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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, the whole movie is like goosebumps, your song can change the world for the better, at the same time funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best movie of all movies, it's just a miracle, apple! temporary musicians, for the soviet union leningrad was of enormous importance, aurora shot there, a revolution took place there, its population should either be destroyed or expelled, the city itself was destroyed to founded, to shackle the leningrad volkov front so that they would not take a step to the left or a step to the right, a frozen city, terrible images of people who are exhausted, exhausted, but there is no place. here trucks on the not
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yet very strong ice bring food to this very sotter city, they took the wounded back, the accumulation of forces began, the complete lifting of the blockade, and it ended almost in a catastrophe for the northern army group, the heroic red army broke the siege of leningrad, that my parents have arrived, yes i ... then there was a second company, mind you, here the words are very important, we will defeat russia on the battlefield, that’s exactly what it was called,
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the third concept, which has been forming since the fall, they could not form it in any way, here they are at first they said that now ukraine is going on the deepest defense along the entire front line, it will act like russia , now russia has shown how to act in defense, now ukraine will act like this in defense, now we are building all the lines we can and so on further, but this was considered frivolous, but what about this...
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indicates the use of this ideological campaign in only one part, because it should create an impossibility for any forces in the west in the united states, so either or it is extremely difficult, here is raising the question of ending the financing of ukraine , that we are refusing to support it, anyone who says this, don’t you know, we have to go to war in 2 years, and we are 2 years old...
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cheese, friendship, can this be called not only cooperation , but also the friendship that we we are working to create a common market for the five member states of yaas, we have. the example of kremser, his entry into the belarusian market showed that he has great potential, that is, he liked it, said yes, he came in, now we are carrying out all the regulatory work to supply honey to the countries of southeast asia, they are waiting for us there if we we are talking about a single market, conduct clinical trials in any country, all other countries recognize these clinical trials, that is, it saves, well, maybe five times, we have prepared a number proposals, we were heard. these proposals will allow us to develop new markets with new products; if we come to an agreement, move towards a meeting, or, well, keep pace with each other, there will always be solutions. to continue, yes,
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strategically, here i will try to clarify a little and so expand and deepen. what dmitry gennadievich discussed regarding the cold war, yes, of course, dmitry gennadievich, this is no, well, not a cold war, especially in their minds, they won the cold war, there is such a seal, such a medal, which bends all the time, that's how they won the cold war, the next strategic plan was that there would be a final blow that would destroy russia, victory in the cold war is a victory, and the task of destruction was seen as a separate task with its own separate plan , mechanism and everything else, he too, by the way, well, it’s like the bandage was slipping too, you know, starting from the fact that in the nineties and early 2000s we ourselves had to die until the understanding of the beginning
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of the 2000s that we still need to do something , for them to die, these russians, they bastards themselves don’t want to, we’ll have to, we’ll have to do this, we’ll have to do this, america said: exactly in the eleventh or twelfth year, we discussed this many times, the same thing in the northern military district, it must, that means, as soon as it all begins, that’s it, russia itself will collapse, the issue will be resolved, it will be destroyed, only immediately after the start of this aggression, we will cut off from europe, from the markets, everything will end, we will win on the battlefield, okay, we will bargain, we will impose bad conditions, it will collapse, now, if putin goes to negotiations, imposed, russia will collapse, it doesn’t matter, nothing works, what should they do now? they actually understand strategically that if they do not destroy russia, then a phenomenon awaits them, well, worse than any soviet perestroika, by orders of magnitude, well, incomparably simple, because the reconstruction of the modes
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of life in which they live, without the ability to carry out global robbery, this is much stronger than...
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that we are not striving for hegemony, what we are actually doing is none of your business, you need to be convinced, yes, of this, well, but those days are gone, it could have been done in the late eighties, early nineties, now it won’t be possible to do it, so i think that they
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won’t earn a lot of fame from such analytics, so to speak, success, and money either, so , but they will have to do this, they will have to enter. step-by-step mobilization regimes for the entire society. the cry of war allows, by the way, to introduce all this more and more with elements of dictatorship. so if all this doesn’t collapse earlier, then they expect to produce this very thing in 2-3 years mobilization of societies, building paramilitary regimes in them, to figure it out, by the way, what did you call these sndni quarters, what kind of guys are there, sendni, well, with anxious people, anxious people, and deal with anxious people, something needs to happen there, you know , well , there are a lot of tasks, but you can do it all in this mode.
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this fear, by the way, is directly visible in all the screams, because the last thing i wanted
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to say is that they are screaming out of fear, the british general staff, the norwegian general staff, out of fear, including, yes, out of fear, then i saw a girl by tv, which suddenly, well, it was just knocking on the wall, but so witty, before i give the floor to semyon arkadevich, i want you to look together at how the young lady simply breaks all american stereotypes, she is british, a journalist. many say that the biden administration should have acted earlier, faster, but now the houthis have already captured this entire part of the red sea, hundreds of billions of dollars are at risk. let me make something clear, we are bombing one of the poorest countries in the world, which was without it. in a humanitarian blockade , there is famine, these people are being destroyed, and
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in addition we are bombing them because several people stood up for the palestinians, who are now being subjected to genocide, they opposed this, we are bombing them for this, what a crazy world, i’m very sorry , that your parcels from amazon are delayed, no, honestly , i would also like mine to arrive on time, but there is genocide going on there now, genocide, guys, every day two women with children die in kaz, if you... you they literally stated that this is the only one do you seriously think this will stop the houthis? the reason they are doing this, they have not blocked sea routes before for something else, so yes, i seriously think so, and i also think that it’s time for the west to understand, you can’t rush around the world, pretend to be in battle, there are consequences your actions, you cannot bomb other countries, ignoring international law. and expect to get away with it all. every action has consequences, just because you
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don't like a bunch of men who resist, they are terrorists. certainly, according to western governments, they are terrorists. the authorities of yemen also call them that. yes, behind which are the saudis, and the saudis are almost the same as us. i'm not a fan of the caucusites, but i support their blockade and the ceasefire, which is long overdue . as far as we can get our heads around, raise this topic of trade.
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the civil war has not yet ceased, it is frozen, there is a truce, but during this time ansarullah has never attacked merchant ships, it conducted military operations against the ships of the arab coalition, several by the way, they sank mostly american and british-made ships, several... struck, this is the first time they began to block in connection with the events in the gas sector, this is true, this is absolutely true, that is, that is, the connection means correct, yes , now, what exactly is happening in the middle east?
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to say, yes, they decided by military means, that is, by an army in the world, with enormous resources, to finally take control of the middle east, in particular the typical example of iraq , yes, that means, in general, at the first stage of this succeeded, as you know, saddam hussein’s army was destroyed in a month and a half, while
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at the first stage only american and british troops acted, five divisions, or six or seven brigades, that’s all, this is not enough, then up to 15,200 brigades, of which half of 1,100 were taken out of service, 250 were completely destroyed , i spoke about the tanks, according to their composition, that is , the losses were colossal, they still cannot calculate how much they lost to iraq, either 3 trillion, or 5 trillion, yes somehow he thinks, so to speak, yes, but what did their opponent, iran, not having such power, neither military nor economic, and
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so on, conceding to me, well, i’ll give you a figure again, for example, israel’s military budget, for the twenty-third year it is 23.6 or. billion dollars, and this is more than the military budget of iran, egypt, jordan, lebanon combined, well, without comment, yes, and to compare with the us budget is somehow inconvenient, even, yes, the iranians, based on this, this it’s also interesting that they have developed a strategy to create a military presence around them, which means connected in the near in the east there is such a stranglehold, which means that naturally around israel, as essentially the only reliable ally of the united states, they created their own military-political groupings. yes, this is ansar allah in the same place, they created it with the help of hezbollah, and numerous military-political groups in iraq, which are now in khashabi, are the official power structures of iraq and therefore hamas, there was not just an attitude, but with everything tom, having chosen the basic one, no, well, hamas is still turkey and qatar, no, well, no, a little bit is possible, which means, no, it was
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the period when hamas, at the beginning, i distracted a minute even then, in which hamas when orientirs. and the headquarters was in damascus, after the start of the civil war in syria, they left damascus for some time and placed their headquarters in istanbul and doha, that is, they left the iranian one, then as they came again, they said, you and i after all, you are more brothers of muslims, well, in general, although these brothers are muslims, they are actually opponents of the shiites, well, the politicians there have a lot of honor, clearly, hazbollah, which means they are collaborating with the pro-communist marxist groups, palestinian, communist party. if you go deeper, there are a lot of interesting things there, based mainly on hazbala, they created such structures , they are now producing results, the americans are in a difficult situation, they are really difficult here, spend colossal money, they see that something is happening another, the monarchies of the arabian peninsula, which were also, as it were, considered their allies, but as a result of the actions of the same iran,
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which decided to find a compromise with them, well, how find a compromise, here we have no one in the open, i’ll take it now, through yemen, through ansaralla, that is, they convinced them, several years of civil war, that guys, you want to make peace, when they say the chinese imprisoned in one word, all this is wonderful, but if it weren’t for the war in yemen, which was not entirely successful for the arab coalition, no one would have sat at this table, and this would not have happened, and so on, they were forced to sit at the table and say, yes, let ’s give the command that it stops there , we also stop, because the losses huge, economic wars and so on, so these countries began to move away from the americans, based on the principle, we don’t want to fight.
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forced to leave due to economic losses, israel is now experiencing huge losses, we are talking about the red sea, israel is losing the most , porto ilad is the main port of the red sea, it does not work, and 500,000 of the army from 500,000, 3000 were torn out of the national economy , as they said in soviet times and mobilized, these are able-bodied people and so on, 80,000 means israeli citizens who in the north, that means, well, on the border with lebanon, they were evicted, resettled. other places, expenses, expenses, expenses, tens of billions of dollars have already been spent god knows how much, just a different figure, the gas sector, and at the same
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time the intelligence department of the us department of defense is dumping information that it turns out that during this time israel managed to incapacitate for a long time by those killed heavily wound, that is, incapable from 20 to 30% means hamas, in total what hamas says here is 40,000, what 40,000, 20, 25,000 plus... islamic jihad, this banned, hamas not banned, islamic , well, 30, 35,000, and the rest remained, they are combat-ready, they have no problems with ammunition, and the most powerful weapon, as it turns out, they have is our rpg, produced in the sixties, just with a grenade from the late eighties, which calmly destroys a tank worth several million dollars and so on and without problems, so to speak, it turns out that all this is functioning for them, this war is dragging on, it turns out.
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the rise of hamas in the west bank of the jordan river before the start of the war, 18%, then another 20-40, now to 80%, that is, the bulk of palestinians are proud not of fatah, not of anyone else, but of hamas. and the united states, they are at a loss, whether it is biden or trump, any careless move by trump, as he was at that time, could lead precisely to a world war, precisely there
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in the middle east, if someone loses his head or strikes iran , and already israel and iran exchanged the same thing: whoever hits us, we will respond, and they say, we will destroy you and these, but destroy iran it’s a little complicated, more than a million km, 90 million, and israel is 22,000 km, the population is under 10 million . there are a lot of high-tech enterprises, and or a war with hezbollah will begin, it would seem that more, so you take it into the dark and write: seal the armies of israel and give them how much there are all of them, you seal hezbollah and it shows that there is nothing there, which of them, listen, these ones will break their necks in 2 days with this, but it turns out not, it turns out everything has changed in this light, when these army ratings are published, i want to ask a question, listen , you army ratings, you can go there explain where? there are hamas, hezbollah , ansar allah, who are so successfully resisting these, which are not armies at all, not armies, not a state, these are military-political groups, yes, armed with fairly
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simple weapons, these are the weapons , now that you remember, two american seals allegedly disappeared, it turns out that they disappeared when the houthi ship was carrying components of a large ghadir anti-ship missile and an iranian-made turfan anti-tank system, but during the capture they disappeared.
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hello, i'm boris. and i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating,
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economy, through specific. unique, firstly, there are a lot of tasks , the tasks are so labor-intensive, i of course feel more like a sapper, a major general, a group of sappers, is preparing for the upcoming
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task, we are improving our skills in detecting and neutralizing dangerous objects in buildings, this was done with the purpose promotion mobility, as well as increasing the survivability of personnel, you did it yourself, class, disruption , whatever, if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the “know ours” competition of growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are five nominations, clear conditions and an impressive effect from victory. the winning finalists will receive support from the competition partners. the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31. applications are accepted on the platform idea.roskongress.rf/brand. signal
2:59 am
how? the signal is normal, stable, in combat use it is actually much easier to control a drone, you just need to raise it sharply, and after that just fly towards the enemy. we have a sapper, we have someone watching, and we have pilots. we again hid one of the control points, flew a little closer and saw that they had a nest there. i had a good background; in civilian life i played a lot on the computer. i’m very proud of them, super fighters, i’m very lucky to have them. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes. come to
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the international exhibition forum russia, now they are the iranians, despite this, they carry it, that is, if now. there is no prospect of peacekeeping, that someone will come to an agreement behind the chickens before the conflict began, the americans defrosted it, now it’s not, now it’s like a snowball rolling in, every day something is wrong...


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