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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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the twenty-third year has grown significantly, due to what it was possible to achieve such results? the ministry of defense held a single day of acceptance of military products. unconquered and unbroken, the northern capital celebrates the historical date these days. 80 years since the complete breakthrough of the siege of leningrad. moscow has begun deciphering the black boxes of the downed il-76. the flight recorders were delivered to the ministry of defense laboratory. how much time will it take specialists and how in moscow. results of the un security council meeting. homecoming. four russians returned to their homeland survivors of a plane crash in afghanistan. our correspondent was among those meeting. svo participants will be recognized as veterans regardless of the existence of a contract based on documents of injury or award. gave the corresponding instructions.
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vladimir putin following a meeting with family members of fallen soldiers. the list of instructions is published on the official kremlin website. the document instructs the government to make changes to the legislation by april 1 regarding the provision of benefits for payments in the name of those killed, as well as the provision of status veteran. the ministry of defense was instructed to conduct an analysis of the payments, and regional authorities were recommended to take into account family members of the victims who live in other regions when assigning payments. the ministry of defense held a single day of acceptance of military products. the head of the department, sergei shaigu, noted that the work of the department and the defense industry organization made it possible to increase the production of weapons and ammunition significantly . the enterprises commissioned new workshops equipped with high-tech equipment. the main task, according to shaigu, it remains to provide each member of the military defense with everything necessary for the successful completion of combat missions. denis alekseev will tell you more. something that a good
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part of the ground operations of our infantry cannot do without is the k-52 helicopters. alligator pilots will always cover from the air, clear the area when motorized rifle groups are just approaching, and work on strategic targets from a decent distance away. they joked at ground targets from 25 km without missing. in previous modifications of the k52, the range is two times less. from previous helicopters, essentially only the core remained. the filling meets the objectives of the svo. equipment and weapons arrive in a timely manner in the zone of a special military operation, increasing the combat capabilities of joint groupings of troops. an established system of prompt repair and maintenance of weapons and equipment on site has significantly reduced the time required for their restoration, thereby increasing their readiness for intended use. the main task at the moment... remains to provide each
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unit of each fighter with everything necessary for the successful completion of combat missions. in on a single day for the acceptance of military equipment , russian military-industrial complex enterprises transfer weapons to the army for almost all types and branches of the military. in addition to the k-52, army aviation was replenished with mi-28 helicopters, and fighter and bomber aircraft were reinforced with su-30, su-34, and su-35 aircraft. and this is a modernized one. 76, model md90a, new more powerful engines, analog instruments, at least they are replaced by smart electronics and an lcd display, everything has become much more informative, you can see the parameters of any system by pressing one key, but before everything was like this analog devices, you had to put it all together in your head into a general picture, but here everything is informative and accessible. the il-76 is a military transport aircraft, so one of the important technical parameters here is takeoff.
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the new version has a reinforced chassis and brakes, and the load capacity has been increased by several tons. replenishment of the armored vehicle fleet, russian artillery received new and overhauled and modernized mst self-propelled guns with an automated control system guidance, that is , part of the load has now been removed from the crew, without compromising the rate of fire, of course. thanks to the effective work of the russian ministry of defense and the organization. the industrial complex has managed to significantly increase the production of basic in-demand weapons and ammunition. in particular, this was facilitated by the expansion and modernization of production facilities, as well as increased labor productivity. many enterprises have commissioned new workshops, lines, and areas equipped with high-tech equipment. height production intensity. required
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the involvement of a significant number of qualified personnel specialists across the entire range of production facilities across the entire range. weapons and military equipment. in some cases, transition to a 24-hour work schedule. t-90m breakthrough. the most powerful russian tanks within the walls of the ural carriage plant are assembled in three shifts. with the start of the special operation, the state defense order for these models and the t-72 increased significantly. adjustments to the design are made taking into account the experience of the svo. the towers became more fortified, and a factory building appeared protection against kamikaze drones. it is fixed after all tests.
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and became the most precious family value. some try to disguise it, some wear it as decoration. save it and pass it on to other generations. national project demography. the first rule of hunting is that it starts any second. second rule of hunting. the prey goes to the one who pursues it. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes. the main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct. 100 lotto. valentina, valemidinina. calm drops with valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and mint. we want peace, only peace. good afternoon, my name is victor and i entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly
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defendants are in a pre-trial detention center, they face up to life imprisonment. the black box of the il-76, beaten up in the belgorod region, was delivered to a special laboratory. the condition of the recorders is suitable for deciphering them. the emergency services reported this today. expertise has been assigned to the case of the crash of a military transport aircraft; they will allow us to determine the type of anti-aircraft missile. complex from which the ministry of defense aircraft was shot down. right now , investigators, criminologists and experts from the investigative committee continue to work at the scene of the disaster. experts found about a dozen large fragments of the fuselage, of which traces of damaging elements are clearly visible. according to the department, preliminary data from an inspection of the emergency site confirm that the ministry of defense aircraft was attacked from the territory of ukraine. the destruction of the plane will be investigated under the article terrorist act. the west is trying to turn the tables on moscow, justifying kiev’s crime. this was stated by
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the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un, dmitry polyansky, at a meeting of the security council. it was dedicated to the terrorist attack on the il-76 aircraft. polyansky emphasized that ukraine’s sponsors bear full responsibility for the crimes of the kiev regime. with details valentin bogdanov. ukrainian terrorist attack against the russian il-76 near belgorod. on board, which, in addition to our military, there were prisoners of the supreme soviet of ukraine, clearly unsettled western diplomacy; in order to regroup, it was necessary to gain time, in this they were helped by the envoy of france, which now chairs the un security council. the request for an urgent meeting from russia was rejected by him the day before; they gathered only a day later, although they could should have been hot on the trail, and so that the french public would have no illusions regarding...
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involvement in the organization of this terrorist act, although now they are trying to refute this information in every possible way, we the ukrainian general staff immediately recognized ours and immediately asked to convene an emergency meeting of the security council at the same day january 24, but the french presidency categorically refused, scheduling a meeting that we requested at the last minute in the evening. january 5, we regret that french diplomacy put the interests of nato and the puppets from kiev above the obligations of the chairman of the un security council, thereby causing serious damage to its international reputation. mr. chairman, we urge you to think about whether such a game is worth the candle? i would like to speak in tolstoy’s language, but unfortunately, i don’t know him. yes, but i remember the opposite example on december 30 last year, when the armed forces of ukraine.
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they hit their own in july 2022, as a result of a missile attack on a colony in elenovka, in the dpr, more than 50 ukrainians were killed the military personnel were beaten and
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the western allies exhaled and closed ranks again, everything according to the plan. russia's hasty appeal to convene a meeting of the security council fits into the now familiar pattern. russia has repeatedly tried to shift responsibility for the tragedies of this senseless war, as if it were a victim and not an aggressor. that is, no matter what
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the facts are, russia is always to blame, which means we can continue to pump ukraine with weapons. shows that constant confrontation is not a continuation of the crisis in ukraine again will lead to victory for either side. dialogue and negotiations are the only way to avoid further deterioration of the conflict. but how to negotiate if zelensky forbade this by his decree. as for the terrorist attack against il-76, russia hopes that at least in this egregious case, since ukrainian citizens were killed, there will be those who will abandon double standards. russian diplomats call on members of the security council and the un leadership to condemn
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the terrorist attack by force-76 in the belgorod region. silence, in this case, is not just a sign consent. our pilots were there , our escorts were there, the russians died, but a very large number of ukrainian prisoners of war died. of course, what happened requires a proper assessment by the world community, this is an unprecedented factor, we know that this is not the first time kiev has destroyed its people, they actually started to do this consistently in 2014, kiev began to destroy its population, this is
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order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket. buy motor oil for only 2,100 rubles. in these today, a congress of blockade survivors is being held in st. petersburg, for the first time after a three-year break due to the pandemic. about 140 people from different regions of russia, cis countries and far abroad came to the northern capital. on january 27, the city celebrates a historical date: 80 years since the complete liberation from the fascist blockade. natalya solovyova will talk about what is important to remember. 80 years since the siege of leningrad was lifted is a day of great pride and sorrow. those who survived remember those they lost together. these days
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, residents of the siege come to st. petersburg leningrad from all over russia and foreign countries. they haven’t seen each other for 3 years and they don’t hide their joy at meeting each other. the twenty-ninth international congress of blockade survivors is being held in smolny for the first time since the pandemic. then the association united almost 4,000 people around the world, today... sometimes we performed well from kindergarten,
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i remember how they put me on the table, i was a skinny little girl, and i sang a little blue, modest handkerchief, that’s what i’m very i remember well, they are all residents of besieged leningrad, friends, former neighbors, people especially strong and persistent, who suffered the most difficult trials that left wounds. for life, hunger, you know, this hunger , it is felt even, one might say, now, it is somewhere inside you, this hunger, that is, you, and the further you go, the more you feel this state, hunger, just one thing the word behind which all the terrible, endlessly long 872 days, in the very first bombing , the badayev food warehouses are burning, 300... eat it, the hunger is so unbearable. siege
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bread - 250 g for workers, 125 for others, daily norm, will forever remain one of the symbols of the tragedy at the same time of the unparalleled fortitude of leningraders. if we talk about the naqada of leningrad, then for all leningraders 125 g of bread is the main thing. was to survive in order to survive food. lyudmila malyutina was 6 years old when the blockade began, from the first to the last day she remained in leningrad with her mother. today he shares his memories with the grandchildren and even great-grandchildren of his heroic generation, volunteers, those for whom the history of the country is inextricably linked with history own family. my great-great-grandfather, vasily vasilyevich chikaev, was a participant in the war. due to injury, he, unfortunately, was unable to fight on the front line. but he decided to stay in leningrad and helped here at a garment factory, sewed boots for soldiers, he wrote letters to his daughter, that is, we are her great-grandmothers, and there was this line, washing here...
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we walk knee-deep in blood. despite this, leningrad holds on, resists, stands, factories and factories are working, as well as museums, libraries, theaters, and cinemas. it is for him, art an exhibition of the muse of the unconquered city is dedicated to the period of the blockade, and it was opened in moscow, in the museum of modern history. the invincibility of the spirit is what stands behind every exhibit in this room, be it the drawings of len film studio artist alexander black, who created them on pieces of wallpaper, or a twelve-year-old album.
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they propose to monitor measures to support families that really do not work and to correct the situation by deputies, party members and social activists. secretary of the general council of the party andrei turchak spoke about this in particular. also at the meeting, special attention was paid to the organization of children's recreation and social policy. this year we need to pay special attention to those provisions that have not yet been implemented. it is necessary to adopt a standard
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for training graduates of the organization. for orphans to live independently, extend the validity of the cash payment at the birth of the third child, which can be used to pay off the mortgage, continue work on modernizing the infrastructure of children's health camps, equipping medical offices in schools, opening family mfcs in the regions. we expect that the year of the family will become a year of major transformations in social policy. united russia is actively involved in this work, and today together with the ministry of labor. in russia, we are launching a lot of work to improve the regional legislative framework, as well as regional policies to support families with children. now let's take a break for a few minutes and then continue. pentalgin extragel - it contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation
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