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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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premeditated crime. the un security council discussed the terrorist attack with il-76. the usa and germany will be involved if the use of their weapons is confirmed. on sakhalin there are snowdrifts up to the second floors, but the snowstorm is subsiding. the entire coming weekend will be spent eliminating the consequences of bad weather. they returned to their homeland, having survived. in a plane crash in afghanistan, already in moscow. how were they greeted, what new details of the emergency did they tell? two ukrainian agents were arrested in rostov-on- dano; they were collecting data on the deployment of russian units for the kiev authorities. participating in a special military operation. a criminal case of treason has been opened, the fsb reports. according to the investigation, two russians... contacted
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the ukrainian security forces and agreed to collect and transmit secret information for the enemy, for which they were promised to pay money. now the accused in the pre-trial detention center faces life imprisonment. in the case of the il-76 crash near belgorod, a whole range of examinations has been appointed; this is necessary to document the damage by the aircraft-missiles. experts found about a dozen large oblomov. in the fuselage, on which traces of damaging elements are clearly visible. earlier it became known that fragments of a guided missile from an anti-aircraft missile system were discovered. preliminary data from an inspection of the emergency site confirms that the ministry of defense aircraft attacked from the territory of ukraine. russia called on the un sabbis to condemn the destruction of l76 by kiev, and the united states hastened to disown the incident. the state department said that the americans were not involved in it. the reason, apparently, is that there is. the west is trying
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to turn the tables on moscow, justifying kyiv crime. this was stated by the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un, dmitry polyansky , at a meeting of the security council. it was dedicated to the terrorist attack on the l76 plane. polinsky emphasized that ukraine’s sponsors bear full responsibility for the crimes of the kiev regime. with details valentin bogdanov. ukrainian terrorist attack against. the russian il-76 near belgorod, on board of which, in addition to our military, there were captured ukrainian armed forces, clearly unsettled western diplomacy. to regroup, it was necessary to win time, in this they were helped by the government of france, which currently chairs the un security council. the request for an urgent meeting from russia was rejected by him the day before; they gathered only a day later, although they could and should have been hot on their heels. and so that...
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the french public has no illusions about what is happening now, i will try to voice my speech in french. the ukrainian general staff immediately admitted its involvement in organizing this terrorist act, although now they are trying to refute this information in every possible way. we they immediately asked to convene an emergency meeting of the security council on the same day , january 24, but the french presidency categorically refused, scheduling a meeting. which we asked at the last moment on the evening of january 25, we regret that french diplomacy has put the interests of nato and the puppets from kiev above the obligations of the president of the un security council, thereby causing serious damage to the international reputation. mr. chairman, we urge you to think about whether such a game is worth the candle? i would like speak in tolstoy’s language, but unfortunately i don’t know him. yes, but here is a reverse example in my memory. on december 30
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last year, when another terrorist attack was carried out in the ssu, hitting the center of belgorod, the envoy of ecuador did not take a day to think, however , he did not have the task of covering kiev, come what may, the west, of course, there is. all the evidence we have today indicates that we are dealing with a deliberate, well-thought-out crime. the leadership of ukraine knew perfectly well about the route and method transporting soldiers.
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ukrainian military personnel were beaten by american hymers, then an information attack began, but in the case of exile-76 there was a failure. in kyiv they immediately came out on their own. the news about the crash of the russian plane was spread by ukrainian propagandists, who then began to clean up after themselves. immediately after the terrorist attack, the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces, hot on its heels, issued a triumphant statement, from which it follows that the plane was deliberately shot down by the valiant ukrainian warriors. without doubt that our western colleagues today they will also practice verbal balancing act with the sole purpose: to shield the puppet kiev regime in any way. so it happened, the american diplomats and their western allies exhaled and closed ranks again, everything according to the plan. russia's hasty appeal to convene a meeting of the security council fits into the now familiar pattern; russia has repeatedly tried
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to shift responsibility for the tragedies of this senseless war, as if it were a victim and not an aggressor, that is, no matter what no matter the facts, russia is always to blame, which means we can continue to pump up the... as for the terrorist attack against the il-76, russia hopes that at least in this egregious case, because ukrainian citizens died,
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there will be those who will refuse double standards. russian diplomats call on both members of the security council and the un leadership to condemn the terrorist attack exile-76 in the belgorod region. silence. in this case, not just a sign of agreement with the crimes of the kiev regime, but also an invitation to new ones. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria bolotvina, news from new york. now on our channel there is a live broadcast from vdnkh. at the russian exhibition today we are talking about ecology. and on ecology day it is really important to talk about investing in the environment, because...
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that is why all environmental reforms in our country are being developed based on the principle of balancing the interests of the country’s development in preserving the environment. and the further development of the country will certainly take place taking into account this balance. and this is embedded in all
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strategic documents for the development of our country, including those outlined in chapter states for national development purposes. and we act systematically. we encourage industry to reduce emissions, clean up waste, extract useful components from waste, and switch to the best available technologies. in recent years, we have adopted more than 300 environmental regulations, and this is in different areas. we are building a system of environmental regulation in such a way as to maintain a balance between the development of industrial enterprises ( our colleagues are working with us today) and the conservation of nature. and, of course, the most important role in preserving the environment belongs to business, russian business. without environmental modernization of the enterprise, i am sure of this, it is impossible to achieve national development goals. unprecedented sanctions
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pressure and the consequences of the pandemic forced us to somewhat adjust our work. and it was important for the state to support industrial enterprises. in order to unconditionally ensure the achievement of national development goals. a few examples: we have slowed down the rate at which user fees are increasing. the introduction was postponed for one year new requirements for the decommissioning of hazardous production facilities, extended the experiment to reduce atmospheric emissions for 2 years, provided subsidies to forestry companies, reduced rental payments for timber exporters, while the environmental well-being of citizens is the absolute priority of the state.
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production, and thanks to such an irreducible volume of investments in the modernization of production, this year the company already plans to reduce emissions of hazardous pollutants, gross emissions almost 30%, that is, higher than the federal project. i know that the company, among other things, is developing an automatic control system, that is, installing sensors at sources of pollution.
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this is not only municipal solid waste, it is industrial waste, construction waste, agricultural waste, so the most important direction, the second direction of our work is competent work with waste to build a circular economy. we actually launched this project from scratch on behalf of chairman of the government, and first of all we needed to create the necessary regulatory framework. now there is a legal ban on the disposal of useful fractions from waste. by the thirtieth year, secondary material resources will no longer be buried. from march 1 of this year
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, a list of goods that must be produced using a mandatory share of secondary material resources comes into force. on the instructions of the president, we are reforming the system of extended manufacturer liability for importers. if there used to be a principle: polluter pays, and this polluter has constantly avoided responsibility, then now.
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a very interesting example is the inclusion of used frying oil from tasty point into the secondary circulation. gazprom uses this type of used oil. oil produces marine fuel; last year in russia , for the first time in russia , the gazprom neft company refueled marine transport with such marine fuel. the creation of recycling capacities is a very important area, which in the near future, for the next 10 years, will be
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the main direction of work on the economy closed cycle. another example, colleagues, concerns. subsoil use to stimulate the inclusion of waste in industrial production, we have also created the necessary legislative framework and, as part of state support, we have allocated more than 1 billion rubles for the creation of such projects. by the end of the first quarter of this year, we plan to approve an industry program for working with waste; it will concern overburden host... boron rocks. there are successful examples among production projects in the oil and gas complex. this is done by surgut neftegaz. i i know that the company ranks first in the utilization of associated petroleum gas. and this is one of these small examples of work in
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the oil and gas sector. colleagues, we will continue environmental reforms in our country. interests of russian citizens in close dialogue with business. thank you for attention. victoria valerievna thank you. this was the introductory speech of deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko at the plenary session of investing in the environment, investing in the future. we continue, svo participants will be recognized as veterans , regardless of whether they have a contract based on documents of injury or award. the corresponding instruction was given by vladimir putin following a meeting with family members of the victims. the list of instructions has been published on the kremlin’s official website. the document instructs the government to make changes to legislation by april 1 regarding the provision of benefits for payments to the families of the deceased, as well as the provision of veteran status. the ministry of defense was ordered to conduct an analysis of the payments, and regional authorities were recommended to take into account family members of the victims who live in the region when assigning payments.
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other regions. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? and what is it possible? you can, iota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can iota, my daughter sang the best again, these are five actions of orals for a bacterial fungal infection, five
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control, fears of ceasing to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packs. langitaza against prostatitis. four russians who survived a plane crash in afghanistan returned to their homeland, early in the morning they flew to moscow vnukovo airport, and our correspondent, marya valieva, was among the journalists who met the board. the plane with medical workers and pilots who miraculously survived the plane crash that occurred in afghanistan arrived at vnukovo airport at 6:20, everyone was already waiting here. relatives and friends met with flowers. dmitry belyakov immediately needed medical help, because the pilot dmitry belyakov himself could not walk,
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his legs were frostbitten. upon arrival, he immediately met by employees of the federal center for disaster medicine. and they took me to an ambulance. all this time he talked with journalists, there were many questions, one of the main ones was what caused the plane crash. dmitry belyakov said that. business jet during a flight over afghanistan, two engines failed, we were engaged in emergency compression of the plane, we determined the most advantageous place where we could land it, we found such a place, this floor mountain was located at an altitude of 11.4 km along the slope, the plane crashed down on us, became further, according to consciousness, out of the corner of your eye you saw what was happening in the tail part, as i could see, i was probably already conscious. did not lose, well, behind him until the last second, what happened with the engines, why such a sudden technical malfunction, apparently
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a problem with the fuel, this is the presence of ice, which allowed it to disrupt the flow from the main tanks to the supply tanks. during such a hard landing in the mountains of afghanistan, the tail section was severely damaged. business jet falcon 10. morning, how far is his body, he was thrown out of a break in the plane and he ended up under the wing. igor syvorotkin
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said that after the fall, they collected all their warm clothes and began to think with their colleague pavel popov how to get the pilots out of the cockpit, who were barricaded there. as a result, they found an ax on the plane and thanks to it they were able to rescue him. pilots, and then igor syvorodkin ran to the nearest village for help. local residents responded, rescue services arrived at the scene and everyone was quickly evacuated. search and rescue operations were carried out in difficult conditions, in snow-capped mountains, in the wilderness, on the corner on the border with china and tajikistan. we raised the afghan authorities immediately on the evening of january 20, at night from...
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special thanks to the doctors, we still need to transfer to their homeland the remains of those who unfortunately died, these are husband and wife, my sincere condolences to the family, it’s very difficult for them now, she also appeared in the army information that more than $1 million was missing from a business jet, who owned this money, who could have taken it, more remains to be found out, and let me also remind you that the russian investigative committee... has opened a criminal case regarding the plane crash. maria valieva, alexander makridin, vladimir pavlov and vladislava musatova. news. the truck blocked part of the m4 don highway in the rostov region. it is reported that due to the accident, the heavy truck turned around and stood across the road. the driver survived, but while waiting for the tractors , people try to drive around the truck on the side of the road; not everyone succeeds. the traffic jam has already stretched for several kilometers. a sensation happened at
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the australian open tennis championship: the first racket of the planet, serbian novuk djokovic , lost in this tournament for the first time in 6 years. his unbeaten streak totaled 2,195 days. at the semi-final stage, this time djokovic lost to janik sinner in four games for the twenty-two-year-old italian, this will be the first grand slam final in his career. there are so many young tennis players at such a late stage in the tournament. hasn't happened since 2008. in the other semi-final, russian daniil medvedev will play against german representative alexander zverev. this meeting will also take place today. now it's time for economic news. at the end of the year, russia produced almost 76 million tons of steel. this is 5.5% more than a year earlier. the data is provided by the merchant with reference to the world steel association. in terms of smelting volume, our country repeated the record of the twenty-first year. the restructuring
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of export flows also affected. increase in supplies to the domestic market. currently, the capacities of the main steel producers are almost 100% loaded. in 2023, russians spent a record 5,800 billion rubles on the purchase of used cars. over the year, such expenses have increased immediately by a quarter, according to a joint study of the opening of auto and autostat. the japanese and europeans account for the most costs in the secondary market, almost 70% in total. spent the least on chinese cars, approx. 3%. at the same time , the most popular were cars in the age category 10 years older. at the end of the year, niche marketplaces increased their turnover by almost a third, reaching rub 590 billion. gazettes write about this. among such platforms are lamoda, detsky mir, mvidio and others. there are more than a hundred of them in the country. however they still lags behind multi-line online retailers such as ozone and wildberries. and the us treasury secretary. called
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the amount of government debt frightening at 34 trillion dollars, she said this at a meeting of the chicago economic club. at the same time, elin noted that the debt is quite manageable, since the american economy is huge. us foreign debt represents debt owed to creditors, including individuals, foreign investors, large funds and other governments. it was economic news. short.
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in general, troops are unique, firstly, there are a lot of tasks, the tasks are so labor-intensive, i , of course, forgive more than a sapper, a major general, a group of sappers, is preparing for the upcoming task.


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