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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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the government scholarship will be around 20,000 rubles. then there is something to strive for, we need to study well, which means , well, as for the campuses, well, on the campus we are talking about, and on the other campuses that i also mentioned, 25, so we have planned until the thirtieth year, just all this is provided, blocks for residential blocks for... for young student families with sports fields and playgrounds, and of course, i really count on the fact that, well, not only 25 campuses, but also the ministry of education, higher education science and the regions will react accordingly and rise to this level, we will definitely do this, don’t you have children?
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very good relations, they did not arise today, they arose many, many decades ago, everyone knows well, in india, i know they remember this, the soviet union, russia was the country that supported india’s struggle for independence and supported it in the first steps india has done the establishment of indian statehood, economy, industry, and social sphere.
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came from russia, invested $23 billion our company rosneft acquired an oil refinery, a network of gas stations , acquired a port, and so on, and they still have plans for the future, they want to build a plant there and so on, that is, but this is just one example, we work in the field of high technology, so you know well, kudan kulam, this... in general, our work together with
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indian friends in the field of nuclear energy, we have already built several units and will continue to work, not only in the field of clean energy, but in the field of scientific activity, in the field of scientific developments in in this area, where russia is certainly one of the world leaders, this is a generally recognized thing as far as concerns. regarding medicine, yes, indeed, here we have progressed quite well, but both indian partners and friends have something to offer, the pharmaceutical industry of india, it is also developing at a colossal pace, it is all very closely connected, and i am very pleased that you are showing interest in getting an education in russia, in general india is developing...
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india pursues an independent foreign policy, which is not easy in the modern world, but india with a population of one and a half billion has the right to this, i am under the leadership of the prenistre.
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in india the trend is growing, india is a great culture, very interesting, diverse, and vibrant, well, russia is probably one of the few countries in the world where indian
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films are broadcast on a regular basis on national television channels, yes, that’s for sure, i just strangely don’t know such others, that is, we have a lot in common, so we work within the framework of... various international organizations traditional global ones like the un, but also those born not so long ago, but energetically and rapidly developing, such as brix. here at the brix sites - there are also several directions, they relate to science education, and i don’t remember there now, well, about twenty projects have been selected for joint work within the framework of this project. the brix system, this also applies to india, this also applies to russia, what we need to do with you in the near future, in general this is supported by the leadership of the russian federation and india, what needs to be done, we need resolve the issue of mutual recognition
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of diplomas and documents related to obtaining scientific degrees, but i hope that this work will be carried out by the relevant... departments, well, at the right pace, and we will resolve this issue, so it will simply be easier for you to find a job at home in india, our specialists who also study in india study less of ours, but there are still those who study in india and it will be easier for them to find work in their homeland in russia, here in our schools they study hindi, in russia in in india, i know everything , interest in the russian language is growing more and more, in many universities they also study the russian language in schools, so the prospects are the best, i wish you all the best, vladimir vladimirovich,
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hello, my name is sadovsky, i am a student. how do you feel about this phrase? do you think that it can become a vector for the development of future generations? your, your university is not by chance named after kant, a subject of the russian empire, because as a result, as we know, you probably know all this well, 100 times, probably, you about this has already been told to everyone, but for those who do not know
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and will listen and see us, let me remind you that as a result of the seven-year war, russia entered... east prussia was occupied by könecksberg and east prussia swore allegiance to the russian throne, this was done by students and... teachers of the university where he worked all his life and was twice the rector of this university, emmanuel kant, so yes, by the way, at some time, while this territory, for, in my opinion , six years, before peter ii, was part of the russian empires, including emmanuel kant taught to russian officers, apparently taught them well. this is the saying that you said , it is translated a little differently, but
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i like this translation that you said, know how to use your mind, very correctly, what can you say, you need to strive for this, in some the countries of our neighbors have forgotten this thesis. everyone, many, in any case, live by someone else’s mind, and this will not lead them to good and will not lead them, but they need to be guided by these fundamental ideas and live, of course with your mind. you mentioned one of his works, but there are fundamental things related to the study. time, space, which means
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the sphere of knowledge, as such, they are very interesting, and you probably know about this, but immanuel kant, he believed that it was possible to logically prove the existence of god, these are complex things that he wrote according to time, according to space, but they are very curious, and there is, there is a sense... to read and delve into what he said, what he wrote and what he thought about, so sometimes a little, it takes you somewhere, you fly away somewhere- that, here is your rector, he is a philosopher, a philosopher , a doctor of philosophy, at the same time , philosophers say that philosophy is not a science, a doctor of what sciences is not clear, but maybe not a science, just a doctor of philosophy, this is very complex.
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we are trying to do this, for us in practical terms, this means that we must, which means, live by our own mind, the country should live by its own mind, the country should be guided by its national interests, this does not mean at all that we didn’t give a damn about the interests of others, because being guided by your own interests and achieving success means respecting the interests of our partners, we do so, but we will never allow...
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a third year student at the baltic academy of fishing fleet of the kaliningrad state technical university, i have two requests to you: first as for the museum of the world ocean, well, this is the largest scientific and historical museum in our region, which has its own pier and its own museum fleet. since 2014, the museum has been creating a scientific and educational center for the planet ocean, we would really like for its... construction to be completed as quickly as possible, secondly, the operational management
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of the kaliningrad state technical university has two sailing training vessels: sidov and kruzenshtern. they and what, congratulations, excuse me, sidov and kruzenshtern, they allow naval cadets to undergo their first, first practice . but they could also play a historical and educational role during inter-voyage stops, but at this time this is impossible due to the lack of a berth with open access - there was information in the media about the construction of such a berth in the kaliningrad sea canal in the city of svetly, svetly, is it possible to support the construction of this berth at the federal level with appropriate investments? well, first of all
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, your profession is very interesting, but on the one hand it is like that. in the world, in the world, now we are doing more and more to build fishing vessels of various classes, now i won’t bother you with what and how it is, maybe you have heard about receiving these very quotas under the keel, haven’t heard, well, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, the important
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thing is that, uh, that means fishing quotas are given to enterprises. enterprises under their obligation to build ships at russian shipyards, well, there are many other considerations there , support for fish processing on the shore, on our shore, of course, the transfer of products from the far eastern regions to the european part, there are also many issues that need to be resolved, they are all so fundamental and very interesting, well. the work itself is interesting, that’s what concerns such ships as sidov, kruzenshtern, and you you are absolutely right, of course, they can and should be used not only for competition, although this is important, and we have repeatedly set records there, we took first places in these regattas, these are just these vessels, but also between these major international events, they are needed use
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, but young people, that means future fishermen, sailors, they undergo training there, so, well, probably, they are talking about the fact that it will be difficult to enter, yes, after the construction of the bridge, right? parking lots, on the port territory and there access control, border , respectively, a fishing port, yes, taking into account the fact that we have a special economic zone, it’s difficult to get there just like that, and... the person said, yes, indeed, there were the first, let’s say, estimates , where they could be moored, yes, that means, so that access would be open to everyone, these are really, well, wonderful sailing ships, it’s very interesting to be there, there are museums there, uh, and it would be right, probably, uh, to give everyone the opportunity, both kaliningraders and those who come to us, their
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visit, but for now, to be honest, we’ll move on to the pictures, uh.
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this is a federal museum , it really is, in my opinion, almost one of the top three most visited museums in the country, on the new year holidays more than 55 thousand people visited the museum of the world ocean, in st. petersburg, by the way, the icebreaker krasin, on the contrary, in my opinion , mining institute, it is also moored, this is also a branch of the museum of the world ocean, all the money has been allocated, construction is underway, this year we have a federal customer, the only customer in the construction sector. me and we hold meetings with them every 2 months, they, well, we them, we, let’s say, try to help them, because there is a question, what kind of customer is this, the only customer in the construction industry is the federal one. structure that controls construction, well, we will now hold a meeting on the development of the region, this year, this year we are finishing construction, and it will be put into operation,
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a unique object, planet ocean, i know about this museum, i also know that all the money has been allocated for this, why it’s not clear where the museum is, well, we’ll have a meeting now on development of the region and there will be a deputy prime minister responsible for... sorry about the construction complex. marat, danovich, husnuli, well , now we’ll discuss it, we’ll clarify the timing, there, in my opinion, mir-1 is located, where i once sank to the bottom of lake baikal, so god himself ordered to put everything in order, so let’s talk today , yes, i repeat once again, since financing has been secured, the only question is meeting construction deadlines, i hope everything will be done in the near future. hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is anastasia aleksandrovna saratovich, i i am a fourth-year student of a specialty in economic security and am the chairman of the student council
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of the kaliningrad state technical university. well, i’m the lucky one who finally received my coveted invitation to the world youth festival. and i know that this year thousands of young leaders from 1008 countries are coming to us in sirius, and as you know, it is still worth continuing to interact with them and preserving this. contacts means creating some joint projects together, supporting them, so that they are the legacy of our festival, and i know that after the festival there will be regional events with foreign delegations, but i would like to continue this interaction in a different format, which is why, on behalf of the russian student community, we propose to create an international organization that would take take on these functions, well, we ask you to support our initiative, well, the idea is good and of course we need to think about it, but not even from 180 but... 190 countries have already sent applications ; 300,000 people from 190 countries of the world have already sent in applications, so this event promises to be so
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large-scale, powerful, beautiful, well, the soviet union and russia regularly hosted such events of this scale, there are some reformatting happening in connection with the current situation, but in general , as you can see, there are a lot of people willing, i hope that it will be held at a good high level, but you are right that it would be nice for this, well, every day it is impossible to gather 300,000 people, but, but some kind of permanently functioning general body coordinating, here are the contacts, including those who want to us to come and come, of course, he would probably be in demand, i will definitely ask my colleagues to do this. that's it, please, i ask you, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is penyakov kel
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timofeevich, i am a third-year student in the history department of the kant baltic federal university. i am also a participant in the humanitarian mission that was carried out in severodonetsk on the territory of the lpr in the summer of 2023 on behalf of the young guard, but at the same time i was not only a young guard member, but a volunteer. with the help of a friend who helped i need to find myself and develop in this area. by opening this door, i was able to not only give back and benefit the community, but at the same time make new friends and many other opportunities. we ikbfu students actively participate in such humanitarian missions on the territory of the lpr and dpr, we help with security at the hospital, and also distribute humanitarian aid for... today we are repeatedly faced with the falsification of historical facts. you have spoken more than once about the fact that you need to take care of preservation of historical memory and
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, indeed , many projects have already been implemented and are being implemented in this area, for example, roads to victory. within the framework of this project , scientific conferences are organized, exhibition stands are set up, and also removed. certain scientific films dedicated to the great patriotic war. due to the fact that falsification of historical facts, as well as a careful attitude towards history, is one of the pressing problems of our time, we ask you to help with the initiative to create a military historical center in the kaliningrad regional history and art museum and providing this project with all the necessary funds. once again, where to create one? also in the kaliningrad regional history and art museum, yeah, and it’s an existing, functioning museum, yes, yes, just create some kind of separate
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exhibition there, or what? a military historical center, that is, this is an institution that, on the one hand, is a semi-archive, that is , researchers could go there for research purposes to obtain information about a particular battle or battle for research purposes, and on the other hand , for people who, for example, lost relatives during the east prudsk operation, if they need to find documents about their relatives and friends, then they could turn there for help, but this is very good. proposal, please sit down , a very good proposal, but to begin the answer, i would like to thank you to all those who are involved in this work, because the support of those people who made a decision for themselves, and such a difficult one, came to referendum, voted in order to be together with russia, and are still
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subject to certain attacks.
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well, in this case, you propose to do it in a museum, well, the place is suitable, of course, it seems to me that this is a completely, absolutely correct idea, we need to support it, let’s, if the federation needs to do something, let’s do it, but i think as well as the governor, you have a regional museum, yes, yes, an art museum, as i understand it, we are probably talking about it, vladimirovich, this year we are completing its reconstruction, we are putting the third floor... into operation , exhibitions are already planned there, i think there is enough space there, of course we will do everything, i will talk separately, then, in order to understand meaningfully what it is, and i will ask my colleagues in moscow to get involved and help organize this space, and methodically, to help do everything, if necessary, we are even ready to make a certain financial contribution to this work, thank you for the idea and proposal, so
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please, i ask you. my name is kasatkina ekaterina vladimirovna, i study at the baltic federal university, at the higher school of medicine, specialty general medicine, sixth year, i am also the regional coordinator of the all-russian public movement of medical volunteers in the kaleningrad region, i want to add to the previous speaker in general about volunteering in russia, i i’ve been doing this since 2018 and i see how the movement is scaling thanks to the support that is being provided, for which i would like to express gratitude... on behalf of all volunteer movements to you, i also want to add that on currently, more than 21 million people volunteer across the country, and this number is growing every year. following the results of the state council, which took place in december 2022, you gave instructions to open social development centers, good centers. at the moment, 602 such centers have already been opened in 427 municipalities, and nine of which are located in the kaliningrad region, it is important that these centers continue
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to open throughout... the country, this is also facilitated by the federal program region of good deeds, thanks to it, constituent entities of the russian federation can receive subsidies to support volunteer initiatives, including the opening of good centers, but unfortunately, in the twenty-fourth year the program ends, i really want to ask you not to let it stop, we’ll do it, thank you very much, this you know, you just said that 21 million people work as volunteers in the country, and indeed in recent years, well, we’re starting, maybe since the preparation for the olympics in sochi, then further on, especially during the pandemic fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the number of people who voluntarily help others at the call of their hearts is growing exponentially, and this is very cool, because it is such an additional...


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