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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the largest catalog of discounts, choose and call turkey. completely opened the doors to nato for sweden. president recep tayyip erdogan, after a year and a half of hesitation, put an end to it when he signed the protocol on stockholm joining the alliance. prior to this, it was ratified by the turkish parliament. the document appeared in the official government gazette and the united states has already hinted that it is ready to provide ankara with the promised bonus. as stated at the pentagon, they are studying the issue of transferring american f-16 fighters to turkey. concerning sweden, then the merger with nato still separates it.
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a new education system, this was done by law in accordance with the decrees, but was done on the strong recommendations of people who work in this field, well, in the expert community and so on, this makes it possible to better immerse oneself in the future profession and creates the opportunity to receive a flexible education, depending on the , how and what is changing for...
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well, it’s very difficult, we are trying, first of all, to help young families, we just recently introduced maternity capital for the first child, why it is and for whom it is done, specifically for families like yours, on behalf of the president, the government has indexed over forty social payments, including maternity capital, as well as financial assistance to families with disabled children and veterans. over
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forty different benefit payments will be indexed. the corresponding government resolution has been prepared. the fulfillment of social obligations to citizens is fully provided for in the federal budget, which was approved by the president last year. will increase assistance to families, first of all we are talking about a one-time benefit, which is provided at the birth of a child and monthly for caring for the baby. maternity capital on behalf of the person will also increase. head of state, it began to be indexed over the past few years, this year it will amount to more than 630,000 rubles. for the first-born , almost 834,000 for the second, for subsequent children. it also provides for an increase in payments to disabled people and veterans of the great patriotic war and military operations, heroes of russia, including labor and other citizens. in general this the measure will affect about 20 million people. they
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should receive the funds they are entitled to, naturally, without delay. four russian citizens who survived a plane crash in northern afghanistan flew to moscow, the ambassador to... dmitry zhirnov announced. let me remind you that the plane crashed in the afghan province of abudakhshan on january 20. he was operating a charter ambulance flight from india to russia. a married couple from volgodonsk died, but the pilots and doctors managed to survive. zhirnov added that he personally escorted the russians on board and shook their hands there. he also thanked afghan authorities for assistance in search and rescue operations. search and rescue operations were carried out in difficult conditions. in the snow-capped mountains, there is the wilderness, a corner on the border with china and tajikistan. we raised the afghan authorities immediately in the evening of january 20, at night we worked with them on everything that was required then, all these days the guys worked without a break, without rest, some without sleep. yesterday at
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the ministry of foreign affairs of afghanistan , i said that i am very grateful to the afghan authorities, and special thanks to the doctors. and i wished well to our compatriots returning home. it is also necessary to transfer the remains of those who unfortunately died to their homeland. this is husband and wife. my sincere condolences to the family. it's very difficult for them now. the number of budget places in medical universities in russia this year will increase by more than 2 and a half times and exceed 34. this was stated by russian minister of health mikhail murashko during a working visit to the tomsk region. the head of the ministry of health also inspected a number of medical institutions. awards to employees of medical organizations in the tomsk region. today we we summarize certain results, see
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successes and understand, so to speak, where we still need to lend a hand and where we need to support this or that direction. we are already developing an engineering school and pharmaceutical production here. than the unique atmosphere, that there are still a large number of universities here, which, combined with our knowledge of their capabilities, can, of course, give the effect of synergy and implementation. st. petersburg is preparing to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad. for almost 900 days , the hero city not only survived the siege nazis, but... and worked selflessly to help the front. doctors played a special role; they worked for days in overcrowded hospitals, inventing new ways to combat diseases. after the commercial, watch a special report by zeynoid kurbatova, comrade military doctor. in january we are raffling off houses
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, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million. hurry up for tickets, for dad, for mom, for brother, for grandma, for a navigator in the car, for a tablet, for a smart watch, for home security, for the gate to garage, it's dad who plays like that, it's dad, everything is in the general balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, top up only one number, all the rest will be paid automatically, convenient, it doesn’t fit in the bear anymore, in the general balance? with large tender chicken breast fillet, crispy breading and signature sauce, also try the new product, big chicken burger with mushrooms, alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers, order
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a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, so well and what now on our minds, one benefit, discounts up to 30% and honestly. for 24 months 0 rub down payment 0% refrigeratorers for only 39,999 and also in installments bvideo and eldorado. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. a sore throat is a minus. on the plus side there is miramestin. it’s logical to have one in your medicine cabinet with miramestin. the choice of millions in russia. in ribbon there is freshness in every purchase, we cook for you from fresh ingredients every day, try the fresh sandwich tape with carbonation for 70 rubles from ribbon’s cooking. well, credit card debts the interest is hanging, you need a loan, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the loan, divide it
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into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with the loan. kirov military medical academy in st. petersburg, the first department of surgery for advanced training of doctors. it was founded in 1943 in besieged leningrad by the chief surgeon of the leningrad front, pyotr kupriyanov. the significance of peter kupriyanov and the department he created is difficult to overestimate. during the war they were engaged, exactly that the hospital in which pyotr andreevich
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worked treated mainly those wounded in the chest, that is, they dealt with issues of thoracic surgery. when the great patriotic war ended, the department smoothly moved on to solving issues of cardiac vascular surgery, and pyotr andreevich became one of the pioneers of cardiac surgery throughout world, he was one of the first to perform the operation of suturing a defect in the intercerebral septum. organized work in the ako hospital of the educational process on this base, since
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there were constantly not enough surgeons in blockade leningrad, then it was necessary to retrain therapists, epidemiologists, and otalaryngologists. the blockade ring closed on september 8, 1941, and massive bombing and artillery shelling immediately began. in september-november forty-one . 17,378 people were injured; during the entire siege , more than 50,000 leningraders suffered from bombing and shelling. almost all injuries were of a severe shrapnel nature; the most common injuries were to the head, chest and lower extremities. doctors worked in extreme conditions, in the winter of forty-one and forty-two the temperature dropped to 35° below zero. broken glass cannot be replaced with anything; the windows are boarded up with plywood and closed. blankets, surgeons, weak from hunger, often operated by the light of a kerosene lamp, the enemy
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bombed the hospital, as well as a military plant. vasily ivanovich polisov, a student of kupriyanov, operated at the lenin hospital. i transfused blood to the boy and used up the last hospital supplies. the child opened his eyes in a weak, barely audible voice and said: “uncle, give me a drink, don’t do anything else. where and how were you wounded, boy, in pushkin was shot." the germans, he soon died , there were no documents with him, his haggard face, on which the mark of death had already fallen, was preserved in my memory with the same clarity as if i had seen him yesterday. with the beginning of the blockade, a reorganization of medical institutions took place city, the hospital council coordinates the work of medical institutions, the scientific council coordinates the scientific work of doctors, doctors in besieged leningrad become a special caste, all three medical universities work throughout the blockade, doctors are... forbidden to evacuate from the city, doctors is sorely lacking. in the chronicle footage
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we see how wounded people are carried on stretchers by people in white coats. if a person fell from exhaustion or was wounded on the street, then a police officer had to approach him and call an ambulance. the telephones in the apartments were dismantled, but the building administrations and some organizations had telephones. yes, even in the terrible winter of 1941-1942 , doctors were more likely to work and visit. patients in apartments, the fourth ambulance substation on drovyanaya street, where it was also located in blockade time. in september 1941 , there were eight ambulance substations in leningrad, each with, well, the largest one, six doctors, no paramedics, and also girls nurses who carried stretchers. there are cars, but each one is allocated 8 liters of gasoline, which means that doctors mostly go to addresses. on foot, notes kept by emergency doctors in the winter of forty-one and forty-two,
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a common phrase: death before arrival, what could be given to the dying person, nothing, just advise putting your hands in warm water. there are many cases where people were injured the stairs, houses, streets were in pitch darkness. such recordings were also frequent. passed the duty, accepted the duty and signed the same doctor. he was on duty himself. clinics. worked, here is the siege diary of the prusov family from the collections of the military medical museum. faina worked as a nurse, her son boris, as a doctor at the sofia perovskaya hospital. here is the recording and drawing of boris. this is january '42 . i’m holding a reception, the temperature is 18 below zero, i’m in an overcoat, i’m writing in mittens, water and ink are ice, thus it’s portrayed as such here is a standard picture of the work of a doctor during the winter period of the siege of leningrad, already in october there was famine in leningrad, the standards for the distribution of bread are constantly decreasing, in november it was 125 g, only virgin employees,
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of course, had cards for cereals and fats, but most often there were no products ... it happened, nothing was delivered to the stores, and people who had been standing in line in the cold since the night left with nothing. the blockade changed some ideas about diseases. ulcer sufferers stopped worrying about pain in the stomach, but hypertension even began to torment young. and further. at the beginning of november, doctors began to notice strange symptoms among leningrad residents, who at first did not know how to characterize them. the person did not have any pain; there could only be weakness, lethargy. and then it fell and died on the spot, installed at the factory.
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for a long time it was not clear that nutritional dystrophy is a disease. the doctors thought that the patient needed to be fed and he would get better. often leningraders could feed dosat on the mainland, where he was evacuated, and this turned into instant death. indeed, as a result of these research conducted not only among living people, but in sections of deceased people, it became clear that, well, firstly, there is a certain logic, a certain sequence, losses.
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deadly if such a disease is not treated, how to treat these diseases in leningrad, some of the manifestations of these situations, when there is not enough medicine and there is no adequate nutrition,
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doctors, biologists, chemists of the besieged city worked on this problem, scientific institutes worked to get a surrogate. food, vitamin tinctures they learned how to make it from pine needles, in the institute of plant growing alone, during the years of the siege , they published 98 scientific articles, brochures, they obtained resin from siberian fir, it is needed for healing wounds, they developed a recipe for siege bread, in addition to flour there was cellulose, they studied the tanning properties of plants, that’s how they obtained the substance tannin, from it they made the wound-healing drug tanalbin, which demonstrates a cure especially for us. used, well, used in the form of powders, and it saved lives, it was very important.
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even during the years of the soviet-finnish war, they proved that in combat conditions
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only the blood of a universal donor, that is, the first group, could be used, they created a database of such donors, 300 people or more came to the institute every day in the basement to donate blood, they were allowed to walk around the city even at night, at curfew, after donating blood, they were entitled to a ration, which... saved many families; the collection of blood for the leningrad front and city hospitals was carried out only in one place here on the second soviet at the institute of transfusion blood. of course, all the donors had dystrophy, but the institute’s staff made an important conclusion in those with dystrophies of the first and second degree: the hemoglobin level did not fall, and this was the most important criterion for selecting donors, and how, under such conditions, how can one quickly determine the hemoglobin level of a donor weakened by hunger? they came up with an express method: you need to place a drop of blood in a solution of copper sulfate; if it sinks to the bottom, the hemoglobin is high; if it floats up, it is low;
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two components were obtained from each donor: plasma and red blood cells. the institute prepared every day there is blood, the only day when there was a long, more than 18-hour bombing and shelling of leningrad, donors were not able to come to the institute, and so... 150 employees of the institute donated their blood in order to fulfill the plan to support the front, it should be noted that every fifth bottle transfused with donor blood was prepared within the walls of our institute; of all the components transfused with blood on the war fronts, it was prepared in our institute. the liberation of leningrad from the enemy blockade is completed. many blockade survivors have their stomachs and hearts forever will remain unhealthy, teenagers who survived the famine will often never be able to become parents, psychological trauma is
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a separate article, they did not deal with this then, the blockade will remind itself even after the war, and doctors will selflessly treat leningraders. i help with liver problems, forten essentials are tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. lenta guarantees the best prices on everything red price tags. more than 20 thousand products. we found it cheaper, we will refund the cost of the product with points, terms and conditions. on the website, the best price guarantee is valid in all hypermarkets with delivery, stable, low prices in the feed. the adaptek formula of
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hello, kirill vyshinsky is here, and this is typical novorossiya program. our name says it all; we are talking about a territory that has returned to its historical roots. in novorossia, with the help of a careful look at history, we... how we help civilians and soldiers of the northern military district today, a conversation with a program expert. last.
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for hospitals repaired after shelling, or even rebuilt. during the mass evacuation of residents of the republics in february twenty-two, on the eve of the start of the northern military district, aid collection points for refugees were opened in the largest cities of russia. volunteers accepted food, dishes, clothing, and basic necessities. they collected toys and books for the children. with the beginning of svo assistance.


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