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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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over the belgorod region, the russian ministry of defense established the exact time of 11:15 and the place from where the missiles were launched, the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy near kharkov, only 11 km to the border, that is, the ukrainian armed forces were waiting for the planes, they specially pulled the anti-aircraft missile system closer, although humanitarian missions they knew that the chronology of events was restored by alexander korobov. the tense silence is interrupted every now and then. the sounds of helicopters flying,
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the military police are searching for debris at the crash site of the il-76, everything that remains of the airliner has been scattered for several kilometers, look right here, a military transport plane crashed at 11 o’clock in the morning, the first shots were taken by local residents, you can see how the burning airliner goes around the village and falls into a field , there are no survivors, i hear a strong shot, i looked... nothing is visible in the sky, and then i look in this direction and the plane kneels across our street, well, a little further there, a fire is burning in front, then it exploded somewhere behind the girl, local residents saw everything with their own eyes, i saw it at the last moment how the wing burned, it turns out the left one, yeah, the wing was on fire, the left side was piled up, and the right side was up. the ice was flying and
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under its belly the fire was already visible, it began to fall with its nose into the ground, this is the outskirts of the village of yablonovo, literally a few tens of meters away the landing begins , fields follow it, the bks plane was just heading towards a populated area, but after being hit by a missile, the pilots decided to turn away the burning board and it fell in the fields, the russian aerospace forces plane took off from the capital's chikalovsky airfield on board. on the border with the belgorod region an exchange of prisoners was to take place. the liner was hundreds of kilometers short, but this distance was enough to launch a missile strike. the aircraft was destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces from the area of ​​the village of libtsy, kharkov region, using an anti-aircraft missile system. the radar equipment of the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two ukrainian missiles. aboard. there were six
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crew members, 65 ukrainian military personnel for exchange and three russian military personnel accompanying them. the list has already been published ukrainian prisoners, military personnel aged from 21 to 58 years old, many of them have already been identified by journalists on social networks, their personal data completely matches. the youngest deceased , ivan roy, lived in chernigov and was fond of sports. according to some reports, in the army he was a simple checkpoint inspector, and this is a thirty-five-year-old reservist. igor yarygin and intelligence officer denis korchan, and this is the testimony of the surrendered konstantin danilchenko , he was also on this plane, they consider us like meat, everyone understands why it is so cold with us, our leadership. lists of the dead
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ukrainians, journalists found out that among the prisoners were azov militants who surrendered in mariupol. all of them died today at the hands of their own. the ukrainian leadership knew very well that, according to established practice, today a military transport aircraft would transport ukrainian military personnel for exchange to the belgorod airfield. according to the previously reached agreement, this event was to take place in the afternoon at the kolotilov checkpoint. on the russian-ukrainian border, and yet, the nazi kiev regime agreed to this a step with the goal of blaming russia for the destruction of the ukrainian military. the bodies of the dead have already been found in a field near the village. at the last moment, the crew of the il-76 was able to take the car engulfed in flames away from yablonov. local residents remembered this trajectory well. i saw that the plane changed course and began to descend, the plane was on fire, then i saw that it fell. well, did you see how the guys took that plane away? well, yes. in principle, he
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fell sharply and so a little bit, of course they went there, took him further away, only 30 km from the place fall there was a children's hospice. the hospice was not damaged in this case, no one was injured. according to the dead, the crew of the il-76 is considered by local residents to be heroes, their lives are valuable, they took it away, it fell outside the village into a field, not a single settlement was damaged, although the plane fell here, you see, here is a school, a temple, streets, houses, people live people, some of them we served today, well , everyone who died at the port, our lord and god commanded us to love our enemies, so we pray. them for our enemies, we pray for all orthodox christians. at the site of the tragedy emergency services and investigators will continue to work; the russian aerospace forces commission has also flown to the belgorod region. alexander korobov, ainur vali akhmetov, oksana serzhantova, news: belgorod region. russia will do its best
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to assist the republic of chat in stabilizing the situation in the country. vladimir putin stated this during negotiations with his african counterpart. the russian leader also noted that in recent years. relations between the countries are developing especially intensively, contacts continue through the ministry of foreign affairs affairs and parliaments. in turn, the president of the republic chaat called the visit to russia historic and also expressed condolences in connection with the plane crash in the belgorod region. dear friends, we have great opportunities to develop our bilateral relations. through the un, we are trying to provide support, including of a humanitarian nature. do you know about this? we intend to do this further. in the humanitarian sphere, our relations are also developing; we have doubled the quota for students who study in the russian federations from chad are still ready to double it in the next 2 years, we
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see growing interest from your youth and we will be happy to work in all these areas, i heard about the plane crash, i express it on my own behalf and on behalf of . people of the republic of chat: sincere condolences for the death of russian soldiers. i come from a friendly, brotherly and sovereign country. we wish to strengthen relations with friendly russia. thank you for the invitation. our people hope that after this historic visit we let's intensify our cooperation. co-chairman of vladimir putin's election headquarters, artyom zhogo visited lugansk on wednesday. there he met with soldiers of the northern military district and the families of widows of fallen heroes. social support for the military is on the agenda.
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changes or amendments to your election campaign, based on these aspirations of the people, the orders of the people, an election campaign will be organized, which will take into account... the wishes of our citizens, the problems of our citizens, which we heard directly in live communication, well, in kuznetsk, how co-chairman of vladimir putin's election headquarters worked vladimir mashkov, the people's artist's busy schedule, working and creative meetings, master classes, communication with volunteers, about everything in order maxim kutrunov. novokuznetsk drama theater vladimir mashkov's working day began with appointments. they call their boyfriend the people's theater and film actor in the city of stolevarov and miners. the moshkov family came to kuznya in 1969 from frunz. “i’m home,” says moshkov, getting ready for kusbass. there’s just nothing in kusbas it happens. the first meeting, creative, sold out, the stage hall breathes in unison, here everyone is connected with culture, directly. teachers, creative workshops, universities, students, specialists
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from cultural departments of southern kuzbass cities and regions. gradually, metro’s monologue turns into a dialogue, asking about life, work on stage at the campaign headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin, and the future of the country. and i’m wondering and wanting to master acting on my own, i’m 31, i’ve been in this profession for 10-15 years, is it possible for me to do this already? acting profession age to enroll in training, and where did you sing before, it turns out, a recommendation to enroll as a correspondence student, these guys are already in business, the puppet theater is reading a future performance, i have to sleep every other night, it’s very hard. mashkov connects, masterfully easily, he first appeared on stage in a puppet theater when he was just a boy, dad was an actor, mom was a director, then the theater was in a different place, now in the most worthy building in the city, the restored historical building of the kommunar cinema, and the play will be about leningrad, the siege, set goals, therefore
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here i live, i live, i live, no matter what, so that i can feel that i am alive , terrible, despair, despair. i’m losing my goals, so, in one breath, the whole acting lesson , of course, was not enough, it would be nice to get a few more comments in this direction, this is truly a master of his craft, here is the green final meeting of the individual. in the hall are the most caring residents of the city, volunteers, social activists, leaders of youth and veteran movements, again questions and suggestions: bring them to nashaznetsk, at least one, two, three performances of your tabakov theater. what advice would you give to the modern generation, modern youth? what needs to be done to show political awareness of this generation? i come to my native kusbasy, to my beloved native novokuznetsk, of course, here the land and people give me. additional energy, the goal of the task is to meet as
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many people as possible, to hear suggestions, orders, without interrupting my professional activities, i will return to the theater, play, rehearse, work with students, and then go again to citizens throughout the country, in his small homeland, vladimir mashkov is already expected in kemerovo in the program of meetings in educational and medical centers, communication with theater workers, veterans of labor wars, public opinion leaders, protests of french farmers found support in germany, belgium and the netherlands, and also reached the scale of the european union. on wednesday, farmers gathered for a demonstration in front of the european parliament in brussels. farmers oppose cancellation benefits for the sake of budget savings, while billions are allocated for weapons for ukraine. find out more from our own correspondent in europe, regina sebastianova. european farmers are angry, they are organizing. protests are blocking roads throughout the union, from romania to germany, the louder the better, for example, today's
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symbolic protest in brussels is definitely this dairy cow hanging by agricultural machinery. a protest rally outside the european parliament on wednesday brought together representatives from a number of european countries. italy, belgium, germany, france were represented here, the leaders of the trade unions who called agricultural producers here said that maybe the requirements are slightly different, but the root of the problem is always the same. this is inflation, this is underfunding, this is excessive regulation on the part of the european union, and of course, the reluctance of politicians, both at the national and european levels , to listen to the demands of farmers. europe and individual countries are canceling financial support measures for agriculture one after another. farms, this against the backdrop of rising costs of work, competition, which they call unfair, and the ever-increasing burden of the green transition, ultimately lead to the bankruptcy of farms. you know, the farming community shouldn't have to pay the bills for inflation, the bills for the war in ukraine. it's not
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that we don't want to help, we want people to have food. the union offered food vouchers. come on, let's help those who don't have money to buy food, but it's not up to us to pay for it. if we don't have money, if france doesn’t have money, if europe doesn’t have money to help ukraine, let them borrow somewhere or something else. but it is impossible that, at the expense of the supply of agricultural products, they can subsequently buy weapons, not at our expense. the year started with weeks. in germany, farmers rose to the barricades in romania, in belgium, in the netherlands, in france, tractors have been blocking highways for several days, angry farmers are filling up streets and railway tracks with manure and garbage, unloading tons of waste onto administrative buildings, strike was marked by tragedy; near toulouse , a thirty-five-year-old farmer woman and her fourteen-year-old daughter died after a car drove into a demonstrators' checkpoint. the head of the french farmers' union promises to continue the action only.
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anger is growing, by the end of the week there will be road blockages in all departments of france, we want the authorities to understand, farmers should be able to do their business, and the lack of freedom of enterprise makes us very angry, so the strike will be over weeks to gain momentum, all we want is a return to common sense, we don’t understand why... so many new standards, so many rules are being imposed when almost a third of french food is imported today. we simply want to restore the dignity of our profession. it was no coincidence that farmers spoke outside the european parliament on wednesday, with less than six months left before the european elections. election campaigns are gaining momentum; politicians can no longer afford the luxury of not listening to farmers. representatives were seen at the action right wing political factions of the european parliament. leader of the french right. in the european parliament, jordan bordela demanded the introduction of an agricultural state of emergency in france,
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as well as the withdrawal of the fifth republic from free trade agreements. the response of the country's new prime minister, gabriel atal, was considered unconvincing by the french media. he claims that the government hears farmers and has proposed a meeting with their leaders, but experts are convinced that the farmers’ movement may soon be equal in scale to the actions of the yellow vests a few years ago. which caused a lot of problems for emmanuel macron. representatives of the right have already... we listen very carefully to the voice of farmers, and i can say that we will take this voice into account in our work, for the sake of the future of our agricultural policy. we need an approach based on four principles: security, stability, sustainable development and solidarity. we must avoid rules that conflict with food security. for the sake of stability, we need a decision on the future
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financing of agricultural policy. on thursday the european commission promises to start a discussion with representatives of the sector in an attempt to find. consensus. however, ursula fondeyan made such promises back in september. meanwhile, the protest movement is spreading to other sectors of the economy. on wednesday in germany , train drivers followed farmers in the longest strike in history. already the second protest in the new year will last 6 days and cost the german economy 100 million euros per day. regina sebastyanova and evgenia azimtsova. european bureau of vgtrk, brussels, belgium. territory of the country. the public's demand for the protection of traditional values ​​is greater than ever, and
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the president also supports it. vladimir putin on tuesday signed a decree on the unified status of large families and the guarantees that apply to them throughout the entire country. why was this decree so necessary for everyone , both large families and those families in which one more child is now growing up, maybe two children, it’s about the future, this is about the guidelines that every family should strive for and about the support that a large family will receive, in the decree the president very clearly outlines all the priorities, everything that is needed... for a family, for a large family, the state will provide it to a large family, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector, safety starts with you, the russian ministry of emergency situations. traffic volumes through the sued
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canal continue to decline rapidly, now affecting not only cargo carriers. problems. before the red sea crisis , germany's chemical sector, the largest in the eurozone, was being tested. industry representatives have already encountered delay of imported components, change of logistics routes and, as a consequence , increase in the cost of raw materials. several companies specializing, for example, in polysilicon foams, which are used for chips and household chemicals, announced an increase in prices or a temporary reduction in production volumes. and with production stopped until mid-february at its german plant, tesla said. in particular , germany is now actively trying to... those workarounds, you know, the huacloid company recently announced that it is looking for a workaround the route through saudi arabia is a dry route, that is, there will be problems, yes, the secondary sector of the economy, namely the manufacturing industry, in europe, in principle, last year the situation was not very good, and accordingly, taking into account the current situation in the red sea, of course
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there will be a decrease in volumes volumes in the secondary sector of the economy. including. significant problems also affected the food market. in two weeks, wheat supplies through the suede canal fell by 40%. this is half a million tons. this data is provided by the wto. estimated the organization sends about 76 million tons of grain, oilseeds and their products annually to asia and east africa on this route - this is 17% of world trade in these goods. the main supplies went to the countries of asia and east africa, indeed deliveries. and this will most likely certainly affect the cost of freight, because alternative routes are more likely to be used, alternative routes are much longer, about an additional 10 days in delivery time, accordingly this will also find reflected in the cost, well, from the point of view
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of deliveries, these terms at some period may have an impact on the availability of goods. important nuance of ship insurance bloomberg has already stated that global freight companies are preparing for a protracted crisis; most ships are being redirected to bypass dangerous zones. according to experts, because of this, the cost of one fraction has increased by about a thousand dollars, and 10 or more percent of the contract amount is included in the cost of goods, as a result of which the cost of goods again increases and inflation accelerates. 20% of world trade routes pass through the vanity canal, as a result of attacks on ships, prices for delivery to... the usa increased by 200-300% compared to october and november. europe is counting more on the swedish channel. the us is less dependent, excluding supplies from the red sea region and india. in india now. there is a shortage of containers, but asian countries can still supply goods, although delivery times are extended by 10-15 days due to the detour around the cape of good
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hope. more and more countries are looking for alternatives to previous routes, china and other asian states have already expressed interest in using the northern sea route. the route is safer and more economically profitable. the northern sea route is almost half the length of other routes. for example, the difference with the sued canal is approximately 4,500 km. when using it, delivery times. asia to western europe could be 40% faster. the intensity of transportation may increase significantly if the issue of ship insurance is resolved. there are generally events worth 1.7 trillion. we are getting a new, let’s say, competitive world artery, which in general, it may well pull out part of the volumes of the soviet channel. nowadays, many shipowners do not use it. by the northern sea route, simply because the cargo is not insured, but it needs to be insured, at a meeting with the leaders of the people's republic of china,
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we talked about this, because china has a very powerful banking system, they would be quite capable of it. in 2023, the volume of transportation along the northern sea route exceeded 36 million tons, further more according to the forecast of the ministry of eastern development, in the base scenario this year cargo transportation will grow to 80 million, then in 2030 to 150 million. in addition, they plan to develop transit. the transportation of transit cargo last year reached a record of more than two million tons in the entire history of the route. further growth is possible through bilateral agreements with foreign partners. it is expected that up to 75% of cargo traffic will be oil and lng. and although before this, many foreign companies bypassed this sea route. now, experts are sure, it is becoming the most profitable alternative to a crisis region. red sea. annual forum strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and
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projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2020 of the fourth year. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. 160 years ago, 25 in january 1864, the premiere of the full version of lermontov's play masquerade took place for the first time at the alexandrinsky theater in st. petersburg. this happened 23 years after the poet’s death. during lermontov's lifetime, the masquerade was never allowed to be staged, although he remade it many times. officially royal. the censors did not like the too harsh passions in the work, but they were also afraid of the glimpses of the real story at the heart, the murder of a wife by a jealous husband. lermontov showed
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the unattractive morals of high society in st. petersburg in the 1830s. this is the story of a smart and the rebellious nobleman evgeniy arbenin, who believed the gossip that destroyed his life. a story about retribution for past sins. the first production at alexandrinka lasted only five shows. a quarter of a century later. since then , the play has not left the stages of the newest production in 2022 at the moscow theater of satire at the sverdlovsk musical comedy theater. on this day 100 years ago, january 25, 1924, the first ones opened in france in the city of chamagne. olympic games. then they were called an international sports week, but the games turned out to be so so popular that it was subsequently decided to consider them the first winter olympics. at first
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it was held in the same year as the summer olympics, since 1994, 2 years after the summer olympics. only 16 countries and less than 300 athletes participated in the first games. mostly men. they competed in nine disciplines. the most titled athlete was finnish skate. our country began to take part in the winter games, starting with the seventh olympiad, which was held in 1956 in italy. there the ussr team took first place in the medal round standings. on january 25, 1960, there was an order from the ussr ministry of internal affairs. whose history is inextricably linked with stalinist repressions, people were often sent there on false charges to
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be used as free money. labor force. in the 1930s-fifties, gulak played a huge role in the economy of the ussr. with the help of prisoners , capital facilities were built, all the gold in the country, almost all of the tin and a third of nickel were mined. prisoners worked in logging, on road construction, and developed remote and inaccessible areas of the country. counts, that, according to various estimates, from 15 to 18 million people passed through the gulag, of which 1.5 million died in the camps. after stalin's death during the khrushchev thaw, literary works about the gulag began to be published not only abroad, as before, but in the soviet union itself. the stories and research of alexander solzhenitsyn, the steep route of evgenia ginsburg, the kolyma prose of varlam shalamov. at the same time there was a wave of mass liberation. in just 3 months after stalin’s death, almost half of the 2.5 million camp prisoners were released. further the existence of this organization
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was recognized by the new leadership of the country. inappropriate, the remaining camps were reorganized into military-technical complexes and forced labor colonies, and the word gulak remained in history. on january 25, 1961, the first six soviet pilots, having successfully passed all exams, received the qualification of air force cosmonaut. yuri gagarin, german titov, grigory nelyubov, andriin nikolaev. pavel popovich and valery bykovsky. the multi-stage selection criteria were invented by scientists from the institute of aviation medicine. it is the doctors, as well as the chief designer spacecraft sergei korolev, came to the conclusion that the best candidates for cosmonauts would be military pilots. about 200 people were allowed to undergo medical examination, and for the first flight, six were trained mainly on the basis of one of the branches of the flight research institute in zhukovsky, where there was a model of the spaceship
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. future cosmonauts practiced behavior in normal and emergency situations and engaged in physical training. the training was led by the hero of the soviet union, test pilot mark galai. and the signal to galaya's team was at the beginning of the training. go. based on a combination of factors, gagarin was recognized as the best graduate. three months later he made his first flight into space. like these ones. russia, we will tell you in detail , there was this day in history, everything about elections is not difficult to understand, it’s important, honestly convenient, what a ballot is, my sister and i spent the whole day drawing a ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad, put
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very clever, many degrees for... we took colored markers, made watermarks, let's go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot will not pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, they are very carefully protected, they have the most powerful protection, your trick will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very we are glad that we are your candidates , choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, our boy experienced anger because of social injustice, he wanted to fight it, yes, then let’s give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course , branded humor at the highest level, let's go, you'll steam, we'll devour an oyster and don't give a damn...
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i liked it, napoleon bonaparte welcomes you, carriages, adventures, exciting, it was unpredictable, where, let's say, like where, on the attack, it was done on a large scale, especially the battles, all these battles , this is right for you, very good directorial work, design, costumes, the ball was gorgeous, white dance, gentlemen are invited home, you don’t want to dance. what do you mean i don’t dance, i got up and went, the film is positive , kind, you saw it, you saw it, it seems to me that i will watch it again and again, everything is in yours hands, holob 2, signal like, the signal is normal, stable, in combat use it is actually much easier to control a drone, you just need to sharply raise it and after that just fly towards the enemy.


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