured ukrainian armed forces servicemen and three accompanying persons. an exchange of prisoners was supposed to take place on the border with the belgorod region; the liner did not have enough hundreds of kilometers, but this distance was
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enough to carry out a missile strike. the plane was destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine from... the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy, kharkov region, using an anti-aircraft missile system. the radar equipment of the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two ukrainian missiles. on board the plane were six crew members, 65 ukrainian military personnel for exchange and three russian military personnel accompanying them. a list of ukrainian prisoners of war has already been published. from 21 to 58 years old. journalists have already identified many of them by their social profiles.
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belgorod airfield ukrainian war-speaker for exchange. according to the previously reached agreement, this event was to take place in the afternoon at the kolotilovka checkpoint. on the russian-ukrainian border, and nevertheless, the nazi kiev regime took this step, pursuing the goal of blaming the russians for the destruction of the ukrainian military. the bodies
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of the dead had already been found in a field near the settlement; at the last moment the crew of the il-76 was able to take the car engulfed in flames away from yablonova. local residents remembered this trajectory well: they saw that the plane changed course , began to descend, the plane was on fire, then they saw that it fell, well, did you see how the guys took this plane away? well, yes. in principle, he fell sharply, and so, of course, they went there a little, took him further away, only 30 km from the place of the fall there was a children's hospice. the hospice was not damaged, no one was injured, and we are now operating as normal. a memorial service for the victims was held in the village of yablonov today. the il-76 crew is considered heroes by local residents. at the cost of their lives, they took him away; he fell in a field behind the village, not a single settlement was damaged , although the plane fell here, you see. here is a school, a temple, streets, houses, people live, some of them we served today, well, everyone who died at the port. our lord and god commanded us to love our enemies, so we pray for them
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for our enemies, we pray for all orthodox christians. emergency services and members of the investigative committee will continue to work at the scene of the tragedy. the russian aerospace forces commission also flew to the belgorod region. alexander korobov, ainur vali akhmetov, oksana serzhantova, conduct belgorod region. russia will do its best to assist the republic of chat in stabilizing the situation in the country, vladimir putin stated this during negotiations with his african counterpart. the russian leader also noted that in recent years relations between the countries have been developing especially intensively; contacts continue through the ministry of foreign affairs and parliaments. in turn, the president of the republic chaat called the visit to russia historic, and also expressed condolences in connection with the plane crash in belgorodskaya areas. dear. we have great opportunities to develop our bilateral relations, through the un we are trying to provide support, including of a humanitarian nature, you know about this, we intend to do this further,
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in the humanitarian sphere our relations are also developing, we have doubled the quota for students who study in the russian federation from chado, in the next 2 years we are still ready to double it, interest. we see your youth growing, and we will be happy to work on all these directions. i heard about the plane crash, and on my own behalf and on behalf of the people of the chat republic, i express my sincere condolences for the death of russian soldiers. i come from a friendly, brotherly and sovereign country. we wish to strengthen relations with friendly russia. thank you for the invitation. our people hope that after this historic visit we will intensify our cooperation. co-chairman of vladimir putin's election headquarters artyom zhogo visited lugansk on wednesday, where he met with svoo fighters and families
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social support for the military and, of course, the upcoming presidential elections are on the agenda for the widows of fallen heroes. an open dialogue, a direct dialogue, not through a department, not through a ministry, but directly directly, and through us , vladimir vladimirovich receives this information, and accordingly he will make some notes, erasures. changes or amendments to your election campaign, based on these aspirations of the people, the orders of the people, an election campaign will be organized, where the wishes of our citizens will be taken into account, the problems of our citizens, which we heard directly in live communication, well, in novokuznetsk, vladimir mashkov worked as a co-chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, the people’s artist’s schedule is busy, working and creative meetings, master classes, communication with volunteers.
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mursky universities, students, specialists from the cultural departments of south kuzbass cities and regions, the metro monologue gradually turns into a dialogue, they ask about life, work on stage at the election headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin, the future of the country and on my own, i’m 31, i ’ve been asking myself the question and desire to master the acting profession for 10-15 years now, is it possible for me at this age for the acting profession to enroll in training, and where were you before? it turns out that i sang, a recommendation to enroll in correspondence courses, these guys are already in business, the puppet theater tale is going ahead of the upcoming performance, i have to sleep
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every other night, it’s very difficult. mashkov connects with masterful ease; he first appeared on stage in a puppet theater when he was just a boy. dad was an actor, mom was a director. then the theater was in another place, now in the most worthy in the city, the restored historical building of the kommunar cinema, and the performance will be in aleningrad, under the siege. set goals, so here i live, i live, i live, no matter what, to make me feel like i’m alive. despair, despair and... so, in one breath the whole acting lesson, of course, was not enough, it would be nice to get a few more comments in this direction, this is truly a master of his craft. and here is the green final meeting, the most caring people in the hall are special, the residents city ​​volunteers, social activists, leaders of youth and veteran movements, again questions and suggestions. bring to our noznetsk at least one, two, three performances of your tobakov theater. what advice would you give to the modern generation, today's
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youth? what do we have to do? in order to show the political awareness of the generation, i come to my native kuzbasy, to my beloved native novokuznetsk, of course, there is land here, and people give me additional energy, the goal of the task is to meet as many people as possible, to hear proposals, orders, without interrupting my professional activities, i will return to the theater, play, rehearse, work with students, and then go again. citizens across the country, in their small homeland , vladimir mashkov is already waiting in kemerovo, the program includes meetings in educational and medical centers, communication with theater workers, veterans of labor wars, and public opinion leaders. maxim kuturnov, ivan shubnikov, lead kuzbas, novokuznetsk. this is my group and we are called temporary musicians.
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we need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, all the movies are like goosebumps, your song can change the world, at the same time funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dance with the princesses, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, bullseye, temporary musicians, for leningrad was of
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enormous importance in the soviet union. aurora shot , a revolution took place there, its population should either be destroyed or expelled, the city itself should be destroyed to the ground, the leningrad volkhov front should be destroyed, so that they would not take a step to the left or a step to the right, frozen the city, terrible images of people who are exhausted, exhausted, but not giving up, trucks are walking on ice that is not yet very strong, bringing food to this very soften. city, they took the wounded back, the accumulation of forces began, this was a complete lifting of the blockade, but it ended almost in a catastrophe and groups of the soev army. the heroic red army broke the blockade of leningrad. are my parents here? yes, i don’t know what this means, but it’s them, holob 2, where i’m afraid to ask, aglaya?
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