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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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a group of sappers is preparing for the upcoming tasks; we are improving our skills in detecting and disarming spare items in the building; this was done with the goal of increasing mobility, as well as increasing the survivability of personnel; we ourselves can make a class , what a blast, what a blast!
3:31 pm
we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, what is a ballot? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, writing down the candidates, not forgetting mom and dad, very cleverly putting in many levels of protection, we took colored markers, made watermarks
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we are raffling off houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million. get your tickets soon. in mass media, which were aimed exclusively at talking about food security, which our country seems to be undermining, the situation looks, i would say, the opposite, look, the continuation by the leadership of the european union. course towards solidarity with the kiev regime, and at any cost, we just talked about the fact that they are ready to cover up criminals from the territory of ukraine, now in the context of food, all this causes within the european union not just discontent, but a state close to panic, for the first time since
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the launch of brussels’ plan for the export of ukrainian agricultural products, remember, they were called corridors of solidarity, all this was supposedly designed to feed... the whole world, and after all this, farmers not only sounded the alarm in the five countries bordering ukraine, but also their markets were flooded with cheap ukrainian agricultural products, agricultural exports, we are talking about bulgaria, hungary, poland, romania, slovakia, now the alarm, not even the alarm, but shocked by what is happening and what will happen next, are already whole professional professional. agricultural associations that unite all member countries of the european union. european farmers, who are not just dissatisfied, but shocked by the dumping of ukrainian agricultural products, block highways, the central streets of large cities, they
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paralyze the work of government institutions in their countries, the work of eu- wide structures, which is what the western media have been doing for more than a year they tell. about the need to save the world because there is famine now it will come, and russia is to blame for everything , what are they doing, when those in the west who are really involved in issues of food on the ground, not resale, not speculation, who are engaged in food production , went out into the streets, got into their tractors, trucks went to their capitals in order to tell the truth, the western media do not notice this, they are focused. on russophobic propaganda, and this topic, namely protests within the eu, farmers and agrarians, is touched upon only in passing, in fact, the true scale of the problem is deliberately hushed up, in fact, just
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like the participants of the economic forum in davos recently did, they discussed everything, just not the mass protests of farmers in the countries of the european union, well, just... a small proposal for you: open the map of europe, look at western europe, find a delivery, and then see what countries and cities surround it. what will you see? you will see that along the perimeter of this point on the european map there are all those countries and cities that in these same weeks and even before...
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the kiev regime and its western curators call investments and good deals, not food, but the continuation of the armed forces. agriculture is, let me remind you, a key element of food security,
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which the west talks so much about in the context of ukrainian grain. i understand that 3d nutrition is on the way, i understand that we see video footage, videos of how wonderful it is to eat, printed from a 3d printer, chops, fish, and so on and so forth, but that’s all. for now the grain, meat and fish are real lie on our table, and for now, thank god, we are eating them, maybe after all, see what these very western 3d architects of food security have done with the true, real, real sector of the economy and the real sector of the agro-industry. so it’s not just that, i mean the agricultural industry, an element
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of the european economy, up to half of all eu payments go to this area, for decades member countries have been competing for access to the general us fund, and those same french, german, polish and greek farmers fed the half a billion population of the european union, by the way, from year to year. but the authorities, brussels officials, do not want to hear those who feed them, in conditions of an almost total purge of the general soviet information political space from any alternative opinions, such a reaction from european farmers simply sounds like a cry of despair. apparently, the situation is very bad, since ordinary europeans are forced not only to complain, but actually to issue a public ultimatum to the ee leadership. in fact, farmers are directly warning that if developed. if european union strategists maintain the regime of unrestricted trade in agricultural products from ukraine in
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its current form, then brussels may not count on unconditional support for kiev on their part. and the yesov farmers are seeking seemingly very simple, very understandable things. they ask to limit ukrainian agricultural exports and guarantee their compliance with eu quality and phytosanitary standards. they are not people, not society, not history, not ukraine for the west, this is not a country, this is for civilization, for them this is a project, and this project. must exist exactly according to the patterns that have been prepared for him in the west
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at any cost. therefore, all standards, down, down with standards, as the west says in the context of ukraine, in the human rights sphere, you can turn a blind eye to everything from washington’s point of view, even to the murder of your own journalist at the hands of the kiev regime, giving standards.
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eu consumers should be prioritized above any other goals, even in support of ukraine. the farmers' protest expectedly reached its greatest scale in france, because it is the largest agricultural producer in the european union. it is interesting that according to the latest social surveys, not ours, but western ones. almost 90% of french people express support for local farmers. i think this is an excellent illustration of the effectiveness of the current social and economic policies of paris. the situation is so tense, but the truth is you.
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people are trying to say that, taking into account the system developed within the european union, which is connected, has a direct connection between finance, the development of the agro-industrial complex, and the economy, they will collapse if all possibilities are for a legal existence by standards. spheres will be violated in favor of the absolute protectorate of the kiev regime on all fronts , primarily in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex, so to speak, in the context of supplies to the european union. i wonder whether this time the reaction of the french authorities to the speech
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of their own citizens, who are literally driven to despair by the failed economic policies of their authorities, will be just as harsh , we’ll see, of course there is...
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throat for adults and children from 3 years old. bastov is precisely in the policy pursued by the european commission under the leadership of ursula fondelein, which can be called not far-sighted, but i will call it special, which led to an increase in production costs within the european union and which created ideal conditions for unfair competition in the intra-eu agricultural market at the expense of oversupply of ukrainian products. and further on the horizon.
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everything will also be voiced in the context of ukraine, and here she is. the fact is that we drew attention to the noticeably increased degree of rhetoric of the official siul towards moscow,
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we are talking about the fact that, as we hear and as we read information from south korea, russia is allegedly carrying out, as they say, military-technical cooperation with pyongyang, in particular in an interview with a south korean newspaper, korean, as they write, is illegal, we put this in quotation marks, military-technical cooperation, a refrain heard during various contacts of south korean officials with their american patrons and
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like-minded europeans, including at the un security council. and in this regard, we resolutely reject any attempts by the united states and its satellites to illegally accuse our country; this is no longer just an unfounded accusation, this is no longer just some kind. labeling or misinformation are illegal accusations. it is obvious that washington is behind the harsh statements of the siul. the purpose of these information dumps is to involve one’s asian ally represented by the republic of korea in the ukrainian conflict. this is indicated by the remark of the head of the military department of the republic of korea about the need to provide, now a direct quote, direct military support to the kiev regime, including the supply of lethal weapons. we would like to warn siul against rash steps that could lead to the complete collapse of once friendly relations with russia. we emphasize that
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the accusations against us are unfounded, unsubstantiated, and therefore, in fact, illegal. this stuffing is skillfully used by the usa to find additional sources of replenishment of weapons for the criminal zelensky regime, to justify plans to promote american military infrastructure in the asia-pacific region. let me remind you that russia has the right to develop friendly relations with the dprk. interaction with this country has long historical roots, does not threaten the security of neighboring states, and is time-tested. our country responsibly fulfills and will fulfill its international obligations within the framework of the relevant council resolutions un security. if anyone suspects anyone of violating these documents, then their complaints can be addressed to the un security council. since only this body is vested with the functions of considering relevant issues, we proceed from the fact that international law must be respected by all states and in its
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entirety, and not just by russia in the context of anti-north korean sanctions. calls to respect the basic principles and norms of international law should be addressed primarily to those who systematically violate them, then the usa is their satellite. well, one more topic, one way or another with... from norway to romania a ninety-thousand-strong group of forces from 31 nato member countries and sweden will be actively operating, this step is deliberately aimed at aggravating the situation,
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increases the risks of military incidents, and ultimately can lead to tragic consequences for europe. the north atlantic bloc does not hide the fact that during the exercise they will practice tasks on how they formulate how to counter the russian threat. that the alliance is preparing for a conflict with russia stated. chairman of its military committee, admiral rob bauer. similar comments were also repeatedly heard from the leadership of nato countries. thus, the alliance is trying to justify both, in fact, its existence in the eyes of millions of european-americans, and the line of containment of russia and justify the insane increase in military spending, and of course, one way or another, to divert public opinion and the attention of the audience from - they stated
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again we confirm that there are no plans to attack nato countries. moreover, in they know the alliance very well. the other day, this was clearly confirmed by the secretary general of the north atlantic bloc, stoltenberg. according to him, russia does not pose a direct, some kind of direct quote, direct threat to the member countries of the alliance. question: if there are two management representatives. it was a live broadcast. official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. beloved chmona, ruler of the shurupov universe, marya the mistress, either olya, or vera, sanya, sanya, return the mower. vika sherstenika. it doesn’t matter to whom you transfer or pay, it is important that there are no commissions and
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