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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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uh, we support this study, we also support teachers, i won’t dwell on this topic now - we will dwell for a long time, and we pay allowances for those who are joining the education system for the first time, and we issue housing certificates for 2 million rubles. 100 of our teachers have already received such certificates, we will continue this work, and one more thing, vladimirovich, our population is growing and the child population is also growing, i told you today 5,500 plus from the twenty-first to the twenty-third year. that is, for 2 years, for september 2 we plus 5,500 people, i know that this year our school construction program is ending under national projects, we actively participated in four, we have already built eight, we are now completing construction this year, according to your program we are building ten, 10 schools, a major repairs, but we would like to ask that now new national projects are being formulated, we can continue with two schools, a couple of schools, if possible, yes for us, well, we’re not only asking for ourselves, there are probably other regions. where
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such a growth trend is observed, there are several dozen such regions, in my opinion, 14 or 20, something in this vein, for such regions you can still look at the construction of schools, the continuation of this program, of course, in a smaller volume, but nevertheless, good, this is an important program, it is being implemented quite effectively throughout the country and in, so be sure to let us see, thank you, thank you, these were shots from the meeting, they don’t speak russian yet, but they are already willing to pose against the background of the russian flag and coat of arms, a family photo of canadians who decided to change place residence and move to the russian federation, and specifically to the nizhny novgorod region. actually, one was made in the regional government building. from the first
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general photographs, which included the entire large family of rent feinstra. at the moment, he and his wife are already raising eight children, and, as the canadian himself explained, it was concern for the future offspring that forced him to leave his native country. the head of the family considers russia an excellent place to raise children, since it is here that his wife, sons and daughters finally feels safe, but he develops this feeling of confidence in himself and his family first of all. from the commitment of russian culture to traditional values, for the sake of which, as it turned out, foreigners are ready to make difficult decisions and radically change their lives. and what will they do here in russia and why did they choose nizhny novgorod, anastasia ivanova found out, anastasi, greetings, well, as i understand it, the canadians liked the meadows of the volga region. hello alexey, everything is so, they say, the climate, in principle, canadian and russian are similar, well, it’s not a matter of climate because of the fact that we arrived. would they like to live? in russia and
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nothing prevents them from this desire , their country, where they were born, and, it would seem, until recently, planned to raise their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, prevents them from raising children. aren de feinstra's large family came from ontario, he is engaged in agriculture, there was a dairy farm in canada, he raised cows and goats for 15 years, he plans to do the same in the nizhny novgorod village, but why in russia? in terms of residence, climate, russia is very similar to canada, this. one of the reasons for the move, but the most important reason is that russia does not bend to western values, new standards and can defend traditional values, can ensure freedom of religion and freedom of speech, so it was a fairly easy choice. canadians have just moved here, are settling in, are now deciding where exactly to rent land, there are no plans to even move back, the pressure from extremist lgbt is too serious, in russia they say, everything is done for raising children and for hobby time...
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calls on his compatriots to help, and they go, they stay, a german community has already formed, this is a unique project, it’s not even everywhere, many wanted to implement the region, it didn’t work out everywhere, but we did it all when i told about our project, believe me , there were even more requests for the transfer of the nizhny novgorod region, a large request from residents of the federal republic of germany, these are ethnic germans, who subsequently learned about how we are implementing this project, including residents of other countries. when
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a resident of canada contacted us, we said: come, the governor has given all the instructions, over the past few years most people have been moving from germany. this girl clearly shows what was the reason: her classmate, now a classmate. schools are becoming increasingly neutral. traditional families, like those in this video, are oppressed because they do not support the fanatical desire of european politicians to feed perverts. now their home is russia. i regularly encounter requests from various foreign citizens for help, so to speak. on moving to russia, to in particular, often this question is connected with the fact that there is a problem of oppression of these citizens in connection with some of their political views, in connection with support from russia, many are really worried about their
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children, because in a number of states , for example, children are forced so to speak, well, overly respect the lgbt system. but those who do not agree with the rainbow noose are helped by russian volunteers; as a rule, they already come to them with specific plans, thanks to the numerous blogs about the life of foreigners in russia, it is not difficult to decide, this is basically people who managed to find themselves in the fiercest competition are educated people who come with brains to build their body. to open their own enterprises, this is all the majority of people - these are very educated with higher education, doctors, engineers, it specialists, foreigners online, who have chosen our country as their home, do not plan to leave,
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because they understand living in russia, and people will always help you start your life with clean slate. anastasia ivanova, about why it’s good to live in russia now. to ensure that residents do not drain the coolant from the batteries, the utility workers thought of painting it, or maybe just give people hot water. this is my group, we are called temporary musicians. and most importantly, you can simply sing the entire film. i sang songs that i
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liked as a child. i liked the artists. i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath , all the movies give me goosebumps, your song can change the world, at the same time funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dance with the princesses, i think this is the best film of of all films, it's just a miracle, temporary musicians, for the soviet union leningrad was of enormous importance, aurora shot there, a revolution took place there, its population should be either destroyed or expelled, the city itself should be destroyed to the ground,
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the leningrad volkhov front should be destroyed so that they would not take a step to the left or a step to the right , a frozen city, eerie images of people who are exhausted and exhausted. but those who did not surrender, here trucks, on the not yet very strong ice, bring food to this very soft city, they took the wounded back, the accumulation of forces began, this complete lifting of the blockade, and it almost ended in a catastrophe for the northern army group, the heroic red army broke the blockade of leningrad, that my parents arrived? i don’t know what this means, but this is them, head2, where i’m afraid to ask,
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the takayama adaptek engine oil formula instantly adapts to any engine operating modes, in real time it activates those additives that are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection. prodexpo is the largest exhibition in russia for professionals food market. food drinks for retail and horiki. we are waiting for you on february 5-9 at the expo center on krasnaya. kresnya ticket on the website touch
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the croque star of burger king. that's it. on fire, taste. temperature. take effervescent paracetamol-reneval. effervescent tablet, acetyl solicylic acid. renival acids, we trust renival, we choose renival, at avito work it’s easy to find your place, dad, you ’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, up new job 10 minutes, many vacancies new every day, avita work, you will find not just a job, but your place. for dad, for mom, for brother
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, for dad, for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the tablet, for the smart watch, for home security, for the garage door, it’s dad who plays like that, it ’s dad who has everything in the overall balance, with with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, top up only one number, all the rest will be paid automatically, it doesn’t fit into the bear conveniently anymore, it fits into the general balance, beline on yours. side, when you rush along the highway, you will easily fly past this sign, in the new children's clinic there is something to see, besides it, this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium, you will certainly not be interested in it against the backdrop of great talents in the renovated cultural center, the sign of russia's national projects is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes that it brought to our lives. national projects of russia, by decision of the president alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for transfers of payments, order
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free alpha debit card, not just profitable, alpha profitable! new game hunt , draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunt, test your instinct, 30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household appliance product, built-in combustion oven for only 17. the house should also be warm, like ours, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, hello,
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a small portion of some powder is poured into a laboratory vessel, then a reagent is poured into it, forming a dirty green liquid. a very interesting report from the ukrainian television about the communal innovation faced by residents of the rivne region. they decided to color the water in the heating system to make it more convenient. who in which plums almost daily records the volume of it drains, in fact, it is this problem, as stated, that is now of
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a truly widespread nature, supposedly common in dozens, or even hundreds of apartments, since the contents of batteries have become fashionable to use for various household needs , well, simply put, in conditions where hot water often does not come from the tap, they began to extract it from an alternative source, for example, you need to wash yourself, but an ice-cold shower doesn’t suit you, but of course you want to... it’s generally washed off, alexey, even washing off it is still a task, especially if there is no water in the taps, maintaining hygiene is prohibited, which is what ukrainian utility workers set for residents independent difficult choice, either you are dirty or you turn into shrek.
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colored acidic water, green in color, is now flowing through the heating pipes of the city, even of its own free will into such water. the substance in question is uranine a or fluaristin sodium, safe in small quantities, but very difficult to wash off the skin , glows in the dark. in fact, it is normal practice to color water with it. in civilized countries, including russia, they look for
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pipe leaks using one-time additions of uranine to water; in ukraine they will look for thieves. people drain so much hot water from radiators. that sometimes the heat does not reach the upper floors of high-rise buildings at all, our company, what a blessing to everyone, our company services more than 800 houses, in each there are one or two the people who open the taps will drain, one drained a bucket, the other two buckets, and how do we maintain pressure in the pipes? the experiment of rivne utility workers is being watched with interest by their colleagues from other regions of ukraine, careless citizens are draining water everywhere without measure. and, of course, the owners of the networks want to close up shop, another thing is that the method first needs to be tested on someone, to understand how to ensure the required concentrations, to see how the chemical generally behaves in rotten pipes, what is happening in the neighboring country, with this dye, well, more
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reminiscent of experiments on people for the sake of, in general, penniless savings, a lot of practical use... there is no fluroscine in the housing and public utilities sector, but the most important thing is that it is still, albeit soluble, yes, but a solid solvent, which means it can be in the pipe it can form clots , then it can dissolve for a very long time, and it will continue to flow into the water, this is , of course, a completely bad story, yes, the plan of the ukrainian utility workers is like a swiss chronometer, what could go wrong, huh? especially in a country where repairs networks have not been worked on for decades, where boiling water regularly floods even the streets of the capital, this is a typical picture, but now imagine, the water is poisonously green, green steam emanates from it, and the people around are also green, well, it’s just a fairy tale, a swamp and shreks, all that left from the soviet
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union, it stands like this practically without major repairs, the tariffs included updating the networks there, but of course no one... did this, now the networks are in terrible condition, if we are talking about municipal networks, that is, water, heat, electricity, then there is 70, 80, 90% wear and tear, those problems that in kiev need to be multiplied by a thousand, these are problems in the provinces, because if in kiev, cities with a population of over a million , there is a commercial sense there, yes, at least something was built, then in in the provinces, people haven’t seen cranes for decades, and what should ordinary citizens do if they can’t afford to wash anymore, they’ll have to go green, well, at least there’s some positive stuff, you can save on electricity, since once you glow yourself, you don’t need electricity, well, what about the ukrainian authorities who are unemployed, i wonder they didn’t consider the option of making hot water accessible to people at all, vadim
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zavochenkov and ukrainian landscaping, we’ll be back after a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll tell you about. i drank coffee with the foreign agent khodorkovsky in riga and is ready to secretly speak to the authorities. confession about the agent of the prankster ermaku, or rather our prankster, why do those who left call each other outcasts? legendary credit. alfabank card, free forever, has become even more profitable, get a superkick every month and withdraw for free.
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will not harm your brother's appetite sausages will help your daughter sang the best again these are the five effects of oralsept for a bacterial fungal infection five actions of oralsept for pain in gorlept - watch the spartak-dynamo match. bat of the khl championship on january 27. a smart choice is when you compare offers for a product directly in yandex search. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable. alpha profitable. the first rule of hunting. it starts any second. second rule of hunting. the prey goes to the one who pursues it. new game hunting. draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct. lotto, how are you, i have a cold, i have a report
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on the nose, we can handle it together, but first , some booclean in the form of tablets or powder for a warm drink. we performed at the potay club and then. the security forces came to the dressing room and i had to spend the night at the police station. news from thailand, where participants were detained group b2, soloist who is recognized by agents. according to local tourist police, the musicians came to work without permission from local authorities. now they will face a fine and probably a ban on entry into thailand. this means that the food supply for those who previously refused to support their country will narrow even further, so they will have to tighten their belts and be content with little, like, for example, foreign agent dmitry bykov, who fled to the united states. who first called the russians, quote: morally fallen, and now offers them buy his own courses on literary creativity, for 20,000 rubles he promises to teach you how to write poetry and prose. well, the new american
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foreign agent alexei panin, in the absence of other offers, played the role of the bride in the video of a russian-speaking group from los angeles, well , either he completely accepted western values, or , like other showbiz relaxants, he is already ready to agree not only to a dress with stockings, but and in general for any abomination. the trend is confirmed by another.
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for a warm-up with his producer, also a relocant andrey vasiliev. here's our pranker, vavan and lexus, who spoke with the actor on behalf of the head of zelensky’s office , ermak, smolyaninov says that they will put aside all conflicts with vasiliev, if a tour of the square is looming on the horizon, the actor is not even averse to performing in front of the sushi people, but the mystery is: why afraid? i am ready and as open as possible, i will come wherever they want me.
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i remembered aslan fedorov, what he said there, yes, that means i can destroy him there, when we suggested that we supposedly meet him in a trench there, he was immediately so scared, oh-oh-oh, what are you there, why, why, no, but smolyaninov willingly meets in riga with foreigner khodorkovsky, he himself told how they had breakfast, but the former oligarch’s idea that they need to return to russia and shake up the situation from the inside, smolyaninov
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somehow did not appreciate it. it seems to me that what he is talking about, unfortunately, despite the fact that it very much seems to buy people, it is utopian, people do not trust each other, they simply do not trust, all the people who left russia simply do not trust, it turns out, that the foreign agent khodorkovsky is processing relocants, which there is at least some audience, but smolyaninov does not want to return to russia, where they will immediately remember his criminal case, and asks yarmak, on the contrary, to take him away. to ukraine and ensure that he can demonstrate the life of a successful relocant. take people who, yes, deliberately left, it’s clear why, take them together, and reintegrate them, as it were, into a new life to show that it’s possible to live differently. so, isn’t smolyaninov now in latvia showing that you can live differently, even as he shows, there are no filming, no productions, there are no tours either. here is confirmation of
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the meager share of the relaxant they complain about. smolyaninov’s producer andrey vasilyev, but having learned about the opportunity to make money in ukraine, both vasiliev and smolyaninov became noticeably more animated. vasiliev said that he was ready to send money to the ssu. and russia, in correspondence with ermak, albeit a fake one, the extremist smolyaninov calls gulak 2:0. yes, he seems to be depressed. we see a frightened, but no one, trusting no one man, who is sitting, going out of the car for an interview with... the head of zelensky’s office, and next to some new common-law wife of his is sitting there, so they are asking, asking, take me, please, take us to ukraine, we will do anything for you. smolininov, with all this, he is not, not in demand as an actor. the only person there who still manages to play it is pankhamatov’s man. recently i even heard that she wanted to kind of return to russia.
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over time, this is despite the fact that khamatov’s chulpan corresponds with a real ermak, these are the screenshots, the prankster provided them smolyaninov, who was sure that both he and chulpanpan were communicating with the same person, but what did they expect, that the escape to latvia would turn into crowded auditoriums, hollywood directors who were about to hire smolyaninov there, in fact it happened begging for at least something and taking what they give, hence the depression on... the agent. evgenia petrukhina, the fate of a traitor. sub-education depends on the success and future of the entire state; knowledge has become part of economic growth and increased
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defense capability. let's let it go with this vladimir putin.


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